2- Oronio Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 3. 19%-) Q"RONO "WEEKLY TIMES Subscriptions $21* 50 + $ 1.50 G S.T.= $23.00/year. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Publishing 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 53,10 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO E-Mail Address: oronotimes@#,speedline.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher! Editor Marg Zwart Some hideous signs By: Yvonne Schoenmaker-Majtland, The Apple Blossom Shop 1 was very disappointed to discover the NO SKATEBOARDING signs posted on either end of Orono's downtown like gargoyles waming what-would-be trespassers of the by-Iaw "89-107'. Moreover, my disappointment was escalated when 1 realized that these signs were directed to a certain number of our youth - very athletic and talented youth I miglit add, whom had they been per- forming their various forms of athletics on a field or in an arena, would be cheered for, boosted and admired. Suddenly, an attack on a more powerless group of individuals seems to be the precedent. I have fond childhood memories of growing up in Orono. Our local confectionary, where the Village Bakeshop is now located, sold 2 cent licorice. If we uIîly had a penny, the shopkeeper, "Mr. Rainey", would simply cut a licorice in two, to make the sale and make us happy. 1 guess that's why I'm stili a loyal local'downtown customer. Furthermore, 1 arn also a local downtown merchant of some 15 years and I arn embarrassed to have these sigus littering "my" downtown. I'm sure, if the skateboarders were interfering with the traffic or damaging the property near or in front of my shop, 1 would have no difficulty in speaking directly to those individuals involved. Wouldn't a tete-a-tete be more favorable to some hideous signs? Claringtoàn flot wa,%lkinlg in%to aGTSB Alan Tonks came f0 Clarington again on May 27, to further seek input from count- cillors on the proposed Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB). Tonks explained that the draft legisiation is very superficial. Workshops have been held to deal with specific issues arising from the draft legîsla- tion., An independent source was brought in to work on a mode] of representaion. Thec GTSB was to be made uip of 28 membe-rs, 14 fromn the GT IA and 14 fromn the surri-iounidinig 905 areas. Dispute r-esolution is anoth- er itemn that has f0 be lham- mered out. Tonks is convinced that the right wording will make this legisiation work. Tonks also talked a lot about inclusiveness and flexible rela- tionships. Clarington has corne up with a resolution that was dis- cussed and passed at the coun- cil meeting on June 1 st. That resolution states that should Clarington be guaranteed a vot- ing representative to the GTSB and should Clarington bc given a three-year grace period for study purposes, the Municipality of Clarington would give ifs full support and co-operation to the establish- ment of a GTSB. M r. Stockwell, the Municipal CAO said "this resolution is anything but negative." "Were talking about protection of minority righfs," said Stockwell. 1Tonks is to put his final findings to the Minister of, Municipal affairs this week. To ail concerned: On behaîf of the Orono Town Hall Board, my com- mittee and myself, I would like to express our "Thanks" to alI who participated in the celebration on May 22 and M3, - and I think made this lOOth Anniversary of our Town Hall, a memorable and successful event. To those bringing displays it is not an easy task to pack up twice, unpack twice and put away tblngs after the Show is over, it is bard work but eacb one thinks of if as "A Labour of Love." To Jack and Gloria our Newcastle friends, to Etbel, Helen, Dorotby and Thelma, to Eileen with ber memorabilia, the Rebekah Lodge, tbe Skating Club, botb serving Orono for over 50 years, to Clarke Museum, LACAC and to Gary Armstrong. Your displays were great. To our entertain- ers, Dorotby, Ed, Doreen and Roy, your talent and dress added to tbe sbow, Mayor Hamre, and to Paf and tbe Earth Angles, our fbanks. To My committee, Elizabeth, Roy and Donna Forrester, Helen and Gary, you were always willing and cerfainly helped wifh many defails. Thanks also fo tbe Board members for a beauti- ful cake and a restful pretty tea room. To Joyce, Herb, Robbie, Laverne,. Orville, Sheri, Susanand Jeffrey, we are grafeful for your assis- tance and to Marg at the Orono Times, Isabel and Hazel for your adverfising, al wriffen up SO nicely. We hope these two days bave made you as guests or workers know bow fortunate you are to live in this lovely village of Orono, full of acfiv- ity and, friendly people. Thanks to the weatberman for two lovely May 1998 after- noons and God Bless you ahl. Sincerely,> Mabel L. Goode TO THE EDITOR Information from Clarington Older Adults Association OLDER ADULT CENTRE TO BE READY THIS FALL Community seniors will soon have a new recreafion facility in the former Lions Centre on Beecb Avenue, Bowmanville. Renovations and construction sbould be completed by the fall of this year, said Chairperson Bey Wakefield at tbe lawn party to launcb a fundraising drive. The new activify centre fol- lows many years of dedicated effort by seniors in the comn- munify. Accordling to Mayor Diane Hamre, wbo paid brib- ut e fo the persistence and Letersto the Editor Orono Artfest coming June 12, 13, Guess wbo's coming to the Orono Artfest on June 12, 13, and 14, 1998? Paul & Patricia Livingston will be affending the show. Paul is a graduate of the Ontario College 0f Art. He worked over 20 years as an Art Direct or/Illustrator in the advertising and sales promo- tion business. Paul now works in partnershîp with bis wife Patricia providing a cus- tom art & gift service. Mis ver- satility in media and style allows Paul to f111 most art requirements. Paul works with watercolour and acrylic in bis paintings. Paul bas an acute sensitivity to the spirit of tbe natural world and tbe way a person can relate to it. 14 Lloyd Wilson will also be attending tbe show. A self- taugbf artist, Lloyd uses acrylic or water colour to ren- dor paintings of North American Birds and Animals in their natural settings. His painfings bave been recog- nized witb several People's Choice awards and be was invited to be the Feature Artist for Ducks Unlimited, Cobourg Chapter. His origi- nal paintings and Limited Edition Prints bave been pur- cbased by private and corpo- rate collectors tbrougbout North American. Those are only two of the many Artisfs tbat will be attending the Artfesf at the Orono Arena. ( ) n determination of the seniors, "The, first time 1 beard of Interest in a -building for seniors, I hiad.four kids in school. Now I have 10 grand- ebjîdren. Th1at's a long time to keep a dream alive." The Clarinigton Older Adult Centre will replace and expand the current crowded seniors' programn at Memoriail Park Community Hall. More space is needed for social activities as well as space to develop medical and nutri- tional programns, both impor- tant to seniors. The site was purcbased by- Clarington Coundcil for $1. 3 million with the understand- ing that the seniors them- selves would raise the $300,000 needed for equip- ment and furniisbîngs. A great beginning was announced at the lawn party when the Bowmanville Rotarians dis- played a cheque the size of a door for $50,000. The winning slogan for the fundraising drive, "Ail tbe Way with COA" was con- tributed by Jili Cooke. Bey Wakefield