a. e a e - mue NoeoIle MacDonald, goes for gold Ten year old Nicole MacDonald of Orono will be among the elite of Ontario's gymnasts com- peting for the provincial titie this weekend. By virtue of winning top honours in three provincial qualifiers--Markham, East York and Scarborough, Nicole, advancesto the Youth Championships being held in Cambridge May 8, 9, and 10 compet- ing at the novice 3 level.. Nicole is a member of the Gemini Gymnasties Club in Oshawa who is sending a record number of athîctes to the Provincial Cham pion-ships this year. Nicole is the daughter'of Teresa and Bruce Ma cDonald and attends Orono Public Sehool. Good luck Nicole! SOCCER - The soccer program is flelding eighteen teams this season with a total of 275 players registering. Games are slated to start the week of May 1 7th. For addi- tional information please contact Soccer Convener Gord Lowery at 983-5236. With.record setting soccer enroîlment, President of the OAAA, Ray Bester com-' mented that the soccer pitch- es wiil be well used this sea- son! SOFTBALL - Two ban- tam teams and one peewee teamn were formed this sea- son with 35 players register- ing in total. Sehedule slated to begin week of May i 2th. For additional informa- tion please eall Softball Convener Neil Allun at 983- 5791. BASEBALL - Five teams were formed with--T-Ball, 4 Pitch, Tykes, Mosquitoes and Bantams each flelding a team. Registration totalled 75 players. Schedule gets underway week of May i 7th. For more information cali Basebaîl Convener Art Reid at 983-9495. HOCKEY- There wiii be fifleen teams this season-- two more than last year including 1 mite, 1 minor tyke, 2 major tyke, 3 novice, 3 at om, 2 peewee, 2 -bantam, and i midget team. Rep hockey coaches have now been selected. At the Novice heim will be Geo Vey; Atom - Boyd Knox; Peewee - Dale Milison; Bantam - John Tresise; and Midget - Art Reid. Hockey registration totalled 228 pla 'ers with 46 players on a waiting iist from outside the Orono OMHA area. Alîstar try-outs will get underway approximateiy September i st. For addition- ai information please cali Hockey Convener Ray Bester at 983-5584. Apple Blossom novices 'B' cha'mps T he Apple- Blossom Shop house. league novices finished the year as Novice Division 1 'B' chamn- pions. Pictured left to right Back Row - Assistant Coach Brad Leech, Coach Frank Maitland, Tramner Rick Hlowe; Middle Row- Kyle Balson, Lucas Leech, Heather Maitland, Robin Henderson, Jesse Rice; Front Row (veaIed) Scott H-enderson, Daniel Hodgson, Troy Webster, Mark Franko, Gregci Howe, Devin Robinson, Andrew Kirkbride, Michael H-icks. Missing - Paul Bridger,1 Ben McKeivie. Tîps on getting your gas -barbecue ready -for use in, the sprîng (NC)--Check the gas hose or suppiy uine for nicks cuts, cracking or abrasions. Replace only with factory authorized parts if found to be unserviceable. Check ail gas connec- tions, with a soap and water solution. Any bubbles that form 'or grow indicate a leak. If bubbles occur, shut offgas, tighten the fitting and re-test. Afier checking, rinse the soap solution off with clear- water. If a leak should persist,,do not use barbecue. Shut off gas and cati for a service man. Check under and around the controis, valves and burners for dirt, leaves, cob webs or anything that wouid affect the flow of combus- tion or ventilation of air. These areas must be clear. Check the burners for obstructions, such as spider webs. C Jean out, if neces- sary. After moving barbecue in position, if portable, check screws, boîts and nuts for tightniess. If stationary, also check screws, boîts and nuts for tightness. We recommend, thor- oughly cleaning the grill once a year. Clean'the cook- ing grill before each use by using a brass grill brush or a piece of crumpled aluminum foi I. Don't locate the barbecue near combustible materialls, gasoline and other flamma- ble vapors and liquids. Check your Owner's Manual for any required maintenance and re-read al] "Warnings and Operating Instructions". Don't test the grill in an enclosed area. 111 Use outdoors only., Mushroom Soup Au Gratin (NC)-Rich in-mushroom flavour, this soup is alm-ost a meal in itself. Just add a salad and dinners ready,. 2 tbsp 30 mL butter 4 cups i L sliced assorted Ontario Mushroomns (White, Crimini, Portobeilo, Shiitake, Oyster) 1 small onion, chopped 2 tbsp 30 mL ail purpose flour 6 cups 1.5 L chicken stock1 1/2 cup 125 mL dry white wine 1 strip lemon peel 1/4 tsp 1 mL each: ground nutmeg, pepper and sugar 1 slice bacon 1 clove garlic 3 tbsp 45 mL chopped parsley 6-8 suices French bread, about 1/2-inch thick, toasted Shredded Swiss cheese Grated Parmesan cheese In a large heavy saucepan or Dutch oven, meit butter. and sauté musliroomns and onions; stir frequently until1 tender and lightly browned-. Sprinkle with flour; cook 2 minutes. Add chicken stock, wine, lemon peel, nutmeg, pepper and sugar. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and sim- mer, covered, 30 to 40 minutes. Meanwhile, in mini chopper or food processor', combine bacon, garlie and parsley; process until smooth paste forms. Stir into soup,- bring back to boil and cook 5 to 10 minutes longer. Ladie soup into ovenproof bowls. Float bread on top; sprinkle with Swiss and Parmesan cheese. Place under broiler until bubbiy and lightly browned. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Environment Week May 31- June 6 A job for everyone (NC) OTTAW A-En v iron lten t partieipating. the resuit wI Week is a tiirne to take action on personal be health ierIl e i gh1 activities that can help safeguard the boLlrhoods. I environnment and rediice pollutants hein- îH,,e i<'Ol, ' £e,(lAV 4oO/A discharged into the atrosphere. fior Eni'irop,,wut Veek '98: In planning for Enviroumnent Week «.walk. bike 0or use puibliC [tiansit tor May 31 inne 6. every one clau help, two mlore trips ecd week to reduce pi oteet thei erviomet hough libeing car enlissions; aware ud chagiug outine Litt e * i eîCepesticile Luse ou garcleus and thi~ ~ ~ ~~~C1-1l ne nba a ugt h onr awns: aund rahe tan drIli v illng. siug a111leratives [ô . take t he lead in naki n eothers aware licrhicides- .. wIith ore aud m ilore people of the envii onient. Orono Amateur Athletic Association 1998 sports program upda te