---i i JuIy 15, 1998 WEEKLY TiMES 650 GST Includled- vrnoiown rHall Volume 62, Number 28 Council gives Lishman final approval The Orono United Church held its Annual Vacation Bible School the whole of last week where approximately eighty area children per day partici- pated in various planned activi- ties. Not only were thie attending children froml Orono United Chur-ch, they came fromn other area churches as well as from the comnl]Llity and suýirround- ing( area. Eachi day, twenty-five vol- unteers kept the grades one and two children buIsy with a vani- et), activities. A typical 9 a.mn. to 12:30 p.iin. day included activities such as siniging, skits, bible verses, gaines, crafts, a snack timie thenl bible study, foilowed by a general assemibly at the closfing ofcach day. The wý,eek officially enided Suniday wNi th ia Closing Ceremnony Ser-vice at thec churchi followNed by a barbecue. As in the past, council heard the fears of residents regarding this proposai. At the General Purpose and Admninistration Comimittee meeting of July '6, councillors thoughit they were tightening up the zoning to restrîct the land use to a fur garmient/garment facility. This wording replaced that recomn- mended by staff which would allow for a 'prestige employ- ment area' which included a fur garment mnanutfacturing facility. According to Linda Gasser, the fur garment/garment indus- try "allows for any numnber of activities which were neyer examined or evaluated." Mr. Bolotenko, legal council representing the Kingsleys, told council that the right-of- way that was granted with the, land Mr. Haiminen now owns, is nothing more than a right of passage. It is Mr. Bolotenko's opinion that having the right- of-way does not allow for any restructuring or upgrades to the road. Bolotenko asked that decision of this by-law be deferred to allow an interpreta- tion of what in fact are the rights associated with this right-of-waý, Whien counicil resumed afier a brief intermission to seek le gal council on1 Mr. Bolotenko's interpretaions, Mr. Hefferon, the Municipal Solicitor inform-ed council that because the wording on the proposed by-law hiad been changed fromi the original, the public hiad to be given time to respond, that time was flot given. Frank Wu, Director of Planning, explained that his greatest fear is that if and when the Li shmnans mnove out of the area, it would be very easy for another type of business to m-ove into the developmrent, The proposed by-law clearly states, "this parcel of land ïs to be used for reforestation, con- (continued page 5») Bieware of phonîy bis A series of counterfeit $50 and $100 bills have been ten- dered in Clarington. On July 9th,. police received reports from 3 Oiono businesses having accepted at total of $500 in the phiony bills, -Durham Regional Police Inspector Ross Smith said the bilîs are of a poor quality, probably made on a copier. The mnatter is still under Investigation. Here at fast T'he long awaited garbage receptacles (in forefront) were deliv- ered to the villages of Newcastle and Oronio on Monday. The BIAI project to get replacement garbago bins bas spanned several years.. With the arrivai of the niew vbinis, the BIA is looking for aniother project to tackle head on. 'Happenigs.. LOST Five Union Jacks used in the Callithumpian Parade are stili missing. The owner of these very old flags would like themn baék so they can be used again. Anyone who stili has one, can turn it in to the Orono Times Office. CALLING AU. CARS! The Durham Central Fair in Orono is hoping to line their racetrack with vintage, classic and cus- tomized cars Sunday, September l3th. If you have a special vehicle in your lite, cail D. Brown 905- 986-0957 to reserve your spot and receive two free admission passes. Corne spin your wheels and enjoy life in the fair lane! DURHAM REGION GLADIOLUS AND DAHLIA SOCIETY The Society's annual show is Saturday, August 8, 1998 at the Bowmanville Legion Hall, 109 Queen Street East, Bowmanville. Viewing open tô thelDublic 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Free admission. Ailtf 10w- ers are to be sold at4:00 p.m. FIEARTH PLACE CANCER SUPPORT CENTRE Info. Series presents An Introduction to Tai Chi, 86 Coîborne St. W., July 22nd, 7:30 p.m. Learn about the graceful series of movements that support relaxation and stress reduction and im prove strength and flexibility. If there is sufficient interest, this will become- a regular programn of Hearth Place. Caîl 579-4833 to register. YWCA SUMMER DAY CAMPS Calling kids of ait ages! Registrations have begun for YWVCA Summer Day Camps. There are a vani- ety of camps serving every age group. For those aged 3-5 years, Crazy Critter Camp is for you. Children 5-8 years can take part in our Junior Camp, Jazz or Ballet Dance Camps. There is also Orono Adventure Camp for those age 6-10 years; Babysitter Training Camp for those 12 and up; and Aduit Summer Fitness. To register, or for more information, please contact the YWVCA at 623-9922, or visit our office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., located on the 2nd floor of 116 Church St., Bowmanville.