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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Nov 1998, p. 2

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1. 2 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday. November 25. 1998 QRONO WEEKLY Twms Subscriptions $2 1.50 + $150 G.S.T.= $23.00/year. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 P ublishmng 50 Issues Annually ai the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB I MO E-Mail Address: orcnotimnes@ýpeedline.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301i Publisher! Editor Marg Zwart Is It Ail So Rosy? by Roy Forrester Over the past couple of months it is quite apparent that the Hars governiment hlas preparations for the 1999 provincial election well underway. And it could also be ascertained from the thousands upon thousands of dollars now being spent by the party in advertising that f-ils sitting government is well supported by those that have benefitted from cutbacks and tax reductions. The deep-pocket establishment. According to the slick'advertisements and pamphlets the citizenry of Ontario bas benefltted greatly i such as their health services, educational services and other aspects related to life in Ontario. No doubt there bas'been some progress, whiÉch is only normal. It is, however, rnixed with a lot of turmoil and we need look no further than the present state of the educationai system, health services and to those services now under the gun for privatization -notably the suppiy of bydro. Other conceras reach the govemrment assauits on Unions, lowering of quality in Apprenticeship education, and placing use of forested lands in the hands of the forest industry. A copy of Ontario Health Report to Taxpayers crossed the desk this week. Indeed a sllck presentation especially in printing quality and design. No one couid dispute the generalizations, There is a lack of Urne frame, however, and most notably in the outline for Contînuing Care Multi-Year-, Expansion Plan of spending $1.2 bJllion opening 20,000 continuîng care beds in Ontario acro,-ss the province by thew end of the government's plan. The Harris goverument points out it is a Multi-Year Plan but fails to note the time for the ending of the governiment's plan. Is this spread over two years, three, four, five or ten years. It is an important detail missing. One thing we are weil assured of is that the election dates have been set. shouid c oriribute my share for mîllioess of dollars in salaries for a bunch of seven foot hoops players that have neyer made a basket in my driveway? One certalnly wouid not know by the media coverage that Nasdagr is motoring quickly to th-e top of the mar- keting leader , board. Companies are lining up with blank chèqçues for promo locations oi1 a fender or door and the n-igh roilers are spending miillions for a whoie hood. Horse. racing .... soccer ...golf .... Fl - are ali part of this iopsided picture. Corporations have enj oyed banner profits and have aggressively spent advertis-. ing dollars;, - but the new competitive nature of doing business will probably change this. Money iosing sport ventures wiil have to reduce the overhead or join the Bre-X parade. The silent mai orlty are paying the freight for the bil- lions of dollars spent on new sports complexes and multi- million dollar player con- tracts. Remember how Skydome was flot going to cost "us" a nickel, but some- how we were on1 the hook for many hundreds of millions. Our goverriment shrewdly disposed of this albatross.for 25 cents on the dollar. Be for warned:- we will own this waliet drainer again, GTA politicians are now focusing on another "Olympics"ibîd with little con- cern for the enormous debt ioad if will create. The stock market and real estate have gone tbrough corrections and it is inevitabie:- the sports industry will have to face the same reality. There are simply not enough tax payers to keep this over loaded titanic games show afloat. When are we going to get our priorities straight? Let's address world poverty and if there is money left over; - play bail. Kelly Adams Orono- Dear Marg: 1 chuekie at the irony in the contrasting views of counicil members with respect to the promotion of tourism and part-, nership in this municipality. At the Durham Central Fair, many local residents and busi- ness people were invited to attend a lovely luncheon to promote tourism in the Municipality of Clarington. 1 attended on behaif of the Orono BIA and feit encouraged to the promising words of Mr. Harry Danford (Peterborough MPP) that the uniqueness of our Municipality had ail the promises of future recognition and expansion, simply through the promotion of tourism. Where I "chuckle" is at the "NIMBY" (not in my back- yard) attitude taken by council (Re: Orono Times 11/17/9) How many hundreds of thou- sands of Hwy 401 travellers would be encouraged to stop at a roadside area maintained by Clarington. 11 While travelling through -Quebec and the Eastern States, rest areas lure us to places with new discoveries. Ours wvould be one, ofthe few resi areas in Eastern Ontario. Assuming then, that due to their lack of response, the MTO is disinterested in main- taining their property at this location, surely the suggestion for making a mutual arrange- ment of Clarington maintaining the property under MTO own- ership would seem more promising than that of accusing the MTO for its inability to respond to maintenance requests. Furthermore, local residents may 'not benefit directly from this parkland, but overali, on a tourism perspec- tive much would be gained in Clarington. What a golden opportunity we hav e at the Eastern doorstep of this municipality by enticing what would-be passersby, to stop, reflect, take note and become familiar with the uniqueness of our area. Yvonne Schoenmaker-Maitland Orono Clarington FiLre Calls The Clarington Fire Department responded to the followlng calis during the period of November 16 to November 23, 1998: 3 fires; 4 motor vehicle accidents, 9 medical assistance cails; 1 911 caîl; 6 alarmn activation calis; 1 hazardous materials caîl and 6 check-out calîs-. (Letters to the Edîitor To The Editor - This is the story of the unsung hero. Actually, in this case, beros! I have ejoyed ahl of the functions the DBIA have put on this year, as 1 arn sure a lot of you have, but I wonder how grateful we truly are. We ail have the excuse of being too busy, too tired, too poor to involve ourselves i mattesr we know really do matter. Cornmunity involve- ment, caring and even com- mon neighbouriy courtesy are ail qualities we should make the time for. It is what makes this small, wonderfui com- mnunity what it is. 1> So, our hats off to Dan, John, Yvonne, Marg and Sandy for ail your bard work. You work bard to make our village a place people envy and you do it even after your sbops are ciosed and your faiiies are busy with their own activities. 1Give yourself a pat on the back! You deserve if!! 1Your grateful Friends! November 19, 1998 Let's taik about the subsi- dized entertairiment busi- ness. Yes foks! - I amn refer- ring1 to everytbing that is available on the tube and especlally, -professional sports. The CFL is on the ropes and will probably foid - resulting in a gray day mnstead of a ...The NFLjust inked a record TV deal that will keep them solvent for a wbîle and football should returri to Canada; - When expansion includes Toronto and possibiy Montreal. Bet on ît - the NFL is comrng. While the NHL is losing market share: their # 1 mouthpiece promotes brutal- ity in order to seil and inféri- or diluted product. Maybe they should join the WWF. Baseballi s still struggling from their greed driven strike a couple years ago and a few screwball owners continue to pusb the league towards bankruptcy. The NBA iearned notbing from basebaîl and bave chosen to roll the dice as well. Cari someone explain to me, wbo declded that I 1!ii UIIWUI 111RviOIuifruI Ul . D 1

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