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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Aug 1998, p. 4

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.. a E * -.Rsy atffa Cuties coming to Orono IGA Ban tams and guest pitcher to take on the 'California Cuties' Ifyou've neyer seen the zany, California Cuties in action, tien you a re in for a real treat. The ever-popular, iighly entertaining and hysitr- cally funny four-mian team w"Nil] take on the Armstrong IGA Bantami Basebaîl teami at Orono Park on Sunday, AIguIst 3011 ai about 7 p.m. Not only that, none otlier than Oronos own 'Hall of Famer', Pete Landers will lake the moun-d liurling for the bantamrs to fur- ther enliance tlie evening's bal gamne! Memnbers of the Armstrong [GA Bantamns tak- ing part in tlie evening's festivi- ties are Lee Allun, Mark Beenan, Grayden H u nt, Michael Knapp, Bill Landmnan, Kyle Lowery, Mark McAlisler, Allan Nixon, Fraser Nixon, Malt Reid, Aaron Robinson, Jamie Rowe, Tyler Simpson, Jeff Siemon, Douglas Wallon and Neil Williamson. Orono's, John Witheridge will be the plate umpire while Ray Bester and Pete Maartense will Work the bases.. The highly talented 'Cali- fornia Cuties'--a former nine- man visiting club, discovered they could hiandie tlie local opposition quite hiandily with onîy four players, and have swNitchied to that format permia- niently. Pitcher, 'Fifi The Flirt' hias been mnowing downi opposing baffers with only three defeni- sive players beinid 'her' while hitting more than 100 home runis per season. Theicollier miemnbers of the 'California Cuties' are 'Dumpy Dorýa' behind the plate;, 'Heffiy Helen' at first base and also playing the entire righit side of the field and 'Malin Street Sallyv' who covers short stop as well as the entire left side of the field. That's A it takes this ighilly skilled softball team 10o go up against ALL levels of local competition. Another Superstar ofthe visiting 'Cuties' is comnedy genius, 'Tr-ino Palacios', who cavorîs on the miound, and afield at aIl positions as 'Madaîm Hilda'. When flot pitching, 'alcdami' prances along the sidelines keeping the fans involved withi lier runiingicL comiedy chatter. "Trino discov- ered over fifty years ago that lie hiad a talent for miaking peo- pIe laugli, and lias been at il almiost lis entire life. His great- est joy in life is sharing his hiumor with the miany thou- sanids of fans who have wt niessed tliis terrific famiily-ori- ented show, over tlie years." The teami slogan is, "Those who vateh the Cuties play. live to laugli anoîher day!" As a warmiup 10 the 'CuIties' gamne, Ite HOST Bantami Girl's Select leami will take on tlie Oshawa Stingers Minor Bantami Rep teamn at 6 p.m. Memnbers of tlie HOST Select teami from Orono are: Eleni Koukidîs, Melonie Allin, Erin Rutherford, Ashiley West, and Marley Gimnlett. Playing for the Stingers Rep teamn is Trina West of Orono. So, if you haven'l already purcliased your ticket 10 lauIgli- ter and great family entertain- mlent--tickets ($4 eadh or $10 per famiily) wilI be sold aI the ,gate or caîl Art Reid 983-9495. This is an Orono Base- ball/Softball fundraising event. Armstrong's IGA Bantams enter playoffs in fir The bantamns closed ouI defeat romi Blackstock in their r-egular season with an 8-2 Nestleton AuguLst Sîli. Orono Win over G&G Fab/Tool hic. in had a 3-2 first iingiii lead on Courtice lasI Thur-sday giving lruns i fromn Robinson, themn a one point edge and top Williamnson and Aluin. Grayden spot in league standings. HUnt added 10 the score in the By vir-tue of their first place thirdinig Williamison and finish, Orono receives a bye in Reid scored in the fourth. the opening round of playoffs Orono couldni't hold on 10 the with their first garne schieduled 6-5 lead entieingi the bottomi of for Monday, August 241h, the fifihi as Blackstock- slugged Orono Park aI 6 p.mn. OuI fourn 10t take the lead A recap of their past four and the gamne. games finds Orono with a three Orono piayed host to and one record. DUCA Credit Union Auguist The boys were home versus 101hl and hield on 10 a 6-3 victo- G&G July 2911 defeating their ry. Orono took a 5-1 first opposition i10-4. First inning inning lead on runs from Jamie scores were provided by Mike Rowe, Doug Wallon, Neil Kiapp, Neil Williamnson and Wilîiamsoii and Matt Reid Lee Allini on a triple by Malt after hitting a triple. Then the Reid. Tyler Simpson scored Orono bats were silenced Orono's lone second inning throughi four innings. In the run. Iii the third, Jef Slemon fifth inning Allani Fraser batted and Kyle Lowery were on a double and scored on a don- board for an Aaron Robinson ble by Jef Slemion. With a 6-3 home run. Neil Williamnson and fifth iigIi ead, things looked Lee Aluni also contributed 10 bad as DUCA scored three Orono's third inning lead. Afier runs. Pitcher Jamie Rowe was scoreless fourth and fiflh called uponIo bail the teamiout innings, Williamison crossed and did an admirable job-- the plate scoring Orono's final striking Out the side 10 end the run in the sixîl. inniing. Unfortunately for The grocers suffered a 9-6 DUCA, lime ran ouI and the' 'st place score reverted back 10 the last completedinng On lucky' August 131h, ,Ilhe bantamis were aI Couirtice's Penfound Park and stole first place fromn G&G Fab/To(ol hic. itian 8-2 victory. Afler a scoreless fir-st in:ingOrono1 took a 1-0 second inning lead on a run by/ Malt Reid. The second inniing was scoreless but, the third provided th ree more Orono runs fromn Williamnson, Aluin and Reid thanks 1o a double by Doug- Wallon. Oronio scored four more runs in the sixth 10 go ahecad 8-1 thanks 10 Aaron Robinson, wilh a 'near-home run' double, Neil Williamnson's double, Bill Landmnan and Lee Allin. G&G Fab/Tool hic. squeezed in a single in tle sev- enîl inning but il xvas not near- ly enough 10 steal the victory from Orono. Entering playoffs with a record of eight wins, four lies and four losses, Armnstrong's IGA bantamns are ready Io play baIl with the imomentumn and mind-set required 10 win a' championship. Good luck boys. Slime Over Titans22-1 Noveli Over Pitbulls 16 - 11 Cernent Heads Over Black Jacks 18 - 3 Blazers Over Mud Hens 14 - 6 Kinsmen Over Cernent Heads il - 9 LEAGUE STANDINGS Team GP Wun Loss Tie RF RA PTS Noveil 15 14 1 O 288 168 28 Cernent Heads 16 10 6 0 250 136 20 Kinsmen 16 10 6 0 174 176 20 Slime 15 9 6 0 173 167 18 Blazers 15 7 8 0 172 174 14 Mudhens 15 7 8 O 144 197 14 Black Jacks 16 6 10 0 204 179 12 Pitbuils 15 3 12 0 125 209 6 Titans 15 3 12 0 131 245 6 LAST REGULAR SEASON GAMES - AUGUST 23rd Time Visitors Home 2:.30 p.m.. Noveil vs Blazers 4:00 p.m. Mudhens vs Titans 5:30 p. m. Pitbulls vs Slime Steve's Diesel overtakes Grayon Nine is just enough As is the 'story for many summier sports teamns, holidays continue 10 play liavoc with Steve's Diesel Peewee girl's lineup. In a homne-stand against Grayon lÏasI Wednesday even- ing, the Diesel girls hiad just enougli players to field a teamn then proceeded 10 give it their ail in a close 13-10 victory . Il was a gyreat gyame for pifence and defence in prepara- lion for the piayoffs with an outstanding effort by ail the girls. Katie O'Neill iead the attack wý,itli two triples and a double, scoring three lim-es while Michielle Henderson crossed the plate in three at-bats and Jennifer Henderson scored twice 10 liead the scoring department. Solid performances on tlie mnound by Vanessa Maynard, Erin MacDonald and Katie O'Neill and catcher Laura Williamson's stellar play behind the plate enabied the dieselers 10 shut tlie door on Grayon. Katie Knapp was on base witli a walk in each of lier tlree at-bats and led in the stolen bases category taking second and third t'wice. Kimi Kindratuik made solid contact with tlie bail with every at-bat, but kepl drîving il rigtal the opposition. Il was a greal preparatory gamne while the girls wind down their season with play- offs looming just ahead. FEEL THE HEdI T! Clarington Rids of Steel WHO: ALL YOUTH 7- 18 YEARS (as of Jan. 1/98) WHERE: Clarington Fitness Centre, Bowmanviile WHEN: Sunday, August 30, 1998 HOW: Registration forms available at Fitness Centre DROP OFF: *CLARINGTON FITNESS CENTRE 49 Liberty Street N., BowianviI1e *COURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX 2950 Courtice Road, Courtice MAIL TO: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPT. 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville LIC 3A6 Register NOW. Registrations wiIl be received until 9 p.m. on Aucust 21, 1998. Come out and join in the fun of this event or cheer the event participants on -- either way -- it is going to be exciting! We offer a 'training program' if interest- ed, please cail Community Services. INIFORMATIION: TRACEY LEONARD 623-3392 Date of publication: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 RO. #6809

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