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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Mar 1997, p. 7

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-E Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Marci 26, 199â7 - 7 Clarke High Sehool News This week, grade il stu- dents at Clarke High Scbool are busy signing up to, attend "Life AFter OSSD '97" wbich wiil be beid May 9, 1997, at the Oshawa Campus of Durbam College. This stu- dent seminar is being spon- sored by the Northumberland Ciarington Board of Education and has been 'pianniýed by Guidance and Ce- operative Education Departments in the western area of tbe board and in con- junction with Durbam, Loyalist and Sir Sandford Fleming Coliege. Students from Clarke, Bowmanville and Courtice are being invit- ed te attend. This, student seminar was developed in answer te a rec- ognized need of senior stu- -dents for more accurate, up- to-date information, on post-secondary education and ail the miinutiae associ- ated witbi it. The conference will cover many topics, some of wblcb wlll include "Coiiege/University- -Whicb Way" "Top Ten Careers",, "Scbolarsbips, Bursaries-- There's Money Out There" aid "Managing Stress, Facing Challenges" and many more subjeets of interest, ail per- taining to post-secondary plans. In order to be eligibie to attend this seminiar, students shouid be in grade> 11. Eighty spots are availabie to Clarke students; applications sbould be completed and submitted Immediately. Parents with questions sbould cail the schoel at 987-4771. Eariier in -the year, a con- test to design the cover for the "Life After OSSD '97" brochure was beld in the scbools involved. Our own Jeninifer Schillings, a gradu- ating student, was tbe -win- ner of this, contest,- and ber very detaiied grapbic design graces the cover of the book- let. Jennifer is a dedicated student wbere she assisted in ail aspects of the busy grapb- ic arts business. The drawing is dynamite Jennifer -- con- gratulations. DESIGN BELOW oe FLEMING Heart and stroke's lst annual Sleeman's curling bonspiel The Heart and 5troke Foundation of Ontarie is holding its first annual Sleeman's Curling Bonspiel on Saturday, April 12th, at the Oshawa Curling Club. The event, wfficb wili include a Draw te the Button, and a Silent Auction, will take place from 9:00 a.m. te 4:00 p.m. Teams can register with $120 entry fee that icue lunch: only 16 teams maxi- mumwiil be registered. There xiii be valuabie prizes t' be won or earned by coliecting piedges. Prizes bave been donated, by Sleeman's Brewery, Nike, Snapple,, Gatorade, and Roots among others. Teams can register at the Heart and Stroke's Oshawa office at 337 King St. West or by caliing tel.: (905) Ut 3tep> eetii~~dary &io e By Rachana GutianKei Joncs Springis almest here: in fact the frst dâV, Of spring was March 2th. With ail the snow we had ôver the MArch Break, one çould bardly i magine that wgrm weatber is supposedly'eafming our way. 1It seems likè everyone bad a great week off of school (we can honestly sY it was much deserved!). stôries about ski- ing, snowboaïdiflg, trips to Florida and the cottage were heard amiong5 students the first dIay bac ý- One of the mnost unIterestipg Marcb Break activities had Io be the orga- niized scbool trip te San Francisco, çîlifornia. Mr.. Monris, who tFacles Science and Math at 53t. Stepben's, arranged the 7 day excursion. The ftifteen stujents who took part vîsited. Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wbarf (witb the highligbts d0n Pier 39), Monterey, Carlue1, the Tonga Room at FairmnOunt Hotel and mucb mofe. Heres what a couple of thé students bad to say about tP trip: "It was lots of fun! The highlight for me was dancifig with Shawn Weir at the Faii'mou-nt Hotel." Ken _Rumbali. 'qhe wbole triD was fun and everything was enjoyable but following Salty the sea lion Was the best!" Natalie and Càssie Germain. One student's favourite part was the "Chicken fried steak" (Brad Aylsworth perbaps?). Many thanks go out to Mr. Morris, Mr. Molella and the others who did a great chap- eroning job. It was surely a memorable experience. Plans are already underway for next year's trip! The school's production of, It's About Time is almost ready! Over the MArch Break, some students dedicated their time te designing and mak- ing the set. Since the stage in the Auditorium bias been transformed, many positive comments have been heard from those passing by. now for those of you who are won- dering what the play is about. Well, it's a Cabaret consîsting of varieus skits from famous plays or songs deaiing witb time. Two-pieces whicb will be included are Time Warp' aid"Time Stopping'. The fif- teen cast members involved have been rebearsing very bard over the past weeks. We are ail awaiting opening nigbt 571-1582. Funds raised througb the curling event will go toward research and bealtb promo- tion programs in Ontario. Tbe Foundation funds 2/3 of al heart disease and stroke medical researchb in the province. The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario is a community-based volunteer organization whose mission is to reduce the rlsk of death or disability due to heart disease aid stroke by raising funds for researcb aid bealtb pro- motion. which is April 2 3rd. Performances wili aise take place on April 24, 25 and 26. The play beings at 8 p.m. and ticket prices are as foilows: Aduits $6.00, Students $4.00. If you wouid like te reserve tickets, please cal 623-7583. Good iuck te ail of the pe rforrners! Now that Easter is Sapproacbing, il is a great time te take advantage of Easter fundraising. This is exactly what tbe Prom- Committee is planning te do. Tbis time, tbey are selling Egg-O-Grams wbicb are small, bags of chocolate eggs that students cai buy for friends and teacb- ers. Tbey are being soid until Marcb 26 for only .50 cents eacb or 3 for $1.00. 0f course, aIl tbe proceeds go towards Prom '9 7. One last note is that St. Stepben's is prepping up for mid-term exams. These are coming Up witbin tbe next two weeks. After this, Mid- term reports will go eut. Study, study, study! M.J. Hobbs 3Oth 197 is the 3Oth Anniversary of M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School ln HaMpton! The School Council is looking for former students and teachers toparticipate lni a celebration of memories. If interested, please con- tact M.J. Hobbs Senior Public Schooi at 905-263- 2204 by April 4thi. Cali or Fax Us at 983-5301 Your îNews, Sports or Club, Events BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.0O« Box 27 RR. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 TOLE and DECORATIVE PAINTING CLASSES 1with Registration & Open House Friday 4 April 1997 12 noon ta 8:00 p.m. Saturday5 April 19 10:00 ta 2:00 p.m. Acrylic and 011 Classes Basketry Lamps & Custom Shades Pen and Ink with oi1 rouging Strokework Clinics INSTRUCTION FOR ALL LEVELS 86 Church Street, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 Mo 905-983-6408 NORTH UA1BERLAND-CLARINGTON BOARD 0F EDUJCATION PRESEN'ýTS LIFE AFTER OSSD -97

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