'■ggjr- 26? ' x-S" : ; : W; =*33?*^ K I Special Sale of Suitings m will be held during the month of February, when all Winter Suits will go at a sacrifice to make room for new Spring goods. G. T. BOWMANVILLE GOING BAST. Express ' 8.62 a. m. Express 10.18 „ Passenger 8.36 p.m. r.ocal 6.49 „ Passenger 7.18 , Mail 9.68 , : Daily STATION. going west 4.22 a. m 7.02 : Express Local Local Passenger :Passenger 9.46 1.38 p.m. 7.19 „ BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 26, 1914 Shaw spent Sunday in is. visit able goods a so You will be these fine ridiculously low price don't fail to take advantage \ of this offer. Material, fit and workmanship guaranteed guaranteed the best. A. Crossman High Class Tailor Horsey Block, Bowmanville Opposite Post Office A & $ h Meadow Brook Meat Market Will fill your order promptly, satisfactorily and at reasonable prices for all kinds of meat and poultry for the holiday season. If you are nota regular custom- send us a trial order to-day. Many trial orders make for us regular customers. Choice butter, fresh eggs, best canned goods and cooked meats always in stock. Your order will be appreciated. appreciated. J. H. Mutton (Formerly Challis & Mutton) Horsey Block - Bowmanville II Grand Central We have just received choice lot of Playing Cards - 10c to 50c Mouth Organs, 25c to $1.25 We are headquarters for smokers' supplies. Chocolates and Candies Our chocolates and candies y are always fresh. We carry the best lines, including Ford, Bruce & Hunt, Fry, Sevoy, Jersey Cream Co. Crumpets and Muffins Besides getting Nasmith's Bread fresh every morning we also receive Crumpets and Muffins every Wednesday and Saturday. Try them. .. When requiring Ice Cream ask us for City Dairy. W. J. Bagoell BOWMANVILLE Phone 150 < IS Apples Wanted We will pay cash for any quantity of good sound winter apples deliverer at our fruit house any time during next two weeks. QUICK & McMTJRTRY, Bowmanville Feb. 23, 1914 9 ~ 2w ► WEDDING Holmes--Coulter. «Wednesday, Feb. 18th, a quiet wedding Sok place at "The Towers", Newcastle, when Miss Winnifred Gibson Coulter was married to Mr. Wallace Holmes, son of Mr. John Holmes, Clarke. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. H- Lowry, and Sr. Russell G. McLean, Toronto, played -flhe wedding marches. The bride,, who \*asUnattended, wore a gown oi ivory «atin de chene trimmed with shadow lape and nearls and carried a bouquet of white ?"s=s and maiden hair fern. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome cheque fnd to the pianist a gold tie pin. _ The bride was also the recipient of a misce - b shower from the choir and adult of the Presbyterian Church, laneous bible class [OP and other substantial gifts. After the wedding repast the happy couple left by and the evening train for Toronto, their return will take up their abode the homestead on the lake « tore. Miss Mayme Toronto. Miss Gertie Roenigk, Lindsay, ing her aunt Mrs. W. F. Dale. Mrs. C. A. Gawker is visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Tennant, Peterboro. Mrs. S. Adams (nee Ethel Freeland), Toronto, is visiting friends hère. Mrs. R. M. Mitchell and son Bernard are visiting friends in Peterboro. Mr.-and Mrs. G. A. Corden spent the week-end with relatives at Kendall. Mrs. TVS. Knowlton and Miss Marjorie King, Toronto, spent Sunday at Major King's. Mrs. Fred Heal, Toronto, was guest of Mrs. W. W. Allin and other friends over Sunday. Mrs. J. L. Rowe, Calgary, Alta., has been visiting Mrs. W. W^ Allin and other old friends here. Mr. and Mrs. John Dunnett and Mr. Geo. Dunnett, Brighton, are visiting Mr. W. W. Dickinson. Port Hope is taking action to abolish High School fees and may petition Counties' Counties' Council to increase the grant. Mrs. Wm. Manning and Mrs. Marks of Oshawa visited the latter's brother, Mr. Albert Grills, and other relatives here. Ontario Government has decided to restock restock Lake Scugog wijh black bass finger- lings and to build a fishway at Lindsay. Miss Jennie Spencley and Mrs. Fred Howland, New York City, are holidaying at their uncle's Mr. Ed. Wilkins', King-st., West. ' Mrs. F. C. Virtue, Montreal, who is vis iting in Oshawa, is guest of honor at numerous numerous delightful teas and soirees arranged for her. Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn and Miss Bertha Tamblyn received for the first time at their new home, 19 Dunbar Rd., on Tuesday Tuesday last. Mr. F. R. Goyne, Winnipeg, Man., who has been visiting his uncle, Mr. Andrew Pennington, and other relatives here has returned home. The official opening of the Cobourg Hospital will take place this Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The public are cordially invited to attend. James Dempster, the well-known cattle buyer of Gananoque, is dead. Deceased held numerous stock sales throughout this district the past few years, Mrs. Stevens, who was operated on in the hospital here, returned to her home in Bowmanville yesterday, feeling quite herself herself again.--Port Hope Guide. Two sons of Jos. Walker and Hollyard McGill, Janetville, were badly injured while sleigh-riding down hill by coming in contact with a load of logs. Bowmanville Woman's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. E. Bellman, Centre-st., Friday, Feb. 27th at 3 p. m. All members attend and br.ng your friends. Meat prices, especially beef, are due for a big tumble about May 1st, according, to a well-known cattle expert, who has just finished a tour of important Canadian cattle centres. Mr. George Wragg has sold his splendid splendid farm of 150 acres located on the main road half way between Port Hope and Cobourg, and may come to Orono to reside.--Orono Aeics. Stanley Adams, the English Tenor, will give a most entertaining and unique program program in the Opera House, Friday Mar. 6. The second part of the program w.ll be given in Court Jester costume. Lieut. W. H. Roenigk, Lindsay, it is now. Billy has been granted this honorary honorary rank in consideration of his long and splendid service as Bandmaster of the 45th Victoria Regiment. Shake, Lieut Mr. J. J. Brignall, travelling Passenger Agent, Toronto, representing the Donaldson Donaldson and Canadian Service of Cunard Lines, called on the Company's representative representative in this town, M. A. James, Friday. Mr. J. D. Hayden, President of the Cobourg Horse Show, has receivèd word ; r om Mr. C. A. Munson, M.P., that Royal Canadian Dragoons will be permitted attend Cobourg Horse Show again year. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are giving giving one-half off the price of all ladies and children's cloth coats. The engagement is announced of Alice Margaret Clunn, daughter of the late Capt. H. W. Clunn, of St. John s, Nfld, and Mrs. Wm. Sparkhall, to Mr. W. S. Ormiston, barrister, Uxbridge, son of the laie David Ormiston, Whitby, the marriage marriage to take place in April. Mr. and Mrs. W. A . Windatt and daughters, daughters, Misses Florence and Constance, ot Winnipeg, Man., and son, Mr. Arthur Windatt, of McGill University, Montreal, were here last week visiting his mother, Mrs. Richard Windatt, enroute to Spain and Sicily where they will enjoy a few weeks in that salubrious European climate. Young people should'all be students of physical culture and health problems, for in a worldly sense health is the most important important thing in the world. Good health is a blessing that every person, old and young, desires and usually seeks after. Among the numerous alleged health publications publications it is a satisfaction to find one that is worthy of patronage and which heads the class of physical development. This is the Physical Culture_Magazine published by Physical Culture Publishing Go., Flatiron Building, New York City, N.YT, at $1.50 a year. Canadian subscribers subscribers pay $1.75 as each monthly number takes 5c postage. This magazine refuses to advertise fake remedies and patent medicines at any price. Here is one ans wer in it to the question "Is tobacco really injurious?" Tobacco is always injurious. Nicotine, the poison it conta ns, is one or the most rapidly fatal ot poisons known. No athlete who uses it can have good endurance or lung power, and it especially affects the nerves. It is emetic and depressant. depressant. It is also an an ^P^ odl siac which shows its destructive and blighting nature." Dr. Orison Swett Marden, Horace Horace Fletcher, Elbert Hubbard, Dr. Upton Sinclair are some of the writers speak for the character of the ® a 2 a ^"f; Send a dollar for six months numbers and you will want it the rest of your nat ural life. ^ Spring seeds are arriving at Peier urdoch's. Miss Madeline Dustan is visiting friends in Peterboro. The Daily Review is publishing Peterboro Peterboro assessment roll. - Isn't it high time Bowmanville's assessor was appointed ? YThat s up ? T. H. Knight is having a special sale of hams on Friday and Saturday. Caldwell's Molasses Meal for horses or milch cows at Peter Murdoch's. Have you read the great bargains offered offered in F. A. Haddy's advertisements lately? Apprentices wanted at Central Millinery Millinery Parlor. Haddy & Co., Bowmanville. Tickets for Stanley Adams' evening of Song and Story now on sale at Mitchell s Drug Store. Anything wrong with your automobile ? Have it overhauled now at the Jr ora Garage, corger King & Silver-sts, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. . „ . . j r Tremendous bargains in all kinds ot furs and fur-lined coats at Couch, Johnston Johnston & Cryderman's. -- It pays to read the advertisements. You save more money in a year by doing so than by buying from mail order houses. Miss Muriel Frayne, Oakwood, and Miss Elva Andrus, Bowmanville, visited their Friday and Saturday will be ham day at T. H. Knight's. Mr Chas. H. Anderson was called to London Wednesday on account of the illness of a friend. Miss Jessie Bingham fell on the ice at the skating rink Saturday afternoon and broke her right arm. Mr. Fred R. Foley has returned from a pleasant week's holiday with friends in London, Port Huron and Detroit. Dr. T. J. Moher, Medical Superintendent Superintendent of the Cobourg Hospital for the Itr- sane, died Feb. 24, aged 52 years. Mr. J. B. Tinning, travelling Passenger Agent for C.P.R., steamships, was in town Tuesday and gave their agents a call. Dr. James L. Hughes, Toronto, President President Durham Old Boys Association, was guest of Mr. M. A. James, Lome Villa, during his stay in town this week. Mr. John Hamlin Gale aged 74 years, an ex-school teacher and esteemed citizen of Whitby, died Feb. 24 after suffering two years from a paralytic stroke. Mr. D. F. Burk, Port Arthur, is visiting his brother Mr. Marvin Burk. Dan is the same dispenser of laughter as of old and drives away the blues from all he meets. Just to help reduce the high cost of living that yoii hear so much about T. H. Knight is having a special sale of hams, fra; EVENT OF THF. SEASON By invitation of Jerusalem Lodge, A.F. and.A.M., No. 31, G.R.C. St. Andrew's (Masonic) Male Choir, Toronto, 32 voices will give an entertainment in the Opera House, Bowmanville, Tuesday, March 17. Reserve date and watch for particulars. MINISTER'S ESTATE $17,378 Rev. Thos. W. Jolliffe Left Life Interest Interest to his Widow. cousin, Miss Ida Gamsby, Orono, recently. smo ked and unsmoked. Phone 72 or 153 Stanley Adams will be assisted in his --he would like to talk to you entertainment in Opera House, Mar. 6th, Hear Stanley Adams in his unique pro- by Edwin Gray, accompanist,and his wife, gram 0 f " SO ng and story" assisted by Mrs. " ' " " ™,u AdamSi (formerly Miss Ethel Freeland of this town), a week from Friday, Mar. 6 in The $17,378 estate of the late Rev. Thomas W. Jolliffe, Methodist minister and past president of the Bay of. Quinte Conference, who died January 22, has been filed for pro bate ; in the Surrogate Court by his widow, Élvira, ëxecutrix of the estate. His will of April 12, 1912, directs that she is to have a life interest in the whole estate, which, upon her death, is to be shared between his two sons and two daughters in Toronto. The inventory of the estate comprises an equity of $2,800 in a house and lot in Bowmanville, $9,170 secured by mortgages, mortgages, $1,563 in promissory notes, $501 in cash, and-the following stocks, valued at $2,185: 7 Campbell Flour Co, $506; 12 Mackaÿ Company preferred $825; and 10 shares . Standard Loan, $853.--Toronto Star. Fresh Fish for Lent Lent commenced Wednesday. We will be headquarters for all kinds of fresh and salt fish-- Halibut, Salmon Trout, Herring, Smelts, Smoked Fish and Sealshipt Oysters Choice canned SaL mon 2 tins for 25c. or 10 for $1.00. Canned Fruits and Vegetables Are your home-made preserves getting low ? If so, try a can of our choice strawberries, peaches or pineapple in syrup Just as as mother used formerly Miss Ethel Freeland, who will contribute several solos. Mr. Peter Laing, Lake Shore, Clarke, has bought the William Brunt farm west of Ren wick's corners (formerly Lockhart place). Mr. Brunt will take another crop off, Mr. Laing taking possession in spring of 1915.--Orono News. Call at Peter Murdoch's for Bone t< make hens lay. In buying a supply of Watermans fountain pens for our office we bought a half-dozen more than we need. They are the the Opera House, Bowmanville. Mr. Wm. Layton, Clarke Church, was sent to Bowmanville hospital Sunday, suffering from appendicitis. We understand understand he is recovering without having to ndergo an operation.--Orono News. The first carnival of the season at Taylor's Arena Thursday mght was largely largely attended and a good evening's sport enjoyed. Pnze winners were, Best costumed costumed lady, Miss Lepha Dan caster; do Percy equal, we think, to the best pens made for girl, Norma Muir; do gent, Perçv PiP er » the money. Send us $2.50 and we will do boy, Howard McClellan; comic, Nor- send one by registered mail to any part of ma n Pinch;"representative of any country, Canada. M. A. JAMES & SON, Bowman-1 Miss Jean Dumas. to this on on ville, Ontario. Bowmanville STATESMAN comments on the carelessness of many people in handling money shown by the fact that such losses are frequently advertised. There is one satisfactory thing about it. If people did not have money to lose they would not lose it .--Stratford Beacon. Call at Peter Murdoch's for Grit and Oyster Shell. Newspaper snap. Act qu'ckly. Your chance today. Conservatives and Liberals Liberals alike. Before March I THE BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE NEWS (to new subscribers only) to end of 1914 and 7 he ff eekly and Empire to.everybody (new or old subscriber) for one year, the two papers for only $1. Go to Peter Murdoch's for teas and coffees. Under the heading "Ideas that mean more Business" i a recent issue^of V Tie Retail Grocer, Toronto, we find its edit ors commenting favorably on one ot Snowden & Painton's attractive grocery advts which appeared in The James 1 ap- ers. This firm is wideawake to the value of newspaper advertising, and always have something bright and interesting m their advts. Read their advt. this week. The fire brigade was called out Friday noon to extinguish a fire in Mr. Geo. Bar ton's house, Liberty-si. . The , bucket brigade and chemical engine held the flames in check until the water was turned turned on from the hydrant.. Considerable difficulty was found in fighting the fire as il seemed to be confined between the walls and partitions of the roof. Much ot the contents of the house was removed but the house which was of trame is almost a wreck. We understand the loss on contents and house is fully covered covered by insurance. This is the seconO time the tire brigade has been called to action in a week, there being a small five at Mr. Jas. Pirie's house, Westmount, Tuesday week, but the damage was slight. It is our great pleasure this week to notice The Napanee Beaver's progress. When we tell our readers that The Beaver Beaver has a circulation of 3,821 they will realize that it has some claim to popularity. popularity. For local news it is one of the best of our country exchanges. In the last issue issue Mr. Templeton tells his readers a lot about his office equipment claiming to have "one of the best printing plants outside outside of the large cities." He has a two- revolution Potter press, two monolme tvpe-casters, a Mentges folder, Universal jobber, a Peerless and a Gordon, a Breh- 111 er wire stitch r, a punching and cornering cornering machine, a perforating machine, a Horto. mailer, paper cutter and lead and ru e cutter and a 5 h.p. electric motor to drive the machinery. This is surely a pretty complete plant, and we heartily congratulate the young proprietor on possessing possessing such, a down-to-dute publishing house. He is extremely modest--too modest in a business sense--for he says "It is with great reluctance that he ha\ e ever said anything about our own business." business." Why not talk thru your own columns about your business ? Your fellow fellow business men pay you hundreds of dollars yearly to talk to your readers about their business. Be consistent and show your patrons that you have faith in the value of advertising by using some of your own space for this purpose. The remains of the late Davis Luttrell of Oshawa who passed away Feb. 16th after suffering some months from cancer, were brought here Wednesday afternoon ■or interment in Bowmanville cemetery. Deceased was well known here being son of Mr. Alex. Luttrell, Toronto, many years engaged in the bakery confectionery business and built the block on King-st. now West Northumberland Agricultural Society Society held a banquet at Cobourg. In recognition recognition of faithful services to the Society Mr. T. B. McColl was presented by the members with an ivory-handled s andard measuring cane with gold band bearing the inscription, "Presented to J. B. Me Coll by the West Northumberland Society, Society, Feb. 17, 1914." The cane looks like an ordinary one, but is so constructed that it can be extended to measure 15% hands. A number of speeches followed. Rupture Expert Here. Seeley, Who Fitted Czar of Russia, Called to Port Hope, F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Philadelphia, Philadelphia, the noted truss expert, will be at the Queen's Hotel, and will remain in Port Hope, this Tuesday only, March 3. Mr. Seeley says : "The Supermatic Shield as now used and approved by the United States Government will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, affording immediate and complete relief, but closes the opening in 10 days on the average case. This instrument received the only award in England and in Spain, producing producing results without surgery, harmful injections, injections, medical treatment or prescriptions. prescriptions. Mr. Seeley has documents from the United States Government, Washington, Washington, D.C, for inspection. All charity cases without change, or if any interested call he will be glad to show same without charge or fit them if desired. Any one ruptured should remember the date and take advantage of this opportunity. 9 -1 * to make. Then we also have canned, beets, pump kin and other vegetables which you will surely enjoy If you have a phone make use of it:--our number 243 Snowden The Elite Grocery Have You a LADIES ATTENTION ! Have you seen the wonderful Sweeper- Vac cleaner at wuik ? it you nave nut, ask the agent .v«r. A. H. Scobell, to call at your home and demonstrate what.it will do for you. It combines in one machine the usual vacuum cleaner and the carpet sweeper, and the combined efforts of the two, (or of either alcn ) are marvello s. Particularly will you be surprised at the results obtained by this wonderful cleaner just after you have thoroughly house cleaned your rugs or carpets. See Sweeper-Vac before purchasing any other cleaner. It is worth investigation. A. H. Scobell, Bowmanville, agent. 8-5W Notices of Births 25 cents; Marriages 50 cents ; Deaths, SO cents, each insertion. When funeral cards are printed at this office, insertion free. BIRTHS. Lavery--In Bowmanville, Feb. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. James Lavery, a daughter. SPRING STYLES FOR MEN. YOU ARE GOING TO SEE SOME INTERESTING INTERESTING things in Clothes for-Spring. For $ 8.00 and upward, you can buy clothes made from imported fabrics which formerly cost you considerably more. We are combining better fabrics with our fine tailo ing at no increase in price. The finest imported weaves which have heretofore beën used for the costliest custom tailoring are now available for you in made-to-measure suits. Stripes, plaids, black and whites, and gray and whites are some of the principal effects. Decorations are mostly in silk. Style features of the new season are simple, yet striking. In young men's clothes, they follow the shape of the figure ; no padding ; wider lapels and collars; collars; shorter coats, smaller sleeves, narrow narrow shoulders, softer draping. Mens styles, while more conservative, tend in the same direction. In our Style Book for Spring, you will see all the new styles portrayed in a series of artistic and interesting pictures. This style book is now ready. If you desire a copy, call or send your name. The Anderson Clothing Co., Bowmanville, Bowmanville, is the largest exclusive men's and bovs' furnishing outfitters between Tot onto and Montreal, being local representatives representatives for the leading tailoring and clo h- irig houses in Canada, including the well known firms of Art Tailoring Co.,Copplqy, Noyes & Randell, House of Hobberlin, Greene, Swift Limited, Campbell Mfg Co., and others. Spring samples are now here. Come in and see them. Choose your suit early before Spring rush. MARRIAGES Campbell--Lingard--In Port Hope, Feb. 19, by Rev. A. H. Going, Ada Gertrude, daughter of Mr. Wm. Lingard, Springbvook, Hope township, and Mr. J. S. Campbell, New Richmond, Que. DEATHS Brice--In Hope, Feb. 23, Joseph Brice, aged 77 years. Sanderson--At Colborne, Feb. 23rd, George the JSanderson, inhis 80tu year. Whitfield--In Cavan, Feb. 17, Sarah Mulligan* relict'of late Wm. Whittield, aged 90 years. Barclay--In llope, Feb. 17, Susannah McNall, relict of late Sidney Barclay, in her 87th year KERR--In Fenelon Falls, Feb. 2<rd. Francis J. Kerr, aged 66 years. Native of Clarke township. MANSELL - Suddenly at Charlotte-st Parsonage, Peternoro, Feb. 22, Rev. Thos. J. Mansell, aged 60 years. Scott--Suddenly at Danforth, Feb. 18th, Wm. Scott, beliived husband of Martha McDowell, in his 74th year. Formerly of Darlington. IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of my dear wife Lena Gert rude FligK who fell asleep Feb. 25, 1913. Though the earthly tie is broken In life we will meet no more My heart is with you Lena On yonder distant shore. The God vho gave has taken And Heaven my treasure won. All hough my heart is longing For the loved one that is gone Thy will, O God, be done. HUSBAND. dearly ' Johns, In loving memory of William Thomas, beloved son of William and Elizabeth who died Feb. 20,1908 'Tis hard to break the tender cord When love has bound the heart. "lis hard, so hard, to speak the words We for a time must part. - Dearest loved one, we have laid thee In the peaceful grave's embrace But thy memory will be cherished Till we see thy heavenly face. "Lest We Forge i** E. R. BÔUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, ~ Ontario. AUCTION SALES. a tor and afterwards used by Mr J. A. Milnë, and carried on the business business himself. From here deceased went 'to" Vancouver, B.C., but later returned to Oshawa where he has lived for the past four years. Dave was a good-hearted jovial fellow and was a favorite with the voung men, always ready to entertain -at concerts with his splendid voice Rev. T. A. Nind, Rector of St. John s Church, conducted the service, and Messrs. L. B. Tancon N.G., and W. J. Bennett, Record- in g P Secretary, conducted the Oddfellows service. Members of Florence Nightm eale Lodge, I.O.O.F., of whfch deceased was a member, and a number of Oshawa Oddfellows accompanied the remains to their last resting place. The pall bearers were six brethren of the Lodge Messrs. W. J. Furzë, F. C. Pethick, Frank_Bur- den, Albert Norton, Thomas Tod, Harry Allin. Deceased leaves children to mourn his loss. Mr. Alex Luttrell, father, and Mr. Arthur Luttrell, brother, Toronto, were among the mourn- ^ers. When farm stock sale bills are printed at The Statesman office a free notice goes into The James Papers. Otheis must pay. 25 cents a line. Saturday, February 28--The Executors Executors of the estate of the late Patrick King will offer for sale at Caldwell's Livery stable yard, stock, implements, hay, straw and 28 acres more or less, of S part of lot 8 con. 1 Darlington. Further particulars see bills and advertisement. advertisement. Sale at 2 p m. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. Wednesday, March 4--Dr. J. E. Alye?, Colborne, will sell a carload of splendid Shorthorn grades, Ayrshires and Holstein Holstein s, including springers, cows, Stockers, Stockers, and renewed milkers, on lot 31» con 2, Clarke, (Arnold-Forster Farm) at I o'clock. See bills. T A vxr auctioneer. Friday, March 6--Mr. Arthur C. Stock lot 6, con. 8, Darlington, will sell all o his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 p m. See bills. L. A. W\ TOLE, auctioneer. Tuesday, March 10--Mr. Donald Yep. low lees, lot 29, con. 6, Darlington, will sell bv auction his farm stock, - implements, implements, etc. Sale at I o'clock. See bills. James Bishop, auctioneer. Sale L. A. W. TOLE, FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. 10-34 Bowmanville Phones Branches : ORONO HAMPTON R OBE FOUND--Apply to J, Solina. Phone 198-31. C. Montgomery, 9 3w O FF BARN FOR SALE--28X56 ft. Apply to S. E. Werry, Solina. Phone 167 r6. PROBATIONERS f ville Hospital, erintendent. 2tf WANTED-- For Bowman* Apply to Miss BRUCE, Sup* «URN1SHED ROOMS TO RENT--Two furnish- < ed rooms, good location. Apply at Ihe Statesman office, Bowmanville. 8tf G EDAÊ FOR SALE-Telephone poles, barn and trestle timber, fence material. All o^ers receive prompt attention. COUCH* Son, Bowmanville, R.R. No. 4. Phone 146rl3. 84 L ANDS FOR SALE--The following lands, the property of Mrs. John Johnston, are offered for sale : Twenty-live acres. Manvers Road, being part of south quaiter of lot 11, in 3rd con., Township of Darlington, on which are erected a brick house and barn, stable room for 4 boises and driving shed. Second, south west ten acres of the south quarter of lot 13, in 3rd con., Township Township of Darlington. For terms and other particulars particulars apply to A. E. McLaughlin, Bowmanville Barrister, 8tf Children Cry FO* FLETCHER'S C AS TO R ! A BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Yonge & McGill Sts., Toronto, Ont., is the pioneer high grade Business School of Canada. Under new management it is doing better work than ever. Wnte us if you 1 want to prepare for a good position. position. HenryC. Ward, Principal. W E have in stock EMBLEM PINS and BUTTONS BUTTONS of the following Societies : Masonic, Lodge Oddfellows, Orange in stock we can procure Prices We also have Masonic and A.O.F., I.O.F., S.O.E., A.O.U.W., and W.C.T.U. Any we have not on a few days' notice. 50c. up nd Oddfellows Fobs, Cuff Links, Stick Pins, -Lockets and Charms. Don't forget OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT Give us a call and we guarantee satisfaction. c. H. Haddy, Jeweler Selll "oLYo!?^roMo? e M ,, o d B t^ tCheS bowmanville & Paint on Bowmanville, Ont. Ladies Home Journal Pattern Week From Monday, Feb. 23rd to Saturday, Feb. 28 th In order t Patterns t< present to every pattern week introduce the Ladies Home Journal extensively, we will the public more lady visitor to our store during A FREE Sample PATTERN We will also Show New Silks New Dress Goods New Wash Goods Also a large assortment of Dress Goods Remnants suitable for Waists, Skirts and Dresses AT ABOUT HAL Also Special Bargains in Ladies' and Children's Underwear LadW and Girls' Sweater Coats, Men's and Boys' Underwear and Sweater 'Coats all at WHOLESALE PRICES. Also 10 doz. Ladies Knit Gloves, either white or black, regular 3oc.j for All of our Ladies' and Misses. Coats to clear at HALF PRICE. Ladies' Suits and Coats to Order Special Ladies' Suits and Coats to order by the Bloor Ladies' Costume & Tailoring Co. of Toronto, high-class ladtes tarlors, A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Prices Moderate. See Our Samples' S. W. Mason & Son Next Door to Standard Bank BOWMANVILLE i ÿ ÉH IMBU ÉÊÉ WMW