Christmas in, the horse barn FROMI PARLIAMENT H mILL Alex Shepherd Laura, Jalana and Candice Blaker attended Trillium Morgan Horse Farm's 9th Annual Christmas Festival. At this Festival, held last Saturday, the public are asked ta vote for their favourite decorated horse staîl. The Blakers were admiring this stail titled 'A Cowboy Christmas'. In alI there were 20 decorated staîls ta choose from. The TrlliÙum Morgan Horse Farm tri Orono, Ontario, hast- ed its Ninth Annual Christmas Festival on Saturday, December 5, 1998. This year's attendance recorded 576 guests who vis- ited the farm, despite a cold drizzle and cool afternoon weather. SRefreshments were served ta the many guests. An aburi- dance of door prizes were awarded throughout the afternoon's activities. The farm's leading sire, the 17 year aid Morgan Stallion named Trllium Samson, was hitched ta a 1907 antique carniage. Numbers were drawn for carniage, rides around the arena, much ta the delight of the lucky win- ring ticket holders. This year's popular stal decarating contest proved ta be a challenge once agai for the vating public as they cast their votes for their favourite designistri three categories. This year the farm wel- comed Its first International entry. represented by the Edgngton fa iyof Sait Lake City, Utah. The Edgingtons had purchased a Morgan Hanse fromn the farm this past spring and wanted ta be included iri this year's comn- petition. Fundingwas pnovid-, ed and volunteers at the farm cneated and built the stal designi in their absence. Results of thiûs year's coin- petition are as follows: Youth Division Champion was Kathy Bugelli of Newcastle and her entny "A Disney Christmas." Resenve Champion was Tania Binri of Inniskillen with "Loli's Christmas Stall." Adult Division Champion wa s Laurie Heard of Osbawa and "A Cowboy's Christmas." Reserve Champion was Ruth Gray of Bowmanville and "Something About Christmnas." Faxnily or Group Division Champion was the Edglngton Fanuily of.Sait Lake City, Utnh and "Utah Christmas Cabtn7" Reserve Champion was Laurel Gould of Bowmnrville and 'The'Sphrit' o! Christmas as Seen Through a Child's Cranberry Pecan Pie Pe lnpe with a twist! Flavourful cranherries addit/el, trt good- ness Io a classicfavourite! 'ý- 3 3 eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup 250 mL Crown Golden corn syrup i cup 250 mL sugar 11 2 tbsp. 30 mL butter, melted I tsp. 5 mL vanilla 1 cup 250 mL pecan halves 1 cup 250 mL chopped fresh or fr'ozen cranberries 1 tbsp. 15 mL grated orange rind 1 1 frozen 9" (23 cm) deep-dish pie shel In medium bowl blend first 5 ingredients. Stir in nuts, cranherries and orange rind; pour mnto pie sheil. Bake in 350 degree oven 50-55 minutes or until knife inserted haifway between centre and edge- cornes out cdean. Cool on wire rack. Makes 8 servings. Tip: For eas- ier handing bake on preheated cookie sheet. Eyes." Close ta $150 was naised thnough the raffle ticket sale in support of The Equine Foundation of Canada. Al prizes were kindiy donated for this event. The fanm would like ta take thids oppontunuty ta thank the more than a dozen greeters and guides who assisted the public at this year's event. They would also like tai thank the competitons for their won- denful entries that took many weeks and hours ta complete. And finally, the farm would especially like ta thank the public for their continued support of this yearly festive event. Hockey. It seems to be the one thing that gets our minds off of our differences and unites us as a nation. And no team bas made us as proud as our National Women's Hockey Team who brought home a silver medal from the 1997 Nagano Winter Olympics. It's for this reason I'm happy to be part of a host of c ommunity organizations bringing the team here January 20 to play- the Olympic bronze medal win- ners Team Finland at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium Complex The game promises to have ail the excitement the two teams displayed when they faced off in Nagano. The tickets are $11.25 which to my mind is a major entertainment bargain and a great stocktng stuffer for Christmas. For the first time we cari ail see Oiympic calibre high performance sport right here and, at the same tîme, throw our support behind women's hockey ti Durham. Prior to January 20 both teams will be playing in Chicoutimi and Montreal. Chicoutimi, hifstoricaily, has been a separatist bastion. It'Il be great to see them ail come out to support Teain Canada ti the town's arena. I'm not one who belleves ti giving tax breaks to profes- sional hockey teains. But 1 do believe Canadians can sup- port amateur sport and the growing popularity ai women's hockey. We should help them to be the best i the world. Six months ago I was able to talk to aur women who play for Team. Canada when they were i Ottawa. I neyer dreamed that through the dedication and hard work of people locally the opportunity of hosting a gaine here would become a reality. 1 know the people of Durham will get out and sup- port Canada when the women play Finland at the Civic. I especialiy want to men- tion the -dedication of local women who put so much Into the organization and excite- ment of women's hockey. The Clarington Girls' Hockey Association, Durham' West Girl's Hockey. Association Inc., DUrham West Girl's Hockey Association Senior Ladies' Division, Oshawa Ladies' Hockey Association, Oshawa Girls' Hockey Association, Whitby Women's Hockey Association are exarnples of this dedication. These women, have taken on a big job worklng ta orga- nize thils event and they are, quite frankly, some of the most enthusiastic promoters I bave ever seen. Don't miss -out on this international sporting event. Tinckets can be purchased at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium box office and through Ticketmaster. I, aiong with thousands of other people, will be front- and-centre January 20 ta cheer aur women hockey Olympians on., REMINISCING WITH- GL4DYBROWN Corne and celebrate the iauncb of Glady's CD. A great Cbristmas gift idea! foin us SundayDecember l3tb between 2 pm & 4:30Opm at the Orono Town Hall l e 0q ý-,wY 7ýý