- j Orono W....y......W...es.....ay.6........... Staying In Touch John O'Toole Durham East MPP The Long Term Care (LTC) announcement made last week is good news for Durham and lndeed al Ontario. The $1 .2 billion dol- lar commitment over the next elght years Is the flrst com- rltrnent of new rnoney ta LTC since 1988. This wlll add 20,000 new beds for people in nursing homes and homes for the aged. It wIll mean $550 million new dollars for communlty-based services like ta-home nursing, thera- py, homemaking, meals on wheels, and supportive hous- ing for the physlcally dis- abled. The announcement willl add 175 new facilities for seniors and renovate 100 older facilities. For Durham Reglon, there Is $28.8 million for an addltlanal 847 LTC beds plus $33.8 million for communlty based services. The $62.6 million investment ta Durhamn Is long over due and is part of the overhaul of the delivery of health care. Besides making life easler for many elderly -and thefr fami- lles, we are acknowledglng the fact that aur population is living longer and needs the infrastructure ta place. I bave heard ny times that people recover faster in their awn homes if the supportive ser- vices are ta place. Besides the thausands of familles that willl bave better access ta services, there wlll be other ecanornlc advantages. It is estimated that this announcement will mean 27,500 new front line health jobs as well as 42,500 construction jobs. Our Health Minister, the Hon. Elizabeth Witrner, outlined that she anticipates 7,900 registered nursing positions as well as some 19,600 health care aids will be added to the system. This Is a 69% increase in fundlng for Long Tern Care. The Health Services Restructuring Commission Final Report for the GTA/905 area was released this past week. The Commission calîs for an investment of $1 .4 bil- lion for hospitals and over $700' million relnvested annually ta new services. The report recammends two new Cancer treatment facilities, one of which wlll be at Oshawa General Hospital. The Commission has sug- gested reinvestments ta car- diac care as well as adding $39 million dollars for surg- eries and increasing by 19% the emergency and ambula- tory patients at hospitals. Anyone who says we are spending less on health care is simply not belng forthright. In fact, we are spending more on health care than any other governiment ta the hlstory of this province. Ail this Is despîte a $2 billion cut by the federal government. We are Chiropractors support aur Finance Minister, the Hon. Ernie Eves will announce the budget for the Province of Ontario. Minister Eves -wlll be in my rlding on May 26th and I arn certain that he will be explaining some of the budget directions. Some people are speculating that our budget wlll be bal- anced. Certainly, the econo- rny is hot but we are making needed people investmnents ta education and health care. I expect that Minister Eves will conflrrn aur lncreased support for health care but I alsa expect considerable attention wfI be given ta post- secondary education (colleges & universities). We, as a province, mnust have the opportunities for aur colleges and universities ta create the research and acaderniic excel- lence sa we are campetitive into the new century of a knowledge based world ecan- amry. Our youth need our col- lective support as they will need the appartunlty and experlence ta generate the incarne ta pay off the years of debt we have accumulated. This week is education week. Each one of us awe a debt of gratitude ta the miany teachers wha helped form aour unique understanding of aur warld. This bhas indeed been a difficult year for teachers . The threat of change is settling down somewhat but it willl take tirne ta re-establish the trust and confidence. I just- want ta be on the record as being supportive of education and especially aur teachers. As a parent of five children and a spouse of a teacher, I know first hand of the impor- tant difference a teacher can make in a young person's life. On May l2th, 1 wlll be hosting a yauth forum from 4:00 ta 5:00 p.m. at the Youth Centre, 132 Church Street in Bowmanville. The theme will be student sumrmer employ- ment. Please caîl my con- stituency office at 697-1501 or 1-800-661-2433 for more information. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been prlvlleged ta attend a number of inter- esting events. The Rotary Clubs of Bowmanvllle and Port Perry each held a dinner and charîty auctian ta ralse funds for worthy community prajects. The annual Big Brothers' awards dinner was held tai honour the many vol- unteers who give the gift of their time ta help aur youth. The Chamber of Commnerce in Part Perry hosted an excellent business breakfast ta meet members of the Red Tape Commission and question first hand what we are doIng for small business. The l2th annual Kinsmen Home Show Big Brothers On May 9, Big Brothers of Clarington- will join Dr. Simina at the Bowrnanville Famlly Wellness Centre in celebrating "Kids. Day International", a Health, Safety and Environmental Awareness Day. Chiropractic Offices nationwide will par- ticipate in "Kids Day international." The event will run from noon until 3:00 p.m. at .234 King st. E. and will focus on Crime Preventian, Child Safety and Environrnental Awareness. The day will offer a wide variety of activities for both adults and children. Parents wlll have a chance ta, have their children finger printed by the Durham Regional Police and Dr.Velji wlll donate a child ID card ta ail children in attendance. Kids will learn fire safety tips frorn the Clarlngton Firefighters and have the opp ortunity ta meet Sparky and Elmo as he makes a spe- cial appearance in Clarington.Kids will alsa receive a free balloon, snacks and the opportunity ta enter draw for prizes. Recycling and environ- was held this past weekend where many small businesses presented their products and services to people from al over Durham. On Saturday morning, I attended part of the Islanslc conunlty forum "A Cultural Bridge ta the 2l1st Century." 1 also vislted the 7th Annual Mental Health Awareness lnfoftination pre- sentation. There were a num- ber of conflicting events that I could not attend but did con- vey my best wlshes ta the lOth Anniversary ta the Port Perry Cadet Corp. Cal ur office if there is any special event where you want a scroll or greetlngs from the, Province. We will do our best ta attend. Ceddwt fe&ee Spuead (NC) The Brewýers Association of Canada invites you to try this tasty recipe contained in the association's cookbook, Beer & Cooking. ehedda eC&ee eSp'oead In a food processor or blender mix together until smooth: 3 cups of grated cheddar cheese; 1 clove garlic, minced; 1/2 tsp. Tabasco; 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce; 1/4 tsp pepper; 1 tsp paprika; 1/2 tsp dry mustard; a dash of cayenne pepper, and 1/2 cup of beer. Spoon int jars and refrigerate overnight. For a stronger flavour, increase the amounts of garlic, Tabasco and mustard. Wonderful on crackers, bread or on celery. The Brewers of Canada remnind al Canadians to please dink responsibly. mental awareniess Informa- tion will be provided by the Clarington Public Works departmient and Big Brothers of Clarlngton will provide Information on volunteer opportiunties available within the agency. Dr. Veji will offer speclal spinal examns and scoliosis screenings as well as infor- mation on disease prevention and health promotion. Ail donations received will benefit Big Brothers of Clarington. KIM LITTLE (905) 983-0512 Competitive Term Life- Permanent Insurance Disability Income - Group Plans - Mutual Funds G.I.C.'s * R.R.S.P.'s * R.R.I.F.'s CONFIDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES (1969) LIMITED *Complete Car & Truck Repairs. eDiesel En gifles a Cummins, Detroit& Cate *Radio Dis patched Tow Truckse *Mobile Mechanical Service Trucke R.R. 1, Orono LOB 1iMO (905) 983-9151 4 Miles North of Hwy 401 on Hwy 35/115 A - A =l-m NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME ~Funera( Drector -Car[(Gooi( *Personal, professional, affordable service. Genesis Bereavement Resource Centre on-site to serve the community. Informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mill Street South, Newcastle (lust nonft of 40l~' Parkt:ng off -qýpert Street) (905) 987-3964 L PUBLIC NOTICE to P»roperty Owners ta Destroy Noxiaus Weeds Notice is hereby given toail persons in possession of land, n accor- dance with the Weedl Control Act, R.S.O. 1 990, Chapter W.5, Section 3, i16 and 23, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands witin the Municipalit>' of Clarington are destroyed b>' June 1, 1 998, ancd throughout the seaison thereaifter, the weed inspector ma>' enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroy ed, ch-arging the costs against the land, and that such amounts shall be collected 6y' the municipalit>' in the same manner as taxes under the Municipal Act. Dandelions and Golden Rod, are not noxious weeds under the Weed Control Act. For further information regarding enforcement coul the Region of Durham at (905) 668-7721 or 1-800-372-1103. 1MMNIIPALITY OF ONTARIO Date of Publication: Wed., May 6, 1998 Patti L. Barrie, À.M C.T. Clerk Municîpalily of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 P.O. #5132 Nýý r. ....d Orono Wý-,ek1y *11unes, Wedncsday, M iy 6, 1998 - Il