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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Mar 1998, p. 11

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- - - - - - - I. - -- - - r .r..9wI~1~1a at..........a,. - OronoWceklTimes:: Wednesclay, Mardi 4, 1998 - I ARTHUR BLACK Spring is here! Almost... Now is the winter of our discontent... William Shakespeare Shakespeare was, as usual, both bang on the money and ahead of his time. Here's a medieval playwright scribbling to a deadline by the light of a candle and he manages to encapsulate in one pithy phrase a malady that wasn't even diag- nosed until 500 years after his death. We've just come through most of another Canadian win- ter and I know in my frozen bones that Shakespeare was really writing about SAD. Its full name is Seasonal Affective Disorder and for my money, you can forget tingly ears and frozen toes, dead car batteries and driveways full of snow -- SAD is the real down- side of the Canadian winter. How do you know if you're SAD afflicted? It doesn't take a CAT scan. It's not hard to tell. With SAD, you'll tend to oversleep, by as much as four hours a day. You'll feel listless and bone lazy. Nothing will seem to be worth the effort. You will probably find it nearly impossible to concentrate. And you'll find yourself craving massive amounts of starchy foods. What's more, you'1l go through this depressing ritual year after dreary year, starting in late fall and getting worse as winter wears on. By spring, the symptoms lighten up and eventually disappear -- usually in time for barbecue season. Experts don't know a whole lot about SAD but they're rea- sonably certain that it is trig- gered by sunshine -- or rather the lack of it. They are also pretty well agreed that its resi- dents of the northern latitudes that are most affected. People in Hawaii don't suffer from SAD. People in Tuktoyaktuk do. And most Canadians expe- rience weather patterns closer to those of the Arctic than to those of the Hawaiian Islands. Unfortunately. The doctors say only about two to three percent of Canadians seriously suffer from SAD, but they admit that another ten percent of us 'expe- rience significant seasonal dif- ficulties'. Personally, I'd put the number much higher than that. As a matter of fact, I don't know anybody in this country who doesn't find the short, dingy days of our winters to be a drag. Where do you go in Canada to escape the SADness? Forget Vancouver and Victoria. Sure, their winters are milder, but they're a lot grayer too. From November tbrougb February, INTERACTIVE HEALTH Vancouverites get only 258 hours of bright sunshine if they're lucky. Torontonians on the other hand, can expect to receive 363 hours. Of course, they also have to put up with hosting the Leafs and the Blue Jays. If you really want to get the maximum amount of winter solar rays without using a pass- port, pack up your ear muffs and move to Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg or pretty well any place on the prairies. Calgarians get to bask in 452 hours of bright winter sunshine -- nearly twice the Vancouver allotment. What can you do to combat SAD -- aside from hiring a Hertz Rent-A-Rowboat and sculling to Hawaii? The doc- tors are pretty fuzzy on this aspect too. They think the chemical serotonin plays an important part, although they're not sure precisely how. Tests indicate that patients suffering severe cases of SAD invariably show abnormally low levels of serotonin in their systems. Another thing that seems to help some patients is a 'light box'. It's basically an electrical unit that emits ultraviolet-fil- tered, full-spectrum light into the eyes of patients. Doctors are guessing that this artificial light source, when directed at the patient, imitates the natural light that is missing from our winter days. As for other possible defenses against this most Canadian of maladies, it turns out that, when all is said and done, your doctor's guess is about as good as your Aunt Sadie's chicken soup. Get eight hours of sleep a night, they say. Be sure to exercise lots, they say. Cut back on all those starchy, sweet treats, they say. Take up a hobby. Adopt a pet. Enroll in night school. Oh yeah -- and think posi- tively. That may, in fact, turn out to be the best medical advice a SAD sufferer can receive. The truth is, what really knocks the stuffing out of Seasonal Affective Disorder is a simple, fail-safe phenomenon we call the end of winter. Which, my calendar tells me, isn't too far off at all. Shakespeare didn't say this, but he should have: Spring is just around the corner. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE EAR CANDLING Pat Irwin Lycett, R.N., R.N.C., Certified Iridologist Ear Candling 983-9475 Just in case you've been wondering, the following are a few basic details concerning a procedure which is becoming more and more popular each week, - largely because it WORKS!! Ear Candling is an old HOME-REMEDY using a spe- cially made hollow candle. It's base is gently placed in the ear. The other end is lit. The wick's VERY LOW flame cre- ates a slow vacuum that pulls out old wax and other poi- sons. This process can be safely used to lessen sinus pres- sure, ringing and fluid in the ear. The remedy originated cen- turies ago in Egypt, it's suc- cess spread to Greece and to China. TODAY IT IS PRAC- TICED AROUND THE WORLD. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO DISCOMFORT WHATSO- EVER It is a highly successful, proven technique treatment for SINUSES, SORE THROAT, EAR ACHES, SWIMMERS'EAR, CHRONIC HEADACHES, ALLERGIES, EXCESSIVE WAX REMOVAL. How long is a session? Usually about an hour, for the first appointment using two candles in each ear. (10- 15 minutes per candle) At what age can it be administered? On the very young and the very elderly. How many candles are used per session? For young children, 1/2 candle. Never exceed four per ear as the canal may become irritated and swollen. How often can it be done? Not twice within 24 hours. (It takes the ears 24 hours to replace their protective coat- ing of wax). Suggested: 3 treatments in 21 days, a nat- ural healing cycle. Who should not be can- dlcd? People who have had recent ear, nose, throat, sinus surgery, individuals with tubes in their ears, anyone experiencing bleeding. Bleeding denotes serious problems and should be referred to a doctor. Can pets be candled? Yes. The owner must be present and have full control of the animal. The animal's eyes should be shielded. Fee: $30.00 lst session - 2 candles each ear; $25.00 thereafter - 1 candle each ear. HERSHEY DISTRIBUTORS neaded. Unlmited yearly potential' Gret locations included. $8500 Investment guaranted. 1-800-941-4436. Cal 24 hrs. LEARN AUCTIONEERIN. Classs hald April 18-24 '98. For information contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctos67ng, RA #5,Woodstock Ontario N45 7V9.I-888-868-7355 BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER. withO ur great home- study course. Call today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800- 2671 Th Writing School, 38 McArhur Avenue, Suita0, OssO IL 6R2. CHARLTON RESORT, BANFP has immad ia eopening for roors ssenanoss. Subsidîzed accommodaios moy 0e avalable. Contact Dalana Sncir 403-762-4489, las 403-762-2744. Box 1478. Banff, AB TOL 000. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawemill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-5666899. Norwnood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE 1GO CONVERT DAMAGED TREES into Usable Lumber with a Wood-Mizer Portable Sawmill. 23 models starting at $5.995. Phone 705-357-3373. PORTABLE BANDSAW MILLone man operation. Five modela sand edger. Handle logsto 36' diameter and 30 long. Gas, diesel or electric. Timberwolf Equipment 1- 888-419-0558. Also: Distributors wanted. $ATTENTION STiDENTS$ Make a lot of money seling chocolata bars. New products aoailable. Nothing to pay in advancea.Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589 AN OPPORTUNITY TO EARN extra income selling hosiery and undergarments Io your triends, family and co- workers. Call 1-800-263-1432. ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. Companionshipt marnage. Agas 18-85. Single, widowed,divorced. State age. AIl across Canada. P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1MO. Free information. 1-250-679-3543. www.bcweb- sites.conmservices/Ashgrove SEARCHING FOR THE ULTIMATE ANSWERS TO LIFE? Then buy, read and use "Scieitoigy The Funda- mentals of Thought, $8.99 (pb)+GST - Cat 1-800-561- 5808 foryour copy today! LACK SELF-CONFIDENCE? Then buy, read and use Da 058tics 0 by L. Rs Hubbard, only $899 (pb)+GST Caîl 1-800-561-5808 Iodsy. STEEL BUILDINGS..Final Clearance. Construction and Leasing available. 20 x 14x 30 $3,688.00. 25x 14 x 30 $3,988.00. 30x 14x 40 $5,944.00. 40x 605$9,688.00. 40 o 80 $12244.00ý 50 o 100 $21,566.00. 60 o 120 $28,900.00. Others. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. HUSKY STEEL BUILDING SYSTEMS. Compare belore you buy, il could save you $thousands$ for Quonsets Coloured Straight walls and Mini all steel buildings for agriculturat, industria, commercial uses. Full construction ositobt. F 1ose: (4t6)740-9910. Fax. (416)740-4021 or ToIt Fiee I-800-467-5582. OWN A PIECE OF PARADISE. Lots 100'xo100 osarat $19,500 Can. Building - Bars, Restaurants, Tennis Courts, Golf Course, Marin; Dive Shop, Shopping Cen- tre. Renas of cars, scooters, boaIs. Best Fishing & Div- mng. Torls Cove, BAHAMAS. http://www.noret.on. catorsiuoast. 919-583-2494. WANTED TO BUY EASTERN WHITE CEDAR Standing, roadside or delivered. Call for current prices. Williams- burg Woods and Garden, Tel: (613)543-2666. Fax: (613)543-4258. ToIt Free: 1-800-465-6656. FARMERS wanted who are Paying too much tax or not using ai the tax breaks available. Phone Farm Business Consultants Inc. (LONDON) today a 1-800-265-1002. BUYING STERLING SILVER CUTLERY, sets or single pieces, silver feasats, napkin rings, Moorcroft, Gouda, jewetery, Hummels, Royal Doulton, silver plate. For pri vsta appoinment 1-800-267-2732, 514-684-3528. Just Moved? Bride TO Be? New Baby? For free information and gifts... Call Sharla today! 983-8230 ICOME AGON SiNcE 1930 ATTENTION! Clarke High School Parents Please join us for PARENT'S NIGHT Wednesday, March 11th 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. For Grades 10 to OAC Students

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