Rebecca gets her wîsh past week. Passing one of our birdhouses I -thought I would take a look inside for during the summer the inhabitants had been Earwigs. What a surprise ta flnd a cluster of dead Moths along with dead caterpillars, pupas. cocoons of a nature and what I might cali chrysalis. What a catch-ail the birdhouse has been and what a cluster of nature spending the winter in the outdoors. 0f course out came the inseet'book to the pages of moths. It's anyane's guess but what about a Yellow Woolly Bear Moth. Its habitat includes meadows. roadsides, fields Rebecca Hardy, of Newcastle seated in front is joined by her parents, Susan and Wayne Hardy, Inspector Ross Smith, Mike Marks and Ted Dionne of the Durham Regional Police, Iwa Astra, General Manager of the Claringtan Hotel, MPP John 0'Toole and the Golden Griddle mascot. Al attended Monday morning's Charity Breakfast. Six year old Rebecca is now the proud owner of a new computer, thanks to the Golden Griddle Children's Charity. A friend of the family's, Michelina Burd, submitted Rebecca's name to the charity foundation as a possible recipi- ent. Golden Griddle usually holds 2 to 3 breakfasts for each charity, but because Rebecca has been waiting so long for her computer, she received it I've been taking it easy of late as far as birdwatching is concerned. Just walting for better weather. The resuit puts me in the bracket of a Couch-Potato birdwatcher. This column exists due to incoming phone calîs about birds, and, believe it or not, one taxiing Into the country ta view a flock of Wild Turkeys. Whether its a phone caîl or a taxiing into the country I do appreciate these contacts. There has been a number of reports of robins being sighted from Newtonville ta north of Orono. Young Josh Dobson of 66 Church Street, Orono phoned the newspaper that he had spotted his lst robin of the year on March 6. 1998. 0f considerable interest is a phone call from Ann Anderson, just north of the Village, reporting a pair of Mourning Doves nesting wlth two eggs in a Spruce tree. The nesting in the Spruce tree is not that unusual according ta Mrs. Anderson, but ta be incubating twa eggs at this time of year is unusual.' Mrs. Anderson reports that she has been keeping a after only one breakfast. Rebecca suffers from Trisomy 18, which is a chro- mosome disorder. Her family is confident that with the help of a computer, Rebecca can discover lier full potential. The Golden Griddle Chldren's Cliarities lias been granting wislies to terminally ill and severely disabled chli- dren since 1994. Rebecca's log of such events over the past eight years and April lst is the, earliest for nesting Doves in the past. And further, she reports Redwing Blackbirds already on their praperty. In the past the return has been March 2th. The comment was made that El Nino has no- doubt upset even the way of things for the birds which is mare than likely quite right. As far as Redwings are concerned Royal Lee reported such some twa weeks aga. perhaps three. Then this week Donna woke me up to say there was a Redwing out front at the fe eder. My only comment was "l'Il take yaur word for it" - rolled aver and went back ta sleep - why not - It was seven a.m. Bill Bunting cornes up with a Grackle this week which like many other sightings is on the early side for this bird. As you can see so far 1 have not moved off the couch. Robbie Robins on came knocking at the door - "Came, l'Il drive ta see a flock of Turkeys". It was off ta the Townline computer was the itli wisli granted in Ontario alone, this year. Other children have gone ta Disney World, and 'tGive Kids tlie World" in Orlando Florida, whule others have met tlieir favourite sports personali- ty. Application forms for the Golden Griddle Children's Chariies can be picked up at any of tleir restaurants. north of Taunton Road a sight I have visited repeat- edly with no success. Sure enough, a flock of 28 majestic Wild Turkeys out on the grass field. Getting out of the car for a better look we could see the big Tom strétch up its neck and head to take a look. Slowly he led the group at a greater distance from us but aIl was calm. They are massive birds and ta survive the winter they have to be resourceful. For the phane caîl and the taxiing I than you. I did get off the couch and into the backyard this and it ranges throughout most of North America. There are two generations a year with the second over- wintering as pupae. The bird house does contain more than one species. I have put the house back and intend in the near future to place a screen around sa as to contain for a short period what cornes out in the spring. l'Il study up on Moths and let you know what happens. It is interesting that when visiting the Butterfly dome in Niagara Falls recently there are such things as butterfly hauses. I guess if the birds dan't want our backyarder then we shall cali it a Moth House and try again. Keep tuned in. ORMONO WEEKLY TIMES 1998 Subseription Renewals are now due! KIM LITTLE (905) 983-0512 Competitive Term Life - Permanent Insurance Disability Income- Group Plans - Mutual Funds G.I.C.'s * R.R.S.P.'s - R.R.J.F.'s CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL SERVICES (1969) LIMITED ORONO FIREFIGHTERS ASSOC. Annual Sp ring Dance Saturday, March .14 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Orono Arena ORONO FIGURE SKATING CLUB wishes to invite ail former members to celebrate with us on Saturday, April 4, 1998 Anyone who would like to participate in our success or has items of interest to add to our display, is invited to cal Gail McKenzîe 983-9542 or Joan Moffat 983-9561. là j Tcktsare goingfast! Tickets $20.00 per Couple available by contacting any local Fire Fgtro cail Rob at 983-9459. sý M"Mvmý Cele"t-ing 50 Year.sý"I' ...... . . . . . 1 . Fighter or