M nu, th bei.n short- cature of oneseit in4the local paper, sitting beside a mon- key on an air plane ý.... The Styrofoam cup as the ideal camouflage ai-d latest fash- ion statement won Toastmaster Marek the tro- phy. Corne and join us for an evening of fun and leamning. We meet every Tuesday at the Darlington Hydro Generating Station, Bowmanville, at 7:30 p.m. For more information please eall 983-9423. Fed. government speeds Up payments to victims The Honourable Alfonso Gagliano, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, announced on January 22, 1998 that the Government of Canada will immediately issue advance payments in lieu of taxes to municipalities i Quebec and Eastern Ontario which were hard-hit by the recent ice stormn. The total to be~ paid out is approximateiy $70 million. "Someieriunicipalities are incurring substantial unex- pected expenses as a result of the recent tee storm,'" said Minister Gagliano, "So 1 have asked my departinent to accelerate paynients in order to ease the burden for munic- ipal governments in the affected areas." Paymients in lieu of taxes are -what the Governm-ient of Canada pays to municipali- ties instead of real property taxes, local improvement levies and other property- based charges. Payments are only made to municipalities where federaliy owned and occupied property is iocated. The acceierated schedule applies to payments aiready pianned for the 1997-98 fiscal year. Municipalities, includ- ing Montreai, Ottawa, Hu'li and Kingston, will receive their funds 10 days to 9 weeks earlier than they wouid have normaliy. Distribution of cheques xiii start right away, Participants xiii apply think- mng, speaking and writing skilis, as weIl as accessing current resource materials to address sensitive agricuitural issues. Negotiation SkiIls - Monday March 2, OMAFRA Port Perry, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This coui'se wiii heip farmers to deveiop effective negotiation skilis based on a win-win philosophy. e * e. Pine Ridge baked in eàrly gamne The Pine Ridge Insurance Novice House League team travelled to Hampton to play the Bowmanville Carters Bakery team on January 24 in a very early 6:00 a.m. gaine. Pine Ridge has been play- ing fine hockey wth improve- mnents in evey gaine, but the eariy morning hour proved a~ tough go, ending with a 5-1 ioss for Orono. Early in the first period. Bowmanville by Joel Bagg, Agricultural Representative The Ontario Agricultural Training Institute (OATI) is offring comnputer ai-d human resources courses to farmers. For more information contact the local ecoordinator Karen Yeliowiees at 905-986-0657. To regîster contact the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food at 905- 85-2003 or 1-800-263- 8023. Introduction To Farm Computing - Thursday January 22, Durham Coliege, Uxbridge, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p. M. Topics include Purchasing A Computer, Hardware, Introduction to Windows & Spreadsheets, and Sources of Agricultural F Computer Information. Introductory Internet Wednesday January 28, Durham Coilege, Uxb)ridIge, 9:00 a.mi. to 4:00 p.mi. The( hiands-on session includes Choosing A Provider, and Visîting Agricultural Sites On the World Wlde Web. Intermediate Internet - Tuesday February M0 Durham Coliege, Uxbridge, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The hands-on session includes E- mail, Web Browsers, Agricultural Sites, Newsgroups and Downoading Information. Farm Accounting Software - Thursday January 29, Durham College, Uxbridge, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This course demnon- strates some of the popular record keeping software, including Qikn Quickbooks, Sirn1piyý Accountirig. 1Horizon anud (oth ers. Farm Book Keeping Using quickenWdesa Feb 1ay i, MAFRA 1Porit Pn.9:00 a1.. o 4:00 p).m.l TIIi'scorewl seXalh ods and tumned up tE fifty seconds into ti( when Brian Konopka mered in a goal assis Dustin Arms Bowmanvilie came bac two more goals. Th Ridge netminder, Wiliams, saved twentl twenty five shots on P. All teain members a congratulated for the effort. Next league gi January 31, at 11:30i Orono. Plumbers getpipes clec a.m. in The OMHA Russ Major Pluniibing novices ,\enit down to defeai 4-1 against the slick pass- înig teami fromn Newcaslle on Saturday. Orono's lone goal wýas scored by Brandon E-rnlsi \ith Andrew Fothergill sitn Shane Winters played ýnIuii t gfeinmany shotsiIeDaniel Reilly played a srnarl gaine oni thec blue lne. l'his \,,a" vr phyical non-conltact game n î ReiIlýIy, chcrgIll anîtHene Netleague grni sel... srecul estate na Jones -6013 l bc(or1k)rn ilg home ~e n~ .~ tsî $12 1,000! ened by the ýter, inac ott, ikers FHie BLND Tut , u pnorve -ad v alue uvywnere norwo Sautudis, 'f money seliing NOhvvpuy vn vCi nvuireos vvei* Iu, revti eairy Ontario agricultural training courses