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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Mar 1997, p. 11

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Local doctors available to deliver babies at Memorial A group of doctors in Bawrnanville Is available ta help mothers-to-be and those planning a famlily deliver their babies at Memorlal Hospital. About a dazen physiclans are offening their services ta women who want ta stay In Bowmanvllle ta have their clldren. Dr. Rab Swan, a local gen- eral practitioner, lnltiated the idea and has encouraged bis colleagues ta "open up their practices" ta new matemnity patients. Participating physi- cians are either general prac- titioners or obstetricians, explains Dr. Edoardo Notarandrea, the chairman of the obstetrics committee and the physician liaison for Memorlal Hospital's obstet- rics and arnbulatory care pro- gram- "With the launch of the Expectant Parent Education Pragrarn. it is a good Urne ta let people know about the expanded physician services. The renovations ta the Haspital's maternlty/obstet- rics area dovetails nlcely too," he says. The Expectant Parent Education Program was launched recently at Mernorial Hospital. It Is a comprehensive pre-and post- delivery program that pro- vides education and support ta cou ples durlng and after their blrth experlence. There is no cost ta enroîl in the Program. A cornmittee of Hospital staff and representatives frorn cornmunity organizations worklng in the area of mater- nlty care recognlzed that there is a need forinforma- tion and education due ta patients being discbarged earlier after the birth of their baby. At the same Urne. the Hospital Is renavating its sec- ond floor for maternity/ obstetrics. This newspace is brighter. larger and cornpletely modem while still featuring a "home-like" atmosphere including softer wall colours and decor. Renovations are scheduled ta be cornpleted in April. Last year 426 babies were bom at Mernorial Hospital. To the end of February thls year. there have been 365 deliver- les at the Hospital. Dr. Notarandrea noted that the lack of physicians taking on new patients bas been a contributlng factor ta the lower numbers. He adds ather hoepltals in the area are also experienclng reduced numbers of blrths. However, bath he and Dr. Swan are confident the numbers at Memarlal, Hospital will increase as peaple becorne aware that there are now doc- tors locally avallable for deliv- eries. Anyone interested in the Iist of participatlng physi- clans can cal the Matemnity/Obstetrics depart- ment at Memorlal Hospital 623-3331, ext. 3790. Expectant parent program launched at Memorial Mernorlal Hospital, Bowmanville bas launched a new program almed at expec- tant parents that provides a "one-stop shop" approach ta pre-and post-natal care. The aim of the Expectant Parents Education Program (EPEP), dubbed 'Operation Diaper Bag'. is ta provide education and support ta couples durlng early preg- nancy, thraughaut their pre- natal perlod, during their stay at Memarlal Haspital when delivering, and afterwards as the couple tackle new par- entbaod. Hospital staff recog- ntzed the importance of pro- vlding information and education ta couples due ta shorter lengtbs of stay in bas- pital. There are often ques- tions, concerns and problerns new parents have once they are at home. The Pragram Is Intended ta f111 this need. Initlally, there will be no cost for couples ta enrolin the Program., At the same time, Memorlal Hospital is renovat- ing Its second floor ta make roam for an improved Mat fer ni tyYdo-hs t-e t ri c s Departrnent. It is scheduled ta, open in April. The new space is larger. brighter, and campletely modemn wblle stili featuring a "horne-like" atma- sphere including softer wall colours and decor. 1The EPEP is a partnership between the Hospital and sev- eral commnunity organizations that offer pre- and post-natal services. Here's how it works. At approxlrately the l8th week of pregnancy, wornen are referred ta the prograrn by their doctors. Wornen regis- ter and recelve preliminary information about the birthlng experience and carn- munlty services that are available. They also make an appointrnent ta retum ta the Hospital at about 30 weeks of pregnancy. At this point, women and their partners receive infor- mation about what ta expect durlng their tirne at the Hospital. They will be given an information package and a tour of the labour/dellv- ery/post-delivery areas. Couples wlll be taught about breastfeedlng and bathing of a newborn and have the opportunity ta ask questions. After the delivery, Hospital staff will continue ta rein- force and dlscuss information' learned during the pre-natal period. The next phase of the pro- gramn is at 48 bours afler dis- charge. An obstetrics nurse RRSP policy first siîce out of Canadt's social safety net Durham Mli Alex Shepherd today'sald PreâtOfl Mannlnis privatlzed super RRSP is thed beglnnlng of the dlsmantllng process for the Canada Pension Plan. 'Many people in Durham are forced ta live solely on' pension incarne Manning wauld place at risk even the minimum amaunt of basic pension," Shepherd said. The Reform Party advo- cates replaclng the Canada Pension Plan with what they caîl "Super RRSP's". Under their plan Canadians will be responsible for their own retirement incarne. "It is preclsely because of aur social safety net and par- ticularly the Canada Pension Plan that Canada has been able ta drarnatically reduce paverty among seniors and contribute ta a healthler lifestyle for tbern in advanclng years." Shepherd said. Gaing even further Shepherd sald Reforms plan ta reduce taxes wlll do notb- lng more than endanger the gains Canadians have made reducing the debt and deficit and that too will have a neg- ative impact on the elderly. "Reducing taxes on. mdi- viduals iseveryone's objec- tive. What's important is the "The cure for Epilepsy is ini your pocket." (0:EPILEPSY CANADA or the nearest Epiepsy A-sociation 1 800 860-5499 will make a follow-up tele- phone cail to discuss any concerns or problemas. In addition. upon discharge, mothers will receive an appointment Urne to return ta the Hospltal's Matemnity/Obstetrics depart- ment for an assessment. T.hs appointment is lntended ta complement the follow-up visit ta the farnily physician. Local doctors' offices are receivlng information about the program and are encour- aged ta refer their patients. Even if women are between 18 and 30 weeks of their pregnancy, they are asked ta register in the program. Classes are small -- nio more than eight couples -- ta ensure indlvldualized atten- tion. Women who wlsh ta deliv- er at the Hospital are encour- aged ta caîl 623-3331, ext. 3790. timilng and the rnethod. The Reformn Party bas not put tagether a pollcy that shows they, understand this," Shepherd sald. Shepherd sald Manning's r1diculous staternent ta cut taxes by saving $15 billion on government operations shows he and bis party have not consldered lncreased costs ta govemment because of popu- lation changes and added costs because of the growing number of seniors. "Manning must tell voters where he will cut this $15 bil- lion. The growing number of seniors alone will add $4 bil- lion ta government costs by 1999. That $4 billion Reform will cut from seniors would have gone ta support thern in the areas of healtb care and living standards," Shepherd said. lst prohibition of tobacco sales On March 24, a Wbltby store was prohiblted from sellipg or storing tobacco an the prernises. This is an Autornatic Prohibition under the Tobacco ContraI Act. Automatlc Prohibitions occur after a tabacca, vendor bas been canvicted a second tirne for a tobacco sales offense. In this case the yen- dor was convicted on two sep- arate occasions for selllng tobacca ta a person under nineteen years of age. The prohibitions for a peri- od of six rnonths and requires the vendor ta post signs which state. "We cannot sel tobacco because we were con- victed of tobacco sale offens- es. Smoking is a major health hazard." Over the last two years. the Durham Reglon Health Departrnent bas laid over 65 charges under the Tobacco Cantrol Act. 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