Orono) WeeklyTtmies, Wednesday, April l3, 1997 - 15 - - -td OIC OR ANE oe 83 K(ing Street west Newcastle, Ontario Li B 1 L2 Telephone (905) 987-3200 Matthews &àasSoiates INSURANCE BRO$ERS LTO oo rnc.aae * HAMILTONS SINSURANCE SERVICE 334 MAIN ST., BOX 309 OIAONO LOB 1iMO j' 1-905-983-5115, Fax 1-905-983-8228 Women in Abuse Relationships For Help Cal "The Denise House" For Women aid Children Toli Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Conidentially Assured If you want to drink, Thats your bus.iness. If you want to stop, That's ours. caSl Alcoholies Anonymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 Recycle Pleaseo CHATTERTON ELECTRIC-- RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION FRENCH TUTORING For ail grade students. Help with homework, reading, and other activties ta give students more opportunities to express themselves and understand French. Please cali «Valerie at (905) 983-9179 General Repairs Inside & Out *Painting, Carpentry, Etc. -No Job Too Smail *Reiabie & Reasonable cai (905) 983-5761 Cili For Spring & Summer - Clean-up 16,23 ap Wes's SmaII Engine Repair We do it ail SNOWBLOWERS, LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, CHAIN SAWS, CHAIN SAW SHARPENING VOU NAME IT, WE DO IT 5105 Main St. Orono for service cail (9,)5) 983-9772 FURNACE FUEL - GASOLINE - DIESEL TEXACO - ESSO AND PERFORMANCE PLUS MOTOR QILS & GREASES COOPER FUELS LTD. RESIDENTIAL e INDUSTRIAL * AGRICULTURAL 26 CHURCH ST., NEWTON VILLE (905) 786-2502I If you are in need of a monument . marker or engraving, please oeil your local representative, Tom Henderson. Service Is available for al cemetertes. Al monuments crafted to your unique needs. Cali 983-9608 to arrange an appointment in your home or our office. 16, 23 ac He's Backt Grand Oie Opry star George Hamilton W -will present "A Country Gospel Evening" in the intimate rural setting of Kendal United Church on Thurs. May' 22/97 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets. $15, Seating iimited. For Tickets caîl 786-2950 or 983-9555. 20 People Needed Immediately to fil1 various areas of Oshawa Company. Must be hard working and ambitious. We wiII train. Cali Ashley for a personal interview 721-1411 L-2 ,Con struction, Repairs,, Decorating M-M--( ILAM and SCALLOPED POTATOES NOTE DATE SAT. APRIL 26th. 1997 Kirby United Church Sittings 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p. m. Entertamnment from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. Aduits $ 10.00 Children 6 - 12 $5 Children 5 and Under - Free For Tickets or Information Heather 983-9891 or Marlene 983-5502 9. 16 ap HAM & SALAD SUPPER at Kendal United Church Kendai, Ontario SAT. JUNE 14197 5 - 7 p.m. Tickets: $8 aduits; $4 chiidren under 12; $25 family. (905) 786-2950 16 ac Golig'er's Tra vel BUS TRIPS April 27 Herongate Dnner Theatre April 30 Joseph & the Dreamncoat May6-8 -Niagar a Casino Mayll MOTHERS DAY - RAGTIME August1 - 3 Blue Jays in Detroit cail 623-1511