For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 BARÏ NA. HOME CHECK "Lei us makeyvour home look lived in" *Vacation Home Checking *Wedding Day Services or whenever you're away INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Servng Newtonville, Newýcastle, Orotio & suirrounding commiunities Listed in White & YIIow Pae Flowers Plus FLOWERS S GIFTS & CRAFTS 46 King Street Ea,,st NEWCASTLE 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5,908 Wilda M',iddleton 983-9819 ORONO ELECTRIC Ltd Electincal Appiances Colour TV's- Hi-Fi's SALES AND SERVICE Hotpoint -R.G.A. White -Westinghouse Frigidaire -Whirlpool Wood's Freezers MAagic Chef - Hoover GRUINDY 1SO Counitry Upholstery Qualîty Work in Upholstery R.R. 2, Orono 983-9874 Bryon Grundy For Rent - Newcastle, 2 bedroomn apartmnent, very clean, available immnediately, $450.o0 Per' month, lst and Iast mnonth, to appiy cal, 905- 668-4940. mLOIdLLM Store for RENT iocated on main Street, Oronlo. Cal 983-6221 or 983-5293 for detalils. 22, 29, 12, 19 ac in loving memory of my husband LEONARD J. PEARS who passed away Juiy 19, 1996. Somne cay I knowv I will meet him, Some day I know not when, To dlasp his hand in thse better land! Neyer to part again. Aiways remembered and sadiy mlssed by wife Rena. 15 ap Thank-you to flhe commnuniity of Starkviile for ail your support you have shown to us during our soni Andrews .iiess and passing away. Your thoughtfuiness was appreciated and wi11 flot be forgotten. Ed and Sylvia Rypstra and Family 15 ap RECYCLE The Kawartha Pine Ridge District Board invites appliclations for the following contract Teaching positions for Lire 1998/'99 school year. CAMPBELLFORD DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH TEACHER FRENCH TEACHER SPECLEDUCATION FAMILY STUDIES FAST NOR'THUM.NBIiRLZAND SlECONDIARýY SCHOOL BROAD-BASED TECHNOLOGY TEA CHERS (2) The Kawýarthia Pine Ridge District Sehool Board provides public education hi a variety of urbani and rural centres within the geographic areas of the County of Northumberland, the CountyV of Poeeborougli, and the Muniicipaiity of Clarington. Resumecs must be received by 24 July 1998. Ail previousiy submittcd resumies hIave been1 destroyed anid only applications subitted ini response to ibis advertisementi and reiéeived on or becfore theclosngdae illbe considered!,. A Police Records Chock will be required of ail indlividuals hired bydihe Kwath inre Rid-geo itrc Schiooi Board as a condition of emploiyent. Please submnit aý coveinig letteýr ,tating your specific formiai g FL qaliicaion), d resumie with pruoof of quailific"ations, transcript;, Ipractice tecing reortsreferences, teaching dlivisionl( S) iianday other relevantl in formatilion. Applicationis 11ILSt beceiedon or before 241 Jnly\1998. YoU u may faIx your appljicati(ýn packaige to: CAMPELLORDDISTRICT HIGU SCH-OOL, 705-653-5632 FAST NORTHUMBERILAND StEC(ONDAlRY SCHOOL J. Armstrongc Chlairperson of the ,Board 613-475-3837 R. (Dick) T. Malowney Director of Education Kawartha P'ine idgc District Sehool Board is anl equal oppotuliity, emnployeýr. WVe thank al who apply but advise that only applicanits to be mtcrýivcd will be cntaccd.Prsonajl infomtonis colica dunder the dcainAci, S. 171(3), c..2, and wil beu sed for emnploymnt DENNIS, Nancy After a lengthy illness and courageous battie,' at Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville 0on Wedniesday, Juiy 8,1998, in her 6th year. Beloved wife of William. Loving mother and friend of Susan and her husband Brian of Fenelon Falls, Barbara and her husband Timi of Bowmaniville, and Darlene and hier husband Richard of Newtonviiie. Proud Nana of Jason, Amy, Justin, Erie, Patrick, Dakota and Alex. Loving daughiter of Margaret and the late Bruce Hancock of Orono. Sadiy missed by brothers Ron and Marilyn. Bill and Joyce, and Jack; and by sisters Carol and Max, Jane and Dave, Judy and Peter, and their familles. Nancy wiil be sadiy missed by ail her friends and relatives. Friends were received at the Newcastle Funeral Home, 386 Miii Street South, Newcastle. (South of Hwy. #2, north of 401, Mill Street Exit) fromn 2 - 4 p.m. and 7 - 9, Friday, July 10. A service was held in Newcastle United Church (84 Miii Street South, Newcastle) Saturday, July 11, 1998, at 1 1:00 a.m. In lieu of' flowers donations may bc made to the Caniadian Cancer Society or to Memnorial Hospital, Bowmanville (P.A.C.T. Teamn). 15 ac GRIST MILL AUCTION CE~NTRE. Newtoaxville FRLDAY, JULY l7th 6:00 p.m. Sellng cf the attractive furnishlnigs and contents from a private Whitby estate; 2 pe. chesterfield suite. 2 ic. sof'a bcd!, coffeeý set, waii unit. 5 pc. RZattan/glas's diniette, oid checsts, tables, chairs, computer table, bookcases, quantity of' quaiity giassware, china. coilectibles, antiques, plus the contents fromi a Bowmianviiie home, and a Clarke Township home, washier, di-yer, dishiwasheri, pressure systema-, Qglubice heater, quantity of' usedheV gauge steel siding off, the oid Grist MViii (35 1t. x 135 ft.) PREVIEW APTER 2:00 p.m. FRIDAY. AUCTION STARTS AT 6:00 p.m. TERMS: Cashi, Approved Checque, Visa, M/C, Initerac AUCTIONEER FRANK G. STAPLETON CAI, ICCA, Newtonviie (905) 786-2244 1-800-263-9886 15 ac GIVEiNG UP FARMING SATURDAY, JULY l8th 11:00 a.m. Seliing the miachinery and equipmnent oflRick and Patsy Shaw, 838:3 Landier Road, R. R. # 1, Gores Landing (east of Bewdiey, north of Cobourg) farm iocated north on i Burnham Street to0 Northumnberland County Rd. 9 and west to Landier Road north: or east of Hwy. 28 on County Rd. 9 to Lander Road north. (Watch for Signs). JD 2 120 diesel tractor w/JD 145 loader & bucket, JD 45EB gas combine W!/10 f't. grain head, JD 2341-2 row dorn head, JD-B 21 run grain drill dbl. di*sc., JD-AWV 15 ft. drag disc, JD-54 manuire spreader; MF 880 plow (41 x 18's auto reset): 1H 45 Cultivator (20 ft.), 1H 12 ft. cultivator (3pt h), 1H 12 ft. dlrag disc, '1H 455-4 row corn planter. NI 290-9 ft. haybDine, Hesston 530 round baier (edec. tieý), NH 273 square baler, KUHN 410 tedde-Ir rake, lily tedder rake, 2 hay wagons (16 ft.) (Case &Massey), baie buncher, Turnco/Mar.tin - 8 ton grain wagon, George White 150 gai. sprayer (3 pth - 21 ft.),. agri metai eiectric roller miii w/unIoading auger (dbl. 8" roilers). Bri-iI 50 fi. - 8 in. grain auiger/rubber, LitIle Giani 35 ft. baie elevator/rubbDer, Aliied 25 fit. bale elevator, drag harrows/pony harrows, 1980 m-t. 466 diesel platformi truck (tanidemn), 18.4 x 34 tractor duais, 15.5 x 38 tractor duais, elecirie round baie saw-, round bale feeder, electric fence contr-oilers, 6 farm ,gates (8' - 12' - 16'), water bowis, nmllking equipmeni,' bedding keepers, cow trainers, cow clippers, feed cart, etc. etc. NOTE: Owners moving, everythling in good cond(ition and everything seiiing. TERMS: Cash or Approved Chieque with 1. D. Prop. Rick Shaw (905) 342-2150 AUCTIONEER FRANCK G. STAPLETON CMI, ICCA, Newtonviiie (905) 786-2244 1-800-263-9886 8, 15 ac CIassifiecIs continued page 9 Fruit Market' Highway 35115, South of Orono Teleplione: 983-561-8 We now have our own SWEET CHERRIES RASPBERRIES *Hot House Tomatoes *Hot House Cucumbers -Leffuce WiIey's 100% Grape Juice THE NAIL STATION Career Training Center. Become a technician, career training available in artificial nals, ear candiing, tips, coatings, pedicures, waxing. Student financing now available. (905) 723-8083 DLanie( G. Banting ine .irearms 6& Coû§ecîibtes Collections & Estate Appraisals A Specialty In Homne Service Available * GUNS BOUGHT, SOLD, TRADED 5331 Main Street, Orono 983-6480 email: 1