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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Oct 1997, p. 2

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OJ&'OL2 Subscriptions $21.50 + $1.50 G.S.T. $23.00/year. Publications Mail Registraýtion, No. 000368 Publishing 50 Issues AnnuaIlly at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB ÎMO1 E-Mail Address: oronotimes@aspeedljne.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher! Editor Marg Zwart The Education debate Sunday evening the news breaks that former Ontario Justice, Charles Dubin. has walked away as a faciltator seek- ing to reach an agreement between the Teachers' Unions and the province of Ontario. It is a sad state of affairs for it is the students that suifer over this confliet between fixe Teachers' Unions and the province. It was interesting to note in the Sunday Star that Elleen Lennon, fihe articulate and combataixt president of the Ontario Teacher's Federation should be quoted saylng that "It isn'tjust class size, preparation Urne and the use of non-certified teach- ers. The Issue is more fundamental, she says: "who dermnes and controls education in Ontario?". The Harris government is asking the same question. There 18 no doubt as to where the responsibility for edu- cation lies. It Is with the provincial government. It îs a decree of our democratic system. As citizens we can change the gov- ernment. We have no control over the teachers unions and fed- erations. The educational system must remain wthin the umbrella of the provincial government. Over the past years there has been sllppage in central con- trol from the legisiature and M1inistry of Education. Somne 120 different Boards of Education were venturing somewhat on their own along wlth the teacher"s Unions through negotia- tions setting such as class sizes, preparation Urne, PD days etc. -Some of the programs undertaken - and some being local -were a waste of Urne. How far one trusts the Tory government in truly lmprov- ing the educational system is a question. indeed. The fact can't be lost - it is their responslbillty. It Is also a fact that past Ontario governments were waste- fui wlth a mind-s et tlxat more money spent was a mark of improvement. It is just not so. In December of 1994, fixe Royal Commission on Education, submltted their report "For the Love of Learning". The Commlýsion was set-up by the Bob Rae Government. It was suggested that the recommendations be set In motion wlthin a five years period so as to equip students for the new milineum. The Commission was not negative of fixe present system of education but categorically stated that it could be improved and lndeed should be improved. To-day H-aris calîs for a province-wlde curriculum. The, Royal Commission called for curriculum guidelines for each subýject belng taught within the Common Curriculum. H-arris also calls for 'Province-wide testing'. Llkewse fixe Commission cailed for numerous assessments, fixe results of which were to be made public. The Harris government has already undertaken a commis- sion recommendation in dropping Grade 13. To involve fixe local community ln the schools fixe Royal Commission recommended that each school establlsh a school-community council wlth membershlp from fixe school and community. Harris makes this commltment in his report of "Puttlng Students Flrst". As well Harris takes anofixer page out of fixe Royal Commission recommendation that non-certified teachers be considered wlxere non-academic programn are to be provided. It takes listening and co-operation between all parties to step alxead wlth improvements. The Royal Commission report of 1994, is a report wltlxout bias, especlally for 1997. Some rec- ommendations are belng put forward. D- is to be hoped that a1 staremate will not agaîn turn the dlock back. We must mo4ýe ahead and in ail good faith. If fihe present debacle over education is a matter of 'who defines and controls education' as stated by Eileexi Lennon, then Harris has to be in the driver's seat and the present day strike is aIl for not.J by Roy Forrester 1 sec now that the mcm- bers of fixe Regional Councii are about to 'recelve an increase ln their stipcnd to compensate for the lasses recelved when their one third -tax free aliowance was elimi- nated. It was mny understanding that when the Conservatlve's down at Quecn's Park cut out the tax ailowance granted to ail levels of politicians, that thxe focus was to be on every- one paying ýheir fair share of taxes on monies received wlthout exception. Wbat then does this serve when those effected by that policy turn around and get an increase to inake up for having to pay taxes on wages or pensions like the rest of us? I can't for the life of me thlnk of, or naine any other people or group, who seek and get an increase in their income in order to compen- sate for the auxount of taxes paid. 1 was always of the opin- ion that to serve rny peers was much more important than how much 1 could squeeze out of my peer's pockct. 1 don't thlnk the actions of thc Regional Government mcm- bers was contempiated when Mike Harris and Company shipped them of a cozy onc third ta-x free allowance. If that were indeed thc case, what will Mike Harris do about this extra downloading on the backs of Uic municipal taxpayer. Will our MPP bring Uiis to his attention? Sincerely, Gord Mills Dear Editor, Dlck and Jane Go To Orono Oh Dlck, sec thc pretty lit- fie town. Sec, sec, sec. 1 wondcr what it's naine is? Wonder, wonder, wonder? It's calied Orono, Jane. Orono, Orono, Orono. Did you say Taronto, Dick? No! I said OR-O-NO!..Uiat's Toronto, wiUiout thc T's. What a lovely littie town, Dick. Lovely, Iovely, iovcly. It certainly is, Jane. Come and look. Look, look, look. Sec this place north of Uic prctty littie town, Jane? Yes 1 do, Dick. Ycs, yes, yes. What is this place? This is prime agricultural land, Jane. Surcly you j est, Dick, Jest, jest, jcst. It looks like an abandoned gravel pit to me. Hardiy. It abounds with wildlîfe here. Abound, abound. abound. There's more animuais here than the Bowmnanviiie Zoo and Cat Worid put together! Realiy, Dick? 1 don't sec any. Look over there, Jane. A starling! Cool! Oh Dick, see the big father goose fly. Fiy. fly. fly. Sec ail the babies follow- ing him. Why are ail those people watching them fly? Those people look mean. Mean, mean, mean. They won't let them land, Jane. Why! Are they afraid the geese will poop on the grass, Dick? No Jane, that's not it. Well, then why? Why. why, why? Neyer mind, Jane. Corne sec the lady over by the grav- el pit. WhIo is she, Dlck? And, what is she doing? She is Father Goose's wife. And she kuits clothes from fur. Knit, knit, knit. Say what, Dick?? Why are the mean people throwing stones from the gravel pit at her? Don't they like her? N*o, jane. She and Father Goose are not-of their 11k. 11k. ilk, iik. Who is that small group of people. They look sad. Sad, sad, sad. They are the shopkeepers from town, Jane. Business must be down. What about them over there? They look worrled. Worry. worry. worry. Thcy are the local elected officiais Jane. and, it looks like the mean people are Uirowing stones at them too. Ouch, ouch, oucli! What about the ones 'behind the mean people, Dick. Who are they? They are protesters and wannabc-elected officiais, ranting and raving at the geese. Rant, rant, rant. Rave, rave, rave. Wcil, as far as I'm con- cemned Dick, if 1 was Father poose I would take Mrs. Goose and the babies and fly away home. Who wouid want to buiid a nest near these mean, @##*#*&@&&. self serving, @%A%@,peo- pie anyway? Whoah Jane!! Wash your mnouth out with soap, girl! Wash, wash, wash. 1 guess this isn't such a nice littie town after ail, Dick Yeah, you're right Jane. Let's leave these mean people to wallow in their own mis- ery. Wallow, waliow, wailow. Come on, we're outa here! Claringtor Fire Ca-lis The Claringi Departinent respoi foiiowing calis d perio 'd af Octol October 27, 1997: 2 veiie fires motor vehicle acc medical assistan4 aiarm activatior check-out calls. Please j oin us LMinister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St. Saviour es Anglican Church .MILL ST, ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Cliff Evans 983-5594 * 983-9639 Sunday Service, Sunday Scbool & Yoith Group 9:30 a.m. 1 st & 3rd Sunday of Month HOLY COMMUNION 2nd& 4th Sunday MORNING PRAYER ORONO 91 PASTO RAL CHARGE * Minister Rev. Mervyn Russell Secretary Marlenie Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Kîrby United Church at 9:30 a. m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes and Nurser facilities available during Church Services A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. OPEN LE4TER OPEN LE] ONTARLO AND TE At a regu on Mondai 1997, Uic f was made: The Offi Kendai. U: xienxal, Ont 13ob Rotz, urges the-.( Kirby Ont. Ontario ari Teachers Ur) immediatci' 1good falit o( just setileme whlch divide 'ton Fire serve Uic bes ;ndcd to Uic studentsa luring the Ontario. ber 20 to Respectful Rev. David 31 fire, 8 Minister cidents, 10 ce cails, 2 xs and 4 ETER TO GOVERNMENT CHERS UNIONS lar meeting hcld 7, October 27, dllowing motion ýciai Board of ited Church, ario praycrfuiiy Goverument of id the Ontario ,ilons to resume j ncgotiating in obtain a prompt, nt of Uic issues them which wiii t interests of Uic nç people of Ily, 1 Black (More letters on page 3) Order ll7eddinqï Invitations f-rom, the Oronio T/mres There's a style ifor ail tastes! P'honle 983-5301 530 4rain st-. Otono-

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