- -----------------,W----d--,-a-----98 A s *mue M=A Apple Blossoin Shop b FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515' -We dontlust specialize... We make every order special' For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 BARINA HOME CHECK "Let us maire your home look lived in" Vacation Hiome Chccking Wedding Day Services or whenever you're away INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Serving Newtonville, Newcastle, Orono & susounding conamnities Lsted in White & Yettow Pages Flowers Plus FLOWERS * GIFTS & CRAF1-rS 46 King Street East NEWCASTLE 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middteton 983-9819 ORONO ELECTRIC Ld. Electrical Appfiances Colour TV's - Hi-Fi's SALES AND SERVICE Hotpoint -R.C.A. White - Westinghouse Frigidaire'- Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover GRUNDYIS Country Upholstery Quolity Work in Upholstery R.R. 2, Orono 983-9874 Bryon G rundy The famiily of HERB & EIRA DUVALL would like you tojoin themn in a clebration of their 5th Wedding Anniversay at a "Corne & Go" Tea on SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 1998 2:00 -4:30 p.m. at Orono Town Hall Main Street, Orono Best Wishes Only 6, 20, June 3 ac TREES Large Sugar Maple, Crimson King Maple. European Larch, Bircli Clumps, Colorado Spruce, cail 983-5877. 29, 6 ap CALENDAR FRAMES for Clarington & United Church Calendars $ 17.00, Oak - $23-00 at FAVOURITE PASTIM] Downtown Orono All Craft Supplies Visit ORONO GARDEN CENTRE For Best Prices on Box Plants Geraniums 27 colours 7 thousand plants Fertilizer Shnubs Perennials Lawn & Garden Needs Manure, Bark, Seeds, etc. 983-9308 6, 13, 20, 27, 3, 10, 1'7, 24 ac Clarington Computer Clearance Centre - Ud - IBM 386 SX55 2/30 $130. IBM 386 SX55 2/60 $195. IBM 386 SX55 4/80 $275. VGA Mono Monitor from $45. VGA Colour Monitor rom $135 -New Micro Mania Systeas - 486 266's ram $679. 486 2/80's rom $735. 486 4/100's ram $775. 486 8/120's rom $1098. 486 8/133s ram $1240. - UsedNotébooks - IBM 386 4/80 (new bai.) $750. ZEOS 486 8/120 mono $1199. Digital 486 4/170 mono $1500. NEC 4864/2l0colour $1695 We buyused computers 1 o 00or more 164 Baseine Rd. E. Eat of Libray Bowmanville '905-697-3059 General sewing done in my home, 5 days a week. Phone 983 -976 1. Ufn PORT PERRY FLEA MARKET Indoor/Outdoor with Auction Hall 1540 7A West. Port Pery, ON 9-5 Biat. & SUD. Year Rd;undl Vendor Space Amailable New Vendor Spýcial $100 per month 905-985-8424 SATURDAY, MAY 9 frorn 8 a.m. - 3 p.rn. 3452 Sommerville Dr. Multi-family, furniture, kltchenlitems, kids toys, books, some antiques, etc. 6 ap SATURDAY, MAY 9 9:00 a.rn. - 5:00 p.m. 143 and 145- Church Street, Orono. Antiques etc. 6 ap 486DX33, SVGA Monitor, 129 Meg Hard Drive, 8 Meg Memory, Keyboard. Mouse, Dos, Windows, Wordperfect, $350.00., Cail 623-8831 nights. tfn ES Orono - 2 bedroom apartment, large yard, tfn $600.00 plus hydro, heat included, caîl 728-3885 and leave message. $"HOME WORKERS $ NEEDED IN YOUR AREA. $ EARN EXTRA INCOME WORKING FROM HOME, $ FULL TIME OR $ PART TIME $ FOR FREE INFO, PLEASE SEND A $ SELF-ADDRESSED $ STAMPED ENVELOPE TO: $ FIRST CAPITAL $ PROMOTIONS, $4609 KINGSWAY, SUITE 450, $ BU1RNABY, B.C. V5H 4L3 6ac m DOTY, VICTOR MICHEL In loving memory of a dear husband and father who passed away Maiy 2, 1996. No further away than a picture A smile or a remnembered phrase Our loved ones live on ti memory So close in se, many ways. Forever Remembered Elaine, Mike & Tracey 6 ap Timne to think of Bird Houses. Different designs starting at $10.00, Roy Forrester, 6 Mil làne, Orono. Phone 983-'5147. GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE Newtonville MAY 7th, THURSDAY 6:00 p.rn. Selllng a Roseneath Estate and a Toronto Estate; 3 pc.,bedroom set, single beds, dr 'essers, chests of drawers, antique chest, antique dresser and bcd, 1930 kitchen set, breakfast set (3 pc.), chesterfield, lamps, several occasional tables, old radios, 3 section wall unit, garden tools, tiller, 2 TV towers, glassware, china, dishes, collectibles, treadle sewing machine, and numerousý other articles. Thisa Auction is Thursday. Preview at 2:00 p.m. Auction at 6:00 p.m. TERMS: Cash, Approved Cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac AUCTIONEER FRANK STAPLETON 905-786-2244 1-800-263-9886 6,ac Coluonial (equtrvan &entvt HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial EquestrIan Centre 3706 Rundie Rd. (Courtice) is now accepting new students (childen & aduits) for aur riding and horseman- ship programs, summer camps, etc. For further information or ta register cati: 1-(905) 623-7336 Home of the Bowmanville Pony Club GRIST MILL AUCTION $ CENTRE, Newtonville MAY 8th, FRIDAY $ 6:00 P.=. Selling the contents from the home of Hazel and Aif $ Pigott, Orono, and the attractive antiques from a $ Private Estate: Mahogany table and 6 chairs, 8 pc. Provincial lning suite, 2 $ Pine harvest tables, 2 armoires, 2 wardrobes, $ oak table, walnut display case, occasional tables, vanlty dressers, Empire $ high boy chest, rockers, antique .telephone, 1945 teddy bear, trunks, tools, $ garden and patio equipment, appliance $ mulcher, knitting machine, Electrolux vac, glassware, dishes, $ collectibles, craft supplies, and numerous $ other articles. This la a large Autction. Preview at 2:00 p.m. $Auction at 6:00 p.m. TERMS: Cash, Approved $ cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac AUCTIONEER $FRANK STAPLETON 905-786-2244 1-800-263-9886 AUCTION SALE ADS (continued page 13.) THE NAIL STATION TTreer Trainîng Center. Becomne a technician, career training available- in artificial nails, ear candling, tips, coatings, pedicures, waxing. Student financing now available. (905) 723-8083 6lanie( G- 6lanting IFine Firearm & Coffecti6(es Collections & Estate Appraisals A Specialty In Home Service Available GUNS BOUGHT, SOLO, TRADED 5331 Main Street, Orono 983-6480 email: dbanting@&Istar.ca Fruit Market ffghway 35/115, Southa of Orono Telephone: 983-5628 NOW AVAILABLE FRESH CUT ASPARAGUS FROM OUR GARDEN $1.95a lb. $4.29 akg. e Hot blouse Tomatoes *Hot House Cucumbers & Lettuce Box Plants Wiley's 100% Grape Juice ýESTATE AUCTION STAFFORD'i,;'l>'ý : MONUMENTS 143,-ýKing St. E. Bowm'anville (905) 623-8150 > 1 TOLL FREE A -800-461-4848 ELDENE EDWARDS, (905) 983-8105ýiÈ:ý'; ToMeHENDERSQ.We 983- 9 8 CEMETERY --ý RK R8.115K AýjF .e: 1