6 - Orono WeeklyTimes, Wedne~day, July 15, 1998 CLARINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY THE OUTER LIMITS! Donald Allin's BBQ Barn is open for business an-d lhe's serving up a unique English Style sausage on abun. Wîthi a littie hielp, Donald hias created a'summerci job for imiiselfand a boost to his university tuition fund. Travel to the outer limits of your local library with Professor Biblios the week of' July'21. 22, 23, 24. X-plore the wonders of SPACE and encounter books and storles that you neyer knew existed! Klds 6 and up canjoin in the fun and participate in our Lab Rats Prograrn, which is run at each brandi of the Clarington Public Library on the following dates and Urnes: Clarke Branch: Thursday, July 23, 2 - 3 p.rn.; Friday, July 24, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Bowmanville Branch: Tuesday, July 21, 10 - Il a.m.; Wednesday, July 22, 2 - 3 p.m. Courtice Brandi: Tuesday, July 21, 2 - 3 p.rn.; Wednesday, July 22, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Newcastle Village Branch: Thursday, July 23, 2 -3 p.m.; Friday, July 24, 10:30 - 11:30 At the Bowmanville Branch, on Thursday, July 23rd at 7 p.rn., the whole farnîly can enjoy X-tr-adordi- nary Tales For The Twllighit Hours. And be sure to check out the flrst of two great Pup- pet shows this summner. On July l8th, there will be two showings of Tirn The Moose's Time Travelling Adventure. Shows are at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.rn. and tickets will be available 30 minutes before the shows on a first corne basis. Hope to see you ail at the Claringtoni Public Library tis week - the prograrns are sure to be OUT 0F THIS WORLD! Fifteen year old Donald Allin's first lesson in entrepre- neur hias been a good one. Because Donald liked his father's homemnade sausages 50 mudli, he thoughit it would be a good idea to try and sell themn. Donal d got permission from a nearby gas station to set up his BBQ on their lot. Things went so well that Donald and his dad, Lorne, made a smnall hut to house the budding enterprise. At this point the health depart- ment came in and shut himi down for flot having a permit. Donald bought the proper permit, but could not start sel- ing lis sausages tiIl alI neces- sary health departmnent regla- tions were met. This required somne serjous modfications to the cooking area of the hut. The BBQ hiad to be screened in, which mneant a porch hlad to be built on to the hut. Also the hut had to have a washable floor, 3 sinks, hot and cold mun- nirig water, and other minor adjustrnents, As the renovaions were being done anyway, Donald thouglit he might as ýwell expand into the fr-ench-fry busi- ness, which mneant installing a fryer, which required an exhaust fan. The fan hiad to run on elec- tricity, s0 naturally the hut had to be' wired, which means Donald now lias music in his hut. Since the gas station already had a permit for- a chip truck, Donald and his dad bought a trailer and set the hut on it. Now the hut hias wheels, and it cani bc called a clip truck. According to Donald, a conven- tional chip truck would have cost 8 times what they hiad invested. Donald clairns the whole process hias taughit himi a lot. He has learned to keep track of mnoney, mnake and take orders, negotiate contracts and how to keep governmnent agencies happy. Donald's chip truck now serves BBQ'd sausages made locally fromn pigs raised at the family farmn. These are not.just your normal everyday sausages says Lorne. They are made with a special recipe developed by a local butcher. The sausages contain no filler or additives and weighi over 1/4 lb. each. Donald also selîs hot dogs, french fries and pop. The ut on wheels is at the Petrocan station on 115/35 northbound, just north of the 3)rd Concession. The hut hias been open on weekenids since the long weekend in May, and weekdays since high school was out. Hours of operation arc 11:00 a.ib. to 71:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday, 11 :00 to 4:00 on Sunday. if business keeps improving thie way it hias, Doniald says lie might have to take on extra staff sooni gaines for slightly older chil- dren. The BBQ Barn.. fe&atturLng our- own 'farrm raised, pure pork sausages" madle with a unique. "English-' Style" recipe! Tatstey fre-sh-cutfries and hot dlogs are aliso availab le. We're located at Hwy 115 - Clarke 3rd Une at Petro Can. Hours: Mon. to Sait. 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. & Sun. from 1l a.mn. Io 3 p. m. 50e discount on "sausage on a bun" ordlers when this adf s presentedl--redeemiable il summer! MSimpson NMemorials "Now ini Bowman ilville" 119 King Street East Bowmianville - 623-65-ý81 aniki 11Toronto Rd., Hwy #, 2 West, Port iHope (905) 885-6434 Monuments * Granite or Bronze Markers - Inscriptions Indoor-/Outdoor Dispiays *Excellent Prices *Guaranteed Workmanship *Etchings - Personal and Scenes Wooden Sandblasted Signs Try us before you dec/de by visiting aur new Sales Office, or calI us and arrange for an appointment in the com fort of your home. s