PEARLS OF TRUTH. A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere; before him I may think aloud.--Emerson Friendship closes its eyes rather than see the moon eclipse; while malice denies that it is ever at the full.--Hare. Dream not that any of you will ever obtain Eternal Life unless you have already received it in this life.-- Spurgeon. As far as I know the women are as intelligent as the men, and, if given votes, the women could not make a bigger mess of it than the men have done.--Mr. W. Thorne. If à man does not keep pace with his companions perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him march to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. --Thoreau. * Oh, Yes, to he Sure. f '"That- woman can do anything with, figures," remarked the Boob. "What is she, a bookkeeper," asked the Cheerful Idiot. "Naw," replied the Boob. "She's a dressmaker." NOTES AND COMMENTS Recently the centenary of the. death of Antoine. Parmentier was .honored by public observance in Neuilly where his statue, stands. Parmentier introduced or reconciled reconciled the French people to the potato and thus enriched the food supply of the nation. Superstitions which prevent the use of nutritive foods have been noted frequently enough. A generation or so ago there were parts of America in which the tomato tomato was regarded as a cause t)f cancer and folk would not eat it. The French in the eighteenth century century thought the potato cau-sed fevers and even leprosy. Swollen -Hands and Feet mean Kidney Trouble. Liniments and blood purifiers are useless. What you must do is to cure the kidneys. Take GIN PILLS Gin Pills act directly on these vital organs--correct all disease--neutralize uric acid--purify the blood--relieve the _ pain and reduce swelling in hands and feet. 50c. a box ; 6 for $2.50. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price. Sample free if you mention this paper. 165 NAT1SNAL BttJG AND CHEMICAL C0„ OF CANADA LIMITED. - TORONTO. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice, No. 93 is hereby given that a Dividend, at the rate of THIRTEE^s per Cent. Per Annum upon the Capital Stock of this Bank lias this day been declared for the quarter ending 31st January, 1914, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office in this city and at its Branches on and after Monday/the 2nd Day of February, 1914, to shareholders of record of 23rd January, 1914. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the Bank in Toronto on Wednesday, the 18th of February next, at 12 o'clock noon. Bv order of the Board. ^ . GEO. P. SCHOLFIBLD, General Manager. Toronto, 16th December, 1913. 157 AL LAN |_INE TfOYAL MAIL To LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW, LONDON, HAVRE The memory of a voyage on the Allan Line is one of luxury and happiness. On these fine steamers comfort and convenience convenience exceed the expectations of the most blasé globe-trotter. For rates, sailing dates, and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or, THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge SL, Toronto •200.00 IN COLD GIVEN AWAY FREE I LPAPfc MREOCA | UPÏAL AT8WRYREBR CPAHff | ROYRKH | YBRAPR6RE ÉRPA Cm roe unset the tbo-re sets of Jumbled letters Into the nunes of eight well known fraits. If so, V OU CAN SHAREINTHE DISTRIBUTION OF THE ABOVE PRIZE. It ia no eur task But bypauence and pa- ............ ... .w-vi.- --.V» Ant e or 6 of thorn. To the netsos who can make out the largest number we wul But by patience and per- make out the largest number we will - second largest number the sum of Fifty Thirty Dollars. To the person making the i persons send answers equally correct, the erst two ^Should three send In equally correct answer*, the looiu nrresi nuisocr ue sun w *^w**** ei s-uvumi. prizes will be divided between them, (each receWng $75-m) f D 'JS ulu 1 JT 1 '* Izst dire, prizes will hare to be divided, (each receiving $60.00). Should four persons seed equally correct answers, the whole an» of faao^je will be equally divided (each recetring $50.00), and so like *r^? x-rYT they Comply with a «topic coeâlttoa about which we will write ea soon as answers are received. V B DO NOT WANTACENT OFYOUR MONEY WHEN YOU ANSWER THIS ADVERTISEMENT. Ifywj out anyth leg" Uke a complete list, waite us at once enclosing e-cent staarp for ccr reply, w NUT ühLA», WRITE AT OHCB. Address. CANADIAN KgDEdKE Qq. Dept. 11 MONTREAL. QtTBL It- pays to be honest, but sometimes sometimes pay day is a long time showing showing up. Parmentier, becoming acquainted with the potato in Germany, attacked attacked the French prejudice with an essay submitted in a competition, competition, after the famine of 1769, for a prize offer-ed by the Academy* of Besancon. The French needed a vegetable that could be substituted for bread in case of crop failure and Parmentier demonstrated the value of the potato. The government government gave "him eighty acres of waste ! land and the public jeered as he waited for a crop. When the potatoes potatoes flowered Louis XYI. put a bunch of them in his buttonhole, and with this royal indorsement and with the subsequent invention of pomme souffle by 7 the royal chef t-he French were reconciled to the tuber. DAIRYING FOR PROFIT Everyone dairying for profit will find that ^ cream separator is indispensible. We handle the best cream separator on the market--the Bluebell. The essential essential points of the Bluebell are : simple aiid durable construction, construction, close skimming, large capacity, eeisy cleaning, light running. Won't you call today and get more particulars ? Power for Profit We infrequently burn incense to the memory of the men who have enriched the f-ood supplies and deserved deserved well of their fellowmen by making the earth a place capable of sustaining its enormous increases in population. A grateful and cognitive Europe would be statue studded in honor of conquerors, discoverers. Arabs and Spanish, "who brought new stores to the slender slender rations of the north, remembering remembering even such as might be responsible responsible for carrots and parsnips as well as the greater heroes of maize and rice, cabbages, and" wheat, j Thus there would be in bronze aj conqueror not because he devastated devastated fields but- because when the subject people had arisen and driven driven out the alien .they found that what- he had left- behind then was a new food. ►!* DAILY PAPERS CHEAPER. Farmers who enjoy 7 rural mail delivery are subscribing for daily papers more generally generally than ever before. Far more orders have been taken at The Statesman office already than in former years and newspaper newspaper subscription season is young y 7 et. Publishers of metropolitan dailies are reducing reducing their prices so that we are enabled to offer inducements in clubbing with the James Papers. For instance, we now furnish furnish rural route subscribers with 7 he Daily Globe, or The Daily Mail and Empire, and either of our papers at$3 50; Saturday Globe and either of our papers for $2.00; The Toronto Moi'ning World to Sept. I, to new subscribers, and either of our papers for one year for $2; the Daily Telegraph of Montreal, really one of the cleanest and best daily 7 newspapers published in Canada today, for one whole year and either of our papers for a year for only $2. Other clubbing rates are found in our clubbing list in another column. We have no agents so that to obtain these reduced rates orders must be sent to M. A. James Sc Son, Bowmanvilie, or paid into the office of JamesPublishing House. Order at once to start as near the first of the year as possible. I. H. C. Oil and Gas Engines do the work of several hired men and horses. They can be used for running cream separator, churning, grinding feed, chaff cutting, pulping, pumping water, etc. I. H. C. Engines are the most- practical and economical ones on the market. Call and get a demonstration. We arc agents for Lowden Lit ter Carriers and -Scales. for Renfrew s. Foster (Successor to Fred T. Hobbs) Just South of Four Corners BOWMANVILLE Phone 166. r r mtrn A housewife is judged by her kitchen - for a bright stove And a bright h refutation, use Black Knmht. w A Paste I the F F Dalley Gud.INo Du: NoHistc I Ham i ltom.Ont. 1 Mo Ru ST rST THE RIGHT WAY In all cases tsf DISTEMPER, PINK EYE. INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC. %t all horses, broodmares, colts, stallions, "SPOHN'THEM" on théir tongues or in the feed put Spohn'a Liquid Compound. Give the remedy to all of them. It acts on the blood and glands. It roqtes the dieease by expelling the die- germs. It wards off. the trouble no matter how they are "exposed." Absolutely Absolutely -free * from anything injurious. A child can safely take it. .Bold by druggists druggists -and harness dealers. Distributers 1 ? * All Wiieletale Druggists Spàfyn M*dicai Co. Ctiemiets and Baetsrlelegi'ts < i . INDi' U: & À.; Pointed Paragraphs. It's easier to boast than make good. People who drift with the tide make a poor landing. One idea of a free thinker is a man who isn't married. Encourage kindness--even if "you have to practice on yourself. When poverty comes in at the window window it is getaway day for love. Don't expect the world to laugh with you if you are laughing at the world." If the front parlor is clean a girl is apt to think the whole house is all right. A married man always says he is glad of it--but he seldom attemps to 1 prove iL If men had the gift of second sight there would be fewer cases of -love at first. On their wedding day a man will readily agree to gratify his wife's smallest wish. Besides, the smaller the wish the easier it is to gratify. W. J. Bagoell BOWMANVILLE Phone 150 T / 1 AT BALMORAL. Old Highland Customs Are Still Kept Up. At Balmoral, the beloved Highland home of Queen Victoria, the present King always enjoys seeing his tenantry tenantry and dependents happy, and encourages encourages the keeping up of all old Highland customs, such as the torchlight torchlight dance of the keepers and ghillies, when the stags are brought home after a good day's stalking. Weirdly picturesque picturesque these dances are, held in front of the Castle, with the hills and woods and figures of the men fitfully lit up by the light of the blazing pine torches. When Royalty is in residence at Balmoral on Hallowe'en the old customs customs pertaining to that day are always always fully carried out. Bonfires blaze on many of the hills, and lighted torches are borne round the bounds of the various farms and homesteads to keep off the evil spirits supposed to be let loose on Hallowe'en. The effect is extremely pretty, when, from some elevated point of view, numbers of these torches can be see- flitting about the valley, while the fires are burning on the heights. After these ancient ceremonies,, a servants' ball is held, at which the Royalties present mingle ! freely with their humble guests, and ! a substantial supper brings the fes- ; tivities to a close. * $100 REWARD, $100. baking powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Insures the most ^ ■■■ delicious and healthful food By the use of Royal Raking Powder a great many more artieles of food may e readily made at home, all healthnil, delicious, delicious, and economical, adding much variety and attractiveness to the menu. The " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook, con tain til g five hundred practical receipts for all kinds of baking and cookery, free. Address Royal Baking Powder Co., New York. 4 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's i Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly Upon the blood and mucous surfaces surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. constipation. * Why He Wouldn't Contribute. "Then yon won t contribute to support the Plunkville band V ' '"No." "I thought you were a lover qf good music." "I am." T erms FAMILIAR PHRASES. of Speech the Meaning of Which Has Passed. "He's a brick," is an everyday expression, expression, but it is not generally known that it was coined by Lyeurgus, the i being adjustable, it was so placed as to regulate the size of the drink. When a man began to get too lively or pugnacious, the peg was lowered in his mug. From this grew the expression expression "taking him down a peg." Everybody has heard or used The familiar expression: "Tell that to the , „ ! marines," but how many know it was great Spartan lawgiver, 2,800 years^ r£tr popularized by Lord Byron? In ! ago. When Lycufgus was asked if ! it would not be advisable to build a,., ■ _ Mr - brick wall around Sparta, he replied that the city already had a wall of men and everv man was a brick. ibis poem, "The Island," the following' But wha soever now betide, ah, Neuka! How many collectors know the "ori-j Unmaii me not, tne nour v-i.: not gin of the word "dun"? Early in the I allow 19th cen.tury an English constable, A as tear: I'm venes. thine whatever inter- John Dun, became celebrated .... ... , first-class collector of bad debts. Sub-1 Right,^ quoth^ lied, " sequently a persistent following up of the debtors became known as "dunning." "Take him down a peg" is a familiar familiar expression which dates back to the day of the great Saxon primate, St. Dunstan. To put a stop to hard drinking and brawling, he made a law regulating a man's drinks by means of pegs in- the ale tankards. The peg marines. -*5*J Scared. "John. I was just reading that iht price of a full gr-uwn ostrich := $125." " z "Help! Are they trim haf-s with now •-icinsr -oem Grand Central We have just received choice lot of Playing Cards - 10c to 50c Mouth Organs, 25c to $1.25 We are headquarters for smokers' supplies. Chocolates and Candies Our chocolates and candies a rev always fresh. We carry the best lines, including Ford, Bruce <fc Hunt, .Fry, Sevoy, Jersey Cream Co. Crumpets and Muffins Besides getting Nasmith's Bread fresh every morning we also receive Crumpets and Muffins every Wednesday and Saturday. Try them. When requiring Ice Cream ask us-for City DairjL A California woman has erected a-remarkable residence for herself at the age of 73. With the exception exception of the roof, frame and floors, the house wa-s built entirely by her. DR. W. WILSON PORTER CHIROPRACTOR The cause of disease removed by adjustment of the spine. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 1 p.m to 3.00 p.m. Office: Mrs. Jas. Gale's, Queen-St Phone 73 Bowmanvilie W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. College. Diseases of all domestic, animals treated by latest known methods. Office at his residence, Kmg-st, East Bowmanvilie. Bowmanvilie. Phone 193. 20-ly r JNçktwadsches- - - neuralgic headaoncs splitting, blinding headaches--ill vanish when you taka Na-Bru-Co Headache Wafers "They do not contain phenacetin, acetanQid, morphine, opium or any other dangerous drug. 25c. a box at your Druggist's. 123 National Drug a Chemical Co. or Canaoa. Uu-teb LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. ff.D.Loscombe, K.Ç. ' E.S.Senkler, B.A. Mosey to Loin._ Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanvilie, Ontario. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers and Solicitors. Notaries Public.- A. K. GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto Ontario ELECTRIC FIXTURES & SUPPLIES House Wiring and Motor Installation Consult ns about the lighting of your home, ■ your office or your store. H. HUMPHRIES. K. WHYTE, Contractor. Mgr. Elec. Dept. Phone 210. Horsey Block, Temperance-st HAMPTON MILLS 5- BEST BREAD AND PASTRY FLOUR. BRAN, SHORTS, CHOP, CORN, OATS. ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. ChjAS. HORN, HAMPTON PHONE 129, r. 6 "Try Eclipse Four for Cakes and Pastry. It makes delicious pics, cakes and fancy pastry. It Telles Less Shortening than Manitoba flour. That's why so many of the best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour-- it is economical. Sold by all Grocers. Manufactured by § N0X 0 8 A COLD The best Cough Medicine for children. 25c per bottle, at all drugstores. Jury's drug store special agents. GRAND TRUNK r syst w e a m y DR. I. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance St. Bowmanrille, (just off King St.) OFFICE HOUBS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. HOUSX PHONX 90b Fred. C. Vanstone, Phone 77. Bowmanvilie. Phone 90a Wanted.- Wanted.-- Twelve well-educated, conscientious young women as pupil nurses in City Hospital, Cleveland, to fill vacancies caused by graduation. graduation. Unusual variety of experience. experience. New Nurses' Home soon to \ be- completed. Finest contagious disease building in the State. Children's Children's Ward and Maternity . Department. Department. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly allowance from time of acceptance. Address Miss JFrederika K. Gaiser, Prinçi- To California,. Florida and the Sünny South WOW IN EFFECT The Grand Trunk Railway is the^ most direct route from all points East through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. x Full particulai » at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices or write C. B. Horning, D P- A., Toronto, Ont. J. H. H. JUBX. City Passenger and Ticket n-Xa- : _ Agent v Phpne 7*. RODERICK M. MITCHELL Barltoae Teacher of Sieging Pnpil of Mr. Bussell G. McLean, Toronto. Studio at Besidence, Wellington-st., East, For information and terms apply at B» M. Mitchell * Go's. Drug Store. Phone 92a <fc b • Bowmanrille. HAVE YOU made provision for employment- daring the Fall and Winter months or do von wish steady remunerative'work the year through, write us and secure our Agent's terms. We offer the best in the business. Pay weekly, tree outfit, exclusive territory. OYEB 600 ACBE3 under cultivation. Established over 35 years. A reputation for high grade stock and fair dealing. A salesman can make monev selling for us. We want an energetic, reliable man for Bowmanvilie and vicinity. For terms write PELHAM NURSERY CO., TORONTO, ONT. _ N. B. Free catalogue- on request. : 96-17 i Order Coal Now s LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several -ears of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut Stove and pea sizes. Send your ordér in now and have prompt delivery * * ♦ * * -- * . # E W. Loscombe | Yards and Office at Holgate's EvAporator, Corner Division and ^ Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177. ^