Fred Cox, Ray Bester and E Wednesday and cooked it to perf Amateur Athietie Association, ar were serenaded with live music fi Ed Bird of Bowmianville won 1 NT E RACTIV By Pat Irwin Lycett, RN., B.Sc., Certified Iidologist Registered Nutritional Consultant 983-9475 TAI CHI, QIGONG, ENERGY, AND THE MIND t has been said that the mind can be man's best friend or his worst enerny. Without a healthy mind there is littie chance for wholesome contem- plation and developing the habit of self-inquiry - looking into oneself to see what mnakes us tick!! One occasionally hears the thought that the pre- sent world has forgotten the true place of the mmnd in the scheme of things. We have becomne enamnoured with the luxury and convenience which are made possible through the work of brilliant and gifted minds, and have given unques- tioned authority to the place of the mind in our increasingly material world. But the mind is not mneant only for study and analysis. In the human being it is the mind that cani determine what happens, withini--howN one actu- ally experiences life. The mind ultimately has the power to determine the quality of one's life, to determine the quality of our vital-force, or qi, which, in Jiealth, circulates constantly within the body. In a humnan being, the mmnd can mnake the individual physically aware and conscious of the qi (ener- gy) as il moves in the body. The mind, as we A know, can make us healthy or sick. Qigong is an ancient Chinese practise to strengthen and harmonize your Vital Force, or Qi, by combining movement, deep relaxation and breathing. AIl of the move- ments carry messages of Love. These exercisës allow you to distili the bealing power of Blaine Moffat wrestled 307 lbs. of beef onto the BBQ spit last cfection. This years event was the 31 st annual put on by the Orono ind 480 people came down to the Orono Park to participate. Diners fromi Ed Morton's Jazz Catz. $210 in the 50/50 draw. benefit fromn this cardiovascu.- lar exercise and it can actually, in somne individuals, reduce blood pressure. Posture and joint flexibility are improved. Ail of the major muscle groups are uised, benefiting the lower back and the digestive tract. Tai Chi and Qigong are comiplemnentary to each other. Chi and Qi are actually the saine word, and it is possible that the different spellings have corne fromn different dialects ithin the mnany Chinese languLages. Tai- mneans universal. Gong refers to "skifl in mnoving qi within the body." Qigong is practised in a sta- tionary position, and we will be using sitting and standing mnovemients in Our Orono class. They are soothing, relaxing, and very healing. Both Of these-ifts help LuS to be in touch with our inner selves, and to be happy in our daily work. The intermiediate class begun in February continues, Septemnber 8, Tuesdays, 7:15, Ieýwer level, Orono United Church. A new begin- ner's group will start on September 10, Thursdays, 9:00, samne location. For ail your health concerns please be sure to contact your health care providers. If you have enquiries about any of the above, please cal Pat at 983-9475. Subscribe to the Orono Weekly Times schemes operating in the Region of Durham at this time. The schemies are ail similar in nature, targeting women from ail walks of life, with sep- arated, divorced and widowed women being recruited in the workplace, or by friends, rela- tives, and even through the Initemnet. Maniy schemecs operate under such names as "Womien Helping Womnen", "Ladies Helping Ladies", "The Cookie Club", "The Muffini Club",, "The Women's Support Group" and "The Business 'Womien's Investmient Group". In mnany cases, mnarried women are advised not to tel their husbands they are involved, and transactions are donc in cash on-ly, with promis- es of $40,000 return on a $5000 investment. Not only is this scheme illegal under the Criminal Code, with a maxi- mum penalty of up to 2 years in prison, but it is also not fea- sible to provide this return to everyone who becomes involved. Unfortunately some- one has to lose when the Pyramid expands, and collaps- es because of lack of numbers. The Durham Regional Police Service is asking women who havé been victims of these'illegal schemes to con- tact Detective Sergeant Peter Naumnienko at (905) 683-9100, ext. # 2511. Swimming - Dixieland Band Chidren's Entertainment Everyone Welcome Bring your famnily and join uis--lots of food, meet the Candidates. __ Free for ail who wish to paricipate! SNatural S-,ensetmAromatherapyi Essenial 011 Produets & Supplies Featuring Natural Insect Repellent Spray Body Lotions Bath & Massage Oils Pure Essential Ois9 The Very Popular...' Tea Tree - Antiseptic Lavender - Relaxant Citronella - Inseet Repellent and many more Kid qençe Aromatherapy Children's Bath & Massage Oils STUTT')ýS.Pil!ANCYL 17e ý ý . .. l . -, - .111 -11 Il il ý. il I.- ii . ...... . .... - qE