uar Orotno Weekly Times, Wednesday, May 6, 1998 -13 e e - PETHICKS AUCTION BARN, HAYDON SATURDAY, MAY 9th/98 at 5 p.m., Door open from 3 p.m., Selling contents from Bowmanville and Orono homes including upright freezer, bed chesterfield, Sanyo stereo- system, Rosewood credensa, ding room suite, bedroom suite, Conestogo 1826 wood-steve, ceiling fans, brass chandelier with crystals, high boy dresser, armoire, fridge (side by side), dryer, wringer washer, dish washer, stove. Buffalo hand drill press, depression glass, entertainment centre, deacons bench, washstand and acc., rocking chair, copper washing machine tub, deks, small kitchen appliances, dolîs., toys, 1984 GMC Jimmy, 1984 Cavalier wagon, and lots more interesting pieces. Terms: Cash, Cheque, or Visa AUCTIONEER DON STEPHENSON 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9829 6 ac MONDAY, MAY 11/98 at 6:00 p.m. st Lemonville Communty Centre, McCowan Rd. (north of Stouffville'Rd.) Refinished hoosier cupboard, cherry corner hutch, china cabinet, oak gateleg table, Waterfall bedroom suite, old wooden wheelbarrow, farm gates 14' and 16', portable grain augers, farm forks, bug light, dishes. glassware and many other pieces. TERMS: Cash or Cheque EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 905-640-3079 6 ac New Price - Downtown Oronoc Excellent location. 3 bedraom home wvith office areaa Wide plank > woaden floors & soid waod banniters. Huga bright coantry kitchan. Large fally fenicad backyard. Commercial- Reidenlial zoning.« Listed at $139900,' For viewing cai Steve Lawrence at 987-7653. MacGREGOR'S AUCTION CENTRE 182 Wellington St. 1Bowmanville Antiques, Collectables, House:iold Conitent, SUNDAY, MAY lOth 10: 00 aa. viewing 9:00) 401 to Waverly Rd. North to #2 Hwy., East to Scugog St. & North 1 kmn. Sunday's Auction features an excellent selection of articles from the past to present, partial list includes flat-to-wall, Victorian sideboard, misc. tables (kitchen. parlour etc.), chairs & rockers, china cabinet, old dolîs, kitchen collectables, glass & china plus many more rare & unique articles. (NEXT AUCTION: 1MAY l7th) TERMS: Visa, M/C, Interac, Cheque & Cash CALL FOR ALL YOUR AUCTION NEEDS, YOUR LOCATION OR OURS. WE HANDLE INDIVIDUAL CONSIGNMENTS TO COMPLETE ESTATE & BUSINESS LIQUIDATIONS MacGREGOR AUCTION & APPRAISAL SERVICES MIKE MACGREGOR, C.P.P.A. (905) 987-3664 (905) 623-7949 - ý29 ac SATURDAY, MAY 23/98 10:00 a.m. BERPgBANKS FARM R. R 2. Taunton Rd., Orono - 1 1/2 miles west of fwy. i115 Selling a full line of farm equipment, 'tractors, machinery, vehîcles, hardware and tools etc. For information and to consign. to this -Auction contact the AUCTIONEER JOHN D. BERRY (905) 983-5787 6, 13 ac AUCTION (continued page 12) ITime to IlSpring Clean"II LITCHAN WeeJ 1 JF uneral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Famlly Owned Business, Offeing: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremnation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kulpers - President 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 2Z 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING New Price - Country Deliaht Aimoat 15 acres wîfh ranch bungalow homo updated at 2 years. Shows very well. Inground pool. Double garage/workshop. Don')tel this pîece of country pasa you by. Listed at $234900. For viowing cail Steve Lawrence ai 987-7653. 10 Acres with Stream Applebee Farm Gorgeous 10 acres with trees anîd slream. Lcenced kennel. Barn for horses wfh 1/3 mile frack. 2 kitchens, 3+2 bedrooma, farnily room wth wood stove in basement. Open concept wth cathedral ceîlîng and sunken lvingroom, Listed at $219900. To view cati Steve Lawrence at 987-7653. sutton group-excel realty inc. Workîng Apple Orchard. Seaultul 43 acres wîfth CreeK, roillng land. Large 1850 sq. ft custom buill bungalow. A beauty to show. Reduced to seti aI $276900. To view cali Steve Lawrence at 987-7653. ORANGEVILLE FIDDLE & STOP DANCE CAMP July 12- 17,1f998. Leam witire beatinaîraclaras Canada, Scati Waoda, Cindy Tbompaxn, Jady Waymxuf , Cirarda Gib- xsr, Kendra Nomsanard mare. Contact Bill Ellixol 519-941 - S683. AMAZING FACT tire Irtemet wilI graw by 2700% iri 24 Irtersel Franchise. Pull trairing. Inst ment Req'd. 1-888- 678-7588. ' CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE. Jais lire World's f a Online Chrristian Franchise. Exclusise eflmonea pieîdig eacap- tianal ROI. Full training & support. For ree ita salI 1- 800-663-7326. $140,OOO4rr poentiel. Veal Profit Magazine sapa *eat Businiessatlago ita'98...'Lac seriread & n isaestaiy- Veiy Profitable Franciieî Caliaw,free irifarmationi 1- Wanlta Builti e Fînascial Planning Business Support. Trairiing. Compliance. W.H. Stuart & Assacialea 1-800- 668-f1716, 'Tire Fasteat Grawîig Irdependeal Fiiaricial Planning Companypin Cariada'. FINALLY..HOALTHIOR HOMES! tire essles Witini Accordirig ta, Asthime Sacialien sn Caniada, cîeanng methb- arin reling as massise amnanla xlf moislare la clous car- pela map ire damagingoilx our irealih. An ideal prescnip- lion far lreae probîemr s aCirea-r'a patentear deep clean, qoîcir dry, praceas. Daap cleaning accura iecauae aftti credible paf anad Hot Cariranaling Ot racion pro- casa ratirer liras uing borhciremîcalu. Cireckr paur pal- lac pagesanad tiy ril. Vasîl love fiI EnrepreneurascalI: 1- 800-665-9090. FOR A NEW, irallirfal carer au a regîtered massage lirapial cantuct, 0oftilil College oI Masage Tierapy. 1000-,,sl 2200 iour pragrama, fnancîul asaitanice asoil- abIrle-255-4445, CaIgaiy. BE A SUCC'ESSFUL WRITOR... iti r rgreal ihnme- txdy course. Cal taday tor poar FR00 BOOK. 1-800- 267-1829. Tire Wriirig Scirool, 38 McArtlrur Aenuae, Sufte 301, Otawa, ON KIL 682. 1SAWMII11.L $-4895 SAW LOG$ INTOU BOARDS1, planka, jeooms. lre capscily. Oeal auwmill valusanaripare. Free inftormation 1-8000-566,6899, Naraoof Summilla, R.R 2, Klwrthy, OntrionînE00 GO. WOMEN. Naturel pragealerase craam aubtiea PMS, cutn OSTEOPOROSIS rîak, reliees menxpaaao fiat roua- ex FR00 lape documerita remariruble benelîln lus atns- graferrgen fommenarce. Cal novr.000-652-2216. TREO EL INGS for sale. Contera, decidunua and wldlle apecion, Minimxm order 100 saeflînga. Frascla- iagae. Samervîlle Nurseriesnfisc., Allînlori. ON 705-435- i6 oran PART-TIME/FULL-TIMO - Seeking maure manufucturesa rap. Hîgir Oaality Industril Lubicanl Pradacla, Manufac- tuner sînce 1933. Wnrtd-wide. IS0 9001 cerifîfed. Office oai f irome. Be pnar own boss. Set yaur awri goals. lit salpex. Viail aur tsctnîy. 00e pravif e atenise tranîig, canfinuîng aupport. For deboila by rtura mail, caîl Sauthb- wesenmPelroleum Corp etl -800-96-0135. JO* > L( m horn apa $ATTENTION STUOENTS$ Maire a ft of money selbrrg clrocolate barsi. New praducta availairte. Notiring fo pay in advarrce. Fast delivery t1-800-383-3589. LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER or aust rreed extra money' Oeil C&M Gifla' unique ine of affordlaile home decar, toya and gifla; Cail 519-258-7905, Fax:519-258- 0707 tar tree catalogueu anid inormationi about this won- dertal apport anify. HAVE YOLI CONSULTED REAL CLAIRVOYANTS arid mediuma befare? Thes came discaver the aneaplicairle eapeiiencea of Karaoona Zarimart (lac>, 28 peara expe- dnis;:sery preoase. She cas describe and gise yaa yaur aigri. Leam bromb er otirer weî I Iiriwr meiimsanad clair- vayantsa. To isd oat pour future, CAIL 1-900-451-9602. 18+, $4.99Imii., 24 bra.7daya. f998 FORECASTi Relatioriabipa, masey, advice or exp chber fapic. I ls yaar clrice. Seseral ive payobîca ta choose tram. 1 -1. No recardiriga. $3.OgImi. f18. 24hrs. AOULT ENTERTAINMENT. Order tire besf by mail & pay lsas. FREE catalague, FR00 solexo oer. Dascretiari guar- ariteent. HMC Videa 4840 Acarr, 201-C Mostreal. Que- bec. H4C 1L6. ASHGROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. Companiansiripl mamnage. Aga 18-85. Sngle, widowed,dîsorced, Stafe age. Al acraxa Cariada. F.Oaao 205, Chrase, OC., VOE iMO. Free information. 1-250-679-3543. www.bcweb- sies.cosriers/aAshgrove MALE IMPOTENCE correcled sort preseriled. Declirie aaaaciated witir 590, medicuaix, aargery, diabsee, isîurp cari be asercame. Free infrmalioaladvice. Perfor- mance Medîcal Lut., Boaa692, Vemari, OC, VT 6M8. t- 800-663-0121. LACK SELF-CONFIDENCE? Theri bup, read arid axe Diaaelica" by L Ras Huirbard, arly $8.99 (pb+GST. Caîl 1-0800-561 -SU0S ldap. NOVA SCOTIA LAND FOR SALE - Large frealeif prxp- erfiex ail b waler accesa. $3900/ac ar lesal ar $3OImtir. Finaarcig Guararileed. Cotage Caunrty 1-800-565-LAND http:/ FUTURE STEELBOI L_ NG f 0% avaume SleI, gxararileed 20 peara. EsgiierOdla-ai a lit almeInveal n lthe beal. Mariy martela. fre slimaf e Factary-Oersct. 1-800-668-8653 est 036. WANfTEO. OLD COCA-COLA machines. <Eapecialîp Martel 414). Sltmachinea, aId Juke Boxaea, pool tables, asd snp aId cois aperaled desice. Cashr pool. Phrone (416)283-984 I OUY GUITARS marte belare 1970. Payirig $400 la $100008 + for certaîimartels by Gibsan, Fender. Martin, Grelacir, Epîpirane and Nuataonal. Caîl Sleve, anyime 1- 60-964-3544. Coul me to boy or seil... Orono and area's real estate representative... Kryslynci Jones ASSOCIATES (DURHAM)InC. 1050 Simcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 ew Listin.. ovely 4- om ne in-1aw art en on huge lot ... $ 162900! ) Steve Lawrence Full lime Prfessional Sales Representative (905) 987-S0LD Out of area call 800-230-0078 Niýý e'à MMMMBM(