...4- .. .rn ~lTms ensa~Dcnbr17, 1997 Dec. 9 - A car driven by a 16- year-old Newcastle girl struck a vehicle as it pulled out of the CIBC parking lot in Newcastle. The vehicle that was struck was driven by a 67-year-old Orono resident. He was charged with failing to yield from a private drive. Dec. 9 - Thieves broke into a Conc. 8 home on this day and removed several items including power tools and a rifle. Entry was gained through a forced window. There are no suspects, Dec 13 - Three teens were observed breaking into a home on the 4th conc. of Orono. When the youths attempted to get away, a citi- zen chased them down and managed to catch one. The accused is 17 years old and lives on Peters Pike in Orono. Dec. 13 - A vehicle driven by a GoresLanding man collid- ed with a vehicle driven by a Whitby resident. They struck eachi other at the intersection to Clarke and Baldwin Streets in Newcastle. This corner is blind to both directions. Vehiicles sustained minor damnage, and no charges were laid. fFrom our Holme to fflnrs... Our very Lest wiskws f-or a safi and happy. IioidaJ season, and a keaûhy andprosperotLs N.ew rear Car(and.ioyce andthe staff cf- NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME PUBLIC NOTICE Garbage Colletion Please ensure that garbage hs at curbside by 7:00 arn. on your col- lection day. HOLIDAY COLLECTION SCIEDULE Thursday, December 25 Friday, December 26 Saturday, December 27 Monday, Decem ber 29 Thursday, January 1/98 Saturday, January 3 No Collection No Collection Residents receiving blue box and garbage collection normally on Thursdays will be collected on December 27, 1997. Residents receiving blue box and garbage collection normally on Fridays wilI be collected Monday, December 29, 1997 No Collection Residents receïving blue box and garbage collection normally on Thursdays will be collected on Saturday, January 3, 1998. Contact Numbers: Laidlaw WVaste Systems- 1-800-263-6305 Public Works Department- 623-3379 &J CAN5IDIAN WASTE Canadian Waste Systems Orange Brook Court Pickering, Ontario Date of Publication: WVed ,eoember 17, 1997 O NTA R IO P.O. #A01625 May the spirit of Christmas keepyou warm ail season long... and the happy glow of holiday joy stay with you throughout the year. Your business ... and friendship ... mean the wvorld to us. Thanks. MERCER H.EATING Wayne, Patricia and Family Merry Cbristmas from Ail of Us jat Orono Fuel and Lumber Ltd. "Ma ywe wish you and your.loved ones a joyous holiday season and a happy and pros perous New Year. " 'POLICE REPORT