QW~v~yibn;~, W~ç1ii~~y~ Qç~ofrr a, J9?7 .~ Orono Figure Skating Club members compete St., Stephen's Sehool, News September 25 to 28 skaters long prograin and 2nd ti the Ladie. from the Orono Figure short prograni. Kaiti placed Kaiti, Adam and Jillian Skating Club competed at the 7th ti the long program and also competed tI the Autumn Skate In Ottawa. second in the short prograin. Thorrihill Invitational and Kaiti and Adam- Colville Jillian Lemieux placed Jillian competed at the placed 2nd ti the pairs long i th tI both the long and Scugog' Invitational on prograni and 3rd in the pairs short prograins. October 4th & 5th placing 4tb short prograru. Michelle Moffat placed 8t <i the long prograin and 3rct Adam placed Ist ti the in the category for Senior i the short prograin. by Elisha Ribiero School is well under way at St. Stephen's and students are busier thian ever. Student Council, the boys' soccer team, the girls' basketball teains and our cross-country runners are Just some of the groups iaction. Student Coundil has been very livolved with our annu- ai walk-a-thon, and they are currenUly tallying the resuits from the walk-a-thonheld on October 2nd, and the dance which was hosted by Much Music last week. Student Council is also planning to host a motivational speaker by the name of Ethan Millberg. who will be dolng a presentation on October 31st. Stephanie Jeronimo, one of our Student Council reps, attended the Ontario Educational Leadership Conference durtng the week of September 22, along with miany other bigh sehool stu- dents from across Ontario. Stephanie should find the camp to be a very education- al experience, where she wff learri many valuable leader- ship skills which she hopes to pass on to the rest of the school. Stuident Coundil wfi also be selling Student Price Cards, which gives students a discount on many retal stores anid fast food restau- rants across the region. The Milk p romotion, also begins is week. Our students must drink 1465 litres of miflk by the end of November to win a free dance. St. Stephen's bas participated for the last two years and we have won a dance both times. The Yearbook commIttee has announced that the year- books have been delivered and are avaîlable for pick-up by those students who ordered the m in advance. Extra copies are also avail- able for purchase now. The guidance office bas been flooded with excited col- lege and university hopefuls. Planning for undergraduate education Is well under way and most students are attendtng seminars from liai- son representatives for uni- versities and colleges across Ontario. by Nick Boothmn The quality of your life is a reflection of your ability to connect wlth yourself and other people. MUSCLE' MEMORY Are you one of those people who bas trouble remember- tIng naines? Well here's how the pros do it - with their muscles! Your muscles bave a fan- tasttc memory system, much overlooked and taken for granted. Guitarists, golfers, martial artists and, i partic- ular, barpists rely heavfy. or should that be lightly, on termuscle memoiy to pro- vide an accurate direct feed from the subconsctous. Once information Is programmed into muscle memory, or to use it's correct naine, neuro- muscular memory, then recail becomes Instant and Intuitive. So how do we pro- grain it, in? Saying a persons name whilst touching them (shak- ing hands), and looking directly at them (eye contact), forces your brain to bundle the visual (see), audltory (hear) and kinesthetic (feel) representations of the experi- ence, along with instructions to the local chords. Saying it twice, or better, three times reinforces this connection exponentially. 1You have created an anchored response pattern, a qulck version of what Pavlov did with his dogs. You bave assembled a chunk of finfor- mation which makes a multi- sensory connection ti the brain and replays itself as one single pattern, popping out the persons mame when you look at them. This pattern is complete. You bave Vision in an out, Touch in and out, and Sounid In and out. Aftershave, perfume or bad breath could also go ti as additional infor- mation to top it off if you felt like giving it the full blast, but perbaps we swhould leave the salivating to Pavlov's dogs. 1So next time you meet someone new, shake handns, smile and look them tn the eye. Make sure you say your naine first. If they don't offer their name in retum,. smile again and up with the eye- brows, Just a tad. No Luck? Then says "Aridyou are?": "Annabel.." is the response. "Annabel? Hello Annabel, good to meet you. I don't know too many people here tonight Annabel, how about you?" It's not as cheezy as it sounds, we love to hear the sound of our name spoken. If you are sincere you will have accomplished 2 things, greet- ed the person in a polite and friendly way, and, fixed their naine in your muscle memo- 'y. Bye the way, remember to let go of the hand early on. There's nothing creepier than smarmy hand holding..