E1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w Oo WekyfnsWenday, August 19,1998 - 1,5 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE Specializing in Farm Insurance Representng Farmers Mutual Insurance Company (LINDSAY) Competitive Rates-Excellent Service FARM AUTO HOME, BUSINESS You can count on your LOCAL broker when pacing coverage! Y- Fifty years service in Orono. ~ 1-05-983-5115 WAKEFIELD INSURANCE Specializing in': eDsabiity Income e Mortgage Insurance Life Insurance * GIC Investments * Travel Insuraince 983-9895 Womeni n Abuse Relaionships ý For HcIp Cal "The Denise flouse" For Women and Children Toli Frece1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311, Conf idcntially Assurcd If you want to drink, Thiat's your business. If you want to stop, Thlats ours. call Alicoholics Anonymous Lakeshore Districts (905) 728-1020 Wes's SmaiI Engine Repuir 1#é do it ail... SN0WBLOWERS LAWNMOWERS - TRIMMERS CHAIN SAWS CHAIN SAW SHARPENING You name it, we do it!- 5105 Main Street, Orono for service cali (905) 983-9772 Recycle 51' ~4 Il L" MU. . . . . .1 . . L'. .I . - Furnace Cleaning and Repairs 24 Hr. No Heat Service FREE ESTIMATES Over 21 Years Experience Cal 983"541 LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING& HEATING ePump Repars & Installation wNew Work .Repaîrs *Furnace Cleaning wFree Estmates For Fiendly Expert Service Celi 983-6214 FINANCING 1 VIAL 'We're here to serve you" ROBERT E -JACK9ON Heating - 6iectricai Air Conditionin7g Authorized Consunera Gas Dealer Independent Lennox dealer Funacesa Air Conditioners & Appliances Main S..Orono 983-6221 PARTNEFrS PLUMBING 983-9447 ORONO, ONTARIO Gould Pumps &rWater Systemns Septmc Beds Plumbing Installations General Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Farrnerly Harvey Partner Ltd "Work Wanted" D &R CUSTOM FENCINO and Custom Chain Sawîng Orono, Ontario 983-9627 BALL'S RADIO & T.V. REPAIR Repairs to most makes Stereos- Colour & B&W T.V. 's VCR's P.O. Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono ON (905) 983-5721 f~~1ORONO BUILDING & DECORATING CENTRE Personalized Project Planning Since 1935 85 Station Street Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Bus: (905) q83-9167 Fax: (905) 983-9467 CHATTERTON ELECRÇC RESIDENTIAL a COMMERCIAL m INDUSTRIAL POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Dave Chatterton Orono, Ontario Tel: (905) 983-5546 If no answer (905) 983-5940 WANTED: ODD JOBS Pro ýi painting " General Repairs " Inside and Out " Basement to Roof Caîl Clifford Francis 983-5761 ce- Make thîs your new ad! Cati Elaine at 983-5301 Durham- Flooiring Hardwood Floors Installation of New Floors - Base & Timi Re-Sandng- Repairs & Staining TIM (905) 576-0977 *Custom Cut Glass and Mirrors *Caulking & Winterizing *Soreen Repairs CalHENRY13E Lcensed Glazier 25 Years Expenience (905) 983-5048 4798 Ganaraska Rd, 9, KENDAL, ON LOA JO C.C. SIDINOS CONTRACTORS Quality Installers of Siding & Doors .Wholesale .Retail aSding .Soffit .Facia *Windômrs eDoors 1684 Newtonville Rd. Newtonvitte, ON Carl Christensen 786-3059 £4A VESTROUGH Manufacturers of 5" Searnless Eavestrough Wholesale a Retail Quality Installations 1684 NewtonviIe Rd. NewtonviIe 786-3059 Darlene a Carl ED 'S AUTOMOTIVE AIR CONDITIONING Senice & Repars ta ail makes of Vehcies We make s ervice catis for off-road equipment ED CARSCADDEN (905) 983-5422 County Rd. 9, just east of Kendal Former Lions Centre. New Facility Available September Al Occasions 250 Persons *I ed SUMMER & FALL PAINTING & REPAIRS Insuiating *Windows Caulked eAny Klnd of Work Reasonable Rates NOTHING TOO SAMLL Cali (905) 983-5761 Clifford Part-time help, apply Village Bake Shop. 19 ac WANTED A good home to an unclaimed loat dog. Very affectionate, young male, blaëk and white lab- pointer mix. Can sit and, shake a paw. Cali 983- 9378. 19ac Hunter Orange and Accessorie 3:30 p.m. call 5131. 0 0 BUS TOURS August 23 ONE August 26 Simcoe Steam Rallway September 12 Canadlan Open - Golf September 16-17 Niagara Falis - Overnlght September 17 lnt'I. Plowlng Match September 22 Stratford Festival The Miracle Worker September 24 Woodbine Raceway Septernber 27-30 New York/Vermont Tour Con inad see aur fuit fine afTleyhats etc., travel accessaries, and driver's education handbaaks. - OId fishtng tackie, old à aguns or related accessorles, outdoor Clothing books etc. In',home 7s05A7ter appraisals available. 30 years experience. 12, 9 apDaniel G. Banting 12, 9 ap905-983-6480 Unr FAan Jackson Concert Octaber 3rd Copp's Colseum, Hamilton mnci: bus, show & dinner. Cal Goligers T ravel Plus, Septem ber Casino Rama "2-for-1 " $1 0.00 September 2, 4, 8, 16, 18, 22 & 29 Inci. bus, buffet and more! Caîl Golgers Travel Plus General sewlng done in my home. 5 days a week. Phone 983-9761., tfn Custom Sewing * Alterations e Homedecor *Baby Quilts VISIT OUR HOMEDECOR AND BABY SHOP 5331 Main St., Orono tfn RECYC LE FURNACE FUEL - GASOLINE - DIESEL TEXACO - ESSO AND PERFORMANCE PLUS MOTOR QILS & GREASES COOPER FUELS LTDU RESIDENTIAL e INDUSTRIAL e AGRICULTURAL 4333 Hwy 2, Newtonv ille, (905) 786-2502 lt 83 King Street West Newcastle, Ontario LI B 1 L2 Telephone (905) 987-3200 f' Matthews & Associates INSURANCE BROKERS LTO. Pauline Moto, A.I.i.C., C.I.B Branch Manager -1 FREE ESTIMATES Doug De Vries, 23 West Beach Rd. Bowmanville 697-3308