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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Nov 1998, p. 7

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-- --r- Orono Weekly ~1irnes, Wednesday, November 4, 1998 - 7 Kîrby's dessert -concert The dessert concert at Kirby United C hurch Friday light fea- tured Rev. Mervyn Russeli - Tenor, and Mary Clare MacKinnon on piano. The duo performied a varied concert withi songs from Nova Scotia, selections front Porgy and Bess, West Side Story, classical songs and ended with selections from Stephen Foster. Afler the concert, an amnazing array of desserts were served in the churcli basemnent. Staying in by John O'Toole, MPP Last week, 1I had the privi- lege of atteniding,, the opeingi o f Lydia Truil Publi1c School mn CouIrticeý. This is a beautiful lcNw school complete wý,ith the latest techniology. As iii any nrew school, there are bounldary issues andc stu- denlts are expec-ted to makec niew friends anid adjuiLst to the changes. Congratulationis and best wishes to the studenits, parents and staff. It seemns ironic that last wýeek, the Toronito mledia was buzzIng wiïth the pr-ovïinces' ewaccommodations policy,. Recenltly, we announced over $80 illioni dollars for nIew schools anld schoo1L upgrades. This formula allows school boards to plan and organize their facilities efficienltly. Space is allocated at appr-oximately 100 square feet for- each ele- menltary studenlt anld about 130 square feet for seconidary stu- denits. The PuIpil Accommodations Review. Comm ittee made LuP 0of Mînistry and School Board officiais reported in, ý196. Boards are asked to idenitify school1s to be conisolidated by December 1998 to determnle the accommi-iodaitiong-ranits 1-or 1999/2000. Portables, day-care ceniters, gmaimanld libraries were nlot iniccuded n11 a1 board('s total squLare footageý capacity.Jif b ards aveexcess capacity, they ,can keep il, sel it or returnil l to the provinice anid get additionaul capacity 'lninglTe provinice is fundic- imng Pupil Accommllodationis at $5.20 per squLare foot to runl mlaintlain and1LIconISILtru SCIIOo)i buliidingIs. This 1amountIS to $1 8 Touch billion for 1998/99, and we have guiaranteed stable funding for thle next thiree years. fin the past few% years, thlere hiave been some 225 schools closed while in thie samne period there wvere some 375ne schiools built. One commion concern over the past decade hias been thie growNth ùinthe num ber of porta- bles. We are comimitting uIp to $140 million dollars over thie necxt two years to provide per- manent facilities for, sonme 120,000 students. As 1I have said in previous columrns, 1 rec- ognize Durhamn is a growvth area and there may need Io be consîderation for thle new Kawarthia Pine RZidge District Schiool B3oard #14 (formrerly thle Northum 11berland & Clarington, as weIl as thie Peterborough School Boards). This new, board hias excess capacity in the Peter'bor-oughl area wvhilcýee have too many portables in Clarington. 1 have spoken to the Minister of Education on thiis issule. Special teduIcation funding was 1thle top(c of a school com- mniity meeting I1 had the privi- lege of attending last wee.k at the -n ew St. Stephien's Second ary Scehoo1 Iin Bowm1anv Ille. -Thle topie wýas spcciail education funding. Thec Speciail Eduication Per Pupil AýmounIt (SE-lPPA) grant i Intn~e SpprtAmount (ISA) sdrce to ev"ery cild ideniied wîlh !1specia l needs. The ISA amiiounlt is f'or special equipmnent, teachiing assistants and mlodlifiecurrL]-icuItlum for idenItifîeIiedh ieedscidrn 1 wýas very' pleased on Friday 10 be a1v1;ed that tee wîll be addI(itionaýli L f 1uîg or its cIli ldreni. Our Minlister of Eduitcaitionliha', allocated an addiàtional $ 12 7 ilHion for high ineeds childrenci. This spe- cial eduication furiding is,,.nowý $I1.18 billion dollars and il can- not be spenit in other budget areas. The previous cap (4%5/ mitigaion factor) should not apply to 'pecial educaàtio.1 mlight add thlat ISA fundingý mioves \with thei child fromn board Io board so the parents do not have to continue to fighit for thieir cildý-'s special needs support. I1 thank the nmany par- ents nd( teachers for bringing,, tis itemn to my\ attention. Amnendmrents to the Ch1ild and Famnily Servicýes Act ereý intiroduced by the Minister of Community & social Serv ice,ý the Hlonourable Janet Ecker. This legisiationi is in rsos to the2 Child MOr1a1lty Task For-ce Report and wýi]l provide additional resources to front line workers, children's aid societies and ensure that the best intrests of children are Prote.1 VoIlunteer firefighte][rs wer-e unfortlunately not properly Con- sidered ini the prev'iolis reformi to the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (formerly the WCB). Compensation cover- age used Io be based on the typical pay rate for a fuît tie firefighter. Nowv the le.gisilion compenisates the volunteer based on their actual einploy- mient.i mainly rural areas, il is difficult to calculate these insurable earnings. 1 arn advised that the Minister is aware of thýe problemi and we are seeking a soIlutionl. Next \w7ekend lNovemnber 6th & 7thi)îll rinig sod of tourws to Durham. The "Durham TrillirQuilters Guild" wllfeature display's of hundreds of quality hand craft- ed quilts. Camp Samac, Scugog, and Bowmanviii\ille \\ill. each feature tours, Church InnI- cheons and Ocala Orchard & Wniery, as weII as Archibalds Orchard & Winery, wýill have displays and tours.My con- Stituenlcy office at 75 King Street East in Bowmianville will feature a wýall hanging qlilt decorated w\ith the 10~ provincial flowers of Canada. This quilt is valUedI at over $15,000.00. 1 thank the many vounteer organizers of this "Quilt Extravaganza". The art of quilting brings back fond mremnories of 1how my1Nmother and grandmnother usedi to spend the wvinter eveings wýhen I was a yongsterlivig on thefam. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES 983-5301 CLOCA wildlife and nature art show Looking for that perfect Christmas gifi or somnething to fi11 the empty space ini your home or office, then make plans to visit CLOCA's Wildlfe and Nature Art Show. The Central Lak e Ontario Conservation Authority will be hosting an art show on Friday, Nov. 63 (6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m,) and Sat./Sun. Nov. 7/8 (Noon - 5:00 p.m.) at the main entrance of the Whitby Mental H-ealth Centre, 700 Gordon st. Whitby. Admission to the art show FREE and visitors will see a variety of wood carvings, photographis and paintirigs & Teai Room Proprietors: Gary K Carol Vreeker on display and available for sale. A silent auction will also be held on Friday evening Nov. 6, Fundcs raised through the show will go to purchase equipment for school programs at the AuthoritLy's Enniskillen Outdoor Education Centre. For more intormnation on the art show please contact the Authority office (905) 579-04111 or check out our website a t wwvw.speedline.ca/cloca, ARTISTS WANTED Any artists interested in participating in the showv are asked to contact Mr. AI Goguen at (905) 404-8882. * WddngCakes 983-9779 SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID "'W(ere fProfessionaIfEtiqutte is Important' Funeral Dlrectors Paul R. Morris Robert E. WiliIams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4b_ 4 Division St. Bowmanviiie The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Departrnent Remnembrance Day Closure of RegionsWaste - Management Faciities The Regions Waste Facilities in Blackstock, Oshawa and Port Perry will be closed on Weclnesday, November 11, 1998 for Remembrance Day. Normal hours of operation wili resume on Tljursday, November 12, 1998. V.A. SILGAILIS, P.Eng. Comm issioner of Works At Sharkys, we buy/seiI and trade almost anything.. Jewellery, TV's/VCR's, CD's and Movies, Etc. At Sandî's Place, we seil new giftware & collectables.

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