Orn elyT1tme . ednesday, May. :6,.1998 - 5 INTERACTIVE HEALTH TOMMY TOOTH GREENS KEEP ME WHITE î picked up a bag of potato chips today, with the idea of checkçing out the ingredients. There was a time,, not too many years, past, when -I would have stuffed them into my face in a fit of hunger craving,_ convincing mys eif thiat they were, afrer ail, com- posed of healthy potatoes!!! It ain't necessarily so! The list of ingredients on this par- ticular package, in order, naines hydrogenated canola oil, second, after 'selected potatoes'. Can)ola oul aside.,(it has had Uts own share of bad press in the last few years and the Iatest word on this ou -is that it is safe for cooking onily up to a temperature of 140 degrees F) some thoughts on hydrogenation miZht be in order. You'll see this word, in connection wth fats and ols on a number of products; and fast foods. Hydrogenation is a process that changes the unsaturated and essential fatty acids (healthy foods) that are pre- sent in natural ofis, and turns them into hard fats. This pro- cess makes the food VIRTU- ALLY UNSPOILABLE. .Catalysts often used in the production are nickel and alurninum. Remnants remain in the food. Altered fat substances- becorne what are known as transý-fatty'acids, and these materiais are known to be detrimental to heaith as they interfere with our body's nor- mal biochemistry. For exainple, they increase the llver's workload, as it tries to detoxify incoming pollu- tion, etc. Essential Fatty Acids, you'll remember. are used to createelectrical currents in the body, they MAKE Il? WORK. Monosodium glutamate is on the list. This item, which is found in a lot of Chinese food is added to'enhance taste'. It performs this task by making your tastebuds work over-. time, with the long-term result that one needs an ever increasing amount of this stuf just to taste your food. Your tastebuds get plum womn out, and cease adequate function. MSG, which con- tains sodium diacetate and artificial flavour, is actualiy an amino acid, produced by fermentation, found in count- less soups, sauces, gravies, 90% of saiad dressings, ice cream, snack foods, tuna fish, baby food and nearly anything with the word ilavourings'. It is also in most diet foods. According to Dr. Sherry Rogers, medical doctor and author, "MSG belongs to a 1cate-dory of food additives by Pat Irwln Lycett, RN., B.Sc., Certified Iridologist,, Registered Nutritional' Consultant "POTATO CHIPS - SO DELICIOUS! TOO BAD THEYRE SO unNUTRITIOUS called excitotoxins, which rev up the brain receptors that make you feel stimulated or slightly excited. This actuaily, wears out the nerves, distort- ing brain channels, causing brain, celîs t'O die. Unfortunately, children and the elderly, with their imma- ture or aging 1Immune sys- tems are most vuinerable to the effects of MSG." In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration has catego- rized MSG as 'generally rec- ognized as safe', and it Is oten listed as 'hydrolyzed vegetable protein'. So BEWARE. The only way to avoid it altogether is to1 eat FRESH, whole foods, and I've heard it, said that any food that can remain on the shelf for more than three days has little nutritive vaiue. Since our country is caught up in a low-fat, no-fat craze, almost, at times, for- getting that'our bodies des- perately need the good fats, new products are entering the market designed to substi- tute. I'm sure you've heard of Olestra or Olay which is made of table sugar and a combi- nation of cottonseed and soy ofis that are rich in pesticides. Olestra, though not present in the bag I purchased this morning, needs to be investi- gated. C ottonseed oul is, in fact, NOT AFOOD and thus is not subject to the normai restrictions on chemical use during its growth. AmaZingly, 'Agent Orange' which was used as a defoliant in the Vietnam-war Is often used to extract the cotton from the plants, there by saving the fingers of cotton pickers. What else is wrong with Olestra? It inhibits the absorption of the fat-soluble vitainins A, D, E, & K,,Beta carotene and some drugs whlch are used to stave off cancer and cardiovascular disease. Harvard scientists show that just 15-20 olestra potato chips can drop your beta carotene level by'60%/. So, a person eating this stuif is well on their way to nutrient défi- ciencies. Once your normal nutrient levels are compro- mised by processed foods, itfs a downhill course, because these nutrients are badly needed by the body, not only to FEED YOURSELF, but aiso to detoxif the everyday pollutants now present in al our water, air and food. Apparently, Proctor and Gamble, in their attempt to gain approval from the FDA set out to prove the olestra was non-toxic. Because they knew that olestra inhibited the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, they fed the rats, in the test group of the study, extra vitamins. The control group of rats received no extra vitamlins. In real science a test group Is neyer given an advantage over the control group or the results are UNSCIENTIFIC. 1 could go on and on, but suffice it to say, if you have an opportunIty to exchange a fruit bar or granola bar or, DARE I SAY IT, an apple for your snack, you'll be goinga long way to producing a heaithy host. - a body pre- pared to fight off the onslaught of incoming toxins, bacteria and other disease- producing invaders. AN OENIVIATO 0%F CLAmrINGTObN. As Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer of Ontario Hydro, 1 would like to invite Clarington residents to join Darlington Site Vice President, Bob Strickert and me at a public meeting on May 13, 7-9 PM at Bowmanville High School. The meeting is one of the ways in which Ontario Hydro lis focusing on our goal of being more open, accountable and responsive to neighbours' concerns. <A key recommendation of the Independent lntegrated Performance Assessment released last August was to set specific goals for the nuclear recovery program and to monitor progress on a continuing basis. We are committed to ensuring this takes place. One of the purposes of the May 13 meeting is to report on our progress to, date, specifically in the areas of public safety, environmental performance, emptoyee safety and production performance. The staff of the Darlington Nuclear Station are highly skilled professionals dedicated to improving the performance of the station on every measurement. This includes a commitment to building a strong and sustaining relationship with the local community. Staff members will be at the meeting to answer questions and listen to your concerns. We look forward to seeing you on May 13, sharing our progress with you and hearing your views on how we can do better. Bob Strickert Site Vice President, Darlington Nuclear Generating Station G.Carl Andognini Executive Vice President, and Chief Nuclear Officer Q > Ontario Hydro