14 - Orono Weekly Tmes, Weduesday, August 19, 1998 Thc1 Blossoin A Shop FLOWERS & GIFIS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 'V/e don't just speciaiize.. We make evey orer speial For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 BARINAO HOME CHECK "Let us make your home look lived in" * Vacation Home Checking * Wedding Day Services *..or whencver youre away INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Servng Newtonville, Newcastle 0roio & surrounding communitieç Lited in White & YeIow Pages Flowers Plus FLOWERS a GIETS & CRAFTS 46 King Street East NEWCASTLE 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middletori 983-9819 E-lectrical Appiances Colour Tris -Hi-Fi's SALES AND SERVIE Hopoint -'CA White -Westinghouse Frigidaire - Whirtpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef' Hoover GRUINDY'SeD Country Upholstery Quaity Work in Upholstery R.R. 2, Ororio 983-9874 Bryon Grundy .ers ns, ilso .rs. Muscovy ducklings for sale. White and colours. Priced by age. Good fly control for barns. Fancy guinea pigs for sale also. Mrs. Steele 786-2593. Hwy. 2, Newtonville. 19, 26 ac Good running computc for sale, full systen 486DX33 and 486D.«> 66 wiih monitors. A two HP4P Laser Printe Cail Loyal Printlng I. 983-5301. Table and Chairs Compact (44" x 4. antique table wit1h pedestal legs. Seats Expands to seat 8 (44 74"), Honey colci Dinlnig room or coun kitchen $700.00 Set of 8 matching antic chairs $500,00. Pho 786-3091. 12, 19c For Rent - Newcastle, 2 bedroom apartment. very dlean, available immediately, $450.00 per month, 1lst and last month, to apply cali 905- 668-4940. Store for RENT located oni Main Street, Orono. Cal 983-6221 or 983-5293 for details. 22, 29, 12, 19 ac MULTI-FAMILY BACK YARD SALE 10 North Station St., Orono AUGUTST 22nd 9 -'4 Ramn Date: August 29th Large wicker items. shelving uniits, Cihevelle rnirror, trunk plus lawn & house, furniture. 10 musical Ltd. Edition porcelain dolis stili in boxes and much much more. 19 ac QEotial(equctvtau Centre HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestilan Contre 3706 Rundie Rd. (Courtice) is now accepting new students (children & aduits) for our riding and horseman- ship programs, summer camps, etc. For further Information or to register cali: 1-(905) 623-7336 Home of the Bowmanville Pony Club -m- AUGUST 22 8:00 a.m. - 5:001j AUGUST 23 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 5 cow chains, Oldsmobile motoi transmission, che gate, 2 tires 16", c and odds and en Dickey Street, Kend A. We would like to e our heartfeli thanl tfn the many klnd - thoughtful commen - have received abouL 44) and for the lovely à 5 letters, flowcrs, 9 . charitable donatio 4" x his name. We havea >u r. thought he wasa ntry special and unique And It is nice to ique others -found hin ,one way as wcll. Barbara CE cp n andF, 1 wish to than' friends. ncight relatives and fam: the beautiful c flowers and visits w hospital and at Also theU.C.W. of United Church and for the flowers. Lt - thoughtful of evei Thanks to Dr. Wai Dr. Deol for their ca Sincercly Mari GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE. Newtonville FRIDAY, AUGUST 2lst 6:00 P.=.' Sellîng the contents from a Port Hope and Newcastle homes; upright piano. chcsierficlds, loveseats. occasional tables, recliner, rocker, colour TV, technics sterco, Qucen bcd, dînette. fridge. stove, microwaves. vacuums, Stihl weeder, Pioncer chain saw, garden bench, aluminum extension ladder (60 ft.), numerous antiques, crocks, alassware, china. collectibles, etc. PREVIEW AFTER 2:00 p.m. FRIDAY AUCTION STARTS AT 6:00 p.m. TERMS: Cash, Approvcd Cheque, Visa. M/C. Interac AUCTIONEER, FRANK G. STAFLETON CAI, ICCA, Newtonville (905) 786-2244 1-800-263-9886 19 ac We need yeur IieIp HjjjjNGTON I 6l6 ROODI MaeGREGOR'S P.m. AUCTION CENTRE 182 Wellington St. p.m. Bowmanville b.b. NIES îr and COLLECTABLES, Wv tail HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS dishes SUNDAY. AUGUST 23rd ids, 2 10:00 a.=. ai. (viewing 9:00) 19 ap 401 to Waverly Rd. North IS to #2 Hwy., East to Scugog St. & North 1 km. MSunday's auction features a quality seleciion of ýxpress articles from the past to iks for present including 3 1and section wall unit, -ts we entert 'ainment centre, it Bill;- antique settee. treadie cards, sewing machine. canopy and bcd, antique pump organ, onin oak wall shelf, mise. alays tables (plue & maple, drop a ey leaf, kitchen parlour, cm an. etnmrlcfé& know end), dressers, wood n that boxes, mise. chairs & itht rockers (set 6 caned, 'an press back. parlour, etc.). . rman quality glass & china. old l9ap c ins. country 19 coéllectables. cracks, Mporcelain doils, cash register. Lt. Edition & decorative art, tools & hardware. household Lk my effects, plus much more. bours. NOTE: Large Auction, ily for corne early, stay laie, cards, browse & cnjoy a Sunday vhile in at the Auction. home. CALL FOR ALL YOUR home. AUCTION NEEDS 1Cor YOUR LOCATION I ChoirOR OURS was sa MacGREGOR AUCTION ryone. & APRIA rd and SERVICES ie.Ws MIKE MACGREGOR, 1e WesiC.P.P.A. 19 ap(905) 987-3664 (905) 623.;7949 TOLL FREE E 1-800-363-6799 19 ac GERROW, Evelyn Lois (nee Taylor) At Peterborough Civie Hospital on Wednesday, August 12, 1998. Beloved wife of Allan Gcrrow. Survived by her mother Gladys. and predesccased by her father Graydon Taylor. Loving mother of Dennis & his wife Dorothy, Joan & her husband Bob, the laie Lois. Darlene & her husband Rick, the laie Gail, Leanne & her husband Jeff. Heather, and Daniel. Dear 'sister of Beverly Taylor. Sadly misscd by her 10 grandchildren. and 1 great-grandchild. Visitation was ai The Norheutt Elliott Funeral Homne, 53 Division St. N., Bowmanville 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. Friday.- Funeral Service was held in our chapel il a.m. Saturday. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. If desired memorial donations may be made to the Heart & Stroke Foundation, or to the Cancer Society. 19 ac 1Farms News CORN SILAGE PROCESSING DAY Corn silage has long been recognjized as an excellent sou'rce of ener- gy in ruminant rations. Current research is showing- that further processing (rolling) of corn silage enhances the ensiing process, increas- es available energy and maximizes fibre effect. A Corn Silage Processing Day is scheduled for Wednesday, September 2nd. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the University of Guelph Elora Research Station. During the rnorning you can hear Dr. Mike Allen, Michigan State, discuss "Silage Processing: Is It Worth It"? Dr. Bill Mahanna, from Pioneer Hi-Bred will tell you about "Silo Management For Your Processed- Corn\ Silage" and finally OMAFRA Dairy Nutrition Lead, Beth Wheeler, and Dr. Jock Buchanan-Smnith of the University of Guelph will cover "Forage Particle Size: It's Importance in Ruminant Rations". In the after- noon you can see live field demos of self pro- pelled and pull-type har- vesters equipped with rollers, plus stationary roller blowers. Company representatives will be on hand to discuss their equipment and other products in an exhibit building right next to the demonstration area. Bring along your hay- lage, corn silage or total mlxed ratio and have a particle size breakdown performed at no charge. If you register by August 2lst the fee is $25 and includes lunch and pro- ceedings. The laie fee is $40. For more Informa- tion please cail OMAFRA 1-800-263-8023. Hooper's-Jewellers... Antique Pocket Watchies & Modern Watch Repa)cirs, Corne in and see ouer collectinOf Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks Sales and Service Hoopers Jewellers 39 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-5747 6Danie(g1-. Banting [Fine [Fi rearms &frCoffecti6(es Collectio ns & Estate Appraisals A Specialty In Home Service Available GUNS BOUGHT, SOLO,,TRADED 533 1 Main Street, Orono 983-6480 email: dbantingeistar.ca - 1 a - Fruit Market HIghway 35/115, South of Orono Telephone: 983-5628 ThroUgflout the month of August qe"tý Fruit Market is ful of fresh proctuce, including %ed'4,FRESH SWEET CORN and BEANS as weII as Ontario Field Tomatoes & Peppers. Summer fruit favourites ýuch as Ontario Blueberries, Peaches and Plums can also be found. These are just a few of the many good things you can pick up at 'e<4 Please vîsît us soon! -,\ 1 j",IMM 1