S - Orono Weekly 'Dines, Wednesday, May 6, 1998 I. Nvew computer shop opened Lefi to right: Ed Vanhaverbeke, Adam Reiss, Colin Mackay, Mayor Hamre and Sid Reiss ail took part in the ribbon cutting cer- emony last Thursday, that officially opened Durham Computer Systems in Newcastle. From the Village' of Newcastle, Durham Computer Systems offers computer sales, leasing, service and software within a few minutes, any- where in East Clarington. General Manager Adam Reiss and Technical Specialist Colin Mackay have over seven years of experience working with computers. Clarke Newsu (continued from page 7) secret messages and played the roles of soldiers. It was as close to the real thlng without the mud and bullets. Now Mrs. Leina Andrews is asklng for memrbers of the commu- nity to donate World War I and Il artifacts, such as maps or pictures, which will be copied and then stored in a minii archive. This should help the students realize how these wars were fought by people from their own corn- munity. For more informa- tion, caîl Mrs. Andrews at Clarke. Can your child hear you? (NC) Is your child especially slow in learning to talk? Does your child ignore your voice when his/her back is turned? Does your child talk differently than most children his/her age? This type of behaviour could indicate a hearing Ioss. Early detection of a hearing loss in children is important- and requires professional help. Contact an audiologist- a professional tand oeaut and treat people wit hharng disders, The atioal oic e of speh- ng e pathologists adadoic> i sts 1<(800) 259-8519 vww caslpa.ca Durham Computer Systems provides both an installation service and on-site trainmng. Adam and Colin can build a computer to your specifications using the latest Intel proces- sors, provide upgrades and build small computer networks. They will also do repairs in your hom e or business, or at their shop at 71 King St. West in Newcastle. Adamn has recently moved to Newcastle, and is looking forward to getting acquainted with the community. Even if you're not in the market for a computer, Adam and Colin invite you to drop by for a chat. HOSPITAL E1ERGENCY DEPARTME14T GETS A 'FACELIF1t' People nee<ding Emergency services at Memorial Hospital Bowmanviiie over the next few months Wpn't be the only ones receiving care. The Emergency Department ât the Hospital will undergo somte modifica- tions to enhafice Patient pri- vacy and confldentiality, comn- fort and safetY. During the renovations, the Emergency Department W-111 stilI be open to serve patiefits. "-We're injtiating these modifications in response to comments -rom patients, their families. and Hospital and medical Ptaff," explains Marlon Tink, the Hospital's Prograxn Diretor for Critical Care. The chafiges to the Department Iicrlude: - redesigning the patient registration afiea to allow for seating and privacy during registration *implementing a number- ing systemn to cal Patients in the waiting ârea, and elimi- nating the ëlrrent white- board sign-in e adding diiders between stretchers to replacethe cur- rent curtairi$ to improve patient privaêy during exam- mnations, an-d when receiving test results a relocatinà the area where patients are reglsterlng to R separate room, away fromn the often-congested main corri- dor e prov iding ai play area for youngsters âway fromn the main waiting room area to reduce congestion in the hall- way Work in the area begins i early May and Is expected to be completed in July at a cost of approxlmately $25.000. The rnoney for the project is from existing Hospital funds. "We apologize for any dis- ruption durlng this tempo- rai-y inconvenience," says Ms. Tink. "Once this work is com- pleted, we will look forward to being able to provide our patients and their familles with much-improved patient care surroundings." NEW SURGICAL SUITES AT HOSPITAL - OPEN HOUSE TO CELEBRATE The public is invited to cel- ebrate the opening of newly- renovated Surgical Suites at Memorial Hospital Bowmanville by attending an Open House on Tuesday, May l2th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Renovations to the new operating room area were completed earlier this year, and an open house was planned to coincide with Canada Health Day (May 12th). Canada Health Day celebrates the birthday of plo- neering nurse, Florence Nightingale. The' Hospital serves a growmng population in Clarington, and Operatlng Room staff at the Hospital realized that they needed larger facilities to meet increasing demands for sur- gical services, and to accom- modate equipment need.ed to perform increasingly complex procedures. The new area has two large general operatlng 'DIAI4.. News from Memorial Hoeý.ýPÎtaI - Bowmanville] rooms and one room for minor procedures. Renovations began in mld - 1997 and were completed ea rlier this year. At the same time, the Operatlng Room Is now beside the Hospital's Same Day Surgery area, creatlng consolidated Surgical Suites. The new area allows a smooth patient flow from Same Day Surgery to the OR, the recov- ery room, and back to Same Day Sur gery to prepare for discliarge. Staff in the Operatlng Room wIll be provlding tours of the Surgical Suites, and the public are welcome to vlew equlpment purchased through donations to the Hospltal's Foundation. Please note that emergency surgical services will stili be provided. Refreshments will be pro- vlded. For more informnation, con- tact the Publ ic Relations Department at the Hospital at (905) 623-3331. May 4-10 www.pitch-in.ca Register "on-line" with PITCH-IN CANADA! .......... .. . - - ............... ................ e77= 8 - Orono Weekly Mmes, We-clnesday, May 6,1998