Qrono WeeMy Tùies, Wednesday, Ju1y3oJ997 5 Wooden Boat Show The Port of Newcastle was host to a fine wooden boat show last weekend. The remnants of this 1926, 14 ft., Little Peterborough Gaff-Rigged Cat Boat is being restored by Woodwind Yachts from Nestieton.. Ken, and Debbie Lavalette. a nd Doug McGrath, are putting new ribs into the boat. This boat'is made of cedar planking on an oak frame. Each one of theribs ýwiII 'be replaced. One half of the boat wiII be original by the time the work is completed. Farm News re: Fali Fairs by Joel Bagg, Agricultural & Rural Representative A sure sign that summer is approaching-an end is the arrivaI of the local faîl fairs. Fairs 2ttract both rural and urban people. -Many brîng their farnilies to see the show- ing of light and hea'vy horses, dairy and beef cattle, swine, sheep and poultry. Most fairs have midways for the younger visitors and there is often entertainment including fid- dle contests, demolition der- hies, tractor and horse pulls and horse races. There are various exhibits and classes in sowing, quilts, crafts, baking, tlowers and fruits and vegetables. 4-H members participate in vani- ous livestock shows and- dis-, plays. There are numerous local fall fairs, which will take place in the next few weeks and these include: Sutton - Aug. 7- 10 CNE - Aug. 15- Sept. 1 Blackstock Fair - Aug. 23 Port Perry Fair - Aug. 29 - Sept. 1 Durham Central (Orono) Fair - Sept. 4-7 Oakwood Fair - Sept. 5-6 Orillia Fair - Sept. 5-7 Uxbridge Fair - Sept. 5-7 Sunderland Fair - Sept. 10 Port Hope Fair - Sept. 12-14 Beaverton Fair - Sept. 12-14 Ramona Fair - Sept. 13 Lindsay, Fair - Sept. 17-21 Markham Fair - Oct. 2-5 Woodbridge Fair - Oct. il-13 Royal Agricultural Wmnter Fair, Toronto - Nov. 7-16 A listing of al the fairs in Ontario, pubhished by the Association of Agricultural Societies, is available at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs office in Port Perry (905) 985-2003). Why not take the farnily out to an agri- cultural fail fair and see some of rural Ontario? Mike Harris, in recent weeks attended the Council, of Great Lakes Governor's annual meeting. While there Marris complained to his United States counterparts about their smog comlng across into Ontario. There isn't any doubt that smog oiginating in the U.S. is a major problem. But just how much credibility does the M1ike Marris Conservative gov- ernment have with the Americans given his own gov- enment's abysmal record on the environment? Just in case you don't know, or may have forgotten over the excitement of your Income tax reduction, the Marris Conservatives have gutted environmental protec- tion in Ontario. They have eut the Ministry of Environment and Energy by more than 35 per cent. They have laid off, over 750 people in that mnin- îstry. They also rescinded the previous N.D.P. government's ban on the incineration of garbage. The 1996 Provincial Auditor's Report said that in some parts of the Province of ______SERVICES by Gord Mils Ontario the air we breathe is carcinogenic because of lax environmental controls and regulations. Mike Harris has also revoked the regulation put in place by the previous N.D. P. government thatt would have stopped the pulp and paper industry from dumping chiormne into the Great Lakes by the year 2002. Does Mike Marris care about that? 0f course not, hie said "tough regulations" inhibit business. What else is new! Ail the whîle the poison- ing of Ontario continues because of declining govemn- ment regulations and fewer workers to enforce environ- mental regulations and con- trols. The recent fire in Hamilton, where over 200 tonnes of PVC wasbumned is nothing less than an environ- mental disaster. Did the cuts to the Minlstry of the Environment play a part in this disaster? I suspect they did, if you take in what the Ontarios Auditor's Report said. What do we Ontarians have too look forward to from the Harris government? Well, JON STORY SCOTT STORY 905-983-9579 L ANDUS C A P1 N G INSTALLATION - GROUNDS MAINTENANCE WVATER PONDS - DESIGN - CONSULTIN'G SPECIALIZING IN PERENNIAL PLANT LANDSCAPES we can look forward to more video lottery machines ta help pay for the income tax cut for the rich. Super jails are com- ing to'Ontario! Fingerprinting for those folks on any form of assistance - can Old Age Pensioners be far behind? We can look forward to more'ill- planned hospital closings. Increased property taxes as the downloading to munici- palities continues. Sweet- heart privatization deals. What on earth xiii theydo next! Your guess is as good as mine!!! MAPPING YOUR COURSE TO A SECURE FUTURE JaR E g' S g * L ý. Fortune FiPnrnio Corporation E SAIGI IIE EEV 01BASTU I 13 John Strueo W., Oshowc ffoEVU sU eu FO. 1 -4488 I24 hrsj For-f .. dC p ncaio a .- -1(IPF & MIIEchange E INEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME 'Tuneraf Director -Carl Good Personal, professional, affordable service. Genesis Bereavement Resource Centre on-site to serve the community. Informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mili Street South, Newcastie (lustnortft of 401- Parking off 0g6 art Street) (905) 987-3964,