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Orono Weekly Times, 13 May 1998, p. 12

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12 Orono WeeklyTixnes, Wedtoesday, May 13, 1998 Canadiens in WVV2 CBC broad- casts highly acclaimed "No Prîce Tee High"s No Price Too High, the documentary series on Canadian participation in the second World War will have its national premiere on CBC Television, beginning Sunday May 17, 1998. The powerful television documentary pays tribute to the Canadians who participated in World War Il - young Canadians whose collective courage and spirit led to victo- ry. The series traces Canada's role from the pre-war years when Prime Minister Mackenzie King found himself charmed by the "appealing and affectionate look" in Adoîf Hitler's eyes, to the develop- ment of the A-bomb that finally put an end to the most destruc- tive conflict in history. Narrated by Arthur Kent, No Price Too High chronicles Canada's role in the major events of the war, including The Battie of Britain, Dieppe and D-Day. Incorporating the personal letters, photographs and diarïes of many Canadians including those at home, No Price Too High reflects the hopes, dreams, heartbreaks, fears and terrors of young men and women suddenly swept into a world of destruction, conflict and chaos. The six-part CBC-TV broadcast schedule is as fol- lows: * Sunday May 17, 1998 7 - 8 p.m. PartI1 * Sunday May 24, 1998 7 - 8 p.m. Part II * Sunday May 31, 1998 7 - 8 p.m. Part 111 * Sunday June 7, 1998 7 - 8 p.m. Part IV * Wednesday June 10, 1998 8 - 10 p.m. Parts V & VI The making of No Price Too High is a story in itself. Angered at the unbalanced view presented in The Valour and The Horror, former minis- ter of National Defence Barney Danson wrote a letter to the paper. After meeting with pro- ducer Richard Nielsen, who had been developing a World War Il series, the two formed a united front. Danson formed a Foundation to raise most of the $2.1I million production budget, and Nielsen produced the sertes. 1Danson vowed that "I will not die until.this series is made" - and s0 it was. SATURDAY, MAY 23/98 11:00 a.m. Selling the estate of the late Lew Johnson, R. R. #2. Port Hope. on location Hwy. 28. 3 iles north of Hwy. 401 (park along Hope Twp. Conc. 4). "Vintage Cars, Vehicles, Equipment, Household Contents, Furniture and Antiques:" 1930 Ford Model A Sport Coupe (Rumble Seat, LH Emergency Brake); 1926 Ford Model T-Tudor Coach; 1926 Ford Model T-2 Door Coupe, (Wire Wheels, New Upholstery); 1947 Chev Fleetmaster (6 cyl. 4 Door): Large Supply of Vintage Parts and Accessories; 1989 Buick Park Avenue (6 cyci. 4 dr., loaded, 170,000 km. certified); 1988 Chev. Silverado Plckup (8 cyl., auto, loaded, 148,000 km., Certified); 1967 Willys Jeep TY (4 cyl.. w/plow): JD-420W Gasx Tractor w/Loader; Ferguson Mower (3 pth.); Mott Mower (3 pth): Walco Rotary Mower (3 pth): Cub Cadet 1811 Riding Mower (18 HP/50" Deck) Smoker Craft 14 ft. Aluminum Boat, Motor and Trailer; 15 ft. Tandem Trailer; Moore Double Skidoo Trailer: Garden Utility Trailer, 3 Van Storage Boxes, Fridge; Stove: Microwave; Washer: Dryer: Freezer; Dehumidifier: Power Tread Mill; VCR; Stereo: 7 pe. Maple Dinette Suite:, 9 pc. Walnut Depression Dinlng Suite:, 2 Pc. Chesterfield; Coffee Suite: Double Sofa Bed: Double Craftmatic Bed: Dressers: Chests; Cedar Chest: Linens: Bedding; Occasional Chair: Occasional Tables:, Lamps; Parlour Table:, Washstands: 3 Antique Rockers: 10 Crocks: aid Radios: Old Phone and Numerous Other Articles. Household Contents Seli at 11:00 a.m. Vintage Autos seli at 1:00 p.m. "Ail Good Original Vebicles" TERMS: Cash, Approved Cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac AUYCTIONEER FRANK G. STAPLETON Newtonville 905-786-2244 1-800-263-9886 13, 20 ac MONDAY, MAY 18 at 11:00 a.m. at PETHICK8 AUCTION BARN, HAYDON Vlewlng front 9:00 a.m. VictoriaDay contents Auction of Antiques and Collectables for George and Stella Carson, lifetime residents of Orono who are glving up housekeeping. List includes oak daybed, drop leaf table, globe clawfoot parlour table, Victorian velvet settee (6 pieces), Sherlock Manning upright piano, piano bench, occasional tables, plant tables. Rogers silverware and chest, blanket box, old wooden chairs, RCA floor model TV. wooden kitchen table, dining room suite (6 chairs), buffet and hutch, mantel dlock, set of Limoge dishes, oak table, antique cupboard, dresser w/swing mirror, old cans, bedroom suite, chesterfoeld suite, feather pillows, recliner, fireplace with 8 track sterco. records, exercise bike, F.F. fridge, Viking side by side fridge, wooden step stool, 12 cu. deep freeze, hall mirrors. wringer washer. apple ladder. orange crates, wooden tool box, old tools in excellent condition, set of dishies (12 setting), old cups and saucers, brass tea sets, jewellry crystal, cranberry glass, depression glass, silver trays, carnival glass, lamps, small kitchen appl., pots and pans, canning pots, (granite, cast iron). Jar cutlery, garden tools, lawn furniture, linens, paintings, area rugs, books, music books, folding chairs. electricmower, many more items. Termas: Cash, Cheque with ID or Visa. AUCTIONEER DON STEPHENSON 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9829 CLASSIFIEOS orsovoi/Yr Potenfiel as0an inormation brofier, Canule o toxesot groMlng Franchine. Exclosive opportonily. Profit from 'the yosr'2000 bug'. xmploymxni and computer based training. 1-888-679-2201. AMAZING FACT. Thle Interniet wiit growi by 2700% in 24 inox. Earn op 10 l5k/mo. milfi Canalas lastest giowlrrg Internet Franchise. Ful traini ng, inveslenoReqI t-1.88. 678-758& FINALI.Y..HEALTIIIER HOME S! TheBx sobes WitIin' Ar.corlmng tb Aolbmu Socielies in Canada, cieuning meli ols relying on mnaosive amounis ot moiture Io clxxxcor. pets nMay bo rtxmesiog b your fleaiffi.Anr Ideal prescrip. ion for ifiese problamu le CIlei-Drys puteofed rtep clean, quiofi rry, procexo. Deep clxxoing occure bacauxo of the inicredile pulenled Hot Cxrbonatlng Extraction pro. ceso relIer [han 00109 Iarofi cbemicals. Checki your ysl- ow pages xod ry if. Youil nove ir For francfiloa informa, bion ENTREPRENEURS cutit: i-800-665-9090. COOL BUSINESS. ICE CREAM BIKES. Dufributoi roqirel immxdiatxly. 'Ne oxpply equlpmxxt, exclusioe proluclu, training anI support. Smali invesiment. Prover Incoma Dlckre Dxx 1-888-809-4124. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... vvilf our greal borne olody course. Cxli loduy for yoxr FREE BOOK. 1-800. 267-I820. Thie Wriing Scbooi, 38 MoArtbur Aoenue Soite 3031, Ottawa, ON KIL 6M 12 COUNSELLOR TRAINING Inofitute 0f Canada oflers on campus und corresporteoce courses ovard a Diptopra in COsolseiiing Practice, f0 fiegin thill moxtb. Free ceta logue, cuti O4hrro. 1-800-665-7044. SAWIVILI $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planku beams. Large caPacity. Boustswll Ivalue errywhere Free irtormation 1-800-566-6899. Norwol Sawmmlis R R 2. Klwxrtfy, Ontario POE 1fG0 PMS, MENOPAUSE, STECPQROSIS. Naturel piogea lerona creum exbriea PMS, reilevas menopauue dis trossas, preoxora risk of oteoporosix und rsstoreu boni mass. Fie tape dtocumeots benefitu. Cati: 800-652 2216. JOCuS ED- UCA NAL TS- Cibain 0occeno fut yaaIr xCnda.LxObI g oicosuralufrerex Our quatity toys, garnes, crae trxbbraparties fuodruluars, catalogua sales. I1 -01487 x.94g6, $ATTENTION STUDENTs$ Maire a lt fmxney seltinlc cboclxfs bars. Newn prxducts available, Noffing fa puy ir uloaxce. Fautl eliiery 1-800-383-3589. LUUtSING R.I A NEW OAFIEER or jus( need extra mons@y? Seit C&M Grils' unique line ut allordable home decor, loys and gifla. CaliI 519-258-7905, Fao'SlO9-258- 0707 for Ires catalogues and Information about hiismon- derut opportenlty. KATYS CLOSET- LADIES FASHION- DIRECT SALES. Looking for entfiuslaoîlc, motvated people f0 open up Eastern Onloo For more information caîl Suzanne WIlo don t.800-578.7717. HAVE YDU CONSLILTED REAL CLAIRVOYANTS sord medium$ betore? Tiran coma discover the uneoplicabta axperiences of Karonoxox Zaomort f mc.>, 28 yearo eope- danoce; oery precse, Shx con describe and give you your olgo. Lexmn froin her other welI fiiown mediomo and clairý voyants. To mid ouf your lfera, ýCALL 1-900-451-9602. t8,6.9mn,24 hrs/7days. CANADIAN PSYCHICS- Uncooar yoer dxstiny 24 biru. Le stel yo lth fe asers Accurale and Aflordabis 1. 900-451-7070 $2,80/min. 18+. MALE IMPOTENCE coreclsd and preosolsf. Daclie asoclafsd wttb e.a medicaliona, aaîgary, daeaes, iniury cxxtfia overcome. Fee irformaion/udvice; Perfor- mance Mect lLtd Go 8e92 Vernon, P., VIT SMB . 800-663-0121, LACK SELF-CONFIDENCE? Tben boy, rexd and use "Dianetlcs' by L. Rox Hubbsrd, xxly $8.99 (pf)+GST. Cal 1-800561-5808 lnday. PIONEER MANUFACTURED $st01l fi legs Thesbrund yoo con trust, We Worx'tsqoeeze yox lno tolsry buIlit lng. Pricing fIlat cao scconrmxrJxle uy burtget. Cali 1- 800-668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. 100% Galvalume Steel, guarantesd 20 Yeats. Egirered lx tot a ifetîme. Invest n thie basf. Many mortels. Frox estimuto Fxctxry-Direct. t-8000-668-8663 ext 536. HOLLOW VALLEï YEAR ROUND COTTAG-- E3ESOT. Tws vacation hoxmes att. Wers $50900 ,.nw $49,900 wth wafertront slle. fIent oesfor ftpiaweekdaya. Cxli 1-888-839-I1864. BUYING STERLING SILVER CUTLERY, sets or singls places, silvar teaeet, napin rings, Moorcroft. Gouda, jeweilery, Hummels, Royal Douleo, olIver plate. For pri- vule appoIlelMeOf 1-800-267-2732, 514-684-3S28. Lîam says: "My Dad ha.s somet hing for everyonet' f Fantastic Starter or Gorgeous Country Home - $169,900 Retirement Home ---- Lovely 2+1 bedroom bungalow located close to schools, shopping and 401. LandsCaped property with rose gar- dens, mature trees, fenced backyard and huge storage shed. Rock maple flooring under broadloom on ground floor. Shingles are 1 year old. Cornes with fridge & stove. Perfect for commuters! $109,999. Absolutely gorgeous 3 bedroom raised bungalow sîts on more than 19 acres of mixed hardwood and cedar. Sliding glass doors lead from kitchen t0 solarium overlooking stocked, spring-fed pond. Features a floor to ceiling fire- place,wood burning stove in rec room. Gleamirsg oak floors, cedar deck, green-house--too many extras, 10 list! Canadlin HemophiI'ia Society - ~ ~ ~ ~ j W raUrttdbybloo4l, NC r SERVING DURHAM REGION SI& 14 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID "Wfzere fProfessionaItEtiquette is Important- Funerat Directors Paul R. Morris -Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING VOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 Division St, Bowmanvllle www.pitch-in.c:a]

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