cover tuition ana, living others in the community who arrange the donation of expenses. need equlpment. equipment, or if you are in ave had some diffi- I arn committed to work By recycling no-longer- need of equipment, please cal s. 1 hate to see peo- with our local couniclis to needed equlpment through the Region of Durham Red glng. No one delib- avoid any municipal tax our prograni, you wTil be help- Cross at (905) 723-2933. We ets out to make increases. I have written to ing someone in need, as well will be glad to provide further ýerson's life more dif- our Minister of Finance to as preventîng the waste of information. 'il1 conclude that we ensure that municipalities _____________________________ ch share in the have the time to adjust their rring of this great spending to absorb the C mmiinity oun ati nof .Most of my con- approximately 1.7% local and E E~I~ . realize that changes 3. 1% regional savings target. essary and that we I am sure some of my con- Du ha a no nc s ra t continue to live on stituents gre reading my 1 money and our weekly articles as they have The Community communîties and with these future. I can hon- quoted me In their letters to Foundation of Durham grants, donors see their dol- you, as your elected the editor. Perhaps there are Region has allocated funds to lars at work". of provincial parlia- some ideas of how we can col- six charities. The Head Injury Founded in 1994, The at there were times lectîvely manage no tax Association of Durham, The Community Foundation of rould have liked to increase. Sadly, there are Lteracy Outreach Centre, Durham Region offers donors ped, clckened out tho>se wh~o still believe that we Ourit Home Residential and the opportunity to help their for cover. However, can continue to spend and Respite Services, Canadian commnunity through contri- :amined the alterna- tax our way out of every chal- Mental Health Associationi butions that are permanent. ealized that most lenge. Durhm Bran~ch.. Qshawa The gifts are held in perpetu- erniments Iacked the I have learned that most Durhamn Symphony ity an teIterest generated ýo address the tough people resist change and y*et Orchestra. and the Durhiam is allocated to grants. aii also look my five change is one thing that Farm and Faniuly Resources For more information and their frlends in brings about progress. I have were allocated over $7,300. about The Community and honestly tell also leamned that it is impos- The funds will support pro- Foundatio.n of Durham care not spending sible to accomplish anything gram related activities vary- Region, call 905-428-5763 or ire. without the help of other peo- ing from purchase of equip- 1-888-230-0333. ro major issues that ple. In 1998, we must contin- ment to project development. ail understand are: ue to work together to ensure The grants ranged from $420 are<and education that our hard fought changes to $2,500. work. Our collective sacrifices "The Comn-rnity icare delivery is must not be in vain in our Foundation of Durham g. For the past quest to secure a brighter Region is very proud to help all three provincial future for everyone. the community in this way", My no- is te inning o ysoy ave acknowledged The annual Durhamn East said Wendy Orton, Executive EvryhildhashI/11, r4it For 1998-99, our New Year's Levee wlll be held Director. "We looked at fund- .......ameadantoaiy ent lias committed on Sunday, January 1 lth, ing charities from a variety of 1' laeSpesUIE lion for health care, 1998 between 1:30 and 4:30 setr ersnigalgo ncfe 17 4 billion in 1995. p.m. at the Courtice Complex. graphie areas 'of Durham (416) 4687 -415 3 he largest funding 1 hope many of you plan on Region. We know donors .ent to health care in attending. 1 look forward to want to help in their own tnr n Otaio seeing you there.