i'~ ~(l~ I ~~~noWeekly Times, Wednesday, November 19, 1997.~ 17 ) CLASSIFIEDS (continued from page 18) -D GRIST MILL AUCTION ALLEN, Arthaur Ernest CENTRE, Newtonville On Thursday, November Friday. Nevemnber 21st 13, 1997 in is 79th ycar. 6.00 p.m. Son of the late Arthur and Selling the interesting Margaret Allen. Brother of antiques and collectibles Vanne and the late from aCobourg home,the Harold, Kathleen- and attractive furniture from a Valeta. Remembered by Bowmanvllle home and bis nieces and nephews. the tractor, equipment. Cremation. and housebold effects of Arrangements entrusted Mr. and Mrs. Leonard to the Morris Funeral Lisclo, Campbellcroft; Chapel. several blue flower crocks. 19 ac jugs. pitchers. moulds. (Burns, Morton, Farrar, Welding, Brantford, Picton). crockery, _____________ earthenware, pottery, Bennington. several Lf biscuit jars, platters, LeLwihs quantity of glas sware and Lf orsiis'. cbinaware, silverware, iîorpds etc., -set Barltett Prints, NettmeyoiîrecRnyregtlrwio indian tree, floral fthe mrîd onyour shoirid[setpAiaal cbesterfield suite, sofa ai*le h d bed, antique chests. Sharing aHmalh~e uue furniture. etc., Massey PRrano® 2085 gas tractor, MF' 2 furrow plow, Dearborn 6 ft. rear blade (3 ptb). pull disc, pull cultivator, 2 5"Ii L ' wheel box trailer, utility C A S E trailer, wheel barrows, ladders, horse cutter,- *- scaffolding, garden tools,[JIAi l. I etc., fridge, freezers, coal M~det'ARos OtaE annnex, wasber, etc. dvt1eArsOnai 2 Auction Rings Operating, Preview FridaySDTRCUNYCAT'CrsasCalaeNo after 2:00 . . 2, 29, 30. Çonwallix C'"-omplex. rida>': Iamr-9pmn, t Auction stats at Saturda l1i Spm,nday: l2noont-5p. ornwal's 6:0 pa ti.largeol îuriad criftshow 6em :00ah, p.m TORONTO CHRISTMAS TRAIN SHOW, Nov. 29/30, Sat- Term : Cah, ppro ed rday iioos-6pm, Sunday lIamn-5pom. Inîernaîîsnal Cen- Obeque, Visa, M/C, ire, 6900 Arri Road, Misissauga. Operal Iynuts, displayi, clics, vendors. A show for the famil>', rail bell lnterac and modnl railoaderî Auctioneer Frank G. Stapleton, CAI, ICCA Newtonville 905-786-2244 1-800-263-9886 19 ac MERCER, Doris At Memorial H-ospital, I3owmanville on Tbursday, November 13, 1997 in bIer 74tb year. Doris (Piper) Mercer of Orono. Beloved wife of Ross. Dear mother of Sandra (Glenn Earle), Paul 'Buzz" & Debbie, Wayne "Bub" & bis wife Pat, Carol MiaeGregor. David, Sbelley Mercer, Mark & Diane and Kevin & Penny. Loving grandmother of 12 grandcbildren and 6 great -gran dchi 1dren. Sister of Frank Piper, Les Pliper, Cbarles "Joe- Piper and Connie Carter. Friends were a'ble to cal at the Morris Funezral Chapel, 4 Division St. Bowmanville on Friday from 3 - 5 and 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral service was beld in our Chapel on Saturday at 3 p.m.. Interment Orono Cemetery. Donations to tbe charity of your choie in ber memiory would bc gratefully appr-eciated. 19 ac CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY, DOLL AND TEDDY BEAR SHOW, Sonda>' Nov 30, t 05w 4pm. Saaway Trade Cen- tre, 65 Skyway Avenae, (Diaaa/Hwy. 27), Etobicoke, Aai;,tqaclec lariit dalle, fi bearscllectibte holidaydeorlins, miniatures and moral GO(VERHNMENT1 FUNOGovemrmeni asiisacepro- grame lafiormatiair avaîtable. For YouIr aew or eeîtîng businiess. Take advaniaga ai lire goveramesi giais and vuans. Caît 1-800-915-3615ý CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE. Huge naraîvoq potentiel servîc- iiîg the explosive Christianr, raket iih todapo t echiooo- g>' Home baond Pull !riSlOlOanid support Cal> 1-800- 663-7326 FORTUNES MADE AS INFORMATION 9ROKER. Caniadea fastes! graing iranchise. No winetry .No safaîf Low overhead. Compter garaies incomle 24 heoom per ds>'.1-888-889 1010, COLLECT CASH Cok, Pepsi, Hoalesa, M&M, CadfbLry, ec Reaivck eoiabtshed unique vendors in poar aras.tNo setling, Isl-time, part-ime. Minimuw laveolmieal $13,q80. i 80-546 279(24 bouro). Memrber B.B.B. INTERNET EXPLOSION> $186 BILLION b>' 2000r Revo- lalionar>' eyolew. Seize inI Ap»' nomi for ihe wolds lasiesi growing INTERNIET Franchise. Ineaimeat roqied888-678-7588 HAVE YOU GOT A SMALL BUSINESS or rindeppienea glaso obop Need an Edga Weo hase excluisive lrrilories avilable. PATENTED PROTECTED, We ar31P Lporteýd b>' a multi milion dollar loataonal Corporalion. Cal> tait fiee it I 800219 8804. collect 807-857-2570. THE FUTURE barrived tla Canada' Sarfi Ihe Inernet Frim youir TV. Jolib lis prosperoas businesss This la vour chlanýe la ha FîsnancisîEncrel1-800-988 7600 or 1-360- 002-0868 colecl. GREAT CANADIAN Dollar Slore franchise opportuienv> $6000. - $70.000. laexImenl (inclaiag xlvck>. P O. Ers 825, Duncan, BC, V9L 3'Y2 250-748-lo9o. Fax ,250-748-5096. Mi. Duchesa>' Onlario/Ounebec phona ra> '<nienîces vfers Home Siudy Dîplomra Couraes ix HaaIh, BusiePsa Nuriion, Aromaibarapy, Mlagnielix Thiera>'>',Atrlogy, Alcohol & Dug CouLnSelýliag Marly mare. Fiee prvppecuso 1-888-516-1212 %www linaý con) MOUNEY MAKINOý OPPORTUNITIESI Leara iscoma tan praparatîva or FbaSic bavkkeeping Tex dedutclble ceItrll- cale courses by home iidy. For Ires, rocheraes, nsoobi- gaion, cosIact U & R Tex Schocals, 1345 PewibireaHwy, Winiag B, R3T 2B6. 1-800-665 -514 4,Enquiire aboutfree franchise lerilaies iiow evalabule BE A SUCCESSFUL WRiITER,.Milh ver greai hiome- ILudy cnroe PCal>laday fi our rFREE BOCK .1 800- 267-1829. The Wnriig Sho,38 McArthutr Avenuei, Sile 2942,Ow, ON K L f6R2. COI NSFLLOR TRAINING i vusife of Canada ollero on- cam[paIs and corresponncecauriises loaiad a Diplopms ni Csu]nuOîling PrlIca,10iv hgin Iblo monlb Fie cals logaae, cll 24brs. 1 P)00-665 7044. RECYCLE THIS NEWtPAPER rPLACE 9orAcross the C@uLntry" TH -ETCMPlUTER 1110 Beot Pac eîveîed îîghl ta yoaî door aawhereilaCiladal Juni 67900PEtmoath, No Mone>' Dswa. For Tymîî1nas Ioaded i166MMX Muiti- media Package: 166 MMIX Maolae 56.6 Fax/Modem, Sterea sarroaadaoand, digilel 1011 motiva aides, 3 2 GB HO), 24X CD ROM, fuIl coIolF 14 inch movîýtor. toaded car- rent software (îlot le tva baIl far Ihia ad, catI aoliî) Instant credit approval available ifleîe phevel Cati 1-800- 551-31434 Ta order/mvm aI EXPEIENCDO URn-AD Crsa Tehacians raad Edmos an Ct ýryPrince Geor,_ B C Duie-oet'( aresis lmnes/mriiîs/actorîes. Fao rees Crs r aoc -604-521-4161. Train la INTiERNATIONAL AGRICUbTURAL Exuhange - Agea 18 - 30 witlr agricutural exFeiily.ca ta live/work witl amily in Australie, New Zealaad, EUaPPe, Japse Casts/dela'Is- 1-800-263-1827, Calgary, Aibrla. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LO' I NTOBADSpak beamo. Large capaicit>ý-'. lSammillvls nwheîe. Ficee ilormalion -800-5E80 689q Nrwsoud Sawmills, RKR 2, KilWerly, Otario PO 10GO FOR A FREE GIFT CATALPGUE rond jour same and arddrqss l: ElSs Ridge Daî1uox Bos 164, Aoamrore, Onario K<00 100.Fi 613-346-0540, a mail aiccw17@glen nairca ATTENTON OM C Ohe i Wepa' yu taawîgl Wased49 eole 1 sokgn:lel ovd telorihst- mas. Cal> 1-800-732-0374. nsewbady bc ca for f ra booklet CASE-IN DEALER REQUIRES quahilîd agricultural mechasix, combLine kalden pIes, Gond wagon, plus benels Fresm pevla Faim Equipmenl $ATTEi NSTDETS )rae n-aimne' elin adoac asï aier 18 2338 STELBULDNG. .IeaIyiiS Se "al Cxnolruction and Leasing ana-labla. 20, (4 30 $368800.25n1 4o 30 $3,98800 i30sx14 a4Io1,ý944.00. 40 x60 $9.688 00 40 x 806$12,244,00, 50 -100 $21,566.M0.60 s 120 $2,900.00 Oheîs P ise> -00-0685422 FUTURE STEEL BUIILINcS. Faciory DOrectFal Liqui- dation onrial fodelaSava 2,r 30' off regalar pi ces. Cal> ldyliarsetmaMrte 1-860 6b8-8G53 eoi53 GULFROT VACATION PARADISE PaaaF i> Beach Florîda, Laxsîîoao 1,2,3 befdrsam salies,îndoo; iîeated pool, teanisend wsîe. Ssowbird1 acliviies, Peladed s>' iscoanîls 1-Rof0874 8823. CLUB PARADISE, NortlhAercas lrgeol cfofhlng optisasl/nudisl resovîfal pgiadise Lah îst North of Tampa, Coins, bie oaoioaiteo,1pS.îabars, etc 80-237-2226 vwww paricfsdisl9kO.o BUyING S ý,iLVE, COMIaLETEAOICML SETS ol slaer latwaîIe, silo s leaxelu, naphin rings,Mn croît, Gouda, (wlli, ovml i s'l Dilon, slvor pIte Par prîvle 1pîtmo -800-267-273ý2, '14 684- 3528, FAIWIDSANTIQUES &COLLECTIBLES ANTIQUES, COLLECT18LES AND CHOCOLATE OULLET i-OURS: 5028 MAIN STREET Morrday to Ilrursday b>' chance ORONO. ONT. LOB iMO Friday to Sunday 10-6 (905) 983-9806 March Thru Decmbe, SSimpson Memorials liN/"No w in Bo wman ville" U119 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-6581 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions l ndoor 1 Outdoor Displays *Excellent Prices *Guaranteed Workmanship z1 Etchings - Personal and Scer.es -Wooden Sandblasted Signs Try us before you decide by visitîng our new Sales Office, or ca/i us and arrange for an appointment in the comfort of your home. Feature Homefth e Week me -f CHARLME REID Sales Representative 1 25 Years Experience Specializing in.. Spaclous Bungalow - Orons Must be sold! Hardwood floors, two 4-piece baths, 3 bedrooms, 2 fireptaces. Immediate posses- sin Bring ail offers. Cail Charlie ReId* 623-3393 or 983-5914 RESIDENTIAL VACANT LAND - FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES "I arn cornritted f0 Serving ALL Your Real Estate Needs!" Working 364 Days a Year FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 King St. E., Bowmanville off: (905) 623-3393 - Res: (905) 983-5914 Coul me to buy or sell... Orono and area's real estate representative.. . K.ryslyna Jones 983-601 3 jlepJtyi-Net ASSOCITES %(DURHAM)lnc 1050 Simcoe St. N. #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 wn Orono Village Century Home on large, private lot. As,,king ... $2099000 .1 lK. - It's Affordable - lt's Fast - Ws Easy - One Bill Doos lit Ali Northern Ontario $76 - Easlem Ontario $138 WlItem Ontario $130 - Central Ontario $134 - All Onfatio $390 National Packages Available Call this paper for dotais!