Sandhblis Tee-Off Two weeks ago we reported a lone Sandbii Cranç taking the spotligbt [n thbe bird worid having ianded in for a short stay at residences on Stepbenson Road east of Newcastle Vllage. As it turned out thbe majestic bird was one of seven Sandbiil Cranes that had been under tbe tutelage of Father Goose (Bill Lshman). 0f tbe seven it is our [nformation tbat one died [n the U.S. duning the winter, the single Newcastle appearance bas been and continues to be a 'loner' 1 aving the remaining five as a unit and on tbe prowi. Lynn Helpard wbo lives on tube Town line nlortbi of Taunton Road called iast week statlng that thbe five Sandhills were at his place and stîi laced up witb their transmitters. Tben near the end of [lie week Eiieen Hienderson reports the five birds were at thbe Aryn Lee Golf Cou rse, on tbe niortul side of Tauntoni Road and were totally oblivious witb tube presence of golfers. She was afraid tbat a bird could be bit by a golf bail. Sandbiii Cranes cover a broad area during the winter and summer montbs. It would be naturai tbat tbe birds would bave reacbed tbeir nesting grounds [n the nortb in early April witb iaying starting no later tban early May. These birds bred in tbe Lake St. Clair area until the early years of tbe 2tb, century wben population of man [ncreased in tbe soutb. Colonies bave recentiy been noted on Manitoulin Island and more recently in thbe Bruce Peninsula. I4- is.quite plain thiat Lisbmian bas domesticated bis subjects and [bat the natura-l instincts bave been destroyed. The natural instincts of tbe forestu birds in thbe Ganaraska are certainly wel and alive. It does bowever require an eariy morning trip to thbe forest to bear tube birds in full song especialy the Red Eyed Vireo, tbe Oven bird and Chestnut- sided Warbiers. A bonus on a recent 6 a.m. venture was aCape May Warbler wbic Mr. Vik Silgail is, Commissioner of Durham Region's Works Department, was selected as one of the 1998 "Top Ten Pubic Works Leaders of the Year" by the Amierican Public Works Association (A.P.W.A.). Mr. Silgailis is one of only a hand- fui of Canadians to receive this honour. The 'Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year" are selected by a panel of judges from Public Works Officiais whose work reflects the highest standards of pro- fessional conduct. Durhami Region provides specialized public services including water supply, no doubt was ln migration to fartber north. One of the surprises [biis year on our visits to Lake On The Mountain in Prince Edward County lias been the smail number of Tree Swa-iiowvs we have been able to sight I. So far [bhis year tbere is one n-estintg pair and tbis is down from nupwards of four pairs in tbe past. In fact in 1996 i had piaced a bird bouse outside the sbop on a stand and went back into thbe sbop for a bammer. On my return a Tree Swailow was [nside looking out tbe bole. The pair were building a nest wtbin tbe day and duiing tbe summer raised two broods. In 1997 1 was painting tbe Martin House outside by tbe worksbop and iow and behoid a Tree Swaliow ianded on tbe bouse and left witb wbite bottoms to its feet. Later [be samne week-end I was putting up a bird bouse in tbe flower garden and as soon as I stepped back a Swallow flew down from an overbead wire and directly into tbe lbouse. limmediateiy nesting miater- il was being transported into tbe bouse. Again ariother two broods raised. This year, 1998, a bird bouse bas been up in tbe garden for tbe pastu two weeks and not a Swailow in sigbit. It's not a scientific researcb program but the Swallows just are not around that neck of the woods and perbaps nlot bere either. C'oser to home tbere bas been action in tbe back yard wltb a pair of Great Crested Flycatcbers nestlng in a box wbicb bas been in use two years out of three. Last year a lone bird calied and caiied for a couple of weeks and then apparently mnoved on. It's flot tbe case tbis yeaÈ and the two birds seem to bc great conver- sationalists. The miost recent action [n the back-yard was an assauit sewage collection and treat- ment, waste disposai, region- ai roads, traffic control and facflities- management. The selection of Mr. Silgailis f'or [bis award recognizes bis excellence and outstandiný achievements in tbe provýision of tbe Region's Public Works services. On May 21, 1998, the Ontario Chapter of the A.P.W.A. beld a formai pre- sentation as part of their Nationai Public Works Week activities to honour Mr. Silgailis in recognition of his dedication and contribution to botb bis community and profession. by six crows on a Horned Owi. The Owl made off througb the trees with the crows in hot pursuit. That's it for this week. RECYCLE ORONO TOWN HALL, OVF()-,liI'TEUCHIRE RESLTSIý High - 1) May Tabb - 85, 2 PaUl Mucha - 80, 3) Shlirley, Butbar - 78, 4) Rober.t Buiibari - 77. 5) Ruth Gr tady 77. Thielma Vag- 77: ILow - Wýanida MIcNel;ý Draws - Bill Graýdy, Velma Jake-ma, HicelnCour-oux, Sirlley Bub[arFoa hreRbr UNITED CHURCU Kundal, On1arin "ThiHaiof Ou Comunty Sunday, June 7, 19)98 1:5ar.11 Chicken Bar-becue Sundy, une28,1998 530 - 7:0 m. Tickets $0 (Aýldul ts) -$S4(Age 6-12) 786-29150 Everyone Jnvited Minister: Re%. Davidl Black 786-29,50 ORONO SPASTORAL YCHARGE Minister 'I Rev. Mervyn Russeli 'J', Secretary Marlene Risebroý_-ugh 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH JSERVICES Kîrby United Chuerch ai 9:30 ar. Orono United Church 11:00 a-n Sunday Schiool Classes ana Nursery facilities availab4e durîing Church Serv!ces A.A. meets every Thursday 7-30 p.m. St. Savio(1r s Anglican Chutrch \M11L1ST1 ORO(NOON"ýi AW10 Re%. Dav id R. Saunider-s, CD1 983-5594 -87-2019 Sunday Service. Sunday School & outh Grouip 9:30 a111 Is rd Sunday of Moifth H OL Y COMMUIO[NN 2nd & 4th Sunday MORNING PAE