I Orono WeeklyThnes. Wednesday, January 7, 1998 TRT loose 2 and win l in weekend tournament action on December 29tli, Orono's TRT spent the day ti Newcastle for a tournent. The air was dliarged wittl energy and excitement. TRT's frst gaine was played against Newcastle i. Kevin Martin was in net and was making some good saves, while Mike Puddicombe was dotng a good job on defense, trying to keep the puck away fro i is net. In the second period, David Apt was dotng great defen- sively as Andy Bangay kept dlgging on forward. Kevin Martin made a nice glove save. Garret MacDonald made an excellent cross to Andy Bangay and Orono came close to scortng. Orono was rnaking some great plays, but were stili unable to score. The score at the end of the second period was 2-0 in favour of Newcastle. In the third period, Newcastle liad a breakaway and Kevin Martin made a nice save. With only 1:46 remain- ing in the gamie Garret MacDonald scored Orono's only goal wlien lie received an excellent pass froin David Apt. The gaine ended 6-1 for Newcastle. The guys liad played a great gaine and were very hopeful thiey they would Hey buddy, spare a raise?... Parîtament Hill may be locked ti wnter's deep-freeze but MP's and senators' salaries are betng thawed out. Tired of having to beg for spare change ti the sliadow of the Peace Tower since 1991, some poverty-stricken members are hoptng to get a -pay raise this year -- inspired perhaps by that snowball ti - - - - . Ai-d they have an even better chance. The goverri- ment is required by law -- introduced by govemnment, of course -- to set up a commis- Sion to study wages anidlien- efits of MPs aller eadh etec- tion. After the Liberal grinches stole Chrstrnas from the Tories in 1994, the com- mission recornmended the paltry salary of $6-1,400 for MvPs (plus tax-free expense allowance and livtng allowance) lie topped up to $86,000, a reasonable one- turne hike froin any iarik president's perspective. But the newly elected Cliretien govemrnent, liasking ti the glow of vlctory, rewarded vot- ers by refusing to thaw out the pay freeze. Arguments are expected to lie touigl in favor of a pay hike this turne around, liowever. Former Mulroney Cabinet minister John Crosby is among those favoring more rnoney for the politicians. Perhaps truant Senator Andrew Thompson, now langutshing on the win the next gaine. The second game of the tournarnent was played against Newcastle 2. The gaine started out with a shot on Newcastle's net by Mike Puddicornbe. Andy Bangay crossed to Mike Puddicomibe ti a good atternpt to score. With .53 seconds rernamîng in the second period, Mike Puddicombe finally scored to make the score i -0 for Orono. At 7:45 in the third peniod, joseph Staples scored a well deserved goal which made the fans ecstatic. At the end of this gaine the score was 2-i for TlRT. The third game was played agalnst the team from Newmarket. This gaine was to determine the "B" Championship of the tourna- ment. With just seconds left in the gaine Orono did ail they could to try and score a goal. Unfortunately the gaine ended wittl a score of 1 -0ti favour of Newmarket. In the opinion of the fans, the MVP for TR;I? ths tourna- ment was David Apt. The whole teain played excellent- ly and liopefully their next tournament will be just as exctting to watcli. Keep work- tng hard boys! ENT HILL X1<Ar abc beaches of the Sea of Cortez. may be persuaded to corne before the commission to maRe a convincing argument for more money. A Christmas stalking?... Saskatchiewan New Demnocrat Cliris Axworthy wants security beefed up for MPs. The Saskatoon area MP lias had a rougli time of it since his re-election to the House of Commons last June. in wliat many -- not us of course -- sec as a reversai of rotes, the politician was mnugged by -a taxpayer while walking to lits Ottawa homie follo-wing the election. rIn an added twist of irony the MP was temnporarily left speech- less in the attack when lie bit into lits own tongue. More recenitly, thougli, Axwvortliy's riding office lias been broken into three times. The first timie only a windcowv was shat- tered. The second tiine a com- puter liard drive was stolen. Perliaps realizing that the bard drive works best inside a computer, the vandals returned a third Uirne to take tlie computer. 'mr starting to wonder if tliis means some- thiing," a quick-thinktng Axwortliy told the Hill Times. For one thing it means lots of' press. A grave undertaking... Autlioress Janule Camneron -- former Prime Minîster Brian Mulroney's favorite per- sonla 1non gr',ta - is bulsy writing anlothtç,r book about the adIveniturë,S of The Great One. And likr lier previous barn-burner, On the Take, Camieroni's niew offering is guaranteed to wipe the smile off Mulroney's Irish eyes. It's ail about the inifarnous Airbus scandai. You inay recail that tlie former PM collected $2 million from the Liberal gov- ernment last ýumner after it falsely accusej. lin of being a crook. The Ottawa Sun, whicli sometiiiies gets its jol- lies by pointing our petty typographical errors in tlie srnailer but midi-more infor- mative Hill TMmes, told read- ers tliat Cameron is -busily crafting a toinb" about the Airbus affair. That's "tome," folks. Unless, of course, slie's writing ît in mrarbie. God a separatist?... Not surprisingly, separatist forces in Quebec are welcom- ing comments froin one of Canada's leading clerics claiming tliat Quebecers -- not the courts -- should decide wliether tliey want an independent Quebec. Before becoming 'uinavailable for comment" Montreal Cardinal jean-Claudt, Turcotte said that even if the Suprerne Court of Canada says Quebecers don't have a right to declare independence "if the people want it, it is the people wlio are sovereign." Given tliat the Roman Catholie churcli doesn't pre- tend to ibe a democrattc insLi- tution, Turcotte's renark may send sorne reporters scram- bling to confirm that the car- dinal -- the newly elected president of the Canadian Conference of Catliolic Bishops - is indeed a Catliolic. Dairy farmers extend program to donate miIk Io food banks (NC) Thie successful pro- grain that Jets dairy farmiers increase ftheiit milk production and donate ilthat milk to food baiks acrosý,_ Ontario is now entering its third years and con- tinues to hielp mieet thie nutri- tionial needs of people using food banks. Dairy farmers are continiu- ing to support thie Food Bank Donation Programi withi 382 farmis donating a total of 37,500 lîters per mionthi as of August 1997. Dairy processors will con- tinue thieir vital support of thie program by conating Ailcosts of processing dhe donated miilk and the Ontailo Mîik Transport Association will continue to donate transportatiofl costs. IT PAYS TO 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC MZ Qdductîble. Free tOwng. Need not ron. Free phone cars Sponsord ty AADCO 800 463 5681 CRAFTERS WANfTE orleaCraters Market openîig in Colrie 4km! east f Oshawa. 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Your sumvivat in a fro coutd doponS on thîs product. Euup f0 use, poaerfut tîterheod protocfîon .CatI 63>77 0506. 724-3228. 1sfrtho ustirgFor FR66 informain n 0Hm todFbifing Ce, Box 2t076., Boe, n 4 HEVNOPSYCHLI AnEsoars înIheUet i AOULT ENTERTAiNMENI. Orcer, ebeof t'y mail aJ pop ees. FR66 ideosand sccessory offrsi FR66 cai logue. Diatreet. HMC Vdeo 4848 Acor" 21CMora, Ouebec H4C 1tL6 ASHGROVE CHRISTI AN SINGLES Comipanîonshîipi marriageAges 18-85 Sngle, adoweddivorcert Stato 080 Att croso Canada.O.F0Bou 205, Chase, 8 C, 00E IMO. Free inturmotion. t-250-6-203 w.co sites.com/s6.mîcesAsbnrove TELBIDNS..EFinal CstnceCostrco Leasing anaîfable. 01 4 3 13688.25 s f4 s 30 $3988800 30 14 ,0,448. 0 8$968808. 0 x 80 $122440. 0 e19$2,6.060 o 120 $28590000.1,, Or. Poerf8066522. usîng att the tan beaks Osurabte Phone Farm BEusness Conisetovo.(LONDON) todop st 1 800 265 f802. TRASH OR TREASURES' Poping up ta S1000- .Wsnt- ed uny pr-t 978 Cottectîbtos, Avertising, Ctothing, Comics, Dots, Furmure, Gtssware, Jeaelterp, Maga- znes, Postcards, Sîgns, Tnps, Watches Astion, Evatus- tion, Purchasing Semîice. 905-625-5866. J=NES Cail me to buy or seIll. ODrono and area's re-al estate r epresentative... Kryslyna Jones 983-6013 1050 Simcoe St.N. #103, Oshawa IMM TEL: (905) 721-2112 USTOM-BUILT, ORONO A 2800 sq. ft. brick rancher on 10 acres... Asking $259,000 L-É'Funeral Homeé THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offeing: Traditional Funeral Services' Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shippinig Cory Kuipers - President AMWMWMM 1 1 Orono Weekly Wedw-ýs(Lay,, la ni jary 7, 1998 - 9