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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1914, p. 3

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A 4 IV ->y 2/ > SALE bigger ani> better than ever w a-nttta'RV 2nd COMMENCES the Big Annual Sale at the West End House and will continue ÏÏÆÏÏSSï tf Jaw B«.dth= tot W.w «..-.t-U, and It mil 6.V. you. preparation for stock-taking. Come and save big money January 2nd to January 31st, 9 4. Fancy Linens 25% off all Fancy Linens, including,Tea Cloths, Tray Cloths, Doylies, Mats. This means a big saving to you. '.Buy your Fancy Linens at M the regular price. Sheeting 68 in wide fine plain or twill sheeting, bleached, good strong cotton. January Sale special 24c yd. . 8/4 and 9/4 fine round thread, plain or twill sheeting, bleached, 45c and 50c quality, quality, January Sale price special 37 e yo* 72 in unbleached sheeting, extra strong, reg.3oc quality, January Sale price 23c yd, Pillow Cottonl Plain pillow cotton 42, 44, 46 in wide, good weight, January Sale special 16c yd. CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTONS. 42, 44, 46 in fine circular pillow cotton# January Sale special 2ic yd. Fine linen finish circulai pillow cotton, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 in wide, reg up to 40c yd, January Sale price 32c yd. Hemmed Sheets 75 pair fine English hemmed sheets, all ready for use, 70x90, reg $2.50 pair, January January sale price $1.85 pair. Hemmed Pillow Slips Fine white cotton pillow slips, hemmed, ready for use, size 42/33# special sale 33c pair. Hemstitched Sheets Good heavy bleached cotton sheets, hemstitched, size 70/90, special sale $2.15 pair. Pillow Cases Good heavy cotton pillow cases hemstitched, hemstitched, all ready for use, sizes 42/33 and 45/33, special sale 48c pair. Bleached Cotton 15 pieces fine bleached cotton, 35 in wide, special sale 8%c yd. Longcloths Our special 36 in wide, fine round thread longcloth, reg 17c and 18c, sale price 14c yard. . 42 in fine longcloth, reg 25c, special sale 18c yd. • , 1 42 in fine longcloth, reg 30c, special sale, 22c yard. Persian Lawns 15 pieces fine Persian Lawns, Reg 20c, January sale price 13c yd. " 25c and 28c, " 18c yd. « 35c and 40c, " 28c yd. Bed Spreads 18 only white honeycomb and soft satin finish bed spreads, special sale $1.25 each. Tablings 3 pieces bleached and unbleached tabling, tabling, good quality, special sale 24c yd. 3 pieces 60 in to 66 in wide, unbleached tabling, reg up to 40c, special sale 32c yd. 3 pieces fine quality bleached damask tabling, 70 in wide, reg 75c, special sale 50c yd. 1 piece 70 in heavy unbleached damask tabling, reg 85c, special sale 65c yd. 2 pieces fine bleached double damask tabling, reg $1.50, special sale $1.18 yd. 1 piece 72 in fine bleached damask tabling, tabling, reg $1.75, special sale $1.30 yd. 2 pieces fine satin finish damask tabling, 72 in wide, reg $2, special sale $1.40 yd. Table Napkins 10 doz large size pure linen damask table napkins, hemmed, assorted patterns, special sale 17c each. Tea Towels 20 doz linen tea towels, red border, hemmed, ready for use, special sale 15c pair. Huck Towels 15 dor fine buck towels, good quality and weight, special sale 23c pair. 20 doz all linen buck towels, pure white, special sale 30c pair. ., 5 doz plain linen buck towels, embroidered embroidered ends, pretty designs, reg Sl.50 pair, special sale 95c pair. Towelings Specie roller crash and check tea toweling, toweling, sale price sc yd. . - , 6 pieces roller crash and plain tea toweling, special sale 8%c yd. Men's Department Overcoats 15 only Black and Navy Overcoats with velvet collars, reg. up to $12.00, January sale.........$5.00. Tweed Overcoats in all the new tweeds with convertible convertible or shawl collars, all right up to date at the following reductions : ' Bee. up to $10.00 for $0.50 $17 to $20 for $12.00 15.00 for 8.00 $21 to $25 for 14.50 << Boys' and Youths' Overcoats ' . , n Beg. $4.50 and $5.00, January Sale Price $3,50 6.00 to 7.00, " " ..•••• 4-50 8.00 to 10.00, " " 6 - 25 u c< Men's Suits All our Men's Tweed and Worsted Suits, except black and blue, to go at the following reductions : Beg. $6.00 to $7.00, January Sale Price $4.50 " 8.00 to 10.00, " " 6 - 25 11.00 to 13.50, " 8 * 00 15.00 to 20.00, . " " 12-00 21.00 to 25.00, " " ......14.50 << Silks 21 in black heavy peau de soie, reg $1.50 for 85c vd 21 in black extra heavy peau de soie, $1.75 f° r $l- 10 yd 31 in black heavy cord cortilli silk, reg$r.75 for $1.20 yd 36 in black and colored mouselines and charmeuse, reg $1.75, special sale price $1.18 yd 40 in black charmuse and satin mouseline, reg $2.00 and $2.25, special sale price $1.70 vd Lot plain and fancy silks, all colors, reg 75 e f° r 55c yd Dress Goods Very special reductions on all dress goods and suitings. These are all up to date and good colors: reg 50c and 60c, sale 33c yd; reg 75c to $1.00, sale 55c yd reg $1.25 to $1.50, sale 85c yd; reg 1.75 to 2.00, for 1.25 yd Coatings and Cloakings ' cloakings, good All our $1.75 and $2.00 coating and colors, latest cloths, to clear at $1.00 yd Velvets Lovely brocaded and plain dress velvets in nearlya » leading colors, reg 90c and $1, sale price 65c yd Corded velvets, nice cord, all colors, reg 50c for 38c yd Black suiting velvet, special heavy quality, reg $1 35, special sale price 90c. Ladies' Departmen t Hosiery Heavy ribbed stockings, black, all sizes,. Boys, misses and ladies, reg 25c, special sale 18c pair. Kid Gloves Ladies' fine kid gloves in black, all sizes, special at 50c pair. tan and wnite, Blouses and Waists Ladies' print blouses, mostly light colors: Beg 50c each, special sale 39c. Beg 75c each, special sale 59c. Ladies' silk and net waists, reg up to $4.50, sale price $2.65 each. Dresses and Coats Boys' Suits Boys' two and three piece Suits. These are all crood styles and colors. The boys like them. Beg. $4 and $5, for $3,50 Reg, $6 and $7 for $4.50^ Men's Odd Pants and Coats Lot Men's Tweed and Corduroy Pants, reg $2.25 and $2.50, January sale $1.65 Men's Odd Coats, tweed, sizes 34 to 38 only, January January special $2.00 each Gloves Mackinaw Coats and Pants Mackinaw - Coats and Pants, the famous Bird Brand, January special ...Coats $4.50, Pants $3.50. Men's Sheep and Wool Lined Coats, corduroy or duck covered, reg. $4.50 and $5, January sale $3.25 Boys' Knitted Jersey Suits Boys' Knitted Jersey Suits, the nicest thing for small boys. Each suit, jersey trousers and cap to match, sizes 1, 2, 3 and 4, in brown, navy, red and Saxe blue, reg. $2, $2.25 and $2.50, January sale $1.65; reg. üp to $3.50, January sale $2.25 Shirts : Men's Heavy Grey Military Flannel Shirts, all sizes, January special $1.25 Men's Dark Grey Tweed Flannel Shirts, all sizes, January Sale ......$1.00 Men's Fine Flannel Shirts, plain or striped, with separate collar to match, reg. up to $1.25, January sale 95c; reg. $1.50 and $1.75* January sale...$1.25 Men's Fine Flannel Shirts, light colors, with separate separate collar to match, reg. $2.25 and $2.50, January Sale..... - ..........$1.75 Men's Fine Mocha Gloves, lined with wool 75c pr, Men's Fine Knitted Wool Gloves in black, brown, grey and tan, reg. 75c and $1.00, January sale 55c 10 doz. White Canvas Gloves with knitted wrist, reg. 10c pr., January sale 5c pr. Ladies' dresses in all the leading styles and popular popular colors to clear at: Beg $5.50 and $6.00 dresses at $4.25 each. Beg 9.00 and 10.00 dresses at 6.50 each. Beg 12.50 and 13.50 dresses at 9.50 each. Children's dresses in sizes 2 to 6 years, reg $1.75, special sale $1.30. 6 only ladies' cloth and tweed coats, reg $10 to $13, your choice for ,$6.00. Balance of our children's and misses' coats to clear at Half Price. Socks Men's Heavy Black Cashmère Socks, ree. 35c, January Sale........ ± prs. for $1 Men's Heavy Bibbed and Plain Worsted Socks, black, grey and heather, reg. 40c at 3 pr. for $1.00 Ladies' Sweater Coats Ties 10 doz. Silk Ties, assorted patterns, reg. 50c, January January Sale.......... -25c each. Ladies' sweater coats in all the good colors and styles, with and without collars: Beg $2.25 and 2.50, special sale $1.75 Beg 3.00 and 3.50, special sale 2.25. Ladies' crepe kimonas, reg $2.50 and 2.75, sale price $1.75. Underwear Kimonas Ladies' eiderdown _ kimonas, reg $3.50 and 4.00, special sale price $2.75. Men's Heavy Bibbed Underwear, all sizes, reg. $1.00 and $1.25, January Sale ..85c garment Handkerchiefs Sweater Coats Men's Sweater Coats, without collars, in navy, brown and mixtures, January special 75c each Men's Heavy Sweater Coats, with or without collars, collars, in all the leading colors, reg. $1.75 and $2.00, January sale $1.45 Men's Sweater Coats, extra good knit, all colors, reg. up to $4, January sale $2.45 Boys' Sweater Coats, all sizes and colors, all good strong knit for boys, reg. $1.50 and $1.75 for $1.20 reg. $2.50 and $3, January Sale Price ......... $2.15 Ladies' plain linen and embroidered lawn handkerchiefs, handkerchiefs, reg 10c and 12£c, sale price 5c each. Ladies' fine embroidered and fancy handkerchiefs, reg 25c and 30c, sale price 3 for 50c. Laundry Bags, Cushion Cords 4 doz linen laundry bags, embroidered in colors, special sale price 23c eachr 10 doz cushion cords, assorted colors, special sale price 17c each. 10 doz cushion silk cords, assorted colors, reg 50c, sale price 39c each. _ Men's Fancy Vests Men's Tweed and Knitted Fancy Vests, all sizes, good rangé of colors, reg. up to $4 for...$2.25 each. Aprons 10 doz ladies bib and overall aprons, heavy English print, special 65c each. Flanneletté, and Flannels 10 pieces, yard wide heavy striped flannelette, flannelette, reg 12A and 14c» sale price.,. lie yd 20 pieces, 32 in wide, light and dark striped flannelette, heavy weight, special sale price 8ècyd 1 piece plain grey flannel for ladies shirt waist, reg 25c, sale price..... -Vocyd 3 pieces fine natural and tweed shirting flannel, reg 50c, sale price. .40c yd 2 pieces heavy moleton flannel, brown, and white, and grey and white, diagonal regular 40c, sale price • 28c yd 2 pieces heàvy grey flannel, 14 e yd* I piece extra heavy plain grey flannel, reg 40c, special sale price 28c yd Carpet Squares All our Carpet Squares, includiag Wool, Unions, Tapestry, Brussels and Velvets. During January Sale at special reductions. 2 pieces American color fast Matting, reg. 50c yd., January Sale .28c yd. I piece Green Cocoa Matting, fast color; 54 ins. wide, reg. $1.15 yd., sale price 75c. Buttons Pearl buttons 2 and 4 hole and fish eye 16 18 20 and 22 line sale price 5c doz The Iris box containing 10 doz assorted sizes, superior linen buttons...sale 25c box Pins Wash Goods Lot prints, ginghams, oxfords, muslins, etc, reg I2%c to 20c, sale price... .IOcyd Kitnona Cloth 365 sheet pins, a pin for each day of the year, reg 5c paper, sale price 2 sheet for 5c Queens own pins, sizes 1 to lo solid brass, reg 10c paper, sale price...5c paper 1 doz assorted sizes on card, reg 5c a card, sale price .2 cards for 5c Heavy kimona cloths in all colors and patterns, plain and bordered, reg 20c and 25c, special sale price 15c yd Dome Fasteners Klipit Dome Fasteners, black or white, all sizes, reg 5c doz, sale price. 2 doz for 5c Orkney safety pins, solid brass, with guarded coil, sizes 00-0 123 also assorted on card, reg IOC card... .sale price 5ccard Mending Wool Best quality colors, tan, grey and black, reg 2 card for 5c sale price 4 cards 5c Half ounce balls mending, black only, reg 5c ball. sale price 3 balls for 10c Embroidery Floss Champion embroidery floss, all sizes, A to F, reg 2 skeins for 5c, special sale 15c doz skeins Silkoshine for embroidery, all colors» reg 5c spool, sale price.... 3 spools for 10c Grocery Department Boot and Shoe Department Groceries Quick Naphtha Soap...... 6 bars for 25c Sailor Boy Soap 16 bars for 25c P. D. Q. Toilet Soap..... .3 cakes for 25c Mixed Pickles in bulk -I5c qt. McConnachie's Finest Pickles in bottles, reg. 30c, January sale.... .25c bottle Onion Salad in bottles..........2 for 35® Syrup in cans, maple flavor, 3 tins for 25c Maple Syrup in jars. • • 3°c Pure Marmalade, reg. 20c, for. ••*I5 C jar Strawberry Jam, special... .2 jars for 25c Hartley's Pure Jams, reg 25c.... .20c jar Craeker . I ^ k .^ ppe ^. S& French Peas, January special 10c. tin Reliance Baking Powder, reg. 25c tin, Jan uary sale price. . .15c tin St. George's Baking Powder, reg. 50c, for..................... v ..25c tin Anchor Jelly Powder with moulds 3 for 25c Worcestershire Sauce, a large bottle, January January special .2 for 25c CEREALS--Orangemeat, large pkg. 20c Zest, Gusto, Orange Meat. ,3 pkgs for 25c Mixed Biscuits.. • . • • • •.... .special 10c Witch Washing Powder . .7 pkgs. for 25c Boots and Shoes Crockery 15 0 / discount off all Dinner and Toilet Sets. v 20% discount off all Fancy China. Special tables of Fancy China at 25c, 50c : - ' and $1.00. , - - \-~ Ladies' Black Dongola Bluchers with patent toe caps, all sizes, 2% to 7, reg. $2.00, January Sale .$1.65 Balance of Ladies' Slippers, broken lots, all sizes in lot, colors, black, green, red and checked, reg. up to $1.25, for 65c pr. Men's Heavy Tan knee length Boots, all sizes, laced, reg. $5.00 pr., January sale. $3-9® pr* Ladies'knee-length Rubber Boots, wool lined, reg. $3.50, January sale... .$2.15 pr. Mfen's Hip Rubber Boots, all sizes, January January sale price .. . (4*00 Men's Knee Rubber Boots, sizes 6, 7,8,. Januanrsale special.. . ..... .$3.00 pr. Men's I Buckle Overshoes, reg. $1.75# January sale .. .............. «$i»20 pr. Men's 2 buckle Overshoes, reg. $245, January sale . .$1.65 Men's 3 and 4 buckle Overshoes, reg. $3.00, January sale • * *$2.15 Men's Jersey Storm Rubbers,... .95c pr Men's Plain Rubbers, all sizes.... 75c pr. Suit Cases 8 only Brown Suit Cases, reg. $1.50, January sale.price. ....... $1.10 10%-discount off all Trunks, Suit Cases, Grips, Club Bags and Telescopes during January Sale. Shoe Dressing Tilley's Combination Shoe Dressing, black or tan, reg. 25c, January sale price ........................ 2 boxes for 350* Tilley's Shoe Dressing, black only* special. special. .......•........... 3 bottles for 25c * Is >*■ summ 1 /. -■. ■<:, gage? ESS Red Letter days for the fur buyers. Each piece will be marked with the regular regular price in black and the sale price in red. Everything in the Fur department to be cleared at big reductions, including Muffs, Ruffs, Stoles/Collars, Fui and Fur Lined Coats and Jackets, etc. Look for the red marked tickets. N Mop Rags Open mesh mop rags, special 3 for 10c. Tea Towelings Plain, check and bordered tea toweling all linen, very wide, reg 14c and 15c, sale price I2c yd. Huck Toweling Fine linen huck toweling, figured or plain, 6 pieces, 18 in wide,reg 35c and 40c, special sale 28c yd. 22 in and 24 in, rég 45c and 50c, special sale 35c yard. Embroideries I Lot manufacturers' ends of fine embroidery,edgings, embroidery,edgings, insertions and headings, 4% and 5 yds in each piece, reg I2%c to 20C yd, special sale . 45c piece Narrow insertions and edgings, nice patterns, reg 10c and 12%, sale price /c yd Dress Embroideries 42 in wide, fine lawn embroidery, pretty patterns, good edges, reg $1.5° an d $l-75> special sale price 75 c yd 27 in wide flouncings, good patterns and designs, reg 50 e and 60c, special sate price 35c y Wide insertions and edgings, embroic ered on fine lawn, regular 35c to special sale price _ Lot fine embroidery edgings and tions, wide width, regular 25c and special sale price 16c yd Lot fine quality semi-ready corset covers, covers, pretty patterns, regular $1.00 and $1.25, special sale.... 75c each Laces Lot Valenciennes and torchon laces, reg 8c to I2%c, special sale 5 C yd Lot fine Valenciennes laces, assorted widths, reg 15c to 25c, sale price 10c yd Trimmings All our dress trimmings, full range of colors and patterns, to clear, reg up to 25c yd, sale price. • IOcyd reg up to 75c, special sale price... .25c yd Tucked Nets, etc Cream and white tucked nets and all- over laces, regular 30c and 35c, special price. 19° yd reg 75c to $1.15, sale price 50c yd Underskirts Lot silk, satin and moire skirts in black and colors, reg $2.25 and $3.00, special special sale price. $1-35 each Moirette underskirts, black and cojors, reg 75c, special sale price 38c ea>ch Children's Bear Coal "Balance of our children's bearskin coats and carriage rugs at special reductions. Grey Wool Blankets 50 pairs heavy grey wool blankets, reg" $2 50 and $2 75, sale price $1 85 pair 25 pairs heavy white wool blankets, pink and blue border, sale price. .$2 90 pair Flannelette Blankets Heavy English flannelette. blankets, large size, grey only, finished singly, special special sale price -$l 75 P air - Flannelette Sheets White or grey flannelette blankets wit! pink or blue borders, only 50 pairs, 10x4, sale price *11 1 Sofa Rugs 25 only, silk and wool mixture sofa rugs, tan with dark striped border, cial sate price $1 75j eacn Comforters - • - „ White cotton filled comforters, turkey chintz and silkoline covers, patterns, reg $2 25, sale price. $1 70 Maish Comforters 12 only, famous Maish Comforters filled with laminated cotton and covered with silkoline, reg $4 OO, sale price. .$3^5 each mi RSbS* rS-iT-iitay-A* -

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