r BOWMANVILLB, JAN. I CARTWRIGHT AGRI CULTURAL SOCIETY. I The annual meeting of Cartwright Agricultural Society will be held m Town Hall, Blackstock, on Friday, Jan. iotb, I914 at 1 p m. A full attendance of mem- | bers is requested. DAELINGTON NEWS. D. M. Johnston, C. H.G. Fleteher&Co. Realty and Insurance Brokers BARGAINS OUR SPECIALTY In homes, vacant land, stores or factory sites We ex- change anything in real estate. Farms, country homes, Northwest town sites and farm properties. It you are looking for good sound investments call on us, we have them. 1 tt ded Our cars at your service any time you make an a P-1 R^îïjb? «he pointaient-- remember you are under no obligation. Helen Goode, Osh.wa, u home for you are not perfectly satisfied come and get your deposit Christmas ; t -^^ SrtaSS « {Nestleton, visited his sister, Mrs. Wm. 948 Gerrard-st. E., corner Pape-ave., Toronto!wood. Telephone, Office Gerrard 951 Residence Gerrard 2526 Residence Gerrard 2322 Mrs. Arthur McKnight, Selbyjhas been visiting her father, Mr. Casey Trull ... Mrs. Thos VanCamp is visiting her daugh- Mrs. Fred Gale, Whitby.... .Mr. Isaac Moorefield, is visiting his brother, Mr. John L. Metcalf and sister Mrs. E. J Burk... .MissNellie Guy visited friends in Oshawa... .Miss Acy Rundle visited her sister, Mrs. Lewis Hare, Oshawa.. Base Line S. S. entertainment was fairly Proceeds $17 Mr* w * OBOVB. Mrs. Phipps, Whitby, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. Swallow. .. .Mr. Leslie Snowden spent Sunday with friends in East Whitby....Mr. and Mrs. Artnur Trimble and daughter, Gwelda, and Mr. Fred Hockin and daughter, Bernice, and Miss Evelyn Hockin spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbank, Leskard.... Miss Annie Cox, Town, is visiting Mrs. Wm. Snowden... .Mr. Fred Clayton,Toronto, Clayton,Toronto, is visiting Mr. M. Munday, sr. Kitchen cabinets, only two left; will sell at cost. F. O. Mason. TYBONE NOTES. HAYDON NEWS. Mr George Creeper, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton and family, Enniskillen, and Miss A1 cia Creeper, Bowmanville, at W H Creeper's. ..Mr and Mrs C J Mountjoy, Toronto, Miss A Mountjoy, Peterboro, Mr and Mrs J E EII10U, Cadmus, Cadmus, with friends Mr and Mrs F Cross- man, Taunton, Mr and Mrs J Mountjoy and Mr and Mrs Wm Samells, Nestleton, at Mr Jas Crossman's .Mr and Mrs J Cooper, Salem, with their son, Mr U Cooper Mr and Mrs S Woodley en tertained a number of friends recently. Cream separators--several good secondhand secondhand ones at F. O. Mason's. I Tpe Watchword of Our Repair DepartroeQt I as well as of the Merchandise Department of our keep in touch with the latest methods for repairing and-clocks of every description and are not satisfied Work until you are perfectly satisfied. store. We watches with our Now that the busy season is over clock and have it oiled and adjusted, with our satisfactory service. All guaranteed. bring in your watch or You'll be well pleased work is_ Visitors: Miss Margaret Hooper, Toronto, Toronto, at home; Mr Leslie Curtis, Toronto, Toronto, holidaying at his uncle s, James Curtis; Mr Higgs and daughter, Laura, Phelpston, at his son's, Key. W. Higgs; Miss Moore, Toronto, with Miss Emma Werry; Miss Ethel Skinner, Bowmanville, at home; Mr and Mrs W Hughson, Toroiv to, at R McCullough's; Mr and Mrs T Woodley, Town, at Mr N Wfipdley s ; Misses Beryl and Kate Percy and Mr Wesley R Redman, Bowmanville, at Mr W R Clemens'; Mr and Mrs Chas Virtue, oronto, at W Virtue's; Mr Allin Anms, Bowmanville, at home; Mr Chas Staples, Shoal Lake, Sask, at A Staples ; Miss Alma Cuttell with her father at Orono; Mr Lome Phare has returned home after spending nine months in the west. Sweet and palatable, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is acceptable to children, and it does its work surely and promptly. Gasoline engine and tread power, nearly new, at F. O. Mason's. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Ladies and Gentlemen:-- Having been again nominated as a candidate for the office of Councillor for the Township of Darlington for 1914, and having served you in this capacity for five years, I once more offer my services, and if elected will perform the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Wishing you all the Compliments of the Season, Yours respectfully, JAMES STANLEY. Ladies and Gentlemen:--I have been requested by a number of ratepayers to accept nomination for the office of Councillor Councillor for the Township of Darlington. I beg to state that I am a candidate for the office for 1914 and respectfully solicit your vote and influence. Wishing you a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Yours respectfully, THOS. BAKER. C. H* Roddy, Jeweler One door west of Bank of Montreal. i saraas mstmsxm zm. & ENFIELD HAPPENINGS. GOUBTIGE BBIEFS. Mr Kenneth Courtice. who has been sick, is better... .Miss Alma Courtice is home from Toronto and London.. . .Mr Norman Found, Victoria College, ably reviewed reviewed the S S lesson Sunday.... Mr. and Mrs John Worden with their two daughters, daughters, Mrs Frank Rundle and Miss Irene, and their seven sons, Ed nund, with wife and children, and Neil of Weyburn, Sask., Morley of Regina, Sask., Ernest of Crystal Crystal City, Man., Albert of Winnipeg, Charles Charles of Rouleau, Sask., and Otis of Toronto, Toronto, took Xmas dinner at the family gathering at Mr. Frank Rundle's... - Visitors: Visitors: Frank Hancock, Winnipeg; Mr Willoughby Willoughby of McMaster University, Toronto; Toronto; Howard Courtice of Ottawa; Mr and Mrs A Barber, r owmanville; Misses Carlotta Courtice and Lyla Osborne, Jor- onto.., .The male choir has charge of the music next Sunday night. Our thorough knowledge of men's clothing and our unexcelled buying facilities enables us to give our customers the very best goods at the lowest possible Drice. Couch, Johnston, & Cryderman. Ladies and Gentlemen:--I am offer ing my services for 1914 for the office of Councillor for the Township of Darling- ton. Ratepayers who know me person ally require no pledge that I will do my duty faithfully according to the best judg ment I can command and I assure those electors who do not know me that I shall endeavor to perform the duties required of me to the best of my ability without fear or favor. Mark your ballot for me on Monday, Jan. 5. I wish you all a Happy New Year. Yours truly, JOS. CLATWORTHY. R. M. Mitchell & Co. wish all their customers and friends a Bright, Happy and Prosperous New Year. Hot Water Bottles „We have just received another fresh stock of Hot Water Bottles which we offering at special values during January. Gome in and get our prices. are The Post Office Pharmacy Phone 92 Bowmanville Mr George Cochrane won first prize at all the Christmas fairs he showed at on his draft team of geldings--Pat and Mike; also securing two first prizes two years in succession, and silver cup given by Sir Henry M. Pellatt, valued at $50, for the best registered Clydesdale mare winning with Mary Kirkwood Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knapp in Toronto; Miss Lucy Campbell returned to Toronto; Mr. W Westaway, Toronto, Mr. West, Mr. and Miss J. Ashton, Kemble, with relatives here; Mr. Johnston Niddery visiting at New Liskeard The school concert and Xmas tree entertainment was well ren dered by the children and others. Santa Claus distributed the presents in good humor. Miss Bentham, teacher, certainly deserves great credit for the manner in which the children rendered their selections. selections. SALEM DURHAM COUNTY BOYS. Mr. Charles H. Mason, Preston, only son of Ex-Mayor J. J. Mason, now of Tor- 2nto, and a Durham boy who has won his way to popularity by his affable manner and superior natural ability as a clerk has arranged to take over the clothing and gents' furnishing of Mr. Henry Schultz on Feb. 1. The Prestonian says Mr. Mason has proved his ability as a business man and is sure that a new stock combined with the efforts of such a good business man will add materially to the trade section of Preston. The store is to bè thoroughly overhauled, new windows put in and brought right up-to-date. Mr. Mason will handle men's and boys' clothing clothing and gents' furnishings, BOLIN A DOINGS. I Happy New Year We wish all our customers and friends a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Try these for the holiday season : .Choice California Navel Oranges 25c to 60c per doz. Fine Juicy Cuban Grape Fruit, extra large, 4 for 25c and 3 for 25c. Cluster Raisins, specially for Xmas. 25c per lb. Our stock of Filberts, Almonds and Walnuts are the finest in town. Another big shipment of Shirrrffs Jelly received. Lots of choice, fresh poultry arriving daily. HARRY ALLIN 0ppos B i ^m 0 an d v y m a e r Club Central for Independent Phone. Bowmanville Bell Phone 186 y I I CHOICE MEAT for the FESTIVE SEASON As is our custom, we have bought for the coming holiday season 40 of the choicest heifers and steers which we are already serving serving to our customers. They include: 17 choice heifers and steers from Frank Symons, J. H. Werry 3, Charles Allin 3, Wesley Allin 3, Samuel Allin & Son 3, Thomas Moffat 2, Geo. Mitchell 4, and Wm. Bennett 2. We are also well supplied with choice ewe lambs, veal calves and pigs. A TON OF THE BEST POULTRY WANTED We are now prepared to buy at least a ton of the best--it must be the best because we guarantee it to our customers as such-- turkeys, geese, ducks and chicken. Bring good quality and get the highest price in cash. C. M. CAWKER & SON Visitors : Dr and Mrs Willard and son, Logan, Toronto, at Mr R Collacott's;Miss Edna Staples, Orono, with her aunt Miss Rutledge; Mr and Mrs Milford Wilkins, Oshawa, at his brother's, Mr Alex Wilkins'; Wilkins'; Misses Tena and Dora Prout and Messrs Eddie and Alex Prout at Walter Manning's; Miss Edna Collacutt at home; Mr and Mrs Harry Wilcox and Miss May Martin, Hampton, at John Challis'; Mr and Mrs A Wilkins at John Munday's Maple Grove; League meeting Sabbath evening in charge of Mr F L Squair, will take the form of a literary study of Tennyson's Tennyson's poem "Maude." T-here may be other corn cures, but Holloway's Corn Cure stands at the head of the list so far as results are concerned. Order Fertilizer now and get it at the old price. F. O. Mason. (Crowded out last week.) Mr Harper and Miss Eva Allin, Leskard, Leskard, were recent guests of Miss Kate Stephens Mr and Mrs J G Plunkett and family spent Sunday in Oshawa.... Mr. Edward Doidge attended a concert at Leskard recently and favored them with a solo.. . .Mr and Mrs Harry Hamm and baby, Orono, visited at his sister's, Mrs Blewett.... Miss Dora Proutt, Sandford, is holidaying at home .. .Rev. W. Higgs preached a fine Christmas sermon Sunday ..., The concert given by the school and young people Monday evening was a great success. Pastor Higgs made an excellent chairman, and the program was opened with a chorus. Program consisted of recitations recitations by Gertrude Kivell, Clara Pollard Pollard and Irwin Hughes; a chorus by the school and "Soldiers'Song" by the boys; a dialogue "The Census Taker" by Misses Neda Symons, Mabel Challis, Mrs. Blewett, Messrs Alva Allin and Howard Challis; "This is the house that Jack built" and a Christmas acrostic was put on by the Junior Junior members; a duet "I love a lassie" by Leslie and Irwin Hughes; dialogue, "The Old Maid" by Misses Neda Symons, Ruth Squair, Katie Stephens, and Messrs. Edward Edward Doidge and Kyle Squair; duet by Annie McDonald and Vera Hughes; dialogue, dialogue, "My Uncle's Farm" followed by a trio by Leslie Hughes. Harland McDonald McDonald and Howard Challis; a tableau entitled entitled "Woman Suffrage" by several young men; a wand drill by twelve girls dressed HAMPTON NEWS. Mrs A Peters entertained her Sunday School class of young men at her commodious commodious home Monday Dec. 22. «All report report a pleasant time ...Rev T Brown, Lindsay, visited at Parsonage and took the work of Rev C W Barrett Sunday. His sermon was a powerful exposition of the truth... .League entertainment Christmas Christmas eve was a great success. A large number of gifts were placed on the tree and everything passed off very satisfactorily, satisfactorily, proceed $30: .. .Miss Mildred Cole will teach at Frankford, Prince Edward Co Mrs I L Brown entertained some young lady friends Monday evening.... Holiday visitors : Mrs A Elliott and two sons Will and Wilbert and Miss Alma Trosse, Toronto, at Mr J E L Cole's; Mr Norman Welsh, Beaverton, at home; Mr Harry Brown, Neepawa, Man, with his brother; Miss Litta Ruse and lady friend Toronto, at home; Mrs Thos Rowe with her son at Weston; Russell Rowe, Toronto, Toronto, at home; Miss Elma Clarke, Oshawa; Miss Laura Ranton, Winnipeg, and Mr Walter Ranton, Toronto; Mr J B Horn and family, Bradford; Miss A Kerslake, Bowmanville; Misses Gertie and Mildred Martin, Toronto; Mrs G Beckett and children, Owen Sound. Fertilizers--only a few more orders re quired to complete car-load after . which we have to advanpe prices. F. O. Mz Won Fame on its merits.--The unbounded unbounded popularity that Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil enjoys is not attributable to any elaborate advertising, for it has not been so advertised, but is entirely due to the merits of this Oil as a medicine. In every city, town and hamet in the country Farmers Club meets Friday afternoon, Jan 2 when Mir R W Grierson, Oshawa, is expected to address the meeting.. Beef ring meeting in hall Friday afternoon Jan 9 Messrs Jas Jebson and Jack Baker were judges on horses at Raglan fair .J Baker shipped a thoro-bred heifer at Brooklin which will be sold at a good price...-Xmas Tree and entertainment entertainment of the Cadets of Temperance program program was well rendered and Santa Claus was good to the children. Miss Werry is to be congratulated on the success of the entertainment, on her careful training and care taken - of her band of young workers. Mr Norman Reynolds acted as chairman The books of the new library have arrived Mr -A J Reynolds and family have moved into their new home which is a model residence in every particular. particular. ... Mr Frank Shortridge, Winni peg, Man; Miss Annie Knowles, Graduate Nurse, St Catharines, with Misses Nora Werry and Gertrude Pascoe; Mr Sid Nichols, Courtice, at John Reynolds; Mr and Mrs Leslie Pascoe and daughter Bes sie at A L Pascoe's; Misses Florence and Gussie Luke, Kedron; Mr and Mrs Ivan Law and son Malcolm at Hamilton; Miss Nora Werry at Braeside, Enfield; Messrs Roy Langmaid and Willie Westlake in Toronto; Miss Grace Stephens, Toronto, with Miss Effa Brooks. 8 FARMERS* SONS 1 1 Short Course in Agriculture The Durham County Branch of the Ontario Ontario Department of Agriculture is arranging arranging to hold their third annual course it*is sought after solely because ot its good | in Agriculture in the Town Hall, Mill- qualities. ENNISKILLEN NEWS. Annual soiree of Presbyterian Church will be held as follows: On Sunday Dec. 28, at II a m and 7 P m sermons will be preached by Rev. Isaac .Snell, pastor Methodist Church, Blackstock. Collections Collections in aid of church funds. Miisic by Nestleton Presbyterian choir. New Years Day, Thursday, Jan. 1, tea served from 5 pm. At 8 p m an entertainment will be held when music and a dialogue "The Surprise Party at Brinkley's" will be furnished furnished by Blackstock talent. Solos and duets by Rev. S. G. Brown, Almonte, Mr. T. A. Brown, Ottawa, and Mr. Morrell Montgomery, Blackstock. Addresses by Revs. W. E. Honey, S. G. Brown and others. Tickets: tea and concert, 35 e : children 20c; concert only 20c. "When you want a fur coat or ruff go to Mayer's. Good congregations at Presbyterian anniversary services Sunday. Rev I Snell's sermons as always were much appreciated, appreciated, his evening one especially impressive. impressive. Nestleton choir furnished the musical service which was excellent. Continuation services New Years day... Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Byron McLaughlin. The many friends of Mrs. McLaughlin (nee Miss Eva Crookshank) whose lather was former pastor of Methodist Methodist church here. Welcome Visitors : Misses Eva Souch and Annie Allin, Bow- brook, from January 19 to February 20, 1914. In previous years this course has been held in the Port Hope High School. ! The Advisory Agricultural Committee deemed it wise to hold the course in some other centre than Port Hope. This year Milthrook has been selected. Another year most likely the course will be held in West Durham. This course is intended intended for fanners' sons ranging in age from 15 to 30 years. A comprehensive and practical programme has been prepared. It is hoped a large number of young men will avail themselves of this opportunity. No fees, no examinations. The oqly expense expense is for board and railway fare for | those coming from a distance. Calendars and application forms maybe obtained upon request. R. S. DUNCAN, Department of Agriculture, Port Hope. --j -- -- „ » manville, at Mr J Pye's; Mr Roland Vir-- in white; violin solos by Mr. Charles Car- t Fenelon Falls, at Mr J T Virtue's; Mr rnthers: last was the ■ coming Of Santa -, 1z1 Pirlrerinff. and Miss Purveyors of Flue Meats Bowmanville ruthers; last was the coming Claus who delighted the little folks with his "generosity. Mr Leslie Collacutt, Mrs Dudley and Miss Caldwell were the accompanists. accompanists. "God Save the King" ended a very fine program. Much credit is due Miss Reta Caldwell who so ably trained the children; proceeds $22.50 A num ber of young people attended the concert given by the High School in the Opera House while others attended one at Beth- esda Friday evening Miss Reta Cald well is holidaying at her home at Osaca, CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yen Haro Always Bought Bears the Signature of Harold Stainton, Pickering, and Miss Maud Crookshank, Buffalo, at Mr Elias Ashton's, jr; Miss . Retta and Mr Leslie Robbins, Rochester, with their parents; Mr and Mrs Wm Wotten and daughter, Barbara, at W A Herring's: Mr Jas De- Mille and sisters, Cartwright, at Mr Thos Craig's; Mr and Mrs Frank Robbins, Mr Will Hamilton, Rochester, at Mr Wm Oke's; Mr Roy Plowright, Oshawa, at Mr Jabez Moore's; Mr Percy Gilbert, Sarnia, home at Limwood; Mr and Mrs J Trimmer and daughter Mary, Miss May Virtue and Mr and Mrs Webster Virtue and daughter Helen, Toronto, at Messrs J W and John E Virtue's; Misses Addie, Ethel and Mr Blake Cole, Bethesda, at Mr F W Lee; Mr Walter Ranton, Toronto, with friends; Mr and Mrs S Hoskin entertained entertained friends Xmas; Mr Albert and Miss Elfeie Oke in Toronto; Mr and Mrs Palmer Sanderson in Oshawa; Mr Wallace Stainton, Stainton, Toronto, with friends; Mr and Mrs iH J Werry and family at Orono. FREE JUDGING COURSE Livestock and Seed Judging Course will be held in Bowmanville under auspices of Provincial and West Durham Farmers' Institute, Agricultural" Society and the local office of the Ontario Department of Agriculture as follows: Wednesday, Tan. 7,1.30 to 4 p.m. Seeds, T. G. Raynor, Ottawa. Thursday, Jan. 8,10 to 12 a.m; Light horses, Dr. J. A. Sinclair, Cannington. I to 3 p.m., Dairy Cattle. 3 to 5 p.m. Beef Cattle; R. H. Harding, Thorndale. Friday, Jan. 9,10 to 12 a.m., Poultry, demonstrations in killing and preparing | fowl for market and egg caudling. F. N. Marcellus, B.S.A., O.A.C., Guelph. 1.30 j to 4.30 p.m., Heavy Horses; Dr. J. A. Sin- ] clair. Stock and poultry judging in Agricultural Agricultural Building on Fair Grounds; seed judging in Council Room. Public meeting in .the Opera House Wednesday Jan. 7 at 8 p.m. Addresses will be given by Dr. Geo. C. Creelman, President of the O.A.C., Guelph, and the ! instructors. Good musical program is being prepared and the ladies and town's people are especially invited. All sions free and everybody welcome. ses- WOOD SALE Friday, January 2--Mr. J. G. Knapp | will sell on lot 28, con 9, Darlington, 4J£ acres of mixëd timber in % acre lots; I partiés. to have to April 1,1915, to remove remove timber; see bills; sale at I o'clock; I j L A W Tole, auctioneer Alone in the Lead Stands the Happy Thought Range Even if you could "worry along" with a common range why should' you? The "HAPPY THOUGHT" returns you daily dividends i n economy, comfort, convenience-good convenience-good currency, eh ? No one ever hot a "Happy Thought" but was delighted -- a positive fact. Remember that there is no substitute for this range, no equal. There can be no "just as good" until perfection to match. FOR SALE BY It has meets W. H. Dustan Phone 74 "Quality Hardware" Bowmanville x F.A.HADDY'S ANNUAL SALE OF CHINA WARE OUR ANNUAL Pre-Stocktaking Sale will com- V mence FRIDAY, JAN. 2nd. The- offerings are genuine and for this week we will specialize on Semi-porcelain Dinner Sets. 6 Only Dinner Sets--All we have left in semi porcelain, ranging from $13.00 to $16.00. In order to effect a quick clearance, you can take your choice for $10.00. Library Lamps--We have,6 of these lamps left, priced from $4.00 to $6.50. Sale Price, reg. $4 00..... for $3 00 5 00 .................for 3 75 " 5 50 for 4 15 u 6 00 ....for 4 50 u 6 50..... for 4 90 Should clear out quickly at these prices. Our regular stock pattern dinner ware 10 per cent, reduction. at a a On all our Fancy China we will give you reduction of 20%. These prices are for spot cash. Oranges--California Navels, seedless, juicy, sweet and healthful, special for Saturday, 15c doz. A Happy New Year to All May the year 1914 bring to you joy, peace and prosperity. F. A. Haddy China Hall Grocery ts tS X Phone 62, Bowmanville