~Q 10 Orono Weekly Times. Wednesday. March 11. 1998 Daffoclils and door knocking ' inning combination! Steve Foster (L) and Wayne Werry (R) are completing part of their apprenticeships while finisbing hiigb school as part of the Young Internship Programs. YOUTH INTERNSHIIP PROGRAMS AT CLARKE Wayne Werry, a grade 12 student of Clarke High School, has just been accept- ed into a new program at Fleming College called FYIP (Fleming, Youtb lnternsbip P rogram). Through a partner- sh ip with the Fleming, Human Resources Developmnent Canada, and School Board District #14, Wayne has the opportunity ta start his apprenticeship on small engine mecbanic, wbich requires 8000 hours ta complete., He will receive the apprenticesbip training need- ed, and two cooperative edu- cation credits as he works to complete bis 0. S. S.D. (Ontario Secondary Scbool Diploma) by June, 1998.* From the beginning of sec- ond semester until June, Wayne will bc working on his apprenticeship through a combination of class work and bands-on practical work. Along with theory, he will do well during his patd on-the- job work experience from June until October. The apprenticeslps avail- able through FYIP are, Industrial Millwright Mechanic, Electrician, Construction and Maintenance or Small Engine Mechanic. There is also a similar pro- gram through Durham College called OYIAP (Ontario Youth - Internship Apprenticeship Program). Jamie Metcalf of Clarke has completed this programa in auto mecbanic and was one of the stu dents in the first graduating class at Durham in June, 1997. Also lneuben De Jong is currently finish- ing bis second year, and Steve Foster who bas just begun the first year of the program are both working on apprenticeshîps in mould making.'Clarke is very proud of these students who have eamned seats in these unique Cooperative Education pro- grams. Apprenticeship available through Durham College's OYIAýP are in automnotive ser-, vice- technician, general machinist, mould maker and tool and dye maker. Some of the entrance requirements are 16 eamned credits, inciuding math, English and computer cours- es, and employability skills like good attendance, prob-' lem solving, communication and teamwork skills. The FYIP and OYIAP are excellent programs for high school students to start' apprenticeships. They have the opportunity to complete their >O.S.SD. while gaining valuable work experience and hours towards their particu- lar apprenticeship.. --Barbara Nugent SCHOOL SPIRIT SKYROCKETS INTO THE MARCH BREAK! This week at Clarke is going bo be filled with school spirit, as students participate in a Spirit Week. Through a series of spirit days and spe- cial lunch activities, Clarke High School xvii b e a busy place. 1"Spirit Week Is the perfect way to kick off the March Break, by rncreasing:,the enthusiasm of students, and making our school be the place everyone wants to be while anticipating the upcom- ing March Break," says stu- dent coordinators Andrea Etmanskie and Julie Harper. Together with Students Councîl, both girls have planned an extremely enter- taining week including such spirit days as a favourite hat Forget about the snow and the cold.-Join the tbousands of Canadian Cancer Society volunteers wbo are gearing up for spring and Daffodil Days - taking place thi s year from April 2 ta 5. For more than 40 years- since the first Daffodil Day raised $1 ,200 in downtown Toronto- dalfodil sales have been a major fundraiser for the Society. This year the Society bopes ta raise $2 -million in Ontario by selling bunches of daf- fodils for $4 eacb. Across the province, 125,000 volunteers will also pound the pavement and knock on doors during April, raising money ta con- tinue * funding world- renowned cancer research and Canadian Cancer Society programs in every commun!- ty across the province. This year the Annual Campaign goal in Ontario is $21 million. The, Canadian Cancer Society is celebrating its 60th Anniversary ni 1998. When the organization was formed on March 28, 1938, one in five people treated for cancer recovered successfully. Now, in large part because of Canadian Cancer Society funded research, that figure and t-shirt day, twin day, Clarke High School day and tacky tourist day. The hilari- ous -lunceh lime activities include Our famous Chubby Bunny contest, Pudding Drop and Limbo contest. For those of you wondering, yes, they are as crazy as they sound, but they show that Clarke students really know how ta have fun. Staff and stridents at Clarke would like to take this opportunity ta wisb everyone a safe and fun ftlled mid-year break! Rosanna Yankanah is one in two. Thanks ta, the ongoing generosity of donors, the Canadian Cancer Society is now the single largest founder of cancer research in Canada. The facts speak for.them- selves. One in tbree Canadians will develop can- cer in bis/ber lifetime. Two in three families will have at least one member affected by cancer. The stakes ar-e high - so please give generously ta the Canadian Cancer Society tbis April during Cancer Montb. If you have questions about cancer, caîl the Canadian Cancer Society's Cancer Information Service tolfree at 1-888-939-3333. For more information on how you can make a differ- ence as a donor or volunteêr, contact your local Canadian Cancer Society office. Cl arngton Fire CaoRlis The Clarlngton Fire Department responded to the following calis during the period of March 2 tQ March 9, 1998.: 2 vebicle flres; 2 chim- ney fires; 1 grass fire; 1 lire; 8 motor vehicle accidents; 1 911 call; 15 medical assis- tance calîs; 6 alarm activa- tions and 2 check-out calls. -, Complete Car & Truck Repairs a a Diesel Engines a Cummins, Detroit & Cat. *Radio Dis patched Tow Trucks. *Mobile Mechanical Service Trucke R.R.1, Oono4 Miles North LOB l MO (905) 983-9151 o Hwy 40/11on TRC AUTO - A -,LD NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOMIE FuneraL Director - Car( GOod Personal, professional, affordable service. Genesis Bereavement Resource Centre on-site ta serve the community. Informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mill Street South, Newcastle (lust nortbof0401-l- arking off 9<pbert Street) (905) 987-3964 FREE INCOME TAX PREPARATION Newcastle Lions Club is offering a Free Income Tax Preparation Day Guidelines: Individuals earning $1 8,000 or less per year. Familles earning $30,000 or less per year. PLACE: The Lions Den, Newcastle Town Hall'(East side door by parking lot) DATE: Saturday, March 14, 1998- TIME:. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. FOR MORE, INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT MARK L. HENDRIKX, Chartered Accountant 987-0570 JOHN B. BUGELLI, Financial Planner 987-16ý31 a 1