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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1914, p. 2

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1 i z, mmsk m m r Are Your Hands by a chronic diseuse common to womankind? womankind? You feel dull--headaehey? : Backache, Backache, pains here and there--dizziness or perhaps hot flashes? There's jaothing you can accomplish--nothing you can enjoy l There's no good reason for it--because you can find permanent relief In Favorite Prescription Mrs. Fannie H. Brent, of Bryant, Nelson Co., Va., writes: "I belleTa l had every pain and ache a woman could have, my back was weak, and I suffered with nervousness and could not sleep at night. Suffered with soreness in my right hip, and every month would have spells and have to stay in bed. I have taken eight bottles of your 'Favorite Prescription' and one vial of your 'Pleasant Pellets. Can now do my work for six in family, and feel like a new woman. I think- it is the best medicine in the world for women. I recommend it to all WJ fnanda and many of them have been greatly benefited by it. Dr. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS Relieve Liver Ills! KINDNESS AND SYMPATHY Deserving or Otherwise, the Starving Man Must Not Be Abandoned 1<1 always 'F-or you have the poor •with you/'"--Mark xiv., 7. Unenviable indeed is. the man in whose mind the thought of the poor does not bulk largely at this time. Economists call them the "submerged "submerged tenth:" They are more than the tenth and they are not submerged. They are flotsam and jetsam on the sea of existence. existence. They will not down. They are everywhere and at all times visible to remind their fellows fellows of their duty and to reproach them with its neglect. Bureaus there are for their betterment, but how often is the assistance following following through such channels diverted or obstructed ! In the name of their master and in the name of their distress they have the right to expect not only help, hut tenderness in the giving thereof. There is talk of "the deserving deserving poor." Christ Knew no Such Distinction. One reason why the poor are still suffering is because it has been forgotten forgotten they are members of the human human family, having the same origin as their more fortunate fellows, the same nature, the same destiny. He who sows neglect of the poor will reap the whirlwind of divine indignation. Christ identifies their cause with His- own. What they clamor for is humanity in our attitude attitude toward them. They want to feel a throb and hold -a clasp of heartfelt sympathy. They shrink from nickel-in-the-slot --from machine--charity. As the tide of sympathy r _j^® s ; as jelly. Spread upon top and be higher they will be floated into bet- . J ter and brighter places. Woe to Favorite Recipes. Black Pudding. -- One-half cup molasses, one cup seeded raisins, one egg, one cup hot water, one teaspoon soda, pinch of salt, one cup flour. Steam one hour and serve with yellow sauce made of two eggs, one cup sugar, one teaspoon vanilla. Beat eggs light, add gradually gradually the sugar and beat again, then add vanilla. Individual Pumpkin Pies.--Three cups stewed and sieved pumpkin, two eggs, one and one-half cups brown sugar, one and one-half pints sweét milk, one level tablespoon flour, two teaspoons cinnamon, one teaspoon allspice. Line gem pans with rich pie crust, fill with above mixture and bake in moderate oven. Serve with whipped cream. Orange Cake.--Two cups of granulated granulated sugar, one-half cup water, two teaspoons baking powder, the yolks of four eggs and whites of three, the juice and grated rind of one orange. Bake in two layers Filling for cake : Beat the white of one egg stiff. Add the j.uice and grated rind of half an orange and stir in enough sugar to make thick the onion, draw back the skin, press the onion on a coarse grater working working with a rotary motion. Borax" is one of the best assistants assistants to cleanliness. It should play a. large part in every household, if sprinkled about the kitchen it will eliminate roaches and ants. , To remove hot water marks from tables. Make a thin paste of salad oil. and salt, cover the mark with this, and leave for one hour, then rub off with a soft duster. • To prevent inferior potatoes from appearing watery when cooked, scrub, then core the skin lightly, lengthways and across, all the way round. Boil in salted water. They will then be dry and floury. BATHED ON HALF HOLIDAY. Why Ancient Workmen Quit Work On Saturday Afternoons. The Saturday half-holiday is customarily customarily regarded as a modern innovation. innovation. Ask any old person and he will tell you he can remember when all laborers worked on the seventh day of the week just as on every other day--from the blowing of the whistle at 7 o'clock in the Children Cry for Fletcher'i k ; Fashion Hints Seen in Paris Shops. The butterfly is still dominant. Scotch plaids are fashionable for children. Hats for little girls are of bonnet shape. Leopard is the favorite fur for the motor wrap. There is a revival of ostrich feather feather trimming. Flowers for the hair and corsage are made of ribbon. New handbags are of . silk embroidered embroidered with beads. The, high school. girl is wearing the tarn o' shanter hat. • The chrysanthemum is the favored favored flower for corsage wear. Modified Norfolk suits are being worn by the older school girls. Ribbons brocaded with velvet thistles are among the novelties." All the winter wraps show the upward upward movement in the draping. A few new sweaters of shelton or the man who in any way is a bar to this consummation. Of only one man did Christ assert everlasting misery, misery, eternal doom. That man is called in scripture Dives. He was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously-every day. He refused even the crumbs from his table to be thrown to the beggar who lay helpless and dying at his gates. At .the Final Assizes the interrogatory of the Supreme Judge turns on each man's conduct to the poor. As we have given the cup of cold water or denied it, we shall be rewarded or condemned, welcomed or rejected. Strange that our attitude toward the poor p.ut-s the seal of happiness or unhappiness upon ouil eternity. Mysterious as it seems, it is true. It does not mean that remembering remembering actively the poor is man's only or whole duty. It means that God is so touched by this exercise of kindness kindness to his afflicted ones that. He is moved to pour in upon the minds of those, that help them light to know the upper paths of rectitude, and arms their wills with strength to cope with powers of darkness, and 'all who would,drag them down from that high estate that is every man's birthright.--Rev. P. A. Hal- pin. angora have collars and cuffs of fur. Metal woven tissues continue to attract attention for evening wear. Underwear is daintier than ever. Never was-there so much silk worn. New colors are russet brown, bronze gray, foster green, and mahogany. mahogany. «US01UTE $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure n all its stages, and that is Catarrh Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re- uires a constitutional treatment. Hall's îatarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. constipation. ■ » EGG PRESERVATION. ayers Raisin Cake.--One cup of sugar, one-half of butter, two cups of flour, three eggs. Use one whole egg and the yolks of two in the cake, saving the two whites for icing. icing. One cup of raisins (cut) and one heaping teaspoon of soda in a cup of boiling water. Pour over raisins, cool, cream, butter, and sugar. Add beaten eggs, then flour and water with raisins. One teaspoon teaspoon cinnamon or nutmeg for flavoring. flavoring. Veal and Chicken Salad.--Take the white parts of roasted chicken and roasted veal cut in one-hâlf inch pieces ; take two cu£s of veal and one cup of chicken, one cup of celery cut in the same size pieces, teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon white pepper, one-half teaspoon onion. Salt ten stuffed chopped olives, one teaspoon olive oil ; mix well in mixing bowl with one cup of mayonnaise salad dressing on platter platter covered with lettuce leaves and garnish with hard boiled eggs cut in slices. Health Bread.--Two cups of table bran, one cup flour, one cup- milk, two tablespoons dark molasses, one tablespoon lard or salad oil, one heaping teaspoon baking powder, one level teaspoon soda, and same of salt. Put the soda into the milk, -■vhieh- may be either sweet or sour ; air : of the other ingredients may be put into a bowl and well mixed, after which add the milk in which the soda was dissolved. Thoroughly blend all together with a spoon, then put into a well greased bread pan. Let stand twenty minutes then put into quite a hot oven fo7 the first five minutes, then gradually gradually turn off the heat and let bake in a moderate oven for one hour. Golden Muffins.--This recipe is for a ^family of five and will make two dozen muffins, one dozen light biscuit, and three large loaves of bread. In a four quart jar pour two quarts of warm water, add thereto one large tablespoon each of butter and lard, one tablespoOnful of salt, and two tablespoonfuls of sugar; mix thoroughly until butter and lard are dissolved, then add about eight large teacupfuls of _ sifted flour, or enough to make a stiff batter, batter, and stir vigorously for one minute minute ; then add three well beaten eggs to this and stir again. Lastly, one cake of yeast, which hae first- been dissolved in two tablespoon- fuis of lukewarm water. Stir but little after eggs and' yeast are in. Cover jar with a plate and place in a warm corner, free from drafts over night. In the morning grease a large pan and put in two dozen Expert Bakers need no reminder when baking baking powder is required---they instinctively turn to Cleveland's. Cleveland's. Long experience has taught them that Cleveland's Baking Powder is essential to the production of the finest cake and bread-foods. . . . -a .1 morning until 6 o'clock or later m The beginner has to learn , evening- The shortening of the but experience is fast teaching regular working day to eight hours, , v , "Rylrinrr with freedom on' Saturday after- her that Cleveland s Baking noon> js attributed the work of Powder is the greatest of the trades unions. While the latter v T* v,m11 n\A ,-norP than body, in the last few decades, c^r- helps. _ . tamly has influenced public opinion any other one thing in makfng I aiK j legislation in regard to a shorter shorter working day, it did not propound a new idea, but rather revived the old laws of the fifteenth century. In medieaval times the Saturday half-holiday seems t-o have been almost almost universal. "Every one must her an expert baker. large tablespoonful of this batter in each ring. Do not stir the batter batter in the morning. After muffins „ 1 are on the way, add six cups of be pleased with his work, sa-ys a flour to the batter and mix and Kutenberg ordinance, "conse- knead it for fifteen minutes, then quently no one must- be overwork place dough in warm sheltered ed." Even Ferdinand I. (1458-94), place to rise ; when light enough, one of the most ferocious kings who which probably will be in about two ever sat on a throne of the Holy hours, make into light biscuit and Roman Empire, aocepted this max- three loaves of bread, and let rise an< J .ruled that, in the Jmpiri&l again. mines, the miners were to work .Angel Food _ Cake.--Put into a on j y eight hours a day. The old good sized mixing bowl the whites of ten large eggs and a generous pinch of gait. Take 0 ne and one quarter cups of granulated sugar and sift five times, one cup of pastry pastry flour sifted five times. The oven and baképan should be ready and j an( j mus t be, good health, one level teaspoon of cream of tar- w skin an d face blemishes tar laid ready. Beat whites of eggs - - about one-half, sift in cream of tartar, tartar, then beat again until it will make dog's ears when you draw the heater up through it. Sift in sugar and on top of sugar put in the ex- ^ . T « ... tract, so the alcohol will not come glOM OI spirits. 1Î, 9-t times, in direct contact with the. whites of when there is need you will use eggs. Boil the ïugàt'in until batter Is smooth and glossy, then carefully I H IUFI sift in the flour and fold in, remembering remembering every stroke of the beater ^ after the flour is in toughens it. _ It U I I I Jkj is best to have the eggs and dish jg m. li Bi b# cold. Putting the cream of tartar - _ vnnrsplf better in in the eggs makes it fine grained youWlll tind yourselt Better in and tender. Never grease the tin. every way The oven must be moderate enough eo the cake, will raise before it begins begins to bake, then increase the heat and let it bake. If the cake bakes too quickly it will crack open in the middle. Bake forty or forty-five pTexion, rosy lips and vivacious minutes, and when done take from gp^g. Good for all the fam- oven and invert the pan until the ,/L pills especially cake is perfectly cold. If not sur- ficiently done the cake will sweat and fall", but if set on the jbottom of the tin the weight of cake would make it settle. The True Source of Beauty are usually caused, by the presence 01 impurities in the blood--impurities which also cause headache, backache, languor. languor. nervousness and depres- • . __ £? T-£ mno The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his personal personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Motphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guaraUtec. It destroys. Worms und allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and. Jbowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 1 Bears the Signature of m X- V-C.fi: -X The Kind Yon Bave Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years OM I»#. NV. NEW YO.X CITY. laws also explicitly stated that work,after Saturday, at noon was to be strictly prohibited, and that "a pair of stocks be in every town," that employers who worked their people overtime might be thrust into into them. Because there was a Saturday Saturday half-holiday, however, it- must not be thought that this afternoon afternoon was given for recreation. Indeed Indeed not--it was bathing time for the greater part of the community. Why Saturday was chosen as bathing time is not difficult to imagine. imagine. On Sunday everybody was compelled to go to church, whether he would or not. As the Moslem in the East bathed before entering the mosque, so did the medieval man before - entering his church, only he- must take his bath on Saturday afternoon afternoon in order to ,be clean the following day. There was even a distribution of bath money to the children whose parents were unable to pay for their baths. Sswtaj -y way. With purified blood, you will improve digestion, digestion, sleep more restfully and your nerves will be quieter. You will recover the charm of sparkling eyes, a spotless compte compte Help Women To Good Health SECURITY. Genuine well greased muffin pans, drop a Carter's Little Liver Pills. Muet Bear Signature of 5m Facsimile Wrapper Below. H.uiuun|»i [FOI ffUMCBE, FOX DIZZIIICSS# r FOI BIU0USME6S. fb FOXjTOIFID UW CARTERS F0*J roiie reimew *w«. | rwmcMttmo* ■«Alvei .jmgmmr* eues sick headaghCa New Process Is In Vogue in Switzerland. Switzerland. The American consul at Zurich recently made & report of a new process of preserving eggs which has been brought out in that country country and which has attracted a-great deal of attention because of its convenience convenience and economy. It is sftid that the materials from which the preservative is made may be had in almost any country and •'are nowhere nowhere expensive. In the treatment of the eggs a- flat vessel of about one hundred quarts is filled to half its capacity with the preserving agent, into which the eggs are dipped dipped for two minutes and then allowed allowed to dry. For the dipping process process the eggs are placed in flat wire baskets, - each with- a capacity .of 300 to 500 eggs. One basket is dipped dipped after the other, and by employing employing a large- vessel several baskets may be dipped simultaneously. In this manner two or three persons can dip 200,000 eggs per day. The process is said to be much superior to cold storage, and it is said that •fche coating is good for nine months, and the t eggs lose none of the: qualities qualities of the fresh egg. - - . y Some engagements are announced by the mother and / denounced |by J the father, x "' V: " - "- 1 HAVE YOU CATARRH? impaired? Does your throat get husky or clogged? Modem science proves that these symptoms result from run down health. Snuffs and vapors are irritating and useless. You should buildy our general health with the oil-food in Scoff*# Emulsion-Ms nourish! n g powers will enrich and enliven the blood, aid nutrition and assimilation assimilation and assist nature to check the Inflammation and heal the sensitive membranes which are affected. Sc o t t *s Emulsidri wil 1 r a i s o ^yojiir standard, of ; health to çjoftécX catarrhs Shan akokoiic mister»* mnd inws* on 5COTTS Hi Hints for the Home. White paint can be kept in good condition if whiting is mixed to a stiff paste with warm water and used used instead of soap. Rinse off with clear water and dry with a duster or leather. Boot lace tags sometimes come off quite good laces. In this case they may be rèplaced with impromptu tags of sealing wax. Cut the tag, smear it over with sealing wax, then press it to a point while.the wax is still warm. If a lump of soda dissolved in a little hot water is added to the. blue water on wash day it will prevent the blue from settling in the clothes and make them perfectly whi<e. This is especially useful when the water is very hard. Very frequently when separating the whites from the yolks of eggs the yolk becomes broken and falls into the white. Dip a cloth in warm water, wring it dry, and touch the yolk with a corner of it, and tlie yolk will adhere to the cloth and may easily be removed. When boiling potatoes try putting a cloth over them before putting on the lid. They will take much less cooking and be much more mealy. A good disinfectant for a sink ie to put two tablespoonfuls of soda and a teaspoonful of ammonia in one gallon of boiling water. Pour this down the sink. A new broom will last longer if the strands are tied together and put Into a pail of boiling water and soaked for two hours. Dry thoroughly thoroughly for two hours. Marks that "have been made oh paint with matches may be removed by first rubbing the mark with lemon lemon and washing it afterward with soap and water. To prevent glassware from being easily broken, , put in a kettle of cold water ; heat gradually until the water has reached the 'boilib g phint. When _cool ; take out glaju. . -To extract the juice from >b dnié kn, cut a slice from the root, end of Sold ieverywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. The iarfeet sale ol any medicine. The directions with errery box point the way to Rood heoluu Marriage is more often a disappointment disappointment than a failure. The Real Liver Pill.--A torpid liver means a disordered system, mental depression, lassitude and in the end, if care be not taken, a chronic state of debility. The very best medicine to arouse the hver to healthy action is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They are compounded compounded of purely vegetable substances substances of careful selection and _ no other pills hâve their fine qualities. They do not gripe or pain and they are agreeable to the most sensitive stomach. Mrs. L. Dlttmar, 710 E. 145tli St„ New York City, writes: "I caught a cold. 7 used one bottle " of your Railway's Ready Relief with wonderful results. I have also found it acte like a charm for sore throat. 1 used It with great benefit for several alimente my children have had, and recommend It to my frieuds." NEURALGIA The-Relief ia the best counter Irritant k^ceHt. - and therefore this best embrocation that ixiu be used In Neuralgia. Rub It ou the part affected, affected, and keep flannels roaked with It on the seat of the pain until ease" Is obtained, which will usually be Su the course of ten oc fifteen minutes. It AD WAY & CO., Montreal, Cam Winter Term Opens Jan. 5 One school that lias thorough courses, èxcellent- equipment, capable teachers, and enjoys a widespread patronage is the popular jaSS TORONTO, ON This institution has a clean-cnt record for successful work. We assist assist our students to obtain employment. If yon intend getting a business education--get education--get the best--nob the cheap, ordinary ordinary or low grade kind. Write to-d&y lor our catalogne. It contains complete information. information. Cor. Yonge <fc Alexander^ts., W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Canada Portland cement men ask for so many bags of "cement' -- Others, more careful, say they want "Portland Cement"-- But the man who does the best work insists upon getting getting "Canada Portland Cement-- And he looks to Jt\ see that every bag bears this label Ü Information Bureau, Moo- tteat for • free copy *Wkat tW Fenner €•■ mi'i There !» a Canada Cement dealer m your neighborhood. If iron do not know Mb» write lor his name. X.i -zm ay ' >-w »*. Ih&msSes .1;-? -, mmm ïM:-

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