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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jun 1998, p. 6

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ward for Orono pharmacîst Pictured are Tom Healy, president of the Canadian Phiarm-acjst Association, Tino Montopoli, and Brenda Chaddock - represenitative from Lifescan. For the second time in 6 months, pharmnacist Tino Montopoli has been recognized by his peers for the work hie does in the field of diabetes education. Tino and his wife were flown to St. John's Newfoundlanid recently to receive this award -- the Phiarmacist Diabetes Educator Awardi, by Life Scan Can)ada Ltd. citool Ive"i Clarke High School CO-OP C.AREER FAIR The culmination of the Clarke Co-op program is the annual Co-op Career Fair which is belng held on Wedesday, June 3from 9:30 until 11:15 a.n. ti the high school's gym. Hieid twice a year ti January and June, the event is part of the authentie assessmerit for al co-op students. Up to 55 businesses from Oshawa, Orono, Bowmanvilie, and Newcastle are i attendance. In ail, about 55 careers are displayed, includlng teaching, nursing, technology, busi- ness, retail, auto mechanics, landscaping and many more. The career fair gives the stu- dents a great opportunity to show off and demonstrate al of the knowledge and skills that they have learned while at their co-op placements. Students, parents, employers and the general public are al invlted. There may riot be any rides at this fair, but it is stilI fun, and tnteresting too. -- Barb Nugent ATHLETIC BARBEQUE Ail of Clarke's athletes and their familles should make Tuesday, June 9th a major date of their social agendas. Not only will the Phys Ed departmen.t bc honouring Clarke's athietes, but every- one cari enjoy a mouth-water- ing barbeque at the samne time. The Phys Ed depart- ment wlll present awards anid certificates for outstandig teanis and tidividuais ti the sports program and the food wlll be supplled i pot luck style by everyorie attending. Clarke's athletes wtll recelve invitations this week and either the student or the par- ents should reply to the main office of the sehool by Jurie Sth to let the organizers kriow how mnry will be atterilng. Each studerit wIll theri be asked to brrig a selected food item for the barbeque. The oniy other requtrements are a lawn chair to sit on and a desfre to* have some fun. DA VINCI WINNERS Even though they dtdn't wiri, two Clarke students found out that just finlshing cari be pretty prestigious. Deepak Angl arid Richard Perry wrote the challeriging University of Toronto's Da Vinci Physlcs competition and tled for hlgh score ti the school. Just belng able to write the competition is an Iidicator of htgh physlcs prowess arid Deepak anid Richard have earned the school's congratulations. Tinio, owner Uf Stutt's Phiarmacy in Orono is the only phiarmacist ini the region certi- fied as a dialbetes educator by thle Canadian Diabetes Association. Youth Leadersh ip Champions of Change Youth Leâdershtp Camp, an affiliation of Big Brothers of Clarrigtor i s planning anoth- er successful summer. The camp offers youth aged 12- 16 the opportunity to develop leadership sktlis throughý involvement wlhin the com- munity. The camp will be held at Bowmarivîlle Senior Public School. This year sessions wlll run from July 6-17, July 20-3 1, August 4-14 and from August 17-28. Each session will Vary ti content and activ- ities, wlth minimal repetitior.. The cost is $50 for a two week session. Reduced rates offered to participants regis- tering for more than., one ses- sion. For further details on the camp, please contact Carrie Cameron at (905) 623-0)750) or drop irito Big Brothers of Clarrigtori office at 23 Scugog St. between 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Monday to Thursday. Clarington Fire Cails The Clarington Fire Department responded to the following fire cails during the perlod of May 25, to June 1, 1998: 4 vehicle fires; 2 grass fires; 4'fires; 7 motor veh)icle accidents; 10 medical assis- tance calis; 2 911 calîs; 1 asslst other agency caîl; 8 aiarmn activation cails; and 15 check-out cails. FOe. 7 SALE 0F LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER MUNICIPAL TAX SALES ACT T-HE CORPORATION 0F THE MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARINGTON Take Notice thait tenders are invited for the purchase of the landl(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. (local time) on Thuýrsdaiy, June 18, 1 998 at the Office of the Clerk, The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington,. Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperaince Street, Bowman ville, Ontario, LI C 3A6. The tenders wilI then be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m. at the same Municipal Administrative Centre. Description of Lands Minimum Tender Amount 1 ) No. 1ï8-17-030-010-12500-0000 $ 5,902.80 Part of eaist half Lot 10, Concession 1 Formerly Township of Clarke Municipality of Ciarington Regional Muicipolity of Durham. As registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham ais ast described irn Instrument No. 145732. Municipally known as 4435 Highwaiy No. 2. Zoning: Residentiail Hamiet <RH) and Agiricultural (A). 2) No. 18-17-030-010-1 7400-0000 $ 54,903.19 Part of Lot 3, Concession 2, designated ais Part i on Plan IOR-2797 Formerly Township of Clarke Municipality of Clarington Regional Municipality of Durham. As registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham, as last described in Instrument No. 140406. Municipally known as 4763 Higlhway No. 2 Zoning: Service Station Commercial Exception (C6-3) Zone. 3) No. 18- 17-030-100-10700-0000 $ 1 8,025.02 Port of Loti1, Block 7 C.G. Hainning's Plan of the Village of Oronio anc1 Part of Lot 28, Concession 5, Formerly Township of CIa rke Municipality of Clairington Regionial Municipality of Durham As registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham ais (ast dlescrîbed in Instrument No. 120927. Municipally known ais 5521 Main Street Zoning: Urban Residential Exceptilon (Pl -2) Zone 4) No. 18-17-030-130-115325-0000$ 4,066.41 Part of Lot 29, Concession 2, Formerly Township of Clarke ,Muniicipaility/ of Clarington Regionail Municlcility of Durhamlin As registered in the Registry Officé for the Registry Division of Durham, as described in Instrument No. 153183. Municipailly known ais King Street West Zoning: Holding- Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1) 5) No. 18-17-030-130-02110-0000 $ 8,289.38 Part of Village Lot il Block E, C.G. Hanning's Plan, Part of Lot 28, Concession 2 Formnerly Township of Clarke Municipalify of Clairington Regionail Municipality of Durham. Designated as Parti1 on Plain 1 OR-31 21. As registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham as last described in Instrument No. 163386. Municipally known as Beaiver Street North Zoning: Urban Residentiail Type One Exception (RI1-1) 6) No. 18-17-010-020-11724-0000 Lots 2, 3, ý4 and 5, Plain 97, $ 3,706.92 Formerly Township of Dairlington now part of the Municipality of Clairington Regional Municipality of Durham As registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham. Zoning: Agricultural (A) Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompaniied by ai deposit in the form'of a money.order or of ai bank draft or cheque certified by a bank; trust compainy or Province of Ontario Savings Office payable to the Municipality (or board) and rep- resenting at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. The Municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or ainy other matters related to the land to be soîd. Responsibility for ascer- taining these matters rests with the potentiail purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Taix Sales Act aind the Municipal Tax Sailes Rules made under the Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amounit tendered plus accumulaited taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. Aourless or Mouncpality or board 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 (905) 623-3379 (extension 268) P 0 #7347

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