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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1914, p. 3

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À; V v f ' IÈP* N9 48 TV TV • t ^ 43 !i luePropneîaryorRsTeaf MedicineAd i AXe^etable Preparation forAs- «imitating Ihe Food and ReguIa J nng Ihe Stomachs and Bowelsof For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Promotes Digeslion,CteerfuI ! ness and Rest.Contains neither Opiuru.Morphine nor Mineral, Not Narcotic. Itetpe af OJdDrSAMUELNTCEER - f\mpkui Seed" jtlx.Sawu f Jhdtllc Sdts- J^dstSttd- vpainmf? JîbmSetd- Ap erfect Remedy forConstipa- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, VVorms.Convulsions.Feverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of {tfifpÿ-fyZôLÂ/. TU F. Centaur Company. MONTREAL&NEWYORK Dishes Prepared With Eggs. Eggs With* Brown Butter.--Melt three tablespoons of - butter in the blazer, cooking it until it is a dark brown. If you like the flavor of onion you may put eigi'f; or ten drops of onion juice.with the butter. Break as many eggs as you wish or the chafing dish will hold, side by side, putting each one in a saucer by itself so that the yolk and the white may not mix, and sliding it from the saucer into the blazer. Dip the butter up with a spoon and pour over the e'ggs. Just before you take up the eggs, after they are set, add a small tea-spoonful of vinegar to the sauce, sprinkle the eggs with pepper and salt, and serve on toast or crackers. ;gs Poached in Milk.--Heat a died fruit is wholesome, too." It can be made at home without much trouble, but it can be bought in good quality of any reliable dealer. Candied peel--lemon, orange and grape-fruit--are difficult of digestion digestion and should not be confused with candied fruit when planning a treat for children. , .Barley Sugar Healthful.--Barley sugar is not injurious It possesses the disadvantage of molasses candy --it must be held in the mouth in order to be dissolved. But if a stick of barley sugar, flavored with some pure fruit juice, be given after dessert no dll results will be produced. produced. j tSiÜ Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CKNTAU ** COMBAT NEW YORK CITY. THE SECRET OF HIS POWER Touching Incident Which Shows the Surpassing Wonder of the Prophet of Nazareth "And Jesus looking upon him lov id him."--Mark x., 21. This text is one of the most impressive impressive in the literature of the Yew Testament, and one of the most workingman in his turn thinks that the first step toward the attainment of his rights is Cordial Hatred of all Employers. We fight intemperance by calling cup of milk in the chafing dish over hot water, and when it is scalding slip eggs into it as directed in the foregoing recipe, ^breaking each egg into a saucer. Baste the eggs with hot milk and cook until the win tes Hints fot the Home. A fresh egg will beat to a froth easier than a st-hl-e one. Stale eggs are ! glassy and smooth of shell, and will sink in water. For cleaning windows, mirrors and lamp-glasses use borax instead of soda. Cucumber rind cut into thin slips and put where ants abound will invariably invariably drive them away. Thickened soups-should be about as thick as good cream, so add more thickening liquid as it seems necessary. necessary. Boots and shoes however damp (ST wuuuuuuuuuuuu [f]IHfljl]TfI[T[T[ï]TjTjTfl WlHriTTWTVTiiiTi iTfiiTfifpnmrmT L. FTfTI The health of your family demands a pure grape cream of tartar tartar baking powder to be used in baking biscuits, cake and pastry. Famous cooks use 1AK1 Made from a Superior grade of pure Grape Cream of Tartar. Makes Light, Flaky Biscuits, Cake and Pastry iJllfilallll iltlfllililililiiilikiiltli are set. Then t-ake out carefully j will polish in a few minutes if a and lay on slices of hot buttered drop or two of paraffin oil are add- toast. This rnav be moistened with ed to the blacking. a little of the milk in which thé eggs were cooked. An added touch Handkerchiefs -may be stiffened without being hardened, and with- of savoriness is given to this dish : out the use of starch, by putting a by spreading each piece of toast lightly with anchovy paste. When this is done use no salt on the eggs. m little borax in the last water which they are rinsed. Many young persons have a habit 1 Fricasseed Eggs, 1.--Fry half a of sitting or leaning in a one-sided teaspoon of minced onion in a table- j fashion, which -sooner or later shows 1 spoon of butter in your blazer, stir its effect in the shoulders, one be- 1 into this a tablespoon of flour, and i ing higher than .the other. Unking illustrations also of the j the drunkard "a beast," suppress meaning of Jesus' message and the vecrei of His power. Here was the iSTazavene talking to a member of that particular social class which opposed Him most persistently and "ought Him most bitterly--a young man who refused flatly to support the Master because he preferred the security of ""great possessions" to the hazards of personal sacrifice, the very individual to whom Jesus specifically pointed the attention of crime by wreaking vengeance upon the' criminal, and flatter ourselves that we are purging society of the social evil when we have banished the prostitute from., our company. Differences of opinion mean broken friendships, battles against evils become assaults upon men, crusade-s against unrighteousness involve the end of brotherhood. As one writer has expressed it in immortal ph-rase :--"We fight like devils for His disciples as a perfect example the kingdom of heaven and hate of "huw hardly shall thev that have riches' enter into the kingdom of Cxud. And yet Jesus did not hate this wealthy- citizen, or despise him, Dr deride him, or condemn him. On the contrary, we are expressly told -in the narrative He "loved him." Jesus Hated Evil as passionately as any man ,who ever lived. He denounced hypocrisy hypocrisy and indifference and selfishness selfishness with an overwhelming intensity intensity of conviction. He opened the must terrible vials of wrath which were ever emptied upon the sins of men. But for persons as persons He had nothing but sympathy, pity, forgiveness, love. Zaccheus, "the chief publican "ieudemus, "a man of the Pharisees the Roman centurion, the rich young - ruler, the woman taken in adultery, the thief on the cross, the priests and soldiers soldiers who crucified Him--all were to Him as brothers and friends. No matter who they were nor they had done, He- loved them all, and by His love He conquered and transformed them ! How different- now is this from the ordinary practice of our lives 1 How triumphantly do we succeed in each other cordiallv for "the love of God." We only have to think for a moment moment to see that such practice as this is suicidal. Hatred one for another another is the first condition of all evil ; love one for another is the first condition, of any good. Jesus was right ; we must love--even our enemies 1 -- Rev. John Haynes Holmes. Age Bars You From Opportunity Good places go to Young-looking Men confusing the sin with the sinner and the evil with the evildoer ! The patriot thinks he serves his country Its up to you to be one. Grey hair is the biggest, handicap--but its the one you can most easily escape. Hay's Hair Health restores grey hair to its natural color and vigor. It is not a dye, it is a tonic easy and safe to use, what i stimulating and nourishing the scalp and hair-roots, imparting new life and vigor and giving that healthy natural look which is so essential to a ,-youthful appearance. It removes dandruff. Your money will be refunded if it fails after a fair trial. $1.00, 50c, 25c. Get it at our store. Sold and recommended by Jury & Lovell, druggists, Bowmanville, Ont. * best who hates "the foreign dev ils" most. The political leader is sure, that he is advancing his party's interests when he^ discredits his opo prient. The capitalist knows "no better way of fighting labor than bv despising the laborer, and the pour upon it a cup of soup stock or gravy. Stir until this blends with the butter and flour in a smooth sauce. Have ready three or four eggs which you have previously boiled boiled hard, and cut into quarters or into thick slices. Lay them in the gravy until they are heated, sprinkle with pepper and salt, and serve with or without toâst or crackers. Fricasseed Eggs, II.--Cook butter butter and flour together as directed in last recipe, and pour upon it a cupful of milk, stirring until you have a smooth white sauce. Season Season this to taste with celery salt, plain salt, white pepper, and if desired, desired, a few drops of onion juice. Have eggs cooked and cut up as directed above, drop these into the sauce, and cook until hot through, and serve on toast or crackers. Lyonnaise Eggs.--Melt two tablespoons tablespoons of butter in the blazer, put with them half an onion sliced thin, and a teaspoon of chopped parsley. Cook until the onions begin begin to brown, pour over them a half teacup of milk into which you. have stirred a heaping teaspoon of flour, and cook, stirring all the while, un T til the mixture begins to thicken ; lay in five hard boiled eggs, cut into into thick slices, and serve as soon as the-se are hot through. Sunshine Eggs.--Melt two tablespoons tablespoons of butter in a frying pan, lay in it carefully the number of eggs you wish, breaking each one in a saucer and sliding it from this into the butter. Have a knife at hand with which to trim off or turn up the edges of the whites as they stiffen, stiffen, that the eggs may not run into each other. As soon as they are firm sprinkle with salt and pepper and pour over them a cup of tomato tomato sauce or of stewed tomatoes, which you have freed from lumps and thickened with a little flour. Add onion juice to qualify the torn torn a to and a little sugar if it is too tart. The tomato sauce may be made in the second pan of the chafing dish by cooking together a table- spoonful each of flour and butter until they bubble, then pouring upon upon them a cup of tomato . liquor which has been seasoned with, salt, pepper, sugar, and onion juice. Stir until the sauce is smooth and thick cover closely and set aside while you cook your eggs. The sauce will keep so warm that it will require onlj r a minute in the blazer after you have poured it over' the eggs to become smoking hot. To remove scorch marks from linen linen rub the place well with half a | raw onion, then.; wash in the usual 1 way, and unless the scorch is a very j bad one the linen will be quite 1 white again. i To take ink stains out of a color- ; ed table cover, when strong acids cannot be used, try rubbing the Frank Malz, 420 6tb St., New York, writosi *'My wife suddenly fell very sick with influenza. influenza. I called In the doctor, but he failed to help her any. We have no time to be .sick. Bo I became ny own doctor ami with Rad- way's Ready Relief and Fills, I gave her according according to Rad way's directions, and she went back to work two days later." j Acmnws w wmiks j COLDS AND COUCHS Apply the Relief to .the throat and chest until the surface smarts and reddens. Give Radway's Fills in such doses ns will freely move the bowels. For a sudden cold take a large dose Radway's Fills and a. teaspoonful of Relief with a teaspoonful of molasses, In a tumbler of hot water. Retire at once to bed, in tlie morning the cold will be gone. RADWAY & CO., Montreal, Can. A year he couldn't eat ago 4? tained spots with a ripe tomato cut in half. Then sponge with - cold rain-water. Remember when washing a knitted knitted coat never to wring it or hang it up to dry. The best plan is to put it into a pillow slip, hang this on the line, and occasionally beat with a stick until the coat is nearly dry. Then put on a hanger and let it drv'there. ARE YOU VERY BUSY? Today he can eat three square meals and sometimes one "extra" because Chamberlain's Tablets curçd Stomach Troubles and gave him a good digestion. YoU try them. 25c. a bottle. All Druggists and Dealers or by Mail. 3 ChakrUi Medicine Ce.. Tereat# CHAMBERLAINS •TABLETS V tipui BES Asthma No Longer Dreaded. The dread of renewed attacks from asthma has no hold upon those who have learned to rely upon Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. So safe do they feel that complete reliance is placed on this true specific with the certainty that- it will always do all that its makers claim. If you have not yet- learned how safe you are with this preparation, at hand get dt to-day and know for yourself. The Road to Self-Support The majority of young people desire to earn money, provide things for themselves themselves and earn a living. ONE SURE WAY to earn a living is to take a course in the well-known TORONTO, ONT, Our graduates GET and HOLD good positions owing to their superior preparation. preparation. Enter now. Write for catalog.. for. Y outre <%; Alexander-sts., W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Always. Somebody is always fooling the public and making, money at it. There is always somebody who. is predicting an unusually severe winter. winter. Something is always about to be done to reduce the cost of living. There is always somebody who will perform the* ceremony when an eighteen-year-old-bo y wants to get married. Somebody is always trying to get something for nothing and being disappointed. Something is always interfering with our plans to save money. Japan has granted the right to vote to two women. The University of Upsala, Sweden, Sweden, has 184 female students. Edinburgh Council will ask Parliament Parliament to grant women the franchise franchise v England has a society of women bookbinders and also one of women printers. New York University has founded founded a night college for wbmen who have to work in the daytime. Women may practice law in every State in the Union exc-ept Virginia, Arkansas and Georgia. • The City of Gdensee, Denmark, has a population of 22,949 females p,nd only 19,627 males. Two million livorces have been granted in the United States in the la-st 53 years. According to statistics married school teachers do better work than those who are unmarried. Glasgow, Scotland, is to have female female police if the women's association association there can have their way about it. Never before in England have so many women offered themselves as candidates for town and metropolitan metropolitan borough councils. It is estimated that militant suffragists suffragists in England destroyed property property to the value of $2,550,750 during during the last year. One of the hobbies of Queen Mary of England is the collection of a representative group of paintings by modern artists. Governor Johnson of California recently appointed a board of wo- Every little while you read in the papers that so many persons have died from Consumption. Consumption. It is all very far-off and matter of fact and possibly it scarcely arrests your attention. attention. Do you over 1 realize that each oue of those "cases"--mere items in an official record--is a black tragedy to somebody, that behind each one of them lies long, hopeless days of pain, feverish nights of despair, lifetime plans that must Be laid away, grinding poverty, péfhaps a wife to fight her own way afterwards or children who know hunger now that the father is gone. Just suppose it were your tragedy. Suppose it were your father, your mother, your brother, sister, husband, wife, your child, or perhaps your sweetheart, and you with the hospital doors shut in your face, wringing your hands in utter helplessness while the crowds hurry by, engrossed in their own affairs. But no! You are in that crowd and you don't hear either because you are busy. But wouldn't you give--and gladty--if you knew that what meant so little to you would go far to bring back the glow to somebody's wan face or the laughter to somebody's lips ? Just sit .down and think of the one you love best in the world. Then say "If she lay there " or "If he lay there and see how it sounds. What would become become of all your plans and your busy days then ? For eleven years now. the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives has cared for those whom others love best, and hundreds of them have gone home again well and happy. It keeps its doors open because ; a few busy people like you stop for a moment and remember. Are you going to remember this Christmas Christmas ? Don't put it off. Use the attached form in sending your contribution. men to assume direct control, oî one The First Step "Do you find people generally pretty civil V' asked a life insurance agent of a debt collector. "Oh, yes, indeed," answered. the latter; "they nearly always ask me to call again." Sweets for Children. ggihl Up Their Napoleon so said. A man with a weak stomach is I pretty sure to be a poor fighter. It is difficult-- almost impossible--for anyone, man or woman, if digestion is poor, to succeed in business or socially--or to enjoy life. In tablet or liquid form Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery helps weak stomachs to strong, healthy action- helps them to digest the food that makes the good, rich, red blood which nourishes the entire body. This vegetable remedy, to a great extent, puts = liver into activity--oils the machinery of tee human system"so* tÈat those who spend their working hours at the desk, behind the counter, or in the home are rejuvenated into vigorous health. « brought relief to many thousands every year for over forty years. It can ieve you and doubtless restore to you your former, health and strength. At at von owe itto yourself to give its trial. Sold by Medielne Dealers or s«d80efor el A Surgical Institute, Buffalo,N.Y. Has relieve least you owe ltto yourself to give trial box of Tablets--Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hole Y W can have Dr. Pieisa's Cnuwn Sanaa MmHmI Adviser af t DOS Pages far S1a. Every normal child likes an occasional occasional sweet, and an. occasional sweet in the way of dessert, is not only not harmful, but good, for the normal child. The sweet should be eaten immediately after the meal, hence it can best be served as a part of the dessert. The teeth should be washed, of course, after every meal --and, incidentally, the child, who once forms the habit of washing its teeth regularly will be uncomfortable uncomfortable when it forgets to do so. Especially Especially the teeth should be thoroughly thoroughly washed after eating sweets of any kind, so if candy is indulged in between between meals the mouth and teeth should be immediately washed. Of course, candy should not be indulged indulged in between meals ; but a little milk chocolate eaten at a specified time between m,eals is"ftot so harmful harmful when the teeth are washed as when they are not washed. For the sugar remaining in the mouth forms an acid which decays the enamel enamel of the teeth and so leads to serious cavities. Milk Chocolate, Wholesome. -- Milk chocolate is probably the most wholesome sweet for children. It possesses real nutritive value and so should be considered a part of the child's food. Hence it should be given with meals, to do the mosL : good as a dessert, i They Love Candied Fruit.--Can- Often means so much. Ih has meant success to thousands of young.people who wrote for our Catalogue as the first step toward a good salaried position. position. Take the step to-day. Address Central Business College, College, 395 Yonge-sfc., Toronto. W. H. SHAW, President. V» Internal parasites in the shape of-worms in the stomach and bowels | of children sap their vitality and re- : tar-d physical development. They | keep the child in a consta-rit state of unrest a-nd, if not attended to, ! endanger life. The child can be spared much suffering and the mother mother much anxiety by the best worm remedy that can be got,.Miller's got,.Miller's Worm Powders, which are sure death to worms in any shape. of the most important reformatory institutions. The Countess de la Gueriviere, who was the first woman cab driver in Paris, has gone into a new venture, venture, that of a nurse in a Paris hospital hospital for dogs, cats and birds. There are only 18,000,000 married women in the United States who could be divorced, and during the last year „ 110,000 couples have found that they were mismated. As an inducement for his daughters daughters to marry, Joseph Casses, a banker of Scranton, Pa., has offered offered them a $2,000 bonus each, to be presented thèm on the day they marry. To help the IWuskoka Free Hospital Hospital for Consumptives continue its' life-saving work, I gladly enclose the s mm of 5., Name. Address. $ 5.00 will provide maintenance for a week. $ 20.00 will pay for four weeks. $250.00 will endow a bed for a year. Since the need is such a permanent one, Ishould alsoiike to subscribe Register my name accord- $ ingly. Contributions may bo sent to W. J. Cage, Esq., 8* Spatllua Ave.. Toronto, or to R. Dnnliar. 9ec.-Trea«. National Sanitarium Sanitarium Association. S47 King St. W., Toronto. of 23-year-old Miss Alvine De Fer- eney, who in her studio in New Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, who lives at Hawkes, England, has just completed completed her hundredth year, but has a remarkable memory and can recite recite . scripture passages and poems taught lier in childhood by her mother. Violin making is the chosen work York bends over a business-like bench and handles awls, pliers and other necessary tools with the skill of a master. Mrs. Susan Jones of Benson, N. C., has just celebrated her 85bh birthday by cutting a new set of teeth. Mrs. Thomas Kelly of Saint Louis has made a great success as a boss of a gang of laborers and handles a crew of 30 foreigners in a way that would make a man feel cheap. She is a woman of middle age and has reared a large family. A GOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE For over 52 years the British Am- ericatt Business College, Toronto, has trained successful business men and women. If interested in the courses we give, it will pay you to write for a copy of our latest catalogue New Term begins Jan. 6, 1913. T. M. Watson. Principal. Trying Him Out. Quite recently an old friend of the Browns went to see them at their new country hbme. As he approached approached the house a large dog ran out to the. gate and began barking at him through the fence. As he hesitated about opening the gate, Brown's wife came to the door and exclaimed : "How do you do ! Come right in. Don't mind the dog." "But won't he bite?" exclaimed the friend, not anxious to meet- the canine without some assurance of his personal safety. "That's just what I want to find put," exclaimed Mrs. Brown. "I just bought him this morning." Our Aim Is to satisfy all students by giving them best instruction (individual) and securing all remunerative positions. A special teacher course. In affllifction with Orillia Bnsinees goflege and Dominion Correspondence Correspondence School, •Lindsay Business College H. A. Spotton D. C. Ross President Principal J Use for Moving Pictures. One of tlia good uses for moving picture films is for recording historic events. Not long ago the King of Roumania organized the production of a film of no less than 3,000 yards in length, this being a reproduction of the Roumanian-Russo-Turkish war which determined the independence of that country. The film will be kept in the archives o£ the realm. In rder to carry tins' out, tee army lent ,000 pieq iji uniform, with arms and baggage, led by officers. Another casé is that of the Italian Government, which is collecting all the films taken during the war ip Tripoli. In England England te? some thing is done for the Amis of the king's coronation events Many a poor tune k played on a good horn. I «4 •' iÜWÊÊÉÈ

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