-i 18 - Orono Weekly Tiines. Wednesday., December 9, 1998 For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 BARINA HOME CHECK, "Let us maire your home look lived in" *Vacation H4ome Checking - Weddîng Day Services or whienever youre away INSUýRED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Servïong NewtonviIe, Newcastle, Orono & surrýouiidiingcommiiuiie' Listed in Whie & YeIow Pagea Flowvers Plus FLOWERS a GIFTS &CRAFTS 46 King Street East NEWCASTLE 987-1500 Betty Lycdtt 983-5908 Wilda MNiddleton 983-9819 ORONO ELECTRIC Ltd' Electrîcal Appiances Colour TV's- Hi-Fi's SALES AND SERV1XE Hotpoint -R.C.A. 1 White -Westinghobsi>. Friidaire -Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic ,Chef - Hoover 983-51083 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Quolity Work in UpholsteryI R.R. 2, Orono 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Instali Smoke Alarms IT'S THE L-AW. The Ontario Fire Code requires that eveiy home have working smoke alarmrs. z=. Scotch Pine & Spr trees. corner of Mai Statïon St.. Orono. 983-9452. One solid French d( 30" x80". Cali 983-54, Good running compui for sale, full systei 486DX33 with moii Call Loyal PrintingL 983-5301. Bird Fee-ders,1 Houses, $8.00 to $4: Roy Forrester. 6. Lane, Orono - 983-51z in & RNBRY Cali ERNIE (Ernest) In lIoving mnemary of a 9a' wonderful husband, 9 p father and grandfather wvho passed away Deecem-ber 11, 1997. .oor, One year lias passed 34. Since youl went away. tfn Silent tears stilllow. Our hearts were broken to lose You. The sorrow antd pain just iters seem to stay. ms, We mniss you in sa itor. many ways. Ltd. D)eep in our hearts Uour memories are ke-pt. tfn To have and cherish and neverforget. Sadly mlssed and neyer forgotten. I AIl aur love forever Joan. Bill, Pat, Sally & Faiies Bird 9 ap 0.00. Mill 47. tfn Apartmient iii beautiful sunny downtown Orono. $575.ý per month, water, hydro and heat included. 2 apartments available. Cail (705) 277-2003. - 2. 9 ap Nice 'one bedroom apartment, '$42 5. -per month, heat included. Available January, 1, 1999. Cali 983-6360., 9, 16 ac Beautiful downtown store, lots of space and square footage. $475. per mnonth plus hydro. Caîl 983a- RANSBERRY. ERNIE December 11, 1997 One year ago todayj you wuent awvay A mnillion times IVue nieeded pou A ililion timnes Pue cried If love coulfr1 have saved pou DAD You neyer wvould have died If Icould have onte l(fetime wishl One d oeam ltatcoutl corne-tre I'd pra y to, God with all my heart For yes terday arnd ou. Love Ya Dad. Love Neal, Pat, Jason & Todd 9 ap 916ac 45 years eprec.wI help sl your coins at highest prices on a ~ commiss4in basis. Cail ~ Gary 983-9932. til Feb./99 ac Old fishing tackle. old gunls or related accessaries, ,outdoor books etc. In home appraisals available. 30 years experience. Daniel G. Banting' 905-983-6480 tfn C~o onialt que5trian Ctntre HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial EquestrIan Centre 3706 Rundie Rd. <Courtice)' J .s naw accepting neW students (children & aduits) for aur riding and horsernan- ship programs, summer camps, etc. For further information or ta register eall: 14(905) 623-7336 Holme of the Bowmanville Pany Club Custom Sewing " Alterations " Homnedecor *Baby gu-ýlits VISIT OUR HOMEDECOR AND BABY SH-OP 5331 Main St., Orono tfn . ..... ........ FOR., [ow~m Orono 983-9155 - Oshawa 433-2515 www.appleblossomflowers.com "We dont just specialize... We moke every order special." ~ PETHICK AND STEPHENSON AUCTION BARN, Haydon SAT. DECEMBER 12/98 at 6:00 P. M. Viewing from 3:00 p.m. Consignments: fridge, stove. ýwasher, -dryer., bedroom furniture. kitchen table & chairs. end tables, gas fireplace insert, jack lift truck, bcd chesterfield, collectable coins, dishes & more. TERMS: Cash. cheque with ID or, VISA (3%1/ surcharge). Owner and auctioneer riot responsible for accident or injury incurred at this sale. AUCTIONEER DON STEPHENSON 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9829 Cal now to consign for New Years Day Antique Auction. ý 1 1 , ý ý 9 ac iruce, COCHRANE, GRACE aged 94 years At Strathaven Lifecare Centre on Thursday, December, 3, 1998. Beloved wife of the late William Cochrane. Dear math er of the late Ray and Reid Cochrane. Loving grandmother of Allison and her husband Robert Cathcart. Dear mother-in-law of Joan. Lovingly remembered by her niece, GretaLuxton and hier other nieces and nephews., Visitation -was at The Northcutt Elliott Funcral Home, 53 Division St. N.. Bowmanville 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 p.m. Friday. Funeral service was in the Chapel il a.m. Saturday. Intermient Orono Cemectery. ,Memorlal donations may be made ta The Salvation Army. 9 ac STUTT, JAMES H.. PM.B. At Lakeridge Health, Bawma nville on Saturday, December 5, 1998. B3elaved husband of Bettie Stutt. Dear father af Stacie (Chris Muchler): Tracie: Ross (Tanya) and Paisley (Jef Hall). Loving grandfather of Natalie, Nathan, Soroya, Siobhan, Landon and Hunter. Dear brother of Don Stutt. At Jimn's request there will be no visitation or funeral service. Arranigments entrusted to The Nrthcutt Elliott Funeral Hiomie. 53 Division St. N., Bowmianville. Memorial donations may be madie ta The Cancer Society. 9 ac RECYCLE 9 ac IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE ORONO WEEKLY T-IMES 983-5301 ýanefG. 3anting FTine Ffirearm.ç & CotSe ctib(es Collections& Estate Appraisals A Specialty In Home Service Available GUNS BOUGHT, SOLD, TRADED 5331 Main Street, Orono 983-6480 email: dbanting@&Istar.ca Fruit Marke ALL FRESH ONTARIO GOODS Mclntosh, Cortland, Empire, & Royal Gala Apples Bosc & Anjo Pears FRESH CIDER Brown Potatoes CHRISTMAS APPLE PACKS South of Orono, Hwy 115/35 983-5628 MacGREGOR AUCTION CENTRE 182 Wellington St. Bow.manvîlle SUN., DECEMBER l3th- 10.00 a.m. (viewing 9:00) 401 ta Waverly Rd. (Exit 431) North tao #2 ,Hwy., East ta Scuigog st. & North 1 km. Sunday's auction features a wide variety of articles from past ta present. fuirniture. collectables, household effect, Ltd. Edlition prints, assortmerit of tools &-hardware, stave pipe, appr ox. 2 00 BF' of white oak & ash lumber, plus many more articles, an excel lent, pre Christmnas auction. Watch for our Dec. 26th. BoringDay and Sun. Jan. 3rd. Anitique Auction. C'4LL FOR CONSIGNMENT DETAILS MacGREGOR AUCTION APPRAISAL & MOVING >11SERVICES Michael J. MACGREGOR (905) 623-7949 1-80-36367999 ac GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE, Newtonville FRI. DECEMBER llth 6:00 p.m. Selling the contents, fram a Pickering home; dining suite, livingroom furniture. recliners. single beds, entertainment unit, colour TV, baker cupboard. rockers. paintings. oriental carpet. hooked rug. wrought iron' chandeleier, old Pinnochia. clown banik, tay loam. records. post cards, display case, glass. painted furniture, numerous antiques. solid custom made cedar chest, mahogany.2 dr. chimney cupbjoard. ' miniature oak tea wagon, and other pieces, -fridge, cookstove. etc. PREVIEW Friday after 2:00 p.m. Auction starta at 6:00 p.M. TERMS: Cash. Approved Cheque. Visa. M/C. Interac AUCTIONEER FRANK G. STAPLETON, ICCA Newton'vilie (905) 786-2244 1-800-263-9886 N.TEI BU)