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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1914, p. 7

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JL B. BLcI-ATJGSLXN. nkr.rist-r Holtclt-or and CeBveyeaee*. B Bee:-- Bleakley Block. King Sirwt. •WH.Bf.vlUo. Money V ion» mX Bkl« rate*. 48-far** BOWHAWTILI.E. • >®*T, OLI • MM-ALIST of ^TfnttT iJn Best Liniment of All Destroys Every Bain But Never Burns. G^ Ivfr.lt,, TordBto; Foot FOOT* Physlcler si-d Smgson at Ml. Oar*ol Hospital PltW Off'co^a^d Eoiidtnca Wolllngtoa *t tcceNc. m». Ta' * ► Fuserai Directors * * r ' Ettibaltncr» DISNEY BROS. Bowmanville Phone 9, Dey or Night Up-to-date Outfits - Prompt Attention Reasonable Prices. TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15. % Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $18 to $20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and Work considered. Have your measure taken to-dav TAILOR MOVED. Mr. J. T. Allen has moved his tailor shop to the Mason Block over Anderson Clothing Co's Store, where he will be pleased to attend to the wants of all ms old customers and any new ones requiring suits made, clothes pressed, cleaned or repaired. repaired. Work done promptly and sa.is- factorlly. 'How thankful we are _ to get hold of such a wonderful housèhold remedy remedy as Nervillne," writes Mrs. E-P- Lamontagne from her home near We- taskawin, Alberta. "In this - far-away section, far away, from a doctor or druggist, every family needs a good supply of liniment. Nervillne la the best of all. It destroys every pain, but never burns. We use Nervillne In a. score of ways. - If It's rheumatism, rheumatism, aching hack, pain in the side, sciatica or stiff neck,--you can laugh at them If you have lots of Nervillne handy. For earache, toothache or cramps I don't think anything could act more quickly. For a general allround allround pain remedy I" can think of nothing nothing more valuable and speedy to cure than Nervillne." The above letter is convincing--it tells how reliable and trusty this old- time remedy is. Nervillne for forty years has been a household word. in Canada. Scarcely a home in Canada you can find without Nerviline. Every community has its living examples of the -wonderful curative properties of Nervillne which will cure pains and aches anywhere in the joints or muscles. muscles. It's penetrating, soothing, warming and safe for young and old to use. Get the large 60c. family size bottle; it's the most economical. Small trial size 25c. at any dealer's anywhere. . , » --: BRITISH LABORER'S LOT. One Found it Hard to Support Nine on $2.85 a Week. The lot of the rural worker Ain- de^^he . present wage rate waa_ em- pv^ v ed at an inquest at -West W tijgton, North Devon, on the fiÿÿëàr-old daughter of Wilham Payne, a farm laborer, says Reynold Reynold 'sN è wspaper . The mother stated stated that the child had been delicate almost from birth. "She «did everythin everythin gv- possible' for : her family,, but she found it "hard 1 to maintain a family of seven chtidren onher husband7 husband 7 s wages-of lis.; 8d . (02 .85)' per weefc:. ' " The father gave similar evidence, and admitted that the bedding was insufficient. He did not know how he was going to get more. It transpired transpired that when the sheets were Can Regain Health Read-Thi* Craefully, "For years I: was thin arid delicate I -lost color and was easily tired ; a yèllow pallor, pimples: and blotches on my face were- noit only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would néver look nice again I grew: despondent.^' Then my appetite failed! ; T grew vèrÿ^ x weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now that they have made me a well woman I would not be without them whatever they might cost. I found Dr. Hamilton's Hamilton's Pills by their mild yet searching action very suitable to the delicate Could Not Sleep Day or Night, Itched and Burned Terribly. Cuticura Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured in a'Month, Also Cured Mother of Salt Rheum, JAPS WONDERFUL SWIMMERS VwdmTwashed ther° was only an old character of a woman's nature. TJiey pakG quilt Uft on t n hl bed», nexer once griped me. yet they eetab- and some of the children were without without boots. _ Dr Brown -said the child was so PEATE'S CLOTHES CLEANING CLEANING AND DYEING. HALF MILLION YEARS AGO. emaciated that it only weighed 28 pounds, death being due to pneumonia pneumonia and tubercular disease. The doctor thought it impossible for the mother to do more with her husband's husband's wages. The coroner agreed, and said it was a wonder there was a single child of the family living. ^ The verdict was c 'natural causes, and the jury, doctor and coroner, all voted sums for the relief of the family. - , ■ " v \ ' lished regularity. My appetite, grew keen--my blood red and pure--heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin Is as clear and unwrinkled unwrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it all." The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof suffleierit that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. -Use no other pill but Dr.^Hamilton's, 25c. per box'". All dealers or The Catarrh- ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. QuarryvUle, N. B.-- " For a mouth after my baby was born, he could not sleep day or night with eczema. He waa ail covered with small watery pimples which would break in a day or two and leave a humoury scab and -would Itch and betm terribly. He scratched so much that he made sores. Hie skin: burned all the time and when Questions, Raised by Finding Ancient Ancient Skull in England. JUST THE MEDICINE FOR THE BABY X. -The cleaning and pressing works in Bowmanville is carried on by Thomas Peate, next door to Scott's Grocery. He has a solution for putting on garments garments that makes it impossible for grease and dust to remain. Old. clothing reno- vated and made to look like new. Leave orders at Scott's Grocery if no one is m when you call. THOS. PEATE, King-st., Bowmanville. In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION, 364 University St,, Montréal. Cook's Cotton Root Compound* Among anthropologists and others others who are more interested in where man came from than where he is going to a spirited controversy controversy has arisen over the question whether the fossil skull discovered some time ago in England belonged to a manlike ape or to an ape-like man. Gorilla teeth fit into the skull fairly well ; therefore its possessor possessor was a monkey. But human teeth also fit; therefore the original original owner of the skull, was a man. Some experts insist that he was a very intelligent ape, others that he was a man of low intelligence, and speechless. But all agree that he must have lived at least 500,000 years ago. Unfortunately all the teeth are missing except two, and these have no marks of dentistrÿ. This adds to the difficulty of the problem. . . But the date, 500,000 B.C., is m- eckoned on the Baby's Own Tablets are just the medicine for little ones. -They sweeten the stomach and regulate the bowels, thus breaking up colds, curing colic, expelling worms and making teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. E. J. Ayer, Westmore- and Point, N.B., writes: "I have ieen using Baby's Own Tablets some time and find them just the medicine baby needs." The ^Tablets ^Tablets are sold-by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock - ville, Ont. A safe, reliable regulating teres.ting. It is reckoned on medicine. Sold ln three de- b * 0 f the time *n t o. 2. S3; No. 8, $5 per box. ii me deposits to form, if--and tne SSJJlol 1 ap?! -if" looks like a big one--if they "Free camohlefc. Address. _ ,->/■> urm ill .a/bp-d at the Dresent rate OI WINTER Free pamphlet. THE COOK MEDlCINfc CO* growth of stalagmites TORONTO. ONT. (FkeiNï WMw.) ^ ^atc ig ha , r dly more plausible "or Convincing than the one given by an expert of an entirely different school, who fixed the time of the I creation of man at 4004 B.O., Sep- ^ -jfember 23, -f- half-past nine in the morning, Eastern time. Fortunately for the^ human race greater efforts are being made to solve • the question of 1913 A.D. TheWHITESTAR' DOMINION LINE Saturday Sailings bxtwecn Portiii!d& Liverpool Mrs. Malaprop's Cousin. "Oh, dear!" said Mrs. Blunder- by; "when I read of these dreadful war rumors I get quite frustrated. I can't help feeling that the country country is on the verge of an abscess. Historic Peculiarities. Shakespeare used to walk to London London in preference to waiting for a train. During his entire life Michael Michael Angelo made less than five shillings shillings out of drawings for papers and magazines. Robert Fulton wouldn't turn water into a- steam boiler, even if it were burning dry. Catherine the Great, who was very fond of writing letters, never moistened moistened the gummy side of postage stamps. Daniel Webster believed in economizing time, but was never known t<v use â telephone. Nero was passionately 'fond of playing the violin, but -would never consent to having a pianola in the house. ..Napoleon never got a wink of .sleep in a room tlrrilf was steam-heated. Despite the immense amount of literary literary work he did Marcus Aurelius never used a fountain pen. No one ever saw .Julius Caesar lift a 'gun, even in the hottest part of a fight. the acab came off It left little marks like chicken-pox. At last I saw Cuticura Soap and. Ointment advertised. After the first application application he rested easier.. I applied the Cuticura Ointment lightly and after an hour I would -wash him with «Cuticura Soap. After a month's treatment be was cured. " I was greatly troubled with salt rheum on my hands. They broke out in little watery pimples and would be so itchy I could tear them to pieces. Then theÿ would dry up and crack and bleed and when I put them In water the disease would eat In to the bones". They weaé so painful I had to keep them tied up wjdh cotion'rags. I could not do any work. One. Box of Cuticura Ointment Ointment with the Cuticura Soap eùred them.*' (Signed) Mrs. Grattan/July 31.1913. Cuticura Soap andCutlcura Ointment are gold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post-card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, XT. 8. A. ; ' LIQUID SULPHUR cures cold sores. Blessed is the peacemaker, incthe estimation of the chap who is getting getting the short end of it. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, J* Etc. ROSES ARE POISONOUS. NOW IN EFFECT! CALLINO AT HALIFAX. WESTBOUHP "TEUTONIC" "CANADA" " DOMINION " "ARABIC" "CYMRIC" also "LÀUBENTIC" "ME6ANTIC" Begiaiieg April 18th, 1914 Tickets issued (desiEnated^Prepaid i tSbriuK Old Country friends out. A-Pply Railway o*d Acexts for rales, satin** & tickets <)ffices: HintresJ, PortlKid, Me. Tomato, Bxlifn. and Quebec. than 500,000 B.C. SELF DELUSION. The Violet, Also, Is By No Means Safe For Very Many. The Heart of a. Plano lathe Action. Insist on the ** OTTO HIGEL' Piano Action Strike Water With Chiest, Carrying Weapons on Head. The Japanese are fend of swimming, swimming, and it is the custom for students students of the universities and school to go to the seaside during the summer months and there train systematically. Among the coast populations there are found many long-distance swimmers. E. J... Harrison in his book on "The Fighting Spirit of Japan," tells of soine remarkable feats performed by these swimmers. For example, they can jump into deep water and maintain a position with the water no higher than the loins while firing a musket, shooting shooting with bow and arrow, writing on a slate, painting a picture on a fan with a brush, or moving freely rin every direction as though walking on solid 'ground. The expert,, while he rarely emulates emulates the graceful high dive of the European or American, can leap from a great height and strike the . surface of the water with his chest, without striking or wetting his face and head. In some mysterious way he"contrives to escape the painful consequences which the impact would inevitably cause to the for- | eigner who should try this feat. It 1 is said that the old-time samurai frequently made use of this trick when crossing a river or stream. In such cases they carried their armor armor and weapons on their heads. * In illustration of the antiquity of ■swimming in Japan, it may interest foreign readers to be told that the famous "crawl" stroke, which Occidental Occidental swimmers first acquired not-very long ago, has been known and practised in Japan^ for hundreds hundreds of years, in addition to several several other methods of progression in the water that would come as a -revelation to Europeans and Americans. Americans. Save a horse and you -..won't have to buy one. Don't sell or destroy any Horae on account of Spavin, Splint, Ringbone, Curb,Sprains or Lameness. Spend one dollar for a bottle. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE has saved a great many.horses --has put them back to work, even after they have been given ujy.- Over So years of success have proved its value. Mr. J. M. Grondin of St. Lin, Que., writes 1 "1 h'ftvo been using your Spsvin Cure for man) - years, always with excellent results." Got .Kendall's Spavin Cure at' any driirprist'a. Price, per ttle.flbot bottle, 6 bottles for #5.00. "A. Treatise on the Horse' 1 free at druggists or front Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Enesburg Falls, Vermont, U.S. A. FARMS FOR SALE. H. w. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. SUFFERED 20 YEARS With Kidney Trouble, Cured by Gin Pills. Mr. Daniel F. Fraser of Bridgevijle, N".S., says about GIN PILLS: "For twenty years I have been troubled -with Kidney and Bladder Disease, and have been treated treated by many doot-ors,. but found litt'e relief. relief. I had. given up 'all hope of getting cured when I tried GIN PILLS. Now, I cau say with a happy heart, that I am cured after using only four boxes of GIN PILLS." 50c. a Box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if yon write Athene - & Chemi cal Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. M. A. JAMES, Agent, Bowmanville OVER 65 YEAR»' EXPERIENCE X Trade Marks Designs. Copyrights Ac, Anyonô'sending a sketch and description may enickiy-aeoertaln our opinion-rrecwbother an invention U probably p&tantAble- Commuulca- tlonsGtrtotiy conüdentml. H/UtuBOOiT on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for seourlngpatents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive tpecial notice; without charge, in the scientific Bttiericatn A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest ctr- latlon of any scientific Journal. Terms for n&da, $3.75 a year, postage prepaid, newsdealers. Sold by 0 363 Broadway, NfiW YOrK 586 F SU Washington, IX 0. BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE (Effective Sept. 15th) TRAINS LBAVB For Toronto and Intermediate 9bifciotn . p.lfa. in. 7.41p.m. For Trenton, BeUevillo, Deseronto, Napanea ani Intermediate Points; also Ç. O. B. Stations between Trenton and Plcton. (Daily except Sunday) 11.10 a. m. 7.21 p. m. For Coe Hill and Intermediate Station.! 1L10 a. m. ■fcor Yarker, Tweed, Harrewsmith, Sydenham jynd-Intermediate Stotions on Bay of Qaiute By 11.10 a. m. ... . -- TRAINS arrive From Toronto and Intermediate Stations 1L10 a. m. 7.91p.m. From Napanee, Belleville, Tre ? fc o™ mediate Points; also Plcton and O.O.B. Poia-s) 6.16 a. m, 7.41 p. m. Many People Deceived by Tea and Coffee. We like to defend our indulgences indulgences and habits even though we may be convinced of their actual harmfulness. A man can ©onvinoe himself tha,fc whiske3 r is good for him on a cold morning, or beir un a bot summer day--when he wants the whiskey or beer. It's the same with tea and coffee. coffee. Thousands of people suffer headache and nervousness year after year, but try to persuade themselves the cause is not tea or coffee--because they like it~ "While yet a child I commenced using coffee and "continued it," writes a Western, man, ."until was a regular coffee fiend. I drank it every morning and in consequence consequence had a blinding headache nearly every afternoon. Tea is just as injurious because it contains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee. "My folks thought it was coffee that ailed me/ but I liked it and would not admit it was the cause of my trouble, so I stuck to coffee and the headaches stuck to me. "Finally, the folks stopped buying buying coffee and brought home so^ie Postûm.- They made it right (directions (directions on pkg.) and told me to see what difference it would make with my bead, and during that first week on Postum my old affliction did not bother me once.; From that day to this we have used nothing but Postum Postum in place of . coffee----headaches are a thing of the past 'and the whole family is ifi fine health." "Postum looks good, smells good, tastes good, is good, and does good to the whole body." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, «Ont. Read "The Road to Wellville," pkgs. From Màynooth (C. O. R.) 7^41 p. m. From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker. eko. 7.41 p. m. - s Trains run daily except Sunday unless other* _ wise marked. For farther particulars see other advertisement appearing In this paper, or apply A. M. WILLIAMS, Bowmanville Agent Postum now comes in two forms : ' Regular Postum -- must be well The rose, that queen of-flowers, ia deadly. You do not believe itl Yet it is so. Giddiness and vertigo after inhaling the perfume of roses is by "no means uncommon, and sometimes a peculiar form of madness madness is set up by an individual being being shut up for a period in a P 3 ®*? 1 where a large number of vases holding holding roses are set out. The 1 violet, another grand flower, is by no means safe for very many. It has a most distressing effect on -•he vocal chords o£ some?- and rvu- ders many people quite husky if they inhale the perfume too long. The lily is a really dangerous flower, flower, and before now a person . has died as a result of sleeping in a room where many lily blooms were set out in glasses. It is always risky to go to sleep m a room where plants in bloom abound--you never know just what effect the perfumes may have .on your constitution. And it must be remembered that the odor of flowers flowers is much more pronounced during during the night-than during the day, .and any sleeper gets the benefit. The exact result of sleeping m a room where many blooms are is this--you sleep soundly under the influence of a narcotic. Have you not felt drowsy in a J" 1 , ed with flowers 1 Yes. Well, that was a slight case of narcotic poisoning. poisoning. A great ginger will not allow " a bouquet of flowers to approach too near his or her nostrils--that might be a case/of courting disaster; if violets in abundance were in the bouquet the voice might be impaired impaired for the rest of the evening. _ The primula is a very favorite flower, but one variety is dangerous the primula obconica ; it is deadly deadly to some. Some can handle the plant with safety; others,^if they are scratched ( by . the leaves, contract contract blood-poisoning. Bure white flowers are. 'Usually deadly, and yellow ones are little less dangerous. The beautiful lily of the valley is a very poisonoue flower, so is the crocus, so also is the buttercup-T-observe how grazing animals avoid the latter. The aconite aconite is deadly, so is the foxglove, and as for the laburnam--why, it is » menace to young children. Mrs. Hoyle--Do you go through your husband's pockets'? - Mrs. Making the Best of a Pest. A farmer in the parish of Maitland, Nova Scotia, recently came. across a skunk's nest that had three tiny young ones in it. The little skunks were orily a day or two old, and instead of ruthlessly ruthlessly destroying them, the farmer picked them up and carried them home. The family cat had heen raising raising a litter of four kittens, three of whom the farmer had drowned,- and after a few suspicious sniffs, she consented consented to adopt the little skunks in place of the lost kittens. The skunks did not suckle in quite the same way as the kitten, and it was interesting to watch Tahby push and box them into position. She soon got them in excellent order, and pussy and her quaint family afford lots of amusement for the children of the neighborhood. The farmer intends to make his find the nucleus of a skunk farm, and when the success of the fox farms of the maritime provinces is considered, it appears possible at least that he v/111 find the venture profitable. Skunk is at present among the most valuable of furs. : Why Sniffle and Sneeze with Catarrhal Cold? By Breathing the Healing Vapor of Catarrhozone You Get Relief in Ten Minutes. I F YOU WANT TO BUY OR BELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dairy Farm, write E. W. Dawson. Brampton, or Colborne St., Toronto. 9â H W. DAWSON, Colburn» St., Toronto. WANTED. L ive uninjured mink, marten and. Fisher. W. D. Bates. Rideetown. Ont. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. TTTE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD NEWS- W paper properties for eale in On. tario towns at right prices. Apply quickly as subecriution renewal time ie just opeti- Wilson Publishing Company, 73 ing That Catarrhozone Is a swift, certain certain means of destroying colds and catarrh is proved by the following statement of Mr. Pulos, one of Brock- ville's best known merchants: West Adelaide Street, Toronto. los 'In the fall of 1903," writes Mr. Pu- , under date of June 10th, 1910, I Doyle--Sure ; it's the best thing for him. Mrs. Hoyle--How is that 1 ? Mrs. Doyle--The doctor says that he must avoid excitement, and I think my method is better than exciting exciting him by asking him for money. HISCFLL ANBOUA /CANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS. jlTO.. internal and external, cured with- out pain by cur home treatment, write ne before too late. Dr. Bellman Medioal rv LlmîtPfl. fVll \r% . Ont. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid,. 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Ëooks Free by Mail. Hfi Eye Tonic Good for AH Eyes that Need Care Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago The Littles of Every Day. The great favors of fortune come to but few, and those that have them tell us that the quiet, homely joys, which are within the reach of us all, are Infinitely the beet. Then let us not cast them away, but treasure every sunbeam, and get all the hKht and warmth from it that tho blossing holds. contracted a very severe cold which developed Into Catarrh. • At that time 1 was living in New York State and treated with four different physicians, who afforded me no relief. On coming to Brockville I was advised by a friend to try Catarrhozone. 1 bought the dollar dollar outfit, and was gratified by the results. results. I was completely cured by Ca- tarrohozone, and have used it since to check a cold with unfailing results. It is the grandest medicine in existence, and I hope my testimony will b« of some use to other fellow-sufforers. (Signed) George Pulos. Get Catarrhozone to-day. Large size costs $1.00, and lasts two months. Smaller sizes 25c. and 50c. All dealer dealer The Catarrhozone Company, ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD* Cr"der "stonea, 'Kidney trouble, GrareL Instant Postum--is a soluble pow dor. A teaspooniul dissolves quiok ly in a cup of hot water and. witl cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage instantly. Grocers sell both kinds. Upwards of 650 tons of scot fall annually on each square mile of the City of London ; that- is to say, dur- inVone year 76,050 tons fall on the W w Vrrh 1 nVn fy\vm 117 square miles: which form administrative count}'. the Minard's Liniment Cure» Distemper. CORNS ? HAVE YOU ANY ? If so, you want to try Putnam's Corn Extractor; it is not a cheap acid ealve, but a genuine 25c. cure that docs remove corns in twenty-four, hours get "Putnam's Extractor," dealers. ers, Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. ... * A Couldn't Blame Him. One very cold day, Tommy, in his s. 4.,-,om*a xxtqc w?i.lInner nut wit Lumbago and kindred ailments poeitiveljr cured with the new German remedy^ -B&noL" price $1.50. Another new remedy tor Diabetes-Mellitue. and sure cure, "Banol'a Anti-Dlabetee." Priee B2.0g> from druggists or direct. The Banol Manutao- turing Comnany of Canada. Lilm.teq-, Winnipeg. Man. ■ , PRODUCERS--By shipping y out NEW LAID EGQS to GUNN, LANGLOIS & CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, you secure the BEST RESULTS. One trial shipment recommended. Be sure and 25c. at all Some children are spoiled in their raising because that is the easiest way to raise them. LIQUID SULPHUR cures cold sores. Gossip is a deadly gas that is fatal fatal to friendship. According to the most expert statisticians, the Atlantic Oc&an has an area of 24,536,000 square miles. use LIQUID SULPHUR In your bath. To travel the entire length of the Atlantic cable a message takes approximately thre-e seconds. Mlnard's Liniment Cure» Garget In Cows. Onto Himself. Bix--Wonder why Podgers doesn't doesn't marry \ Dix --I guess he realizes he d be a fool to marry a woman who'd be fool'enough to marry him. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Good talkers are usually poor quitters. Use LIQUID SULPHUR In your bath. first trousers, was walking out with iis overcoat turned back to its utmost utmost limit. "Tom,';'- said his father, "button up your coat. Look at mine. "Yes, but everybody knows you wear trousers," replied Tom. Of Vital interest to Syrup and Maple Sugar Makers Wide-awake Maple Syrup' makers will consult their best interests by ordering ordering their supplies now instead of oe- lavingr until Feb. and March--our busiest busiest time Write for free booklet telling telling about our Champion Evaporator, made in 22 sizes, suitable for large or small groves. THE GRIMM MPG. CO., LIMITED 58 Wellington St., Montreal, Que. • Minard's Liniment- Co., Limited, G-entlemen,--I liave used MINARD S LINIMENT from time to time for i-he past twenty years. It was recommended to me by a prominent physician of Montreal, who called it the "great Nova Scotia Liniment." Liniment." It does the doctors work; it is particularly good in cases of Rheumatism and Sprains. Yours truly, G. G. DUST AN, Chartered - Accountant. Halifax, N.S., Sept. 21, 1905. There ia as much kicking in baseball baseball as there is in football, but it s different." K! D NEÎ . 'T never saw anybody so careful of his health' as Watsbn-. " "Neither did I. Why, if he gets ifi to Paradise, Paradise, I' m su re that he'll make a, bargain bargain with 6t. Peter for a seat far away from, the doer So that ^he 11 be PILLS 1 tv A \>Y< e- SL klnr C l - KlDNn 1 ti tx ^ *1 tz f\. ri rs D ;5 S , i , Mill Tf ** V Brightest at 40 to 60. Recent medical statistics as to the age when a man has the most intellectual intellectual vigor give interesting results. results. It is from forty to fifty-six years that the most brilliant things have been accomplished by the majority majority of human beings. Chemists and physicians have made brilliant discoveries at forty.^ Poets ha-xe accomplished masterpieces at forty- four, and novelists two years later. Famous - warriors average - forty- seven, musicians are most brilliant at forty-eight, and-actors at ^the same age.. Moralists are greatest at fifty-one, politicians at three, humorists at fifty-six, thus demonstrating the last thing one learns is how to amuse one s contemporaries. contemporaries. ■ ENGLAND'S OLDEST ISLAND, a signal for the ferry. At- night a lighted candle held aloft serves the purpose of the open door. x It isn't always love that enables a- .married couple to get along. Sometimes it is common sen»*. Marriage is apt to be a failure if the female of the species spends more money at the milinery shop than the butcher- shop. "There's a Reason" for Postum. quite free from draughts ED* 4< ISSUE 2--'14. HAIR RESTORER Restores GRAY Half toits NATURAL Colot, makes It grow, ted cates Dandruff, at all WUQOISTS :*©;-0«Ç«IT».. A: »OTTL.é" Inhabited by Thirty-five Men, Women Women and Children. There is. an English parish, only forty-eight- miles from London, where roads, shops, lamps, tele- . phones, motor-cars and post-office-s are unknown. It is Elmley, and it is an island. The island has an area of two thousand acres, and is the property of Oxford University, Some time ago the island was the lome of thirty-five men, women and children. The inhabitants are mostly-"lookers" or shepherds of large flocks of sheep. _ The oldest man of the village is in his seventieth seventieth year. He has never seen a motor-car. The school and church are the two chief landmarks on the island. The reagon they were built in such a sparsely populated spot is that in winter it is almost impossible to leave the island. The mud is literally literally knee-deep, and the ferry that runs to and from the isl and is dangerous. dangerous. A novel method of obtaining obtaining the services of the ferrymen, who live opposite the island, is by opening ther white door of a hut facing facing the shore. The ferrymen on the lookout know that the open door is ' Don't waste time on Inferior Inferior salves because they're a few cents cheaper. 1 have proved Zam-Buk best for Eczema, Piles, Skin Diseases, and Injuries. As a mother, you owe It to your family to use the best, that's Zam-Buk 1 50c Ux. AU < Dn^fiilxmiSt»nsi 'X e '" healer PIF bBs * ST ^7* v- // < * i l

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