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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1914, p. 2

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NOTES AN D COMMENT 5 In the last few years Great Britain Britain has seen . and endiured many grave strike», but a .teachers' strike in the whole county is an unpleasant unpleasant novelty even there" and now. Herefordshire has been the scene of this conflict. The teachers closed closed seventy schools in one day by "walking out" and easily, enlisted the support of their pupils, who were doubtless glad to suspend their studies and indulge in mild disorders ; processions, noise, mischief, mischief, excitement were not an welcome "relief." Tells How She Was Restored To Health by Lydia E, Pinkham's ble Com: Tilbury, Ont.-- ' ' I could praise E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound all around the world be- un- ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - ttlasgow - London To take the Allan Line means that the Ocean voyage will be one of the pleasantest memories of your trip abroad. Large, comfortable steamers, steamers, replete with every convenience and luxury-- the beautiful sail down the sheltered waters of the St Lawrence--the courtesy and attention of the ship's" attendants--are not easily forgotten. / n Pot nts^ saitiaa dstss and baautl/ul dwcriptiv# tyto lscal agsate or - Hit The teachers demanded $500 per annum, or an increase of $50. That so slight un issue could not have been settled by conference and discussion discussion seems strange at this distance: distance: But the educational authorities authorities adopted a "No surrender" policy, while the National Teachers' Teachers' Union encouraged the strikers by promises of funds and moral support. support. Food Poison and Disease. There is more or less disagreement disagreement among physicians concerning the significance of uric acid in the system ; many deny that there is anÿ such: thing as the "uric-acid diathesis." But whether uric acid is the agent that produces disease, or is itself a product of some other more subtle poison, matters little to the patient. He suffers from 4 cause it has done so much, for me. For two years 1 was so ... , run down that I was headaches, pains -m the muscles or unable to do my joints, poor circulation, or eczema, and-he is l-ess interested in the precise precise cause of his trouble than in its cure. . Undoubtedly the poison, whatever whatever it is, is the result of the chemi- I am well of all thèse ca i changes .that certain kinds of things. I took Ly- f 00 <l sometimes undergo in the di- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, gestive tract. To relieve the con- Liver Pills and Sanative Wash. I give ^ition, we must attend carefully work. I had female weakness and dreadful dreadful periodic pains, constipation and backache, but now booklet» : II rote. let» »p*ly to local a*™»- «* -, VL/mmt To THE ALLAN UfÔt - - - • »S St.. West,-- M. A. JAMES, Steamship Agent, Bowmanville. The STANDARD STATEMENT CONDENSED From Report to Dominion Government, you permission to publish this letter to ^ ^ wo things-- wé must see to it help others. ' '--_Mrs. Wilfred ; that the patient eats little of the foods that produce these harmful toxins ; and that the poison that is formed does not stay in the in CHAND, Box 464, Tilbury, Ontario, Can Case of Mrs. Tully. Chicago, 111. -- "I take pleasure in RESOURCES Cash on hand and in Central Gold Reserve and Notes and Cheques of other Banks . $7,915,545.95 Government Deposit to secure 1vlonnm Circulation .... Due by Banks .... 610,623.02 Government, Municipal and other Debentures ... 2.540.277.52 Call Loans on Bonds, etc. . 2,659,645.00 Assets immediately available ^ 13,856,092.35 Loans and Discounts . • 30,664,507.4 I Liability under Letters of inAQAA a 7 Gedit per'Contra . . « 108,968.37 Bank Premises, Freehold, Head Office and Branches 1,053,505.51 Other Assets .... 66,919.14 $45,749,992.78 31st Jan., 1914 LIABILITIES Capital ... . $2,860,240.00 Reserve Fund. Surplus Profits and Rebate of Interest on Bills discounted . • » 3,901,434.57 Dividends ..... 92,579.23 Notes in Circulation . . 2,652,643.00 Deposits . . ... 35,018,592.10 Due to Banks ^ .... 1,115,535.51 Acceptances under Letters of Credit ..... 108,968.37 $45,749.992.78 What has particularly disturbed the average citizen of the county is that the teachers promptly adopted adopted the most modern methods of hitter hitter industrial warfare. They placed placed pickets on duty ; they saw to it that headmasters did not take their posts; they resorted to coercion. What's society coming to ? respectable respectable men and women are asking each other. Perhaps the real answer answer is that society is too slowly coming to common sense ways of avoiding strife or ending it. Strikes of public servants are particularly objectionable, but in France and elsewhere ways of preventing them have been found. Legislation and 3er machinery are necessary, but, above all, common sense and justice on both sides. -- «Ï* connected with RODERICK M. MITCHELL Baritone Teacher of Situlnz Pupil of Mr. Russell G. McLean, Toronto. Studio at Residence, Wellington-st., East, For information and terms apply at R. M. Mitchell & Co's. Drug Store. Phone 92a & b Bowmanville. -Bristol From Steamer Bristol Boyal Edward Wed. Mar. 11 Royal George Wed. Mar, 25 Royal Edward Wed. Apr DR. W. WILSON PORTER CHIROPRACTOR The cause of disease removed by adjustment of the spine. . - Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 1 p.m to 3.00 p.m. r_ Office : Mrs. Jas. Gale's, Queen-St Phone 73 Bowmanville W. H. ALEXANDER. V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods. Office at his residence, ICing-st, East Bow manville. Phone 193. 20-lyr LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries A scientist connected witn an eastern university has "discovered' "discovered' ' that mussels are existent and obtainable in enormous quantities- and he suggests their consumption combating the cost of living. The writing to thank you for what Lÿdia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I suffered with such awful awful periodic pains, and had a displacement, displacement, and received no benefit from the doctors. I was advised to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and am now as well as ever."--Mrs. William William Tully, 2052 Ogden Avenue, Chicago, 111. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound will help you, write to Lydia E.PinkliàmMedicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for advice. advice. Y our letter will he opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. AbsolutelyPure ROYAL--the most celebrated of all the baking Powders m the world-celebrated lor its great leavening strength and purity. It makes yoim cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healiWuM Insures you against **im all forms ol adulteration that go with the low priced brands. I* a m "discovery" is one that anybody who has walked a shallow ocean beach after a big blow landward can-scarcely have failed to make for himself, and the estimate that mussels mussels may run 6,000 or more bushels the acre becomes , credible to St. John Frtim St. John, N.B. Wed. Feb. 25 Wed. Mar. 11 Wed. Mar. 25 Wed, Apr. 8 Wed. Apr. 22 Full particulars and tickets from M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville, Agent Solicitors, Public. H.R.Loscotafce, K.C. B.S.Seeltler, B.A. Money to Loin. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville. Ontario. 8 Royal George . Wed. Apr. 22 Royal Edward to Montreal TtoWHiTESTMtf DOMINION LINE Summer Service from Montreal and Quebec fceginug May 2nd Saturday Sailings BETWEEN Portland & Liverpool GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristeis und Solicitors. Notaries Public, A. % GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH 508'Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto Ontario enough. Equally so the statement that a family of ten could feast .on them for a quarter. Sandy's Doots. Sandy Ma epherson went into restaurant and -asked for a hard- boiled egg. After cracking the top he looked doubtfully at the contents. contents. "I doot," said he, "the hen that laid that egg hasna been wed." "Haan't it been boiled long enough ?" asked the waiter. "Oh, no," replied Sandy ; "'it's no that it hasma been boiled long enough, but it hasna been boiled soon enough." Jb - Makes Breathing Easy. The con- testines long enough to be absorbed into the system. Meat is the source of most _ or these toxins, and anyojie who gives evidence, of suffering from uric- acid poisoning must eat less meat -ban he has been accustomed to, although although it is not always wise to stop ail meat at once. However, if the eczema or the joint pains or other symptoms are-obstinate, - be a good plan to abstain ffr two or three weeks from everythin except bread and butter, potatoes-; and rice. Such a diet will often cure a uric-acid skin disease that has rested rested all treatment for months. In addition to dieting, the patient must be very sure that the poison does not remain in the intestines long enough to be absorbed. Loi this purpose an English surgeon has introduced the use of h^ 1 paraffin, in doses of two tablespoonfuls, tablespoonfuls, an hour before meats. 1 is not a medicine, for it is not absorbed, absorbed, and acts only as a lubri cant. Ask the advice of a physician before you take it, however, for sometimes there are reasons why it would be better to use some other means of eliminating the food poisons.--Youth"'s poisons.--Youth"'s Companion. ban- ke said The World's Best Doctors Heârtily Endorse KEPHALDOL stiition of the a r passages and the struggle struggle for breath, too familiar evidence of asthmat c tfbuble, caifijjfot daunt Dr. ^ J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. . This is the famous remedy which is known far and wide for its complete effectiveness even under very severe conditions. It is so untried, untried, experimental preparation, but one with many years of strong service behind it. Buy it from your nearest dealer. _ * CALLING AT HALIFAX, WESTBOUND "TEUTONIC" "CANADA" "DOMINION" "ARABIC" "CYMRIC" Atid beginning inApril tW-LAURENTIC" aid "MEGANTIC" Two of Ike largest Canadian liners. Tickets I seued (designated * Repaid - ) to brine Old Country friends out. ApUytoRailway and Steamship Agents for rates, sailings o' tickets DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST. Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance St. BaWmanYille, (just off King St.) OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a House Phone 90b OSees: Montreal, Portland, Me.,, Teroite, Halifax and Quebec. Scientific Rat Killing. A report from M. de Kruyff, of the Dutch Agricultural Bureau at Bultenzorg, Java, points the way to real success in rat killing. He trieo the modern method of giving a con tagious disease to one rat in the hope that all would die. This proved proved useless; Finally, de Kruyff hit But how are people to be got to do it? Much perseverance and cleverness are required to launch a new food. Considerable changes in the tastes of consumers and in the standard of living will have to occur occur before the unesteemed, disregarded disregarded mussel secures its place on the table of the average housekeeper. housekeeper. Even then it would serve only the edges of the country, not tho. vast interior ; for who would •transport mussels inland,* and who would eat fresh-water ones? No, this mussel suggestion, like many others, is a species of academic mirage--it mirage--it arouses unwarranted anticipations. anticipations. As people never misa what they have never heard about, the mussel might well have remained remained unmentioned. Obvious. Miss Caustic: : "Your friend, Smytlie, braggs that he is a self- made man. You never hear a self- made woman boasting atx^ut it." Mr. Critic : "No. They like every one to think it's natural." As a vermifuge there is nothing so potent potent as Mother Graves'- Worm Exterminator, Exterminator, arid it can be given to the most delicate delicate child without. fear of injury to the constitution. , ■ *4 : . DRUNKENNESS CAN BE CURED; ALCURA WILL DO IT Here are a few opinions expressed by prominent British and European physic- cians who have tested Kephaldol, the great pain rei'ever which has just been introduced into Canada. These are extracts extracts from letters on file m our Home Ôffice, whose genuineness is guaranteed by a $5.000.00 bond. "Kephaldol--I have found the above drug very useful in alleviating pain due to various causes and that without mental or cradiac depression." "Kephaldol has given satisfactory results results in neuralgia and Sciatica. "I have found Kephaldol most efficacious in facial Neuralgia." "I have found your. preparation Kephaldol Kephaldol champion for Headache and La Grippe." "It is one of the best remedies m epidemic epidemic La Grippe and most } useful m all cases of Rheumatic origin. "Wherever I have used Kephaldol I have found it satisfactory, especially in chronic Rheumatism." Get 50c package of Kephaldol from vour Druggist. Kephaldol Limited, 31 Latour St., Montreal. 5 BRITAIN'S NEW jBATTLE SHIPS Health Notes. To relieve and sometimes cure a cough roast a lemon very carefully without burning it. When it -s • ho roughly hot cut and squeeze it in-to a cup containing finely-powdered finely-powdered sugar. Take this while it is still hot. " . , Coldness of feet and limbs is almost almost invariably an evidence of indigestion. indigestion. The coldness is due not- to the weakness of the heart or feebleness feebleness of circulation, as is generally generally supposed, but to the contraction of the small arteries, preventing blood from entering the parts. The room in which one sleeps is the one in which one breathes and absorbs, whether it be pure or impure, impure, air. A dust-laden atmosphere atmosphere will clog up the lungs in a short time, and bad air will lay the seeds of consumption, fevers and all the horrors which flesh is heir to, and which come through, careless neglect of the simple laws of life as anything else. The odor of medicine, dressings, or disinfectants in a sick-room can be removed by heating a shovel over the fire, and! then dropping on it just a little oil of- sandalwood. This gives a refreshing perfume, and an invalid would appreciate it. O, on a heated -shovel, _ sprinkle a little ground coffee. This is pleasant, pleasant, too. and has deodorising qualities. qualities. An aromatic perfume can be obtained by lighting a small piece of camphor-gum and laying it on the coffee. The oil and gum are quite cheap, and can be obtained from a chemist. * ■ Never Smiled Again. ^ The clergvman. visiting a hospi- s tal, Stopped at the bedside of a pale young man swathed in dages. "Cheer up, young man unctuously ; "keep smiling--at s the best medicine. " • 'I'll never smile again, the young man. -Nonsense. Yes, you will!" "No " sadly continued the battered battered one, "no nonsense about it. I'll never smile again--at least not at another fellow' s girl !" replied CARTERS llTTLE PILLS. CUR Kick Headache and relieve all the troubles tiK* ^ent to a bUious etoto of tha^Bystem, such^a^ ffines»: browBiuess Dlat^s after Afttinff Pain In the Side, fcc. While their most reliable miccese lias been shown in curing Headache, vet Carter's Little Liver Pille Muallvvalnable In Constipation, curing and prs- \«nrtng^hlS annoying complaint,while they alro correct all disorders of thestomwh^timula.e liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they omy cured HEAD wUhoJuhem.^BuMir all -lek head Why Not? Zoology Teacher : "Edgar, is the highest form of animal life ? Edgar : "The giraffe." what : y ACHE Î6 the bane of bo many lives that here Is where wemakeour great boast. Our pills cure it while °barter's ïitll e Liver Pills are very maill and jills make a do.e. very easy to take. One or two pills make a ao.e. They are strictly vegetable and do not gr>P« purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. CABTIS aSSIOEJS CO., NSW I0BS. ME MSb MMm, ALCURA, the widely known treatment treatment for Alcoholism, can now be obtained at our store. It is guaranteed to ^ ure m upon a novel use of carbon disul or money* refunded. Remedy M. A. JAMES? Agent, Bowmanville p^ide. All visible rat holes were lhat has been tried by thousands and found first stopped with earth to ascertain to do just as it claims. which holes were inhabited, for Drunkenness is a disease. Those who a teaspoonful o£ ^ r ^ Q th ^ ui ^S I ftSa- Cï ^o>» T Nim/'-àe. voluntary was poured m each of these - Mies, treatment- and after waiting a few seconds to Hein your loved ones to restore tKem- allow the liquid to evaporate, tim L eîves to ii ve2 - of sobriety and usefulness mixture of vapor and air was ignit- an d to régain the respect of the commun ed. The resulting . small explosion . ty j n which you live. Y; filled the h-ole with poisonoùs- gases ] nnlv $t.oo ner box. Ask for free book and killed all the. rats almost in HOJMESEEKERS' EX CUR SI ONS -TO- MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 8 to October 27, inclusive. Winnipet and Return - ; $35.00 Edmonton: and Return - 43. QQ From Toronto, and Stations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months. I REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES (ONE*WAY SECOND CLASS) BACH TUESDAY, MARCH AND APRIL Settlers «travelling with live stock and Wferfr*o&take fcPTLMgiSPECIAL Mch. leave»- West Toronto, each iv during MARCH, and APRIL fteflutivil T*8*i*r 1 Q.20 p.m. tram from rpronto ijnfpprotation. -. Settler■ end f amities without live stock. iSdd use REGULAR TRAINS, kavm* ■ TatOBto 10.10 * pria." *DAILY. Through aied Tpuiiet Sleeper». * Toronto to WIEniseg and Î.CARSONALL priisM Thnipeg ,LTRA INS: -or ly. D.P~A.. Toronto. . m sia-ntiy .--Scientific American. Only $i.oo per box. . let. Jury & Lovell, druggists, .Bowmanville. .Bowmanville. » You know very well t-nat the excuses excuses you offer others wouldn't satisfy satisfy you. GRAINS OF GOLD. Stop that itch in two seconds with D. D-D.. of the has: jpven more thorough satisfaction than:thex : ;■ ; ; ; ^ D. ». D. PRiSCRimONS; ïury & Loyèll druggists, Bbwmanvillie. The cynic is one who never sees a good quality in a man, and never fails' to see a bad, one.--Ward Beecher. / . There never was a time when it was more difficult than at present to believe that the powers that be are ordained of God. --Canon Cogswell. Cogswell. Do not be answerable to to-mor- Will Burn Coal and Carry Oil As Auxiliary Fuel. With the recent laying down _ of the battleships Royal Sovereign and Royal Oak at Portsmouth and Devonport, a new departure was made By the British Admiralty. These two ships, with three others to be land down at private yards this year, will be considerably smaller and slower than their immediate immediate predecessors, and they will also be coal burners, carrying oil only as auxiliary fuel. This means any battleships now under construction construction and operation, but it is believed that the Admiralty in making making .the decision was guided more by the opinion that battleships have grown beyond the most practicable size than they were by economy. It is believed that the new ships will have a displacement of about 26,000 tons, thus being smaller than any battleships under under construction, construction, except those in France, which are about the same size. It would seem that .France and England England had an understanding in the matter, as all other countries,' are: building ships- of i30,000 tons and upwards. -V „ The new small vessels will have a speed. of 21 knots Y and they will mount eight, if . ^°t ten,. 15-mch guns- The seebfidary armament will consist of :6-inch guns behm -- --* -- STYLE k BIG DEMAND Page Wire (.Freight Prepaid) These prices subject to advance without notice. q PAQE HEAVY FENCE' -- 1 d Direct o; v » nwa Izi as pss Ms< • rag* W1»B In». »° •»»* 40 mm. » >tllt rwlgk» Syadeg mi H«rlw.f» ! » 41 30 5 37 6 40 7 40 71 48 8 42 8i 42 8 47 81 47 9 48 9 48 9 51 9 51 10 48 101 48 101 51 10 5 111 56 $0.16 18 3( 16Va 10, 10,-10. 6^,-7, 8%, 9 9.. 5, 5V^, 7, 7, 7Ys, 8 -I --* 0 5, 6V^, 7V^, 9, 10, 10 6, "6, 6, 6, 6, 6, >, G 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 4, 5,5Vi, 7, 8Vi, 9, 9 » • 4, 5 5Vi, 7, 8 Vii 9, 9; " 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0,-6, 6 4, 4, 5, 5 Vi, 7, 8 Vi, 9, 9. 4, 4, 5, 5Vi, 7, 8 Vi, 9, 9 3, 3, 3, 4, "5Vi, 7, 7, 7Vi, 8. •• •• 3, 3, 3, 4, 5Vi, 7, -7, 7 Vi, 8 3, 3, 3, 4, 5Vi, 7, BVi, 9, 9 - 3, 3 3, 4, 5VÏ, 7, 8Vi, 9, 9.. ^ 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5Vi, 7, 8Vi, 9, 9...... ;...... • • MEDIUM WEIGHT FENCE (Maritime "Province 'prfc»»'ef Medium Weight. t.lso| Spécial Poultry Fences'. Include painting.) J Vo • Top and Bottom, arid No. 12 High Carbon 'Horizontale between; No. 12 Uprights: No. 11 Locks. 8, 8,-10, TO .38 .33 16Vi 6, 7, 7, 8, 8 armor. No remedy that I have ever sold;for _. -- .. , Eczema, Psprasis, apd all „I)p. npt weahen . and yourself by looking iotward/ ...to ÿdü 's«tw : Too Much for Her. Father,- teaching liis six-year-old son arithmetic by giving a problem to his wife, begs his son to listen. Father : "Mother, if you had a $5 gold piece and I : gave you $5 more, what would you have ?" Mothe* (replying ab séntlÿ) : t±ys- 118 48' 80[ 60 16Vs 7 15Vi 6, 6, 7, 7 8. 10, 10....... « 7, 8, 8.....• * 41 3, 4, 5, 5, 6 5 6, 7, 8, 9, 9. .. 3, 3, -3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6 16V43, 4. r >, 6, 7, 8, 9,9.. 16Vfi 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 9. ...• - :• SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING No. » Top and Bottom. Intermediates. Ne." I». Uprights S-lnoties npa' t. Close bare, Close bars...... ....•••••« » « « "* ••••••••••• TAG*."RAILROAD" GATES 10-fL. o^êaittf .. 12- ft. opening .. 13- ft. opening .. lAttg-opepiag -- ALES of PAGE WIRE FENCE for the past 30 days have been amazing. The enormous demand for. QUALITY Fence means that no wise farmer will use other fence, when he can get PAGE QUALITY FENCE at these remarkable prices. Quality Tells Try PAGE FENCE yourself. See how big PAGE wire really is. See how it's woven into perfect fence. See how PAGE Fence, on nearby farms, after 20 years' service, is still good foi 20 years more. Prices That Speak for Themselves Compare these low PAGE prices with the price of common fencing. After 22 years of leadership, PAGE Fence is still FIRST in quality and the lowest-priced high-grade fence. Competition can trover lower PAGE QUALITY--nor reach .hte same high standard as PAGE. A Rare Opportunity To-day, you can get PAGE FENCE direct from its makers at the price of ordinary fence. You get quick shipments from a nearby PAGE warehouse-freight warehouse-freight paid on 20 rods, 200 pounds or over. You get lc. per rod discount on carload lots. You can order through your dealer--we'll allow him lc. per rod. . You can buy from PAGE the best fence at low cash prices. To save time and get quick delivery, send your order to the nearest PAGE Branch. 104iPAGE CATALOG sent o* request. STAPLES. 25-lb. box, freight paid * .Vl'C, ; Complété .lab^-»yinç «iifit. ft. jpA 1 . 4.00 4.20 4.46 V, ï;**»:"/ .80' . .S5 i.5« PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. LIMITED 1215 King St. W. - TORONTO MONTREAL ... ST. JOHN ... , WALKERVllLl WINNIPEG .4SI Fences - Wear Best E3@E - V •o "v¥^ & - ; ." r : S 11 1 m mmm vj n f, Tu I ! V 4-J .. asisassui

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