* I .12 - Orono Wee1dy~Times. Wednesday. Mûrch 4. 1998 Next stop "India " After three years of travel- ling and working on this conti- nent, Jeramy Dodds leaves for India on Mardi 16. With a 2 day stay over in Paris, Jeramny and long time friend aùid travel- ling partner Andrew Perkins hope to land in Delhi India on March 19, 1998. Jeramy, the 23 year old son of John and Janie Dodds, sees this trip as,a chance of a life time. He's been planning and saving for it for the last year and a haîf£ Jeramy's interest in Buddhism and Hinduismi made India a natural choice for his niext big trip. "Being a third world country, with a very dif- ferent culture makes it inter- esting," said Jeramy in a recent interview. The fact that India is a great place for trekking, and you can live off $10 Canadian a day, added to it's charms. After landing in Delhi, Jeramy and Andrew plan to head north in Dramsala, where the Dalai Lam-a holds court. They hope to be able to get an audience with the Datai Lama. From Dramsala, they plan to head further north to Nepal, Kathmandu and make a trek into the base camp of Mount Everest. Fromn there they plan to go to Tibet. They have been told that the Chinese govern- ment is only allowing visitors a maximum 10 day stay in Tibet. Afier that they will hiead south to Calcutta, and further south yet, if the money and the weather hold out. July is the month when the monsoon sea- son starts in India. In preparation for the trip, Jeramy lias been learning Hindi fromn Sam and Dolma from the Newcastle IGA. The couple have recently moved to Newcastle fromn Nepal, India, and have been hielping Jeramny become familiar with some Indian customs. Jeramy and Andrew are both avid photographers, and Jeramy loves to write. They plan to keep a journal of their trip which will te made up into a book upon their return. The pair have just complet- ed a similar book on their lengthy trip to Western Canada. Thie 45 page book entitled "Leaning out' over chairs" con- tains Jeramy's poetry, short prose and travel articles paired up with photos fromn Andrew. Jeramy and Andrew would like to hold a stide presentation and a book reading when they get back, hopefully in August. In the meantime, Jeramnylias kindly offered to keep in touch by sending e-mail messages. Com-e September, Jeramny plans to be in a Canadian uni- versity studying Anthropology. In this way lie hopes to be able to continue to combine his love of writing, with his love of travel. Ridingj a Butterfly through My vein by Jeramny Dodds Flower pedals form schooners for insects shootîng the tiny rain streams to gutters tears are tributaries to the bea and 1 imagine you mny déar riding a butterfly through my veins forcing yourself out the end of me into à rapidly altering science uising the questions baby veins on my knees pressing you into the sand soon will brinig the'crack splitting to sea and egg car stopped ini a clearing she was altering herseif in the backseat while the butterfly's surged tbrough her veins climbing înto her head and nesting tili the spring break it up break it up break it up break it up break it up break it up break it up break it -Up... harbourmng washed up gods drinking tea in the dark merging tili the cup spreads on the carpet your hands raised to the he-aven and the screarning starts as the butterfiies pour from your gap into the night... dïean it up cdean it Up cdean it up îean it up dean it LUp cean it up dlean it up cdean it up cdean it Up... Copies of th e book "Leaining out' over chairs" can be purchased from Jeramiy Dodds for $20. easteî Seai socle V PARLIAMENT HILL NOTEBOOK By Art Babych Bragging rights Finance Minister Paul Martin outdid hîmself in the House of Commons while tabling the countxy's flrst bal- anced budget in 28 years. The verbose PM-in-waiting crowed for almost 1. 1/2 hours, severely testing the acting tal- ents of the party's trained backbenchers, who were expected to bark their approval and clap their fins on cue. Martin's speech was 27 pages long, almost twice the verbiage as the previous 10-year average of 15 pages. But then, whose counting? 'The day after budget day Prime Minis ter Jean ChretLien and his devout Liberal eau- cus heaped lavish praise on Martin at a media "photo op," leaving the reporters to pon- der whether the minister had presented a balanced budget or freed the slaves. Oddly enough, the four opposition, parties could flnd no menit at ail in the Liberal budget, search as they did for some- thing praiseworthy. J~ dr~ cP cUIIIP L Brigitte Brown 1 Gift Certificates FWE FMARTS available. Pediicures ManiuresNEW- Waxing Eyelash Trnting Nail Extensions Ear Candling- ESTHETIC STUDIO 171 Mill St., Orono, Ontario LOB IMO - 905-983-8169 Notice of Upcoming Spring Registration Please be advised that Registration for Sprîng Swimming Lessons will be as follows: March 14 9 - il a.m. Courtice Community Complex (registration to be held at Courtice Community Complex) March 21 9 - il a.m. Clarington Fitness Centre (registration to be held at Garnet B. Rîckard Complex) - Facility access to registration will commence at 9 a.m. *Cash, Cheque, Mastercard, Visa, and Debit Card accepted. *Registration for Leadership Programs or Specialty Classes can be mailed in or dropped off at Community Services. *For more information, contact Community Services at 623-3379 ext. 272, Courtice Commtjnity Complex at 404-1525, or Clarington Fitness Centre at 623-3392. ONTAR;O Date of Publication: March 4, 11, 1998P. 68 * NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME iFunerakDi*rector -Car g5ood Personal, professional, affordable service. Genesis' Bereavement Resource Centre on-site to serve the community. Informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mill Street South, Newcastle (lu.çt iorUl oJ401 -Parkng ff 'ýVert Street) (905) 987-3964 P.O. #6780