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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Oct 1998, p. 8

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- ~--,- 8-Orono Weekly 'limes, Wednesday, October 21, 1998 J ( C'OU NCIL NOTES Vilos dog order served These notes were taken from the council meeting held on Tuesday October 13, at the Newcastle Town Hall. Skatepark in Courtice Council heard from a Courice delegation wlio feel the proposed Skatepark sbould be in Courtice rather than Bowmanville. A skatepark in Courtice would be easily acces- sible ta kids from Bowmanville and Oshawa as well as the high number of youth living in Courtice, said the delegation. The Courtice youtb group feel they have proven ta be respons i- ble since their haif pipe ramp lias not been vandalized. 1If the town did not choose ta move the Skatepark ta Cour tice, the group asked if the $170,000 ta be spent on the new park co uld be divided up between Bowmanville, Orono and Courtice, so..each location cauld have a smaller park of its own. Mayor Hamre reminded the group that the Skatepark was only in the design and cost stage at this time. If a Skatepark is ta be built, it would be referred ta the 1999 capital-budget. Dispute over security deposit Mr. Webb appeared before council on behaîf of his client The Kaitlin Group. Webb was disputing conditions put- down by the municipality ini the Draft Plan Approval of the Part of Newcastle development. In 1996 the Municipality stipulat- ed, as a condition for the devel- opmnent of phase one, Kaitlin was ta provide the Municipality a security deposit in the amaount of $750,000 for the future reconstruction of Toronto St. In approving phase twa of the development, the previaus council required that a security deposit of 100% of the cost of the Toronto St. reconstruction be made by the developer before construction of phase one can begin. A very rougli estimate of tbat cost, given by Planning Director Frank Wu is in the neighbourhood of $5.2 million., Mr. Webb dlaims the rules have now changed. Councillor Novak asked, ý"in the event that we don't interpret this the samne way, where will you go with this?" Mr. Webb replied that the recourse of the Kaitlini Group would be ta go ta the Ontaria Municipal Board. -Mayor Hamre pleaded with council ta table this matter tili a report could be made available ta aIl counicillors.. These deci- sions were made by the previaus counicil and the Mayor felt care should be taken ta ensure al counicillors had the facts. The matter was tabled till the next counicil meeting. Radioactive waste Counc illor Trim put forward a motion that would bring repre- sentatives from the Ministry of Natural Resources, an environ- mental consulting agency and community volunteers together ta discuss options for storing the low level radioactive waste in easterly part of this municipali- ty. Trim attended a meeting in Hope Township on October 6, Where that township voted to seek funding to store only the radioactive waste situated with- in its boundaries. These notes were taken from the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting on Monday, October 19, in the council chamrbers. No lot severance Mi. Glen Parks lost bis bld ta divide a two acre lot in an Enniskillen subdivision into 2 one acre lots. Mayar Hamnre pointed out that though the Durham Region Health Department stated the lot servic- ing plan proposed is suitable ta the Department, what if other lot owners within the development wanted ta subdivide their lots? "Can the ground handle the sep- tic effluent from 22 more lots?" asked Hamrre. Truck traffie addressed The matter of truck traffic on Cobbledick Street Orono was addressed in Works Departmnent report 54-98. The report recom- mends that additional "Truck Route" signs be posed in Orono ta encourage the use of Highway 35/115 Irather than Cobbledick St. Wes Knapp of Main St. bas expressed concerns over recent years regarding truck traffic using Cobbledick St. The resident's request for truck restrictions cames afier a truck bent tbe end of a drainage culvert at the intersection af Cobbledick and Main Streets. Most recent conicernis stem from the businesses operatlng from the former Curvply build- ing on Cobbledick St. TIyrone Spring The water spring just east of Mr. Camerons 'on the 8th coni- cession, which bas carried bis name for many years, will now be called "Tyrone Spring". The Municipality will erect a normal roadside sign which will read-- Site of a natural spring which dates back to the 1800's when clear spring waterfed a wooden trough to accommodate those travelling with hors e drawn vehicles. Develop fire escape and practice it regularly. Miclie le Thompson bas had lier german shepherd since it was 8 weeks old, and she does not believe it's vicious. He's grown up around babies and children, states Michele in a let- ter ta cauncil, I've done home daycare for about 8 children and lie bas neyer behaved aggres- sively towards the chiîdren or tbeir parents the letter went on ta say. The Thompson's dog, Duke,, was declared a vicions dog by the municipality resulting from an incident that took place in front of their home on Stanford Cres. ini Newcastle. A 5 year old boy and bis black lab were in the driveway across from the Tliompson' s residence. The father of the boy was buying an ice cream bar from a street vendor when Duke ran ont into the street. The municipal -report stated they were attacked by, a german shepherd. The report also says, the dog snstained injuries which caused breathing difficulties and the owner sustained injuries ta his rigbt ankle. Certified dog trainer/evalua- tor Rosalind Paton said she doubted whether Duke bit any- one because the Health Department would have had ta, be notified,' and Duke wonld have beeni quarantined. She also questioned whether the black lab sustained injuries, because the Thomspons would have been responsible for the vet. bills, and these have neyer been provided. Paton stated -she did a full evaluation of Duke, and be neyer showed any signs of aggression. On September 15, the Thompsons pied gnilty ta charges of allowing their dog to mun at large and failing ta obtain a license for their dog. They were fined $75. A dag that bas been declared vicions by the municipality must be permanently identified by micro clip, enclased in a pen or other enclosure sa as ta pre- vent the dog fram leaving bis praperty and ta prevent contact with people and other animals when the dog is an bis own property. The dog must be restrained at alI times with a leash and a muzzle by a persan who is 18 years of age or older while the dog is off bis own property. When asked- what in her opinion wasthe mast onerous part of the vicious dog declara- tion, Thompson replied, "I1 don't want ber ta be leashed and muz- zled at aIl times, 1 don't see the need for the mirco -chîp." Thompson also felt that it would be impossible ta keep Duke from being araund people on ber own yard since she has three children. Under the liglit of some new evidence, counicillors referred the report back ta staff for fur- ther investigation. Mayor Hamre did point out that if the dogs had been leaslied and not been allowed ta mun at large in contravention of the, municipality by-laws, none of this would bave happened.- Subscribe to the' Orono Weekly Times ....s. .. . These are- some of the Iowest rates un Canada ANNUAL RATES 35 157 287 515 40 187 367 670 45 259 535 985 50 374 790 1,495 55 5771,7 2,465 60 868 2,003 3,920 65 1,380 3,212 6,215 Kim Little Insurance & Investments1 (905)983-0512 PROPERTY TAX DEFERRAL FOR LOW-INCOME SENIOR HOMEOWNERS AND LOW-INCOME HOMEOWNERS WITH DISABILITIES If -you are a 10w-incarne senior homeowner or a Iow-incame homeowner with a disability iving in the Region of Durham, yau may be eligible for a deferral of that portion of any property tax increase (that is, the greater of 5 percent or $100) which resuits f rom the Provincial reassessment of your property. To be eligible for the prograrn certain criteria rnust be met, such as: " The property tax increase is in respect of one principal residence in the Region of Durharn. " The property tax increase resulting from reassessment is greater than 5 percent or $100. " The applicant or spouse af the applicant is a recipient ai support under the Federal Guaranteed Incarne Supplement or the Ontario Disability Support Program, or in the alterna- tive, he/she is age 65 or aver and has incarne equal ta or less than the lirits established by the Guaranteed Incarne Supplernent, etc. Deferred taxes under this pragrarn wiII be subiect ta interest at a rate eciual ta the revailinq prime rate as at Januarv 1 in the vear for which a deferral is souaht less 2 percent. Ail -deferred taxes and accurnulated interest must be repaid in full upon the sale or transfer of titie ta the property. However, the transfer of the property ta a qualifying spouse will not give rise ta a repayrnent. In order for deferrals ta be pracessed and granted in a tirnely rnanner, applications for the 11998 tax year mnust be received by your local Municipal Office by Navember 15.,1998., Appli cation forrns and additional inforrnation are available at your local rnunicipal office as listed below: Municipalitv Ajax Brack Clarington Oshawa Pickering Scugag Uxbridge Whitby Address 65 Harwaod Ave. S., Ajax 1 Carneron St. E., Canningtan 40 Temperance St., Bawrnanville 50 Centre St. S., Oshawa 1 The Esplanade, Pickering 181 Perry Street, Part Perry 51 Toronto St. S., Uxbridge 575 Rassland Rd. E., Whitby Phone Number (905) 683-4550 (705) 432-2355 (905) 623-3379 (905) 725-3356 (905) 420-4614 (905) 985-7346 (905) 852-9181 (905) 668-5803 r- p

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