CLASSIFIEDS MacGREGOR'S AUCTION CENTRE 182 Wellington St. Bowmanville ANTIqUES, COLLECTABLES & THE UNUSUAI SUNDAY, JULY l9th 10:00 a.m. (viewing 9:00) 401 to Waverly Rd. North to #2 Hwy., East to Scugog St. & North 1 km. Sunday's Auction features an exceptional offrlng of articles fromn days gone by original, refinished & in the rough, partial list includes exceptional oak roll top/bookcase desk (c. 1900 Scotland), mnaple bookcase w/glass doors, harvest tables (ref. & orlg.), oak centre pedastal, claw foot table, china cabinet, kitchen cupboard, hoosier, washstands, shipping desk. misc. tables (kitchen, oak. Duncan Phyfe, drumn, candle, parlor & work), dressers & chests of drawers, jam cupboard. blanket & wood boxes, desks, mnise, chairs & rockers (parlour, pressback, caned, hlgh chair), church pew. old beds, wood stove, buggy seat, old games, camneras, hockey gamne, bottles, tins, books, tub stands, washboards, advertising (signs; boxes), wood golf clubs, pocket watches, crocks & jugs, rugs, quilts & tapestry, excellent sclection of old pictures & original art work, 'old tools & farmn related collectables, old wedding dress & child's gowns, banjo, dlocks, printers trays, numnerous household collectables, also a quality selection of glass, thinia & mnisc. filver pes. This is only a partial list of the manly articles to hit the Auction Block, with many treasures still to bc uncovered. A nmust attend event for one & aIl or general household articles, corne early, browse & enjo(:y a Sunday at the Auction. (NEXT AUCTION SUNDAY, JULY 26th) CALL FOR ALL YOUR AUCTION NEEDS MacOREGOR AUCTION & APPRAISAL SERVICES MIKE MACGREGOR, C.P.P.A. (905) 987-3664 (905) 623-7949 15 ac (Colonial eqtlt!trtai centre HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre 3706 Rundie Rd. (Courtice> is now accepting new students (children & aduits) for aur riding and horseman- ship programs, summer camps, etc. For further information or to register cali: CBack Porch Books k by Lori Hales SHE'S COME UNDONE Wally 1Lam-b How unbelevably well Wally Lamb writes in a female voice. From the moment I plcked up Sbe's Corne Undone until the very hast page I was awestruck at just how convincing bis character, Dolores P-rice was. 1 fet like I'd been right there witb her on her emiotional roller-coast- er of a life. His ability to give Dohores such a ricbi, complex and often dis turbing pers onalty is wbat inevitabhy sold me on. the story. Yes, the content is deep, dark and often repres- sive, but Dolores bas a way of making the reader (in this case, me) laugh the kind of laugb you know is inappro- priate given the eircum- stances, but you ean't help yourself. The sort of laugli that sneaks up on you in church or sehool, you know tbe knd F~m talking about. Dolores' story is sadly not an uneommon one. Abused at an early age by a famihy friend, she takes cornfort in food and solitude. Her wry wvit and self-deprecating humour buoy ber through ber most turbulent years of self- hoathing. She turns inward and refuses assistance from those around bher. She cari be hurtful, spiteful and bard to love at Urnes, but we as ber audience cornes to under- stand her need to punish ber- self. She feels unworthy and undeservlng of good things and goes to great lengths to ensure that others know it too. Her internai struggles and ber outward attempts at fît- ting in are often met witb heartbreak mnaking Dolores' plighit ahl the more real to me. She could be anyone's sister, cousin, friend or scboolmate. She is locked deep witin her- self an-d uses her sarcasma as a shifeld. Inside she is vuiner- able and very hurt. As 1 was reading through, I felt her shame and ber sense of betrayal at times. Wally Lamnb tells a moving, oflen funny story of a girl Who despite herseif, wants to beat the odds. Weý come to learn that Dolores is her number one nemesis. She's Corne Undone Is a story filled wlth characters you won't soon forget. You may even recognize some of them in your own life. They are flawed, confused, some- times dangerous and very real. Overall, the story is a tri- umpbant one and a recom- mended read for this sum- nier. Hooper's Jewellers... Go 'te mnand seec olec/o/o ~~Hooper's Jewellers *Complete Car & 'Truck Repairs. *Diesel Engines a Cummins, Detroit & Cat. Radio Dis patched Tow Trucks* i eMobile Mechanical Service Truck & z Coul me to buy or sell... Orono aind area's. reail estote representative... K ry styna Jones #98 3 -60'"13 RteoItya-tNet ASSOCIATES * (DUJRHAM)lnc. 1050 S imicoe St. N., #103, Oshawa *TEL: (905) 721-2112 unIe fFami(y f H9-arold andM varion 7vcKniqfht request the ûonour.ofyourpresence to ce(e6rate tfieirSilverA.9nniversçary at an open fiouse 'Tea Saturéay, jJu(y 25th, 1.998 from1 - 4 pm. Best 'J4/sies On(fy Orono Seuior Citizen5s Comnp(e' 200 Station Street Orono, Ontario