Oroae WeeldyTTmes~ Wednesday, Nc>vember 19, 1997 Il j>..ie Roast beef supper at Orono United Church tribution te experts and local taxes". Many individuals and erga- nizations worked creatively te develo p this solution. Ciaringten Ceuncil appreved funding te support elements ef the package, and municipal staff worked countless heurs negetiatlng and selving preb- lems, as did Blue Circle Canada. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) centribut- ed expertise and support, and, have agreed te manage much' cf the new parkland, Ontario Hydre agreed te the reloca- tien cf a stream te its trans- mission corridor, the Ministry of Natural Reseu-rces and CLOCA addressed flood con- cerns, and the Federal Departmnent ef Fisheries and Oceans ensured that there weuid be no net loss of ftsh- eries habitat. The cemmunity residents centributed signifi- cant energy and Urne tei par- ticipate ln workgreups and evaluate options. "This agreement shows that industry, gevernment and commnunity greups can tackle a complex preblem, lis- ten te the different interests and werk eut a practical solu- tien that balances many objectives" said Mr. Crombie. Advertise your Christmils in the Oronmo Weely Timies Cali 983-5301 ting. Masbed Poratees, Cole Slaw, Cenveners for this year's a Bun, and homemnade Pie for supper were Donna Scott and desert. Cathy Stewart, They had the The supper is- an annual help ef close te 25 others. fundraiser for the Board of On the menu this year was Stewards. Roast Beef, Baby Carrets, Waterfront Regeneration Trust Community & industry cooperate to proteet Lake Ontarlo wetland After four years of public meetings, discussion and negotiatiens, Clarington Municipal Cou-ncil, at a spe- cial session on Novemnber 3rd, unanimously appreved prin- ciples of understanding with Blue Circle Canada te pretect much of Westside Marsh and create 120 acres of public parkland. "Congratulations are due ail round" said David, Cromble, Chair cf the Waterfrent Regeneratien Trust. "Future generations will thank you for protecting this important part of your waterfront. As the population of Durham Region grews, this area will become te Clarlngton what High Park Is te Toronto, a natural gem and a source cf pride for the cern- mnunity". Westslde Marsh is a provlncially significant wet- land on the Clarlngton water- front east cf Oshawa. It is the most diverse wetland in Durham Regien, with over 250 species of birds, and rnany rare plants. In addition, the mnarsh borders a small commrunlty of waterfrent res- idences. 1-owever, Blue Circle Canada has a licence datlng from 1974 te expand its exist- ing operatiens adjacent te Westside Marsh te quarry limestone from most of the wetland. Cornmunity concerns about the future of the marsh led Mayor Diane Hamre, .Clarlngton CouncIl and 'St. Marys Cernent (recently pur- chased by Blue Circle Canada) in 1993 te request the Waterfront Regeneration Trust te bring the parties together and explore solu- tiens. Eariy in the Trust's pro- cess, it was suggested by a memnber of the public that the c-ompany's need for aggregate could be met by trading lime- stone under a municipal road for the area occupied by the marsh. Based on this idea, cemmunity workgrovUps, the municipality, cempany, regu- latery agencies and the Trust worked eut a cemnplex exehange cf land and money te protect much of the mrarsh and add new habitat. The agreement will aise provide an increased buffer between the residents and future quarry operatiens. Mayor Diane Hamre thanked ail the participants for their dedication and hard work. "Beforewe embarked on this pro cess with the Waterfront Regeneratien Trust, there was nothlng but conflict and anger be tween the company and the cern- rnunlty, wlth the municipali- ty caught in the mniddle", she said, "Now we have an improved climate of coopera- tien, and 1 recornrend that the new Ceunicil establish the comrnunity relations comimit- tee as a first prieritY". Mavis Carlton, co-secretaxy of the Port Darlington Community Association, sald -1 amn very pleased with the agreement overali. 0f course, we recognîze that this is just the beginning of implementa- tien, and hope that the resi- dents will be able te continue te participate te ensure pro- tection of the habitats, and, quality of life of this unique section cf the waterfront". Wilson Little, representing Blue Circle Canada, was pleased te see the resolution of some difficuit issues wlth- eut havlng te resort te courts and tribunals. "Worklng together te solve problems was difficuit. at rimes but proved te be a better way. We have changed our plans te recognize the ecological and comrnunity values, whiie maintaining a viable opera- tien that employs 180 people and makes an important cen- Brigîtte Brown FJnTE IARTS Gifi certificates Pedicures available. Manicures CHRISTMAS WaxingSPECIALS Lil Extensions Ear Candling ESTHETIC STUDIO 15% OFF 171 Mill St., Orono, Ontario LOB iMO 905-983-8169 Appointment-to Library Board The Ceunicil of the Corporation of the Municipatity of Clari ngton will be considering appointments to the Clarington Public Library Board pursuant ta, the public Libraries Act. The Board that i appointed wiII be responsible for the. administration of public library service in the. Municipalily of Clarington. Service is valuntary citizen participaion and ther. is no remuneration. COMPOSITION Thie Board wilI be cempris.d cf up ta 9 members ta be appointed on the following basis by the Council of the Municipality oF Clarington: a) Two members shall be persans recommended by the Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education. b> One member shall be a persan recommended by the. Peterboroughi Victoria Northumbrland and Clarington Roman Catiiolic Separate Sciiooi Board. c> The remaining members shall b. persans nominat.d and ff appeinted directy by the. Council cf the. Municipalily cf Clarington. Applicants must b. at least 18 years cf age, be a Canadian Citizen and a resident cf the. Municipality of Clarington. if you wish ta be considered for appaintment ta the Clarington Public Lirary Board, as on. cf the members nominated and appointed by the. council, application forms are available from the. Cler's Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Completed application farms must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Decemnber-5, 1997. If yau wish to b. cansidereci for appointment te tuis Board on recommendlation cf an. of the. Sciiooi Boards, please contact the applicable effice noteci belew. Northumberland Clanington Board of Educatian 834 DArcy Street Cobourg, ON K9A 4L2 (905) 372-6871 /"1MUI IPA[TY 0F ONTARIO Date of Publication: Wednesday,Nov. 12, 19 & 26,1997 Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Roman Catholic Separate Board School 1355 Lansdowne Street West Peterborough ON K9J 7M3 (705) 748-4861 Marie P. Knight, C.M.O., CMM il Deputy Clerk Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville ON-LiC 3A6 P.O. #5118 Supper was served te 280 patrons in two sittings at the Orono United Chuirch Saturday night. Patricia Russell, Noreen Nixon and Alvin Yee pour apple cider for the second sit- MW.,