r4-OooWiy tsWdedyNvme ~f9 For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 BARINA HOME CHIECK "Let us maie your home look lived in" " Vacation Homne Checking " Wedding Day Services or whencver you're away INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Serving Newtonville, Newcastle, OTono & surrounding cormmunitieg IListed in White & YeIow Pages Flowers Plus FLOWERS e GIFTS & CRAFT1S 46 King Street East NEWCASTLE 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wiida Middleton 983-9819 ORONO ELECTRIC Mt. Electrical Appliances Colour 'IV's - Hi-Fi's' SALES AND SERVICE Hotpoint - R.C.A White -Westinghous(- Frigdaire -WhirMo1 Wood's reezersà Magic Chef,, Hoover GRUNDYV'S Country Upholstery Quality Work in Upholstery R.*R. 2, Orono 983-98 74 Bryon Grundy .Goies. BUS TOURS Sil Novemnberl14 Royal Winter Fair/Horse Show Nov. 13 -20 Branson Christmas Novemnber 20 Elvis Stoike December 2 Walters FamIIy Christmas December 5 CeItIc Christmas Decem)ber 9 Patsy The Patsy Cline Story December 14 Castleloma/Cullen Gardens Cornein and see our fuillfine of Tilley hats etc., travel accessories, and driver*s eoucation handbooks. Inquisitive, mature aduits ta have the time of their lives. Leaving Canada April 22 retumling May 15 for a grand tour o Europe. It is the tour~ of the decadel Contact John Veidhuis of Blessings Travel (905) 623-0005 for more details. 21, 28, 4, Illac 1995 Ford Windstar, 3.8, 3rd seat, 83,500 km., tar green. mnatching interior, $14.300,00 oertifled. Cal 623-4395, 4 ac Good running computers for sale, full systems, 486DX33 with monitor. Calil Loyal Printlng Ltd. 983-5301. tfnl I l ,IT PAYS TO 983-5301 Instail Smoke Alarms Cnr IT'-S TH E L-nAW- HORSERACK RIDINfl Colonial Equstrlan Centre 3706 Rundie RI. <Courtice) is naw accepting new stridents (children & aduits) for aur ricing and horseman?- ship programs, summer. camps, etc. For further informnation or to iegister cali: 1-(905) 623-7336 Holme af the Bowmanville Pany Club 45 years experience, will help sel.l your coins at highest prices on a commission basis. Caîl Gary 983-9932. 4 ap Old fishing tackle, old guns or related accessories, outdoor books etc. In home appraisais avaîlable. 30 years experlence. Daniel G. Banting 905-983-6480, tfn For Rent - 1 bedroo apartmnent $425. /month Newcastle. For infc mation cali 905-66 4940. Generai sewing done mny home, 5 days a wee Phone 983-9761. Thank You to everyone f'or coming ta Jim*s 4lst blrthday party. Thank you se miuch for your generosity and kindness. Hope you had a great time. Sandi & Jim Baxter 4 ap Custom Sewing " Alterations " Homedecor *Baby Quilts VISIT OUR HOMEDECOR AND BABY SHOP 5331 Main St., Orono tfnl ont for in cofW T ÛiTQ a Y.a In ioving mnemory of a dear wife, mother and grandmother who passed away November 7, 1995. Tliough lier smnile is gane forever And lier liand we cannat taucli, Still we have sa manty me mories, 0f the one wve laved sa mucli Her memory is aur keepsake, With which u,'l neyer part, Gad lias her in His keeping, We liave her in aur lieart. Sadly miisse-d and always loved by Geraid (Tim), Dean, Gary and Lynn, Courtney and Cody. Tanya and Ryan. 4 ap MILLER, CHARLES, E. At Lakeridge Health. Bowmanville on Monday, November 2, 1998 at the age of 91 years. Charies, beloved husband of the late Mary Aberta (Tamblyn). Loving father of Larry and his wife Anne and Wayne and his wife Julie. Dear grandfather of Michael, Steven, Tammy and Aaron. Sadly missed by his brother Kenneth, sister Audrey, sisters-in- law Mary Tamblyn. Leta Tamblyn, Dorothy Miller and Lillian Miller. Funeral service wili be heid at Orono United Church on Wednesday at 1 p.m. Visitation at the Church one hour prior to the service., Interment Orono Cemetery. Donations to the Ontario Heart & Stroke Foundation may be madle through the. Monris Funeral Chapel, 4 Division Street, Bowmanville. 1or- COX, LOIS Y.' 68- In ioving memory of Lais Cox wha passed away Ufn November 7, 1995. Laving and kind in C a s fi I Upight andjust ta thie (continued page 13) end oflier days, Sinceoe and kind in heart and mind, in Wliat beautiftd memarfes ýek. si-e eft behind. Sadly missed by tfn Donna & Roy.M SUTHERLAND, JAMES (AI) At the Versa Care Centre, Newcastle, on Monday, October 26, 1998. AI, a long-tinte resident of Versa Care since 1983, will bc fondly rcmemibered by staff and residents. Visitation was at the Newcastle Funeral Home, 386 Mill St. South, Newcastle (Just narth of 401, Mill Street exit) on Wednesday front 7 ta 9 p.nt. Funerai serice was in the Chapel of the funeral hame on Thursdlay, October 29, at 1:30 p.mn. Interment St. George's Cemetery, Newcastle. 4 ac ( ubscribe ta the Pper ) H-ooper's Jeweflers... Corne m liand sçee our .collection of Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks Hoopr'sJewdllers g, 4l ac d s i VI Sel] the andI List she weiî anc kîte Holc des plie 'TEF, with PETHICK & PHENSON AUCTION BARN, Haydon LAT., NOVEMBER 7 at 6:00 p.m. .,WING PROM 3 p.m. ing the remnainder of Estate from Haydon other consignments. ta include pine book If, old coins, cast iron ,lit set, aid toys, cups 1saucers, small hen applianoes, Robin ýd flour sacks, mirrors, k, bedding and hians, dishes etc. MS: Cash, Cheque ID or Visa. AUCTIONEER >ON STEPHENSON 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9829 4 ac Fruit Maket ALL FRESH ONTAI - Mclntosh, Cortianc & Royal Gala A -Bartlett, Flemish, Beattý Field Tomat( FRESH CIDý Brown Potai South of Orono, Hwy 115/35 RIO GOODS , Empire, Pples 1 & Bosc Pears oes ER toes 983-5628 anting 6fanie( G. Bc IFine Firearmis & Co((ectib(es Collections & Estate Appraisais A Specialty In Home Service Available GUNS BOUGHT, SOLD, TRADED 5331 Main Street, Orono 983-6480 email: dbanting@istar.ca The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarrns. -- 11, 'l il EEE ARD' F.- XSS,