4,, a, * RON Orono Town Hall An apple a day. Orono Scout Brandon Willamhowe claims he had the best spot in town to sell apples from last Saturday. Mr. Harold Middleton selects lis own shiny red from the basket. While Brandon stood in front of the Village Bake Shop, other scouts went door to door or were standing at other strategic loca- tions throughout town. The annual Apple Day drive raises funds for the National organization, and for supplies and activities at the local level. Happenings... CAMP WORKING DAY October 18th has been designated as Camp Working Day by the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts of Orono. Camp Working Day was established to build a shelter for the groups at the old forestry prop- erty. Anyone wishing to donate materials or time can call Cathy Stewart 983-8276. SMALL WONDERS MINIATURES CLUB The Club will meet tonight Wednesay, October 14th, 1998 at 132 Church Street, Bowmanville (Old Fire Hall) Second Floor Meeting Room 1 at 7:30 p.m. New members and young people accompa- nied by an adult are especially invited to attend. For further information call Shirley 623-1597 evenings. CLARINGTON OLDER ADULTS Clarington Older Adults play euchre Tuesday 9 - 12 noon; Thursday 1 - 4 p.m. Bridge is Tuesday 10 - 12 noon; Thurs. 1 - 4 p.m. Beginners bridge Wednesday 1 - 3 p.m. The Sit and Chat group with Joan meets every Tuesday morning from October 20 on. The Osteoporosis meeting is Tuesday, October 20, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Clarington Older Adults welcomes new members and vol- unteers. CLARINGTON HEALTHY COMMUNITIES COMMITTEE The Committee invites you, your family and your friends to help us celebrate one of our most beau- tiful natural features - the Bowmanville Creek Valley. On Saturday, October 24th, between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m., we are hosting a clean-up of the valleylands f rom Highway 2 to Baseline Road. We will be meeting at the north parking lot (off Roenigk Drive) at 9 a.m. for instructions and distribution of garbage bags, compliments of Blue Circle Cement. The Bowmanville Lions club will be serving hot beverages in the morning and a warm lunch for all volunteers. Don't forget your boots and gloves! If you have any questions please contact Susan Larsh at 623-1595. Volume 62, Number 40 650 GST Included Wednesday, October 14, 1998 Lishman gets regional approval for - Though the opposition were commended for their pre- sentations, in the end, Region of Durham councillors voted overwhelmingly in support of amending the Region's Official Plan. Councillors voted 21-5 in favour of rezoning a 20 hectare parcel of land on Taunton Rd. between Leskard and Townline Rd. to designate a rural employment area to permit the development of a fur garment manufacturing facility. The parcel of land is currently zoned Prime Agricultural Reserve, and Environmental Protection. Bill Lishman speaking on behalf of the applicant, Paula Lishman International Limited stated, "the environmental movement has gone off the track over the years." Quoting from a book Lishman said, "agriculture is the single most destructive force in the world today." In his own words lie added, "agriculture has become a bit of a holy cow, and we should put it in perspective." Delegations again had 10 minutes to state their case, and all present spoke in opposition to the rezoning. Several dele- gates asked that the application be tabled till the proper studies were carried out. Linda Gasser asked that the application be tabled for two years till data from the Watershed Study cur- rently underway is available. Mayor Hamre stated, "there is no justification to delay, no justification to table, let people get on with their lives." "What ever they [the opponents] asked for we tried to do," she said, "it's not enough. We held extra public meetings and we still heard 'Clarington Council does- n't listen, and staff doesn't know what they're talking about'." When Lishman was asked by Councillor Pidwebecki if lie would be prepared to have an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) done by an independent consultant? Lishman replied "absolutely." Councillor Moffatt asked, "would this fac- tory be built within tihe next three years?" Lishman answered, "yes." Mrs. Jean Kingsley, whose driveway is being rezoned against lier wishes to accom- 'ezoning modate access to the 20 hectare parcel of land pleaded, "please ladies and gentlemen, don't take everything away from the country folk." "I don't know why we are taking the Official Plan apart bit by bit," stated Councillor Harrell, one of the five council- lors who did not support the application. Harrell listed sev- eral reasons why he felt this was the wrong use in the wrong place. The matter of the con- tested right-of-way should have been dealt with before the application came forward in his view. Mr. Tunney, of Tunney Planning, Inc. retained by the Lishmans told Councillors, "it is unlikely that another site could be found in this area that would not gravely effect agri- culture." Tunney asked that council drop the single use restriction of a 'Fur Garment Manufacturing Facility' from the zoning amendment. "The reason being," said Tunney, "it is extremely difficult to get financing where the applicant is restricted to a single use, though that is the intention of Mr. Lishman." Clarington Councillor John Mutton stated, "we have achieved a very tight recom- mendation. I believe there have been many concerns brought by delegations, I believe they will be addressed at the site plan stage." A recommendation to table the application for two years till an EIS has been done by Mr. Lishman was lost in a 21-5 vote. The application was approved with the single use restriction, and with a sunset clause as recommended by the Regional Planning Committee. The sunset clause allows the Municipality of Clarington to put a time restriction on this application. If the facility is not built within the time limit set out, the land reverts back to the original 'Prime Agricultural Reserve' zoning.