~A~T~V~) I ~ ~'J- ~ V -Qfwý 4- Orono Weekly Ttmes~ Wednesday. May 2O~ 1998 s. p e - Bantam girls softball F rontier RV walks over Solina The first game of the HOST Girls Softball League got underway last Tuesday night featuring a matchup with Frontier RV and Solina bantams. Frontier took the game 25 - 22 but it was Solina who beat themselves issuing 18 walks-- 14 of which came in to score. Melonie Allun earned the win for Orono. Frontier pitch- ing staff struck out seven Solina batters, walking three givîng up nineteen hits. Frontier's Heather Houston led offensively with 5 plate appearances hitting 2 singles, walking three times and scor- ing five runs. Short-stop Eleni Koukidis went 4-5 with two doubles, 2 singles and scoring three while Melonie Allin went 3-4 with a single, 2 dou- bles with a walk also scoring three times. 110ST LEAGUE TEAMS Frontier RV - Orono 1 Coached by John Witheridge Assistant Coaches Bob Witheridge and Ashley West. Players include: Jennifer Duquette, Melonie Aluin, Adni Demeter, Patty Thomas, Connie Wood, Marley Gimblett, Heather Houston, Stacey Trotter, Eleni Koukidis and Rebecca Jackson. Canadian Tire - Orono 2 Coached by Mike Netusil and Assistant Coach Steve Sawyer. Players include: Ashley Dwyer, Ashley Bickell, Kristen Sawyer, Jodi Griffen, Michelle Netusil, Lindsey Carter, Amanda Griffen, Patricia Rylance Erin Games for the Month of May Monday, May 18 Port Hope at Kendal Friday, May 22 Kendal at Belleville Monday, May 25 Kendal at Peterborough Wed., May 27 Kendal at Scarborough Sunday, May 31 Whitby at Kendal Games for the Month of June Tuesday, June 2 Kendai at Port Hope Sunday, June 7 Markham at Kendai Sunday, June 14 Oshawa at Kendal Friday, June 19 Kendal at Belleville Sunday, June 21 Belleville at Kendal Wed., June 24 Kendai at Oshawa Sunday, June 28 Scarborough at Kendal Monday, June 29 Kendal at Peterborough Games for the Month of iuIy Wed., JuIy 1 Sunday, July 5 Saturday, iuly il Sunday, JuIy 12 Tuesday, JuIy 21 Wed., JuIy 22 Sunday, Juiy 26 Monday, July 27 Wed., JuIy 29 Kendal at Port Hope Oshawa at Kendal Ajax at Kendal Port Hope at Kendai Kendal at Whitby Kendal at Oshawa 1:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 1:00 7:30 1:00 1:00 7:30 1:00 7 :30 1:00 7:30 3:30 1:00 1:00 17:300 7:30 P.m. P.m. P.m. P,.. p.m. P.m. P.m. P.m. P.m. P.m. p. P.m. P.m. P.m. p. m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Peterborough at Kendal *DH* 12 noon Kendal at Ajax 7:30 p.m. Kendal at Markham 7:15 p.m. Games for the Month of August Sunday, August 2 Belleville at Kendal 1:00 p.m. Rutherford, and Ashlee Hendry. Steve's Diesel - Peewees Coached, by Bob O'Neil and Assistant Coach Doug Henderson. Players include: Carolyn MeCoîl, Becky Reid, Michelle Henderson, Jennifer Hender-sun, Katie O'Neil, Laura Trim Laura Williamson, Kimberley Kindpatluk, Vanessa Maynard, Jillian Bugden, Meghan Sawyer, Tina Cumby, Erin MacDonald, Katie Knapp. Being early in the season, Convenor Neil Allun says the strength of each teamn will be assessed and some changes may be made to even them out--possibly by the end of next week. kendal lagles take season opener Th e 1998 Quantnill Kendal Eagles started off on a win- ning note by defeating Port Hope 10-5 on home turf Sunday afternoon. Eagle's- ptcher Mike Robinson earned the win while reliever Cory Baker picked up the salve. Port Hopes Bidon Perry suffered the loss. Brad Robinson was top batter for Kendal, coming to the plate four times and beit- ing 3 safeties with 4 RB's. Cory Fenton went 2-4 batting in 3 base runners. Leading the way for Port Hope was Scott Baron smacking 2 homeruns. The Kendal Eagles mark their 27th season of senior basebaîl in Kendal at Harvey Jackson Park. Next home game is Sunday, May 3lst with a 1:00 p.m. start. At the helm of the '98 Kendal Bagles is Bill Britton with assistant coach Scott Robinson and manager Mike Robins on. Team members include Gerry Thompson, Jim Newton, John Robirnson, Mike Robinson, Brad Robinson, Jason Carroll, Cory Blaker, Steve Dawe, Ed Bird, Troy Poster, Steve West, Cory Fenton, Tyler'Douglas Tim Furness, and Mike Landers. Fax your scores, gaine sheets, sehedules, t e am lists, sporting event news or statistics to the Orono Weekly Times at phone/fax 983-5301 or e-mail to us at oronotimes @ speedline.ca. You may drop it -off at 1053 Main Street, Orono during hours or use our mail siot after hours. Starting pitcher, Melonie Allun of the Frontier RV Bantam girl1s. M Brigitte Brown I FiEGift Certificaies 15, PM HERTý; available. 15J Pecieures Nw Ils WaxingEyelashq I 1Nail Extensions Mr. 1Ear Candling ESTHETIC STUDIO inin 51171 MilI St., Orono, Ontario LOB IMO * 905-983-8169 The Bowmanville Drama Workshop will be holding auditions on Wednesday, June 3rd, 7:00 p.m. at the Court Room #1 on Church St. The auditions are for our Fali production "Which Witch is Which?, a children's musical. There are five parts, one maie and four female, for ages 20 and up. Singing is required. For more information cali John at 623-5724 KENDAL EAGLES BASEBALL SCHEDULE m ...........